960 resultados para Vias Urbanas Acesso


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"Looking at earth from blind: travel in the visuality of the test on Blindness" is a literary Essay resulted from the experience of different points of view regarding the Essay on Blindness (1996), not only showing a Modern aesthetical tendency in dialog with the Baroque one, but also discussing subjects related to the History of Mentalities. The chapters are disposed as follows: The first one presents a short Excursus about the author and his work; the second one introduces the concept of Allegory exemplifying it with representative images of Romance; the third one presents tragic elements in dialog with the Bataille Eroticism in an Allegory of Feeling; the fourth one shows Stylistic Features used as a display mean of Comedy in Romance going towards the musicalness, being the features used to provoke laugh; the fifth and last one discusses about the study pertinence. To conclude, in favor of a Sight Education, the study considered authors such as: Aris (1977), Bataille (2003), Bakhtin (2002, 2000, 1999), Benjamin (2000, 1996), Chau (2005, 2000), Foucault (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002), Freud (1970), Hansen (2006), Lino (2004), Sartre (2005), Vovelle (1996)


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El estudio de la citacin en Lira de los Veinte Aos, de lvares de Azevedo, desde la ptica de Antoine Compagnon e Gerrd Genette, se muestra relevante a los estudios de la Literatura Comparada, en la perspectiva contepornea, pus el tema provoca la posibilidad de discutir la elaboracin de si del(los) otro(s), sucitando imgenes estticas y de los pensamientos que se aproximan de una nocin de tesitura textual muy presente en la modernidad literaria. Este proceso instaura procedimientos de lectura, traduccin, autoria y escritura, an, por ser utilizados, confirman la potencialidad inegable en que se escribi el trabajo potico del escritor. En la primer parte de la obra, se sugieren experiencias com lo bello y lo sublime, advindos del europeu, pero vuelto para una pesquisa de posibilidad discursivas. En la segn parte, esa instancia sublimada es puesta en crise, por el sujeto potico cribado por el deseo de tornarse singular. Se instauran en el campo valorativo de los signos romnticos elementos desfavorables de sentido diferentes. Dase, as, la problematizacin puesta por las citaciones que ora, realizan cambios simblicos, ora, actuan en las mrgenes de los textos primeros, desorganizando el material de autoria, desublimandolo, en la irrupcin de nuevos cuerpos discursivos y cuerpsculos cituacionales. En la tecer parte, ligado a Tnatos, como la dimensin por venir, marcando el presentimiento del poeta de que morir temprano, como tambin la despedida de l. En esta tesi, se pretende, as, circunscribir como se figura, elabora esa constituicin esttica azevediana y su escritura, situando cuestiones recortadas por el actor en su obra, las quales remeten a Hegel, Kant y la otras lecturas filosficas, ali puestas. Tal procedimiento toma la citacin como estrategia potica de inscricin del sujeto y de las alteridades que le atravesan, concebiendo eso proceso autoral en la forma de reconstrucin de una ciudadela de libros en este aspecto, considerandose el enfoque de Flix Guatar, la propsito de los nuevos paradigmas y las espacialidades emergentes de estos -, o la biblioteca subjetiva, que se abre en vias y pasagenes. A travs de ellas el discurso captura no solamente los objetos poticos, pero tambin trazos autobiogrficos rasurados, traduciendo la lucha por la visibilidad del sujeto en la formacin de su pensamiento potico y esttico


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In the contemporary society, the language is presented in all social spaces and assumes many different purposes in order to meet the needs that emerge from each of these sphere. In traffic, this reality is not different. To guide vehicles, it is necessary to know, by means of reading artifacts, what the legislation establishes in what concerns the way to act in this domain. Thus, this works aims at describing the practices of literacy held in events of driver trainings and know the expectations generated by drivers/learners from this training. In theoretical terms, it anchors in Literacy Studies, comprehended here as social practices (BARTON; HAMILTON, 1998; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2008; MORTATTI, 2004; STREET, 1984; OLIVEIRA, 2008, 2010; ROJO, 2009; PAZ, 2008). Genre Theory (BRONCKART, 2004, 1999; OLIVEIRA, 2010) and in your multimodal instance (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996; DIONSIO, 2006). In terms of methodology, it follows the bias of qualitative research, because of its ethnographic nature (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 2010; CANADO, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2005). The research corpus was generated by reading the Brazilian Traffic Code, by observing the literacy events held in Drivers Training Centers of Natal, analysis of course books used in these events, plus questionnaires with open and closed questions and semistructured interviews. The collaborators are constituted of drivers in training, and instructors who work in this field. The analyses show significant contributions regarding the placement more committed of future drivers with the welfare and safety of those who use the public roads, from the practice or reading done during the traffic training. The contribution of this work lies in the possibility to expand the discussion about the language practice uses regarding the training for the traffic, more specifically, the training of drivers of vehicles


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Trata-se nesta dissertao de estabelecer, partindo do pensamento contemporneo francs da linha deleuziana e guattariana, sobretudo, uma analtica do desejo capaz de reconfigurar o romance de Nelson Rodrigues, Asfalto selvagem: Engraadinha, seus amores e seus pecados, desterritorializ-lo em relao tradio crtica e esttica, fundada no paradigma realista-naturalista enraizado no pensamento literrio brasileiro, especificamente no sculo XX. Movemo-nos por discusses sobre o autor e sobre o romance, empreendidas por Rolnik, interlocutora de Guattari, o qual est ligado aos novos paradigmas estticos, questo da produo de subjetividades, micropoltica, s multiplicidades e s minorias. Buscamos contribuir para esse redimensionamento, colocando-nos na perspectiva cartogrfica e rizomtica para surpreender, em Asfalto, seus processos de subjetivao, incidindo sobre as singularidades selvagens, considerando os conceitos de Foucault, aplicados construo literria enquanto espao heterotpico, configurando a experincia do fora, como princpios estticos. Veremos que as personagens, com foco em Engraadinha, funcionam, como pequenas mquinas desejantes, Corpos sem rgos, molculas desestabilizando as formaes molares. Destarte, Nelson Rodrigues, na perspectiva da produo autoral, torna-se o porngrafo, o literato iterador, como agenciador de uma palavra perversa, para alm dos dogmas, da cena romantizada, originando, em sua potica, a revelao da obs-cena, a obscenidade, como crtica s instituies falidas. Trazemos, nesse sentido, referncias de Bataille, quanto ao que na atividade esttica se relaciona com o excedente da viso, relacionados ao espao ttico-tico, concepo deleuziana referentes ao corpo-linguagem, pornografia, porngrafo, narrativas abominveis. Acompanhamo-nos, pois, dos conceitos da problemtica da diferena e da alteridade, repercutindo na larvaridade, nas afeces, que abrem vias comunicantes com fenmenos extremos, atuantes em torno do mesmo e do outro, trazendo a rizomaticidade do mal e da monstruosidade para a construo esttica de Asfalto selvagem, vistos sob a tica de Bataille, Deleuze, Baudrillard, em ensaios que rompem o olhar estrutural em torno da obra e oferecem subsdios para a construo de uma cartografia outra, o territrio do ficcional, habitado por um povo por vir, na perspectiva tratada por Deleuze e por Blanchot


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This research aims to reconstruct the process of the recent expansion of the urban area of Mossor (RN), particularly the dynamics of the Bela Vista neighborhood has been established as a new urban centrality. We start from the perspective that the process of urbanization as a result of the transformation of the capitalist system have profound impacts on the restructuring of urban space, which includes resetting and training of new urban centralities. The basic assumption accepts that recent economic changes have led to the adoption of new strategies for the location of large commercial equipment and services, contributing to urban expansion and redefinition of its centrality, leading to the formation of new urban centralities. The research strategy adopted consists of a case study oriented based on the analysis of qualitative information, but also incorporates quantitative information. Interviews with qualified informants were conducted, as well as field surveys, photographic documentation, in order to grasp the phenomenon observed. The survey results show that the Bela Vista neighborhood can be considered a new urban center, housing the specialized trade and service activities, as well as townhouses, which differentiates it from other areas of the city


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Introduction: Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung disease and it is the greatest cause of deaths in children younger than five years of age worldwide. Chest physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of pneumonia because it can help to eliminate inflammatory exudates and tracheobronchial secretions, remove airway obstructions, reduce airway resistance, enhance gas exchange and reduce the work of breathing. Thus, chest physiotherapy may contribute to patient recovery as an adjuvant treatment even though its indication remains controversial. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in relation to time until clinical resolution in children (from birth up to 18 years old) of either gender with any type of pneumonia. Methods: We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 4; MEDLINE (1946 to May week 4, 2013); EMBASE (1974 to May 2013); CINAHL (1981 to May 2013); LILACS (1982 to May 2013); Web of Science (1950 to May 2013); and PEDro (1950 to May 2013). We consulted the ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO ICTRP registers to identify planned, ongoing and unpublished trials. We consulted the reference lists of relevant articles found by the electronic searches for additional studies. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared chest physiotherapy of any type with no chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia. Two review authors independently selected the studies to be included in the review, assessed trial quality and extracted data. Results: Three RCTs involving 255 inpatient children are included in the review. They addressed conventional chest physiotherapy, positive expiratory pressure and continuous positive airway pressure. The following outcomes were measured: duration of hospital stay, time to clinical resolution (observing the following parameters: fever, chest indrawing, nasal flaring, tachypnoea and peripheral oxygen saturation levels), change in adventitious sounds, change in chest X-ray and duration of cough in days. Two of the included studies found a significant improvement in respiratory rate and oxygen saturation whereas the other included study failed to show that standardised respiratory physiotherapy and positive expiratory pressure decrease the time to clinical resolution and the duration of hospital stay. No adverse effects related to the interventions were xvi described. Due to the different characteristics of the trials, such as the duration of treatment, levels of severity, types of pneumonia and the techniques used in children with pneumonia, as well as differences in their statistical presentation, we were not able to pool data. Two included studies had an overall low risk of bias whereas one included study had an overall unclear risk of bias. Conclusion: Our review does not provide conclusive evidence to justify the use of chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia due to a lack of data. The number of included studies is small and they differed in their statistical presentation


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Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus uma alfa-proteobactria Gram-negativa, tolerante a meios cidos, fixadora de nitrognio atmosfrico e foi a primeira bactria diazotrfica endoftica isolada da cana-de-acar. Por sua vez, Gluconobacter oxydans, tambm alfa-proteobactria Gram-negativa, possui a capacidade de oxidar incompletamente alcois e carboidratos. Ambas de interesse biotecnolgico e industrial, essas bactrias tiveram seus genomas seqenciados completamente em 2007. Desta forma, foi de interesse desse trabalho analisar e comparar os genes de reparo do DNA devido sua importncia na manuteno da integridade genmica. Sendo assim, as vias de reparo presentes nos dois organismos foram identificadas, utilizando como base uma terceira alfa-proteobactria, a Caulobacter crescentus, cujos genes de reparo foram descritos por um trabalho anterior e tambm os genes bem estabelecidos para o reparo do DNA em Escherichia coli. Para esse estudo, um banco de dados contendo ortlogos para os genes de reparo de DNA encontrados nos organismos foi criado e anlises comparativas por similaridade usando o pacote Blast e o software Clustal foram feitas. Este estudo demonstrou que as principais vias de reparo ao DNA reparos por exciso, reparo direto, reparo recombinacional e reparo pelo sistema SOS esto presentes nos organismos analisados, demonstrando, na maioria das vezes, boa similaridade com E. coli. Interessantemente, foram encontradas duplicaes gnicas nos quais uma das cpias estava presente no cromossomo e a outra, no plasmdeo, como no caso de UvrD, DnaE e Ssb, possivelmente caracterizando eventos de transferncia lateral. Por fim, uma grande novidade foi a identificao de ortlogos para RecB em G. diazotrophicus e G. oxydans e de ortlogos duplicados de RecD em G. diazotrophicus. At o momento, no havia sido relatada a presena de membros da via de iniciao RecBCD do reparo recombinacional em alfaproteobactrias


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Some microorganisms from virgin ecosystems are able to use petroleum it as source of carbon and energy. The knowledge of microbial biodiversity can help to reveal new metabolic systems for utilization alkanes with biotechnological importance. The aim of this study is: i) Accomplish an in silico study of the AlkB protein aimed to understand the probable mechanism involved on selectivity of alkanes in Gram positive and Gram negative bactria. ii) prospect and analyze the response of the microbial alkanotrophics communities in soil and mangrove sediments of BPP RN and soil of Atlantic forest in the Horto Dois Irmos Reserve area/PE using the molecular biomarker, gene alkB; with the PCR and PCR-DGGE approach


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Plants are organisms sessile and because of this they are susceptible to genotoxic effects due to environmental exposure such as light [including ultraviolet (UV)], heat, drought and chemicals agents. Therefore, there are differents pathways in order to detect a lesion and correct. These pathways are not well known in plants. The MutM/Fpg protein is a DNA glycosylase that is responsible for detect and correct oxidative lesions. In the sugarcane genome, it was found two possible cDNAs that had homology to this protein: scMUTM1 and scMUTM2. The aim of this work was to characterize the role of these cDNAs in plants. In order to do this, the expression level after oxidative stress was evaluated by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Another point analyzed in order to obtain the full-length gene, it was to use a sugarcane genomic library that was hybridized with both cDNAs as a probe. It was found two clones that will bought and sequenced. The promoter region was also cloned. It was obtained sequences only for scMUTM2 promoter region. The sequences obtained were divided into six groups. It was found regulatory motifs such as TATA-box, CAAT-box, oxidative stress element response and regulatory regions that response to light. The other point analyzed was to characterize the N-terminal region by PCR constructs. These constructs have deletions at 5 region. These sequences were introduce into Escherichia coli wild type strain (CC104) and double mutant (CC104mutMmutY). The results showed that proteins with deletions of scMUTM1 N-terminal region were able to complement the Fpg and MutY-glycosylase deficiency in CC104 mutMmutY reducing the spontaneous mutation frequency


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The present study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of the principles of the National Medicines Policy - PNM and the Pharmaceutical assistance - PNAF in the prosecution of lawsuits involving medicines. To fulfill this necessity , data collection was performed on the website by the Tribunal Rio Grande do Norte - TJ RN ( Rio Grande do Norte Court) , in 2012 . It was obtained 115 judgments, which were analyzed in order to generate Monitoring Indicators from lawsuits and conduct content analysis proposed by Bardin (2006). The results showed that : a) 100 % of the decisions were favorable to the author , b) 76 % of decisions were requests by the trade name of the drug , c) only one drug (eculizumabe) had not granted by ANVISA , d) 36 % of drugs were present in the list of standard medicines in SUS , 16 % of primary care block and 20 % of specialized component , e) 76 % of the decisions presented the request of at least 01 non-standard medicine. With regard to decentralization of PNM and PNAF we observed a commitment to this principle at judicial decisions, to see that municipalities and states are often forced to buy medicines of responsibility from another federal entity or other tertiary units as CACONs and UNACONS. The content analysis revealed that the argument from the judges used when you utter their decisions was that the right to health is recognized by Brazilian law as a fundamental right and should be guaranteed by the State for all its citizens. So, health is more than budgetary constraints of federal entities, which are severally liable for lawsuits , regardless the medication requested belongs or not to a particular block of a pharmaceutical assistance funding. Given these data, it is observed that there are gaps in the judgment when it comes to the insertion of the words and principles of PNM and PNAF, creating then the need for greater dialogue between the executive and judicial, so that they may consider relevant the effectiveness and application of such principles to minimize the negative consequences of the phenomenon of health judicialisation. Keywords: Judicialisation, Medicines, Public Policy, Pharmaceutical Care


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Les initiatives du gouvernement ayant pour finalit une rorganisation de la structure urbaine de la ville au dbut du XXme sicle refltent le dsir vcu par les membres de l'lite locale d'encadrer Natal dans les moules des grands centres urbains de la mme priode. Les lites dsiraient transformer Natal dans une ville moderne. Dans ce but, le gouvernement s'est engag dans la reformulation de quelques espaces physiques de la ville. Nanmoins, il fallait aussi d autres que les transformations urbaines, la ville devrait passer par des rformes sociales. De cette faon, ces groupes ont cres des nouvelles institutions et espaces de sociabilit qui affirmeraient la capitale de l'tat comme une ville moderne. Les institutions formelles avaient un rle imortant dans la construction de cette nouvelle ville convoite par l'lite locale. Ainsi, travers celles-ci, se diffusaient des nouvelles pratiques sociales qui seraient refltes dans les espaces urbains. Dans des places tels, des cafs, des clubs et associations sportives, l'lite se distinguait du populaire. Dans ces places, leurs pratiques taient lgitimes, en contrepoint avec les pratiques populaires. C tait dans les clubs et par les activits pratiques par leurs membres que les idals de l'lite circulaient, c tait par l que l'lite se formait et se transformait. De cette faon, les aspirations d'un groupe social refltaient dans l'organisation sociale des espaces de la ville


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Le prsent texte vise analiser la apropriation de l'espace par le pouvoir publique. Entre les annes 1956 et 1964, la ville brsilien de Natal a t administr par le maire Djalma Maranhao, dirigeants politiques marques par des ides nationalistes, comme la lutte contre l'imprialisme et l'mancipation du peuple a travers de ce que l'on appelle culture populaire . Le terme a acquis une connotation politique, en mme temps dans ce qui tait considr comme la plus pure manifestation du peuple brsilien. La dynamique politique signifie aussi un nouveau regard sur la ville, enquant que le dsir de progrs, de industrialisation et de rformes sociales propage dans la politique nationale brsilienne, directement traduit par des changements dans son espace physique. Dans cette orientation nationaliste, la ville a entrepris des actions systmatiques l'encontre des nouveaux besoins urbains qui se posent en mme temps que tourn certains places de la ville espaces culturelles, appele places de la culture . Ces espaces sont destins la promotion de la culture populaire en mme temps il a t un domaine stratgique de la production et la rception des valeurs dfendues par Djalma Maranhao. En ce sens, nous avons demand rpondre quelle a t la position du maire face la besoins urbaines qu'ils se posaient et comme les places de la culture sont intgr la vie quotidienne de la ville de Natal, donnant une nouvelle signification la place publique. Pour la construction de ce travail, nous utilisons les sources orales et de revues, de journaux et de A Repblica et Folha da Tarde, comme le principal ressources mthodologiques


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Analyses the presence of new standards of habitation detected in the construction of the region called Cidade Nova, in the first s years of the XX century. Associates the presence of these new patterns with the historical moment lived by the capital, marked by the urban modernization and by the changes of local life. Map voices that, introduced by the republican groups since 1889, pronounced the overcome of the old city of the XIX century asseverated a new model of town. Make use, as fundamental fonts of research, of the urban chronicles produced by the local intellectuals and the newspapers, like A Repblica. Dialog with chronics that includes since propositions about the colonial past until the preoccupations about the acting of the State on how to order the public space. Identifies on those texts the political motivations and the elements whose where inherent to capitalism that accelerated the changes occurred in the urban space. Demonstrates the gradual occupation of Cidade Nova as an important modification happened in the city from that time on. That neighborhood adopted a new model on how to construct the houses of their citizens and helped to promote the urban life as a whole. From now on, Natal has a space meant for the home of their richest families. Recognizes, from many ways, many discourses, manners of living that was legitimized by the changing of the XIX to the XX century and has his highest point in the 1920s. And it was representative of the strong attachment about the habits of refinery and order in the essence of the private life of the local urban elites


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Dans les premires dcennies du XXme sicle, un groupe d intellectuels brsiliens a pris pour soi la mission de conduire la nation aux chemins du progrs, en rflchissant sur les transformations des villes et, souvent, en proposant et en mettant en avant des actions et mesures qui dirigeraient la modernisation du pays. Dans ce contexte, la ville apparaissait comme un synonyme de progrs en opposition la campagne, en donnant emphase la construction du Brsil urbain. Natal, celui-ci a t une priode de sensible modification dans l espace urbain, en suivant les prceptes de l hyginisme et de l esthtique racionaliste, qui ont orient les rformes entreprises dans beaucoup de villes brsiliennes. Les lites politiques et socioconomiques de la capitale du Rio Grande do Norte ont developp le discours en faveur de la modernisation qui avait pour objectif de justifier les interventions dans la ville et l introduction de l infra-structure de services urbains, par exemple, les services d illumination et de transport, qui partir de 1911, ont commenc tre stimuls par l lectricit. Cette modernisation est matrialise par de nouveaux quipements et services, par des espaces remodels en accord avec la rationalit technique de l urbaniste, pour l utilisation de nouvelles sources d nergie (gaz, lectricit), en plus de la croissance de la population rsidente en ville. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas oublier que la construction de la ville moderne est passe tant par des transformations physiques, matrielles, comme par l absorption de valeurs, symboles, gestes, vocabulaires, objets, adoptions de nouvelles normes de comportement et par la formation de nouvelles sensibilits sur l espace urbain et la vie en ville. De cette manire, les nouvelles normes technologiques, comme l lectricit, ont rendu possible des transformations dans la structure matrielle de la ville et en vie urbaine dans ses plus divers aspects. Ce travail propose d analyser la relation entre nergie lectrique et la vie urbaine Natal entre 1911 et 1940, en prenant en compte, pour cela, les actions d intervention de l tat sur l espace urbain et les perceptions d intellectuels face aux transformations urbaines dont ils taient les tmoins. partir de cette analyse, nous cherchons prciser les efforts gouvernementaux pour la manutention des services d lectricit et conservation des quipements urbains; comprendre comment l utilisation d nergie lectrique a aid produire de nouvelles situations quotidiennes et comment elle a t perue, traduite en sentiments et perceptions fondes dans la cohabitation avec cette innovation technique. Les lites locales dsiraient diffuser des habitudes consideres modernes, en construisant une identification avec la manire de vie urbaine, fortement inspire dans la vie dans les villes Europennes et Amricaines. L lectricit a rendu possible des expriences et sensations qui allaient caractriser l habitant de la ville


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The first years of the twentieth century in Natal is characterized by several urban interventions that aim was to change the feature of the city basically rural to another that was in line with cities as models of modernity and civilization. In this case all individuals would have to play important social roles, which included men, women and especially children. It was in this atmosphere of bright future that the children were taken as key parts of an idealized society. Some processes were essential in triggering changes in natal s childhood, among them, operated within the families, that this historic moment in public life sought other possibilities of existence, the school education and the construction of which would be the model for urban education the School Groups, propagators of science as mediators of all knowledge, and finally, the medical interventions that disseminating health and hygiene practices has enabled not only the conservation of child life, but also the possibility of building their individuality in a body healthy. If these processes on the one hand tried to crystallize an ideal image of a child making a child identity directly linked to education and the "body hygiene" on the other, giving specific reflexive autonomy to children, providing them see the world through eyes of subject.