804 resultados para Vet


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Vol.4 contains pt.4, 6, and 7, [sectio i], ii,iv,v. anal. in vol. IV, "pt.7, sectio 4,5."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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(1947/48 Animal Research Div.) (supersedes Div. of Vet. Sci)


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Människorättsorganisationen Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms dokumenterade 340 fall av påtvingade försvinnanden, bara mellan augusti och november 2015. Påtvingade försvinnanden är människor (ofta politiska aktivister) som förs bort av statliga säkerhetsstyrkor utan att deras anhöriga vet var de befinner sig – eller om de ens lever. Så här ser rättsstaten Egypten ut i dag, fem år efter den arabiska våren som avsatte diktatorn Hosni Mubarak. Vad hände med alla de människorätts- och prodemokratiska aktivister som organiserade och ledde demonstrationer mot Mubaraks polisstat? Hur kan de verka som politiska aktivister i ett land som Egypten, som i dag i princip styrs av den egyptiska militären? I Tunisien firar tusentals människor årsdagen för den tunisiska revolutionen på torg och gator, men det förekommer fortfarande polisbrutalitet, ekonomin är svag och många unga tunisier är arbetslösa. Har politiska aktivister i Tunisien en given plats i landets framtid? Nu när man har åstadkommit mycket som revolutionen krävde – till exempel yttrandefriheten. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att utforska och ge röst åt aktivisterna som deltog i och låg bakom den arabiska våren.


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Den här undersökningen syftar till att ge en ökad förståelse för kundomdömen online. Författarna har undersökt hur kommunikationen på omdömesplattformen Reco.se fungerar mellan företag och dess kunder. Många företag vet inte hur de ska hantera de kommentarer som skrivs om dem på omdömesplattformar idag. Därför har författarna från över 11 500 kommentarer och över 11 500 svar från totalt 964 företag, valt ut 5 företag, där de genomfört en kvalitativ textanalys med fokus på intertextualitet. Studien resulterade i en egen masskommunikationsmodell för elektronisk Word-Of-Mouth, en redogörelse för hur kommunikationen mellan företag och dess kunder fungerar på omdömesplattformen Reco.se samt att företag i allra högsta grad bör ha i beaktning hur de hanterar klagomål. Slutligen visar författarna hur man kan forma det digitala avtrycket som finns på internet samt konsten att kommunicera med kunden.  


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Trägerband: 'Biblia. Vet.Test.Psalmi 61'; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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Objective To improve the accuracy and completeness of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy, to allow readers to assess the potential for bias in a study, and to evaluate a study's generalisability. Methods The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) steering committee searched the literature to identify publications on the appropriate conduct and reporting of diagnostic studies and extracted potential items into an extensive list. Researchers, editors, and members of professional organisations shortened this list during a two day consensus meeting, with the goal of developing a checklist and a generic flow diagram for studies of diagnostic accuracy. Results The search for published guidelines about diagnostic research yielded 33 previously published checklists, from which we extracted a list of 75 potential items. At the consensus meeting, participants shortened the list to a 25 item checklist, by using evidence, whenever available. A prototype of a flow diagram provides information about the method of patient recruitment, the order of test execution, and the numbers of patients undergoing the test under evaluation and the reference standard, or both. Conclusions Evaluation of research depends on complete and accurate reporting. If medical journals adopt the STARD checklist and flow diagram, the quality of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy should improve to the advantage of clinicians, researchers, reviewers, journals, and the public.


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The quality of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy is less than optimal. Complete and accurate reporting is necessary to enable readers to assess the potential for bias in the study and to evaluate the generalisability of the results. A group of scientists and editors has developed the STARD (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy) statement to improve the reporting the quality of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy. The statement consists of a checklist of 25 items and flow diagram that authors can use to ensure that all relevant information is present. This explanatory document aims to facilitate the use, understanding and dissemination of the checklist. The document contains a clarification of the meaning, rationale and optimal use of each item on the checklist, as well as a short summary of the available evidence on bias and applicability. The STARD statement, checklist, flowchart and this explanation and elaboration document should be useful resources to improve reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies. Complete and informative reporting can only lead to better decisions in healthcare.


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Reasons for performing study: Acute laminitis is characterised by hoof lamellar dermal-epidermal separation at the basement membrane (BM) zone. Hoof lamellar explants cultured in vitro can also be made to separate at the basement membrane zone and investigating how this occurs may give insight into the poorly understood pathophysiology of laminitis. Objectives: To investigate why glucose deprivation and metalloproteinase (MMP) activation in cultured lamellar explants leads to dermo-epidermal separation. Methods: Explants, cultured without glucose or with the MMP activator p-amino-phenol-mercuric acetate (APMA), were subjected to tension and processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Without glucose, or with APMA, explants under tension separated at the dermo-epidermal junction. This in vitro separation occurred via 2 different ultrastructural processes. Lack of glucose reduced hemidesmosomes (HDs) numbers until they disappeared and the basal cell cytoskeleton collapsed. Anchoring filaments (AFs), connecting the basal cell plasmalemma to the BM, were unaffected although they failed under tension. APMA activation of constituent lamellar MMPs did not affect HDs but caused AFs to disappear, also leading to dermo-epidermal separation under tension. Conclusions: Natural laminitis may occur in situations where glucose uptake by lamellar basal cells is compromised (e.g. equine Cushing's disease, obesity, hyperlipaemia, ischaemia and septicaemia) or when lamellar MMPs are activated (alimentary carbohydrate overload). Potential relevance: Therapies designed to facilitate peripheral glucose uptake and inhibit lamellar MMP activation may prevent or ameliorate laminitis.