904 resultados para Unmarried mothers


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Tendo em consideração a importância da identificação das necessidades das famílias para organizar os recursos e os apoios no âmbito da intervenção centrada na família (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1994), o presente estudo tem como objetivos identificar e diferenciar as necessidades e prioridades das famílias de crianças com PEA apoiadas pela Intervenção Precoce. A amostra era constituída por 123 casais e respetivos filhos (116 do género masculino e 17 do género feminino) com PEA, PRC ou Síndrome de Asperger, e idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos. As famílias eram oriundas de quatro zonas diferentes de Portugal. Foi utilizado o Inventário sobre as Necessidades e Prioridades da Família, a partir do qual nos foi possível verificar que existem diferenças entre as necessidades das famílias quanto às necessidades referentes à criança e quanto às referentes aos recursos existentes na comunidade. Também foram encontradas diferenças quando se compararam os pais e as mães, com estas a manifestarem maiores necessidades, e quando se compararam idades dos pais, com os mais novos a manifestarem maiores dificuldades. No que se refere à comparação entre níveis socioeconómicos e entre regiões geográficas de residência, os resultados não são tão conclusivos. O inventário parece, assim, ser adequado para identificar as necessidades e prioridades das famílias de crianças com PEA, facilitando a organização dos recursos e dos apoios.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo fundamental a construção, aplicação e avaliação dos efeitos de um programa de educação parental universal, numa vertente preventiva, designado como – Pacifier – visando a sua implementação nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários, a pais de crianças dos 0 aos 6 meses e com carácter domiciliário. Foi construído com base numa revisão da literatura e práticas baseadas em evidência sobre parentalidade positiva e programas de educação parental e posteriormente aplicado a quatro mães e dois pais – dois casais e duas mães –, sendo que os efeitos foram avaliados de acordo com um modelo de estudos de caso múltiplos, constituídos por quatro famílias. Neste sentido, de modo a medir os objetivos que definimos para o programa, realizámos uma avaliação inicial e final com os instrumentos adaptados Sentido de Competência Parental e Inventário sobre o Conhecimento de Desenvolvimento Infantil. Ainda incluímos um questionário final relativo à Satisfação dos Pais com o Programa. No que respeita aos resultados, nos quatro estudos de caso verificaram-se melhorias nos resultados de ambos os instrumentos aplicados, o que nos permite considerar que o programa foi eficaz e melhorou o sentido de competência parental assim como o conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil nestes pais. Por último, os pais mostraram uma grande satisfação com o programa.


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We had the opportunity to study 6 cases of the congenital form of toxoplasmosis, found in a series of 1200 necropsies of fetuses and newborn babies, realized at 3 different hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Among the 6 cases, 4 were premature babies liveborn at the 6th-8th gestational month and 2 were stillborn (1 premature and 1 at term). In all those cases, the diagnosis was based in the detection of the parasite in tissues and in one case it was even isolated the Toxoplasma from the necrotic material found in the cranial cavity. This strain of Toxoplasma, pathogenic to pigeons, to guinea pigs and to mice, is preserved by successive transfers in mice. Some facts observed in those cases present an interest not only strictly anatomic but also have certain value for the better acknowlegment of the disease. First, we want to call the attention to the presence of a sudden high fever, during or just before pregnancy in the 4 cases in which the maternal anamnesis was perfectly studied; this fever that was preceded by a normal beginning of pregnancy, had relatively rapid remission, but in 2 cases was immediately followed by uterine bleeding and premature delivery, although the puerperium had been apparently normal. It is known that are normal the subsequent children of the mothers that delivered a baby with toxoplasmosis and that several women have normal babies before the toxoplasmotic one. We believe that the fever observed in our cases could be indicative of the beginning of maternal infection and those are the reasons why we emphasize the need of careful anamnesis, specially in the cases actually diagnosed as inapparent infection. Another fact to notice is that in 5 of our cases the event premature delivery happened always between the 6th and the 8th months of pregnancy, and the only term fetus was delivered in advanced stage of maceration. The above mentioned facts could agree with the opinion of FRENKEL (1949), when he declared that "primary infection of the pregnant mother appears more likely to be the commoner mode of fetal toxoplasmic infection", but they would disagree with WEINMAN (1952) who believes that the transmission of Toxoplasma to the fetus is more frequent through a pregnant woman with chronic disease and who says "that infection contracted during pregnancy may and probably does happen from time to time"...Still in connection with the transmission of toxoplasmosis, we want to note the verification of inflammatory lesions in the placental villi and in the umbilical cord in 3 of the 4 cases in which such organs were examined at the microscope. In the case n. 1, we found several pseudocysts of Toxoplasma in the placenta, and the fibroblasts of Wharton's jelly were particularly rich in isolated forms and in colonies of Toxoplasma; the easy multiplication of the parasite in that tissue calls the attention and even suggests its utilisation for Toxoplasma's cultivation. The confirmation of Toxoplasma in human placenta was made only recently by CRISTEN et al. (1951) and by NEGHME et al. (1952), in Chile; it is not frequent in the literature, what gives some value to our present verification. Another observation was that provided by the case n. 6. This baby, a premature one of the 6th month, was 14 days old and-died with signs of respiratory disease, the causa mortis have been pneumonia. At the necropsy, we found no gross change that suggested toxoplasmosis, except the presence of some small necrotic focuses in the cerebral nervous substance around the ventricles. As a matter of fact, there was no enlargement of spleen or liver and neither leptomeningitis nor hydrocephalus. Such focuses were attributed to possible anoxia and in fact they are extremely similar to anoxial softenings, even when they are examined at the microscope; its structure composed of a central necrotic zone, surrounded by proliferated neuroglia and by a variable deposit of calcium salts, closely simulated the anoxial softenings, when the microscopical examination is based in the common histological preparations (hematoxilin-eosin, etc.). But when we examine preparations by the Giemsa or by the periodic acid-Schiff methods, we will note the presence of Toxoplasma, with its typical aspect or a little changed by degeneration. When we describe this observation, we wish to evidence the need of the search of Toxoplasma and closed parasites, in the cases of supposed pure anoxial softenings of nervous substance, in children. The frequency with which the congenital toxoplasmosis was anatomically verified should be emphasized, although the disease had not been clinically suspected, and it should be borne in mind that the second case of toxoplasmosis reported in the world was observed in Brazil by MAGARINOS TORRES; this case was the first to be described of the generalized congenital form of the infection, i. e. with myocardial lesions and parasites in skeletal muscles and skin.


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In an attempt to establish an experimental model of acute schistosomiasis, sequential histological changes were investigated in the skin, lung, liver and spleen of mice infected with 30 or 100 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni according to four sets of experiments: single infection, repeated infections, unisexual infection and infection in mice born from infected mothers. Animals were killed every other day from exposure up to 50 days after infection. Only mild, isolated, focal inflammatory changes were found before the appearance of mature eggs in the liver, even when repeated infections were made. Severe changes of reactive hepatitis and splenitis appeared suddenly when the first mature eggs were deposited, around the 37th to 42nd day after infection. The mature eggs induced lytic and coagulative necrosis of hepatocytes around them which was soon followed by dense infiltration of eosinophils. So, mature egg-induced lesions appeared as the major factors in the pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis in mice. Mice born from infected mothers were apparently able to rapidly modulate the egg-lesions, forming early fibrotic granulomas. The murine model of acute schistosomiasis appeared adequate for the study of pathology and pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Pain Management Unit de la University of Bath-Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Disease, a Gran Bretanya, entre juliol i setembre del 2006. El dolor crònic en pediatria es defineix com aquell que és persistent o recurrent durant tres o més mesos. Recentment la prevalença a la nostra població entre els escolars de 8 a 16 anys ha estat quantificada en el 37.3%. Davant d’aquestes dades i coneixent la magnitud de l’impacte que el dolor crònic té en aquestes edats, sorgeix la necessitat de desenvolupar programes d’intervenció per donar una resposta a aquesta problemàtica en la nostra població. Les investigacions realitzades assenyalen que els programes multidisciplinars són els que obtenen una major eficàcia. Aquests programes estan adreçats a minimitzar l’impacte dels diferents factors que conformen l’experiència de dolor: físics, emocionals, cognitius, conductuals i socials. A Europa només l’hospital on s’ha realitzat l’estada ofereix un programa d’aquestes característiques. El servei que ofereixen en aquesta Unitat de dolor pediàtric està sent el model de referència pel disseny d’un programa de tractament a la nostra població. Per aquest motiu, s’ha realitzat una estada d’un mes de durada a la PMU, amb l’objectiu d’aprendre els procediments terapèutics per adaptar-los i aplicar-los en el nostre context. Sis adolescents amb problemes de dolor crònic i discapacitat associada, acompanyats de les seves mares han participat en aquest programa de tractament grupal interdisciplinari d’orientació cognitiu-conductual de tres setmanes. Es realitzen aproximadament 110 hores de tractament, distribuïdes en sessions de 50 minuts, d’activitat física i ocupacional, teràpia cognitiu-conductual i educació. Aquesta estada ha permès d’una banda, la formació d’un psicòleg dintre d’un equip de dolor pediàtric interdisciplinar i de l’altra evidenciar l’efectivitat que aquest programa interdisciplinar de rehabilitació cognitiu-conductual té pel maneig del dolor crònic i la discapacitat associada.


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Modification of the immune response to schistosomal infection in children or offspring born to mother R infected with Schistosoma mansoni has been demonstrated in human and in experimental schistosomiasis. One of the hypothesis to explain this fact could be the transfer of circulating antigens and antibodies from mother to foetus through the placenta or from mother to child by milk. The results of this spontaneous transference are controversial in the literature. In an attempt to investigate these questions, we studied one hundred and twenty offspring (Swiss mice), sixty born to infected-mothers (group A) and sixty born to non-infected mothers (group B). These were percutaneously infected with 50 cercariae/mouse, and divided in six sub-groups (20 mice/sub-group), according to the following schedule: after birth (sub-groups A.I and B.I), 10 days old (sub-groups A.II and B.II) and 21 days old (sub-groups A.III and B.III). After the exposure period, the young mice returned to their own mothers for nursing. Six weeks later, the mice were killed. We obtained the following results: 1) There is transference of antibody to cercariae (CAP), adult worms (SWAP) and egg antigens (SEA) from the infected mothers to the offspring, probably through placenta and milk; 2) Offspring born to infected mothers exhibit much less coagulative hepatic necrosis and show a lower number of eggs in the small intestine and a less intense and predominant exsudative stage of the hepatic granulomas when compared with the exsudative-productive stage of the control groups. The findings suggest that congenital and nursing factors can interfere on the development of the schistosomiasis infection, causing an hyporesponse to the eggs.


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L'objectif principal de ce travail était d'explorer les relations parent-enfant et les processus d'apprentissage familiaux associés aux troubles anxieux. A cet effet, des familles ayant un membre anxieux (la mère ou l'enfant) ont été comparées avec des familles n'ayant aucun membre anxieux. Dans une première étude, l'observation de l'interaction mère-enfant, pendant une situation standardisée de jeu, a révélé que les mères présentant un trouble panique étaient plus susceptibles de se montrer verbalement contrôlantes, critiques et moins sensibles aux besoins de l'enfant, que les mères qui ne présentaient pas de trouble panique. Une deuxième étude a examiné les perceptions des différents membres de la famille quant aux relations au sein de la famille et a indiqué que, par comparaison aux adolescents non-anxieux, les adolescents anxieux étaient plus enclins à éprouver un sentiment d'autonomie individuelle diminué par rapport à leurs parents. Finalement, une troisième étude s'est intéressée à déterminer l'impact d'expériences d'apprentissage moins directes dans l'étiologie de l'anxiété. Les résultats ont indiqué que les mères présentant un trouble panique étaient plus enclines à s'engager dans des comportements qui maintiennent la panique et à impliquer leurs enfants dans ces comportements, que les mères ne présentant pas de trouble panique. En se basant sur des recherches antérieures qui ont établi une relation entre le contrôle parental, la perception de contrôle chez l'enfant et les troubles anxieux, le présent travail non seulement confirme ce lien mais propose également un modèle pour résumer l'état actuel des connaissances concernant les processus familiaux et le développement des troubles anxieux. Deux routes ont été suggérées par lesquelles l'anxiété pourrait être transmise de manière intergénérationnelle. Chacune de ces routes attribue un rôle important à la perception de contrôle chez l'enfant. L'idée est que lorsque les enfants présentent une prédisposition à interpréter le comportement de leurs parents comme hors de leur contrôle, ils seraient plus enclins à développer de l'anxiété. A ce titre, la perception du contrôle représenterait un tampon entre le comportement de contrôle/surprotection des parents et le trouble anxieux chez l'enfant. - The principal objective of the present work was to explore parent-child relationships and family learning processes associated with anxiety disorders. To this purpose, families with and without an anxious family member (mother or child) were compared. In a first study, observation of mother-child interaction, during a standard play situation, revealed that mothers with panic disorder were more likely to display verbal control and criticism, and less likely to display sensitivity toward their children than mothers without panic disorder. A second study examined family members' perceptions of family relationships and indicated that compared to non-anxious adolescents, anxious adolescents were more prone to experience a diminished sense of individual autonomy in relation to their parents. Finally a third study was interested in determining the effect of less direct learning experiences in the aetiology of anxiety. Results indicated that mothers with panic disorder were more likely to engage in panic-maintaining behaviour and to involve their children in this behaviour than mothers without panic disorder. Based on previous research showing a relationship between parental control, children's perception of control, and anxiety disorders, the present work not only further adds evidence to support this link but also proposes a model summarizing the current knowledge concerning family processes and the development of anxiety disorders. Two pathways have been suggested through which anxiety may be intergenerationally transmitted. Both pathways assign an important role to children's perception of control. The idea is that whenever children have a predisposition towards interpreting their parents' behaviour as beyond of their control, they may be more prone to develop anxiety. As such, perceived control may represent a buffer between parental overcontrolling/overprotective behaviours and childhood anxiety disorder.


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On hundred milk or colostrum samples from 78 mothers with chronic Chagas' disease were parasitologically studied for Trypanosoma cruzi infection by means of direct examination and inoculation of mice. The mice were submitted to direct bllod examination three times a week. At the end of 45 days, xenodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test (IFAT) for T. cruzi antibodies were carried out in the animals. No parasitized sample was observed even though five mothers had parasitemia at milk collection. In addition, 97 breast-fed children of chronic chagasic mothers, born free of infection, were tested for IgG antibodies to T. cruzi using IFAT. No case of T. cruzi infection was detected. The authors conclude that breast-feeding should not be avoided for children for chronic chagasic women. However, as these mothers had intermittent parasitemia, they should avoid nursing when there is nipple bleeding.


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Mothers can improve the quality of their offspring by increasing the level of certain components in their eggs. To examine whether or not mothers increase deposition of such components in eggs as a function of food availability, we food-supplemented black-legged kittiwake females (Rissa tridactyla) before and during egg laying and compared deposition of androgens and antibodies into eggs of first and experimentally induced replacement clutches. Food-supplemented females transferred lower amounts of androgens and antibodies into eggs of induced replacement clutches than did non-food-supplemented mothers, whereas first clutches presented no differences between treatments. Our results suggest that when females are in lower condition, they transfer more androgens and antibodies into eggs to facilitate chick development despite potential long-term costs for juveniles. Females in prime condition may avoid these potential long-term costs because they can provide their chicks with more and higher quality resources.


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OBJECTIVE: So far, associations between appraisals, maternal adjustment and coping following diagnosis of fetal anomaly have not been investigated in women who continue with their pregnancy. METHOD: This study measured maternal coping and adjustment after and appraisal of a diagnosis of fetal anomaly in 40 mothers who had continued with their pregnancy using a cross-sectional questionnaire design. RESULTS: Based on retrospective reporting, 35% of participants met full diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder after having received the diagnosis. Women were significantly more depressed (p < 0.001) and anxious (p < 0.001) and reported significantly less positive affect (p < 0.05) after having received the diagnosis in comparison to the time after childbirth. There were no significant differences between emotion-focused and problem-focused coping. Stressful life events, women's age, number of people providing support and problem-focused coping explained 57.6% of variance in anxiety and depression after childbirth. Satisfaction with social support, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping significantly explained 40.6% of variance in positive affect after childbirth. CONCLUSION: Following a prenatal diagnosis and for the remainder of their pregnancy, particular attention should be paid to older mothers, those experiencing additional stressful life events and those who are socially isolated, as these women may experience greater distress after childbirth.


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In this study, we explored the predictive role of family interactions and family representations in mothers and fathers during pregnancy for postnatal motherfatherinfant interactions during the first 2 years after birth. Families (N = 42) were seen at the fifth month of pregnancy and at 3 and 18 months after birth. During pregnancy, parents were asked to play with their baby at the first meeting by using a doll in accordance with the procedure of the prenatal Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP; A. Corboz-Warnery & E. Fivaz-Depeursinge, 2001; E. Fivaz-Depeursinge, F. Frascarolo-Moutinot, & A. Corboz-Warnery, 2010). Family representations were assessed by administering the Family System Test (T. Gehring, 1998). Marital satisfaction and the history of the couple were assessed through self-reported questionnaires. At 3 and 18 months, family interactions were assessed in the postnatal LTP. Infant temperament was assessed through parent reports. Results show that (a) prenatal interactions and child temperament are the most important predictors of family interactions and (b) paternal representations are predictive of family interactions at 3 months. These results show that observational assessment of nascent family interactions is possible during pregnancy, which would allow early screening of family maladjustment. The findings also highlight the necessity of taking into account paternal representations as a significant variable in the development of family interactions.


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(from the journal abstract) A new observational procedure, Trilogue Play with Still-face, revealed 4-month-olds' capacities to address both their fathers and mothers, by rapidly shifting gaze and affect between them. Infants were observed in four interactive contexts: (1) '3-together' play with both parents; (2) '2 + 1' play with one parent engaging and the other as third party; (3) the same, with one parent posing a still-face; (4) '3-together' play. Infants were able to discriminate between the four contexts. They coordinated three social poles of attention in each one. Their affect configurations were context sensitive. These findings demonstrate the infant's social capacities for triangular, three-person interactions, in addition to dyadic, two-person, and triadic, two-person plus object, ones. They support a view of intersubjectivity as primary and point to a promising field of investigation for the study of family process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved)


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PURPOSE: Investigation of the incidence and distribution of congenital structural cardiac malformations among the offspring of mothers with diabetes type 1 and of the influence of periconceptional glycemic control. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective clinical study, literature review, and meta-analysis. The incidence and pattern of congenital heart disease in the own study population and in the literature on the offspring of type 1 diabetic mothers were compared with the incidence and spectrum of the various cardiovascular defects in the offspring of nondiabetic mothers as registered by EUROCAT Northern Netherlands. Medical records were, in addition, reviewed for HbA(1c) during the 1st trimester. RESULTS: The distribution of congenital heart anomalies in the own diabetic study population was in accordance with the distribution encountered in the literature. This distribution differed considerably from that in the nondiabetic population. Approximately half the cardiovascular defects were conotruncal anomalies. The authors' study demonstrated a remarkable increase in the likelihood of visceral heterotaxia and variants of single ventricle among these patients. As expected, elevated HbA(1c) values during the 1st trimester were associated with offspring fetal cardiovascular defects. CONCLUSION: This study shows an increased likelihood of specific heart anomalies, namely transposition of the great arteries, persistent truncus arteriosus, visceral heterotaxia and single ventricle, among offspring of diabetic mothers. This suggests a profound teratogenic effect at a very early stage in cardiogenesis. The study emphasizes the frequency with which the offspring of diabetes-complicated pregnancies suffer from complex forms of congenital heart disease. Pregnancies with poor 1st-trimester glycemic control are more prone to the presence of fetal heart disease.


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This paper provides a simple theoretical framework to discuss the relationship between assisted reproductive technologies and the microeconomics of fertility choice. Individuals make choices of education and work along with decisions about whether and when to have children. Decisions regarding fertility are influenced by policy and labor market factors that affect the earnings opportunities of mothers and the costs of raising children. We show how observed differences in these economic factors across countries explain observed different fertility and childbearing age patterns. We then use the model to predict behavioral responses to biomedical improvements in assisted reproductive technologies, and hence the impact of these technologies on fertility.


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Plusieurs auteurs ont montré que les échanges visuels entre des mères dépressives ou psychotiques et leur bébé présentent de multiples perturbations : dans cet article, les auteurs proposent une étude exploratoire portant sur les échanges visuels père-mère- bébé (9-18 semaines) dans deux groupes de familles, un groupe suivi pour des difficultés du post-partum et un groupe témoin. Les observations sont réalisées dans le cadre d'un jeu à trois structuré selon diverses modalités d'interaction (un parent joue avec l'enfant en présence de l'autre parent / les deux parents jouent conjointement avec le bébé). Les variables retenues concernent d'une part le niveau d'attention visuelle conjointe des partenaires, d'autre part l'évolution de cette attention visuelle au cours du jeu. Les résultats révèlent que les échanges visuels sont plus intenses dans les familles fonctionnelles, ce qui semble indiquer que l'engagement visuel triadique établi par les partenaires peut être représentatif du fonctionnement de la triade à un moment donné de son développement. D'autre part, l'analyse de l'évolution de l'engagement visuel au travers des différents contextes de jeu amène les auteurs à proposer l'hypothèse d'une « alliance triadique » établie conjointement par les trois partenaires et formant la matrice de leurs échanges dyadiques et triadiques. De façon plus générale, les auteurs supposent que l'établissement de cette alliance joue un rôle déterminant pour le développement et l'autonomisa- tion du bébé au sein de sa famille. Disorders in the visual interaction between depressive or psychotic mothers and their baby have been widely described : in this paper, the authors propose an exploratory study of father-mother-infant visual interaction (infants are 9-18 weeks old) in two groups of families, voluntary families and families in therapy for post-par turn disorders. The observations are gathered during a three-partner play, involving different kinds of triadic interaction (one parent plays with the infant, the other parent being « only present » / both parents play together with the child). The analyses have focused on the amount of visual attention shared by the partners and on the evolution of visual interaction during the game. Results show that triadic interaction is more intense in functional triads, which means that shared visual attention may be representative of the more general functioning of the family at a definite stage of its development. Furthermore, considering the sequential organization of visual interaction throughout the game led the authors to the construct of a « triadic alliance », jointly established by the three partners and providing a matrix for their dyadic and triadic interaction. On a more general level, such an alliance could play an important role for the development and the autonomy of the baby within his j her family.