988 resultados para UK 1983 Equal Pay Amendment
Background: The aims of this study were to identify differences in oral cancer incidence and mortality between sexes, age groups, oral sites and Australian States and Territories and recent trends in oral cancer incidence, mortality and age-profile over time. Methods: Data were obtained from the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare and were age-standardized to the Australian 1991 Population Standard. Differences and trends were assessed with the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test and the Spearman correlation test, respectively. Results: In Australia in 1996, there were 2173 new oral cancers and 400 deaths due to oral cancer, the majority of oral cancers were in the 60+ age group, oral cancer affected men more than women (>2:1), lip cancer accounted for more than 50 per cent of oral cancers and the oral cancer mortality-to-incidence (M:I) ratio was greatest in ACT and NSW and least in QLD and SA. From 1983 to 1996, the annual incidence of lip cancer increased while the M:I ratio of lip cancer decreased. The annual incidence of cervical cancer decreased whereas the annual incidence of intra-oral cancer remained constant. The M:I ratio of cervical cancer was consistently lower than the MA ratio of intra-oral cancer. Conclusions; Reducing exposure to environmental carcinogens, increasing public awareness and population screening may reduce the incidence and mortality of oral cancer in Australia.
Inherited susceptibility to breast cancer results from germline mutations in one of a number of genes including BRCA1. A significant number of BRCA1-linked familial breast cancer patients, however, have no detectable BRCA1 mutation. This could be due in part to the inability of commonly used mutation-detection techniques to identify mutations outside the BRCA1 coding region. This paper addresses the hypothesis that non coding region mutations, specifically in the BRCA1 promoter, account for some of these cases. We describe a new and detailed restriction map of the 5' region of the BRCA1 gene including the nearby NBR2, psiBRCA1, and NBR1 genes and the isolation of a number of new informative hybridization probes suitable for Southern analysis. Using this information we screened DNA from lymphoblastoid cell-lines made from 114 UK familial breast cancer patients and detected one large deletion in the 5' region of BRCA1. We show that the breakpoints for this deletion are in BRCA1 intron 2 and between NBR2 and exon 2 of psiBRCA1, raising the possibility that this deletion arose via a novel mechanism involving BRCA1:psiBRCA1 recombination. We have also screened 60 familial breast cancer patients from the Australian population, using an amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technique described previously by our group, and found one patient with a genotype consistent with a BRCA1 promoter deletion. These findings indicate that germline BRCA1 promoter deletions are a rare and yet significant mutation event and that they could arise via a novel genetic mechanism. Hum Mutat 19:435-442, 2002. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The aim was to test whether dofetilide has some potential for use in the treatment of heart failure. Dofetilide at less than or equal to 3 x 10(-5) m had no effect on the quiescent Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat aorta, mesenteric and intralobar arteries, or the spontaneous contractions of the WKY rat portal vein. Dofetilide at 10(-6) to 3 x 10(-5) m relaxed the KCl-contracted aorta. Dofetilide at 10(-9)-10(-7) m augmented the force of contraction of left ventricle strips from 12- and 18-month-old WKY rats at 2 Hz. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) at 12 and 17-21 months of age are models of cardiac hypertrophy and failure, respectively. The augmentation of force at 2 Hz with dofetilide was similar on 12- and 18-month-old WKY rats and 12-month-old SHRs but reduced on the 18-month-old SHR left ventricle. At a higher more physiological frequency, 4 Hz, the threshold concentration of dofetilide required to augment the force responses of 21-month-old SHR left ventricles was markedly increased and the maximum augmenting effect was decreased. Dofetilide at 10(-7)-10(-5) m reduced the rate of the 17-month-old WKY rat right atrium, and had a similar effect on age-matched SHR right atrium. In summary, dofetilide is a positive inotrope and negative chronotrope in the rat. However, as the positive inotropic effect is not observed with clinically relevant concentrations at a physiological rate in heart failure, dofetilide is unlikely to be useful as a positive inotrope in the treatment of heart failure.
A Funda????o Centro de Forma????o do Servidor P??blico ??? FUNCEP, ??rg??o vinculado ao DASP, como respons??vel pela promo????o, elabora????o e execu????o dos programas de Forma????o, Treinamento, Aperfei??oamento e Profissionaliza????o dos servidores p??blicos, apresenta sua programa????o de treinamento para 1983. Esta programa????o traz, em seu escopo, tr??s preocupa????es b??sicas: ??? a prepara????o de gerentes capazes de pensar e repensar a administra????o p??blica, buscando formas mais efetivas de conjuga????o de recursos; ??? a prepara????o de t??cnicos em ??reas espec??ficas, de forma a elevar a capacidade das organiza????es na identifica????o e solu????o de problemas; e ??? a busca de uma metodologia de ensino ?? dist??ncia, capaz de permitir o acesso aos programas de treinamento a um maior n??mero de servidores, considerando-se as dimens??es geogr??ficas do pa??s, o universo de servidores e a possibilidade de ating??-los em seu pr??prio ambiente de trabalho, nivelando-se as possibilidades e oportunidades de capacita????o profissional
O artigo apresenta uma an??lise das principais caracter??sticas da reforma administrativa empreendida no Reino Unido a partir da do primeiro governo Thatcher em 1979. Inicialmente, s??o descritos dois aspectos peculiares que, segundo os autores, explicam a intensidade das reformas administrativas a?? empreendidas: seu sistema pol??tico, no qual sobressai sobremaneira a alta capacidade decis??ria do Executivo, e as debilidades de seu sistema administrativo, alvo de cr??ticas reiteradas desde o Relat??rio do Comit?? Fulton, publicado em 1968. A partir disso, os autores descrevem tr??s fases recentes na reforma administrativa inglesa p??s-Thatcher. Nesta descri????o, s??o enfocadas as principais caracter??sticas e experi??ncias inovadoras adotadas, enfatizando, entre outros: 1) os chamados ???escrut??neos de Rayner???; 2) os sistemas de informa????es gerenciais adotados (Management Information System for Ministers e o Management Accounting System); 3) o programa Citizen???s Charter; 4) o processo de privatiza????o ingl??s; 5) a experi??ncia de contrata????o externa de servi??os (com a ado????o de instrumentos como a ???licita????o competitiva???, que permite aos pr??prios servidores p??blicos apresentarem propostas para presta????o de servi??os em competi????o com as empresas privadas, al??m dos sistemas Market Testing e Competing for Quality) e, por fim; 6) a pol??tica de gest??o de recursos humanos, com destaque para o forte processo de demiss??es no servi??o p??blico, o sistema de avalia????o de desempenho dos funcion??rios e de remunera????o por performance adotados no Reino Unido.
O artigo aborda a evolução das relações bilaterais entre o Brasil e o Suriname durante a primeira metade da década de 1980, e especificamente o processo de tomada de decisão que culminou com o envio da assim chamada missão Venturini ao Suriname. O texto fundamentase em evidência documental primária resgatada em dois arquivos brasileiros. Conclui-se que os objetivos fundamentais propostos pelo governo brasileiro com relação ao Suriname - então controlado pelo comandante Desiré Delano Bouterse - foram alcançados, particularmente no que diz respeito a evitar a instalação do conflito Leste-Oeste na sensível fronteira norte do país e na região amazônica, em geral.
The article is intended to debate two questions regarding the involvement of the Commission in the Troika's action: firstly, considering the nature of financial assistance programs, it aims to discuss the effect of the Commission's participation in Troika negotiations on the balance of power of the EU institutions; and secondly, the article raises the issue of the Commission's liability for the results achieved by the financial assistance program, taking into account the extent of the conditions imposed, as well as the intensity of scrutiny by the Troika.
Studies on the use of silicate correctives in agriculture show that they have great potential to improve soil chemical characteristics, however, little information is available on the reactivity rates of their particle-size fractions. This study investigated whether the reactivity rates obtained experimentally could be considered in the calculation of ECC (effective calcium carbonate) for soil liming, promoting adequate development of alfalfa plants. Six treatments were evaluated in the experiment, consisting of two slag types applied in two rates. The experimental ECC was used to calculate one of the rates and the ECC determined in the laboratory was used to calculate the other. Rates of limestone and wollastonite were based on the ECC determined in laboratory. The rates of each soil acidity corretive were calculated to increase the base saturation to 80%. The treatments were applied to a Rhodic Hapludox and an Alfisol Ferrudalfs. The methods for ECC determination established for lime can be applied to steel slag. The application of slag corrected soil acidity with consequent accumulation of Ca, P, and Si in alfalfa, favoring DM production.