874 resultados para Toro, Suso de
Definizioni e enunciati riguardo al gruppo fondamentale, alle azioni di gruppo, ai rivestimenti, alle varietà topologiche, differenziabili e riemanniane, alle isometrie e ai gruppi discreti di isometrie. Approfondimento riguardo alle superfici connesse, compatte e orientabili con classificazione topologica, definizione di curvatura gaussiana con classificazione delle superfici in base al valore della curvatura, teorema di Killing-Hopf, teorema di uniformizzazione, enunciato del teorema che verrà dimostrato: la sfera è l'unica superficie connessa, compatta e orientabile ellittica, il toro è l'unica piatta, le somme connesse di g tori (g>1) sono iperboliche. Descrizione del piano euclideo con relativa metrica, descrizione delle sue isometrie, teorema di Chasles con dimostrazione, dimostrazione del toro come unica superficie connessa, compatta e orientabile piatta. Descrizione della sfera con relativa metrica, descrizione delle sue isometrie, dimostrazione della semplicità di SO(3), dimostrazione della sfera come unica superficie connessa, compatta e orientabile ellittica. Descrizione di due modelli del piano iperbolico, descrizione delle sue isometrie, dimostrazione del fatto che le somme connesse di g tori (g>1) sono iperboliche. Definizione di gruppo Fuchsiano e di spazio di Teichmuller.
Climate change is occurring at a faster rate than in the past, with an expected increase of mean sea surface temperatures up to 4.8°C by the end of this century. The actual capabilities of marine invertebrates to adapt to these rapid changes has still to be understood. Adult echinoids play a crucial role in the tropical ecosystems where they live. Despite their role, few studies about the effect of temperature increase on their viability have been reported in literature. This thesis work reports a first systematic study on several Caribbean echinoids about their tolerance to temperature rise in the context of global warming. The research - carried out at the Bocas del Toro Station of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, in Panama - focalized on the 6 sea urchins Lytechinus variegatus, L. williamsi, Echinometra lucunter, E. viridis, Tripneustes ventricosus and Eucidaris tribuloides, and the 2 sand dollars Clypeaster rosaceus and C. subdepressus. Mortality and neuromuscular well-being indicators - such as righting response, covering behaviour, adhesion to the substrate, spine and tube feet movements - have been analysed in the temperature range 28-38°C. The righting time RT (i.e., the time necessary for the animal to right itself completely after inversion) measured in the 6 sea urchin species, demonstrated a clearly dependence on the water temperature. The experiments allowed to determine the “thermal safety margin” (TSM) of each species. Echinometra lucunter and E. viridis resulted the most tolerant species to high temperatures with a TSM of 5.5°C, while T. ventricosus was the most vulnerable with a TSM of only 3°C. The study assessed that all the species already live at temperatures close to their upper thermal limit. Their TSMs are comparable to the predicted temperature increase by 2100. In absence of acclimatization to such temperature change, these species could experience severe die-offs, with important consequences for tropical marine ecosystems.
Aim The strawberry poison frog, Oophaga pumilio, has undergone a remarkable radiation of colour morphs in the Bocas del Toro archipelago in Panama. This species shows extreme variation in colour and pattern between populations that have been geographically isolated for < 10,000 years. While previous research has suggested the involvement of divergent selection, to date no quantitative test has examined this hypothesis. Location Bocas del Toro archipelago, Panama. Methods We use a combination of population genetics, phylogeography and phenotypic analyses to test for divergent selection in coloration in O. pumilio. Tissue samples of 88 individuals from 15 distinct populations were collected. Using these data, we developed a gene tree using the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) d-loop region. Using parameters derived from our mtDNA phylogeny, we predicted the coalescence of a hypothetical nuclear gene underlying coloration. We collected spectral reflectance and body size measurements on 94 individuals from four of the populations and performed a quantitative analysis of phenotypic divergence. Results The mtDNA d-loop tree revealed considerable polyphyly across populations. Coalescent reconstructions of gene trees within population trees revealed incomplete genotypic sorting among populations. The quantitative analysis of phenotypic divergence revealed complete lineage sorting by colour, but not by body size: populations showed non-overlapping variation in spectral reflectance measures of body coloration, while variation in body size did not separate populations. Simulations of the coalescent using parameter values derived from our empirical analyses demonstrated that the level of sorting among populations seen in colour cannot reasonably be attributed to drift. Main conclusions These results imply that divergence in colour, but not body size, is occurring at a faster rate than expected under neutral processes. Our study provides the first quantitative support for the claim that strong diversifying selection underlies colour variation in the strawberry poison frog.
Measurements of NOx within the snowpack at Summit, Greenland were carried out from June 2008 to July 2010, using a novel system to sample firn air with minimal disruption of the snowpack. These long-term measurements were motivated by the need of improving the representation of air-snow interactions in global models. Results indicated that the NOx budget within the snowpack was on the order of 550 pptv as maximum, and was constituted primarily for NO2. NOx production was observed within the first 50 cm of the snowpack during the sunlight season between February and August. Presence of NOx at larger depths was attributed to high speed wind and vertical transport processes. Production of NO correlated with the seasonal incoming radiation profile, while NO2 maximum was observed in April. These measurements constitute the larger data set of NOx within the firn and will improve the representation of processes driving snow photochemistry at Summit.
There is constant pressure to improve evaluation of animal genetic resources in order to prevent their erosion. Maintaining the integrity of livestock species as well as their genetic diversity is of paramount interest for long-term agricultural policies. One major use of DNA techniques in conservation is to reveal genetic diversity within and between populations. Forty-one microsatellites were analysed to assess genetic diversity in nine Swiss sheep breeds and to measure the loss of the overall diversity when one breed would become extinct. The expected heterozygosities varied from 0.65 to 0.74 and 10.8% of the total genetic diversity can be explained by the variation among breeds. Based on the proportion of shared alleles, each of the nine breeds were clearly defined in their own cluster in the neighbour-joining tree describing the relationships among the breeds. Bayesian clustering methods assign individuals to groups based on their genetic similarity and infer the number of populations. In STRUCTURE, this approach pooled the Valais Blacknose and the Valais Red. With BAPS method the two Valais sheep breeds could be separated. Caballero & Toro approach (2002) was used to calculate the loss or gain of genetic diversity when each of the breeds would be removed from the set. The changes in diversity based on between-breed variation ranged from -12.2% (Valais Blacknose) to 0% (Swiss Black Brown Mountain and Mirror Sheep); based on within-breed diversity the removal of a breed could also produce an increase in diversity (-0.6% to + 0.6%). Allelic richness ranged from 4.9 (Valais Red) to 6.7 (Brown Headed Meat sheep and Red Engadine Sheep). Breed conservation decisions cannot be limited to genetic diversity alone. In Switzerland, conservation goals are embedded in the desire to carry the cultural legacy over to future generations.
It is commonly assumed that natural selection imposed by predators is the prevailing force driving the evolution of aposematic traits. Here, we demonstrate that aposematic signals are shaped by sexual selection as well. We evaluated sexual selection for coloration brightness in populations of the poison frog Oophaga [Dendrobates] pumilio in Panama's Bocas del Toro archipelago. We assessed female preferences for brighter males by manipulating the perceived brightness of spectrally matched males in two-way choice experiments. We found strong female preferences for bright males in two island populations and weaker or ambiguous preferences in females from mainland populations. Spectral reflectance measurements, coupled with an O. pumilio-specific visual processing model, showed that O. pumilio coloration was significantly brighter in island than in mainland morphs. In one of the island populations (Isla Solarte), males were significantly more brightly colored than females. Taken together, these results provide evidence for directional sexual selection on aposematic coloration and document sexual dimorphism in vertebrate warning coloration. Although aposematic signals have long been upheld as exemplars of natural selection, our results show that sexual selection should not be ignored in studies of aposematic evolution.
Measurements in San Bernardino Strait, one of two major connections between the Pacific Ocean and the interior waters of the Philippine Archipelago, captured 2-3 m s(-1) tidal currents that drove vertical mixing and net landward transport. A TRIAXUS towed profiling vehicle equipped with physical and optical sensors was used to repeatedly map subregions within the strait, employing survey patterns designed to resolve tidal variability of physical and optical properties. Strong flow over the sill between Luzon and Capul islands resulted in upward transport and mixing of deeper high-salinity, low-oxygen, high-particle-and-nutrient-concentration water into the upper water column, landward of the sill. During the high-velocity ebb flow, topography influences the vertical distribution of water, but without the diapycnal mixing observed during flood tide. The surveys captured a net landward flux of water through the narrowest part of the strait. The tidally varying velocities contribute to strong vertical transport and diapycnal mixing of the deeper water into the upper layer, contributing to the observed higher phytoplankton biomass within the interior of the strait.
Con el fin de conocer las últimas interpretaciones acerca de nuestro pasado regional, los videos de la serie "Mendoza, crónica de nuestra identidad", pretenden llevar adelante la tarea constante de construir y reconstruir una identidad que se mantenga abierta a los valores del pasado, pero también a la inevitable reformulación crítica de los mismos principios. La propuesta es generar un proceso de actualización y perfeccionamiento en el campo de la historia regional. En el documental EL APROVECHAMIENTO HISTÓRICO DEL AGUA, se describe como este recurso ha sido explotado en Mendoza, desde antes de la llegada de los españoles, por los Huarpes, hasta la actualidad. Hace más de cuatrocientos años, antes que llegaran los españoles a estos lugares, los primitivos habitantes cultivaban la tierra con riego y derivaban el agua por medio del canal Zanjón, que luego se llamó Guaymallén. Hoy, luego del tiempo pasado se sigue usando la misma infraestructura con algunos agregados. El desafío que nos impone el futuro, con una población infinitamente superior a la de la etapa inicial y con el mismo volumen que disponían los huarpes, es hacer un uso equilibrado y sustentable del recurso. De esta forma, las futuras generaciones no sólo tendrán agua pura sino que además podrán gozar de los adelantos de la vida moderna sin restricciones ambientales. Los temas que aborda el video son: - Los huarpes y el aprovechamiento del agua. - Las primeras instituciones referidas al uso del agua. - Los molinos de agua para la producción de harinas. - La ley de aguas de 1884. - El embalse El Nihuil y el embalse Agua del Toro.
La práctica de profesiones relacionadas con la salud se asocia a agotamiento físico y psicológico capaz de producir alteraciones en el plano de la sexualidad. Mediante una encuesta estructurada y anónima se valoró el grado de satisfacción respecto a la calidad de vida sexual y los factores relacionados con esta en médicos, residentes y enfermeros. El 62% afirmó que desde el inicio de la actividad laboral disminuyó la frecuencia y calidad de las relaciones sexuales, primordialmente en residentes (69.3%) (p<0.05) y mujeres (61%), el 33.1% refirió mayor atracción por otras personas y 15% infidelidad. El 71.8% consideró que la frecuencia no era óptima, el 48.6% no estaba satisfecho y el 37.3% que la pareja no estaba conforme con su desempeño sexual. Las mujeres utilizan más pretextos para evitar la relación sexual (22.6 vs. 6.1%), consideran que satisfacen menos a sus parejas (45 vs. 22%) y tienen orgasmos menos frecuentemente (22 vs. 8%) que los hombres (p< 0.05) y estos son más infieles (24.5 vs. 9.7%) (p< 0.05). Los residentes refieren que la frecuencia y calidad sexual disminuyó más con el inicio del trabajo (71.8 vs. 46.7%) (p<0.05), atribuido principalmente al cansancio extremo y se sienten más atraídos por compañeros de trabajo que los médicos de planta (24 vs. 2%) (p<0.05). El cuidado de la salud es un determinante de riesgo de disfunción sexual causado por las demandas y condiciones laborales, que genera un alto grado de estrés y desgaste psicofísico, que conducen a un deterioro de la salud sexual.
La poda y ajuste de carga de uva de mesa fueron evaluados buscando mejorar la calidad de la fruta y/o el rendimiento. Bajo distintas condiciones se recolectó información de los racimos y se evaluaron manejos diferenciados. Los racimos y aspectos vegetativos de uva de mesa variedad Thompson Seedless, Superior Seedless y Flame Seedless fueron caracterizados según ubicación de la yema en el cargador. En las variedades Flame Seedless y Redglobe se evaluó el rendimiento y calibre según nivel de carga y número de bayas por racimo en racimos de distinta forma. Los racimos provenientes de yemas distales presentan mejor calidad que racimos de yemas basales. Los racimos pueden tempranamente, previo al ajuste de carga, ser clasificados en cónicos, esféricos o cilíndricos; los dos primeros son los mejores productiva y cualitativamente. En general, hasta cierto rango, el aumento del nivel de carga y el mayor número de bayas por racimo aumentan el rendimiento sin afectar el tamaño de bayas. Los resultados sugieren que la mejor rentabilidad se obtiene con un manejo de poda y regulación de carga que tome en consideración la forma de los racimos.
Las mastocitosis son un grupo de enfermedades que tienen en común la proliferación y acumulación de mastocitos en la piel y tejidos extracutáneos. El 65% de ellas se inicia en la infancia. Se pueden clasificar según la afectación tisular en mastocitosis sistémicas y mastocitosis cutáneas. Éstas últimas incluyen el mastocitoma solitario, la telangiectasia macular eruptiva perstans, la mastocitosis cutánea difusa y la urticaria pigmentosa, siendo esta última la variedad clínica más frecuente tanto en los niños como en los adultos.
Se trata de una investigación de tipo deportiva, enmarcada dentro de la Praxiología Motriz, en la que hemos empleado una metodología observacional sistemática, activa no participante y directa. El instrumento de observación ha sido un formato de campo y un sistema de categorías. Un registro sistematizado, con un muestreo focal y un control de la fiabilidad del dato por concordancia consensuada e ínter observadores. Los datos obtenidos se tratarán teniendo en cuenta el doble criterio de ocurrencia y base (Anguera, M. T et Alt. 1993) son secuencias y tiempo base, en la que se anota los eventos y el orden de ocurrencia de los mismos. Y siendo las categorías mutuamente excluyentes y exhaustivas. La población está constituida por encuentros de fútbol español, de las categorías 2a A, 2a B y 3a. La muestra está constituida por 45 encuentros (15 de cada categoría) de fútbol de las categorías: 2a A, 2a B y 3a División (grupo canario) nacional masculina. Para este estudio preliminar tomaremos 6 partidos de 2ª División A en el que participan equipos canarios de dicha categoría