702 resultados para Thermoplastic Polyurethane


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Este trabalho está dividido em: obtenção e caracterização de amido termoplástico (TPS); estudo do envelhecimento do TPS e blendas de PP/TPS. O estudo do TPS, foi realizado utilizando amido de milho, 30% em massa de glicerol e outros componentes que variam entre as amostras. Primeiramente foi realizado um planejamento estatístico para obter a composição ótima de TPS. Foram escolhidos cinco parâmetros de entrada: 2 de composição (umidade e teor de ácido cítrico) e 3 de processamento (temperatura, velocidade dos rotores e tempo), visando obter um TPS com propriedades térmicas e mecânicas superiores. De acordo com os resultados de infravermelho, termogravimetria, microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram escolhidas 2 composições. Estas foram calandradas e confeccionadas para obtenção dos corpos de prova de tração. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos mostraram que amostras com teor de ácido cítrico de aproximadamente 2% em massa apresentam os maiores valores de módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração. Com estes resultados foram realizadas novas composições com outros ácidos carboxílicos: adípico, málico e tartárico e amostras sem ácidos. As curvas de torque indicaram que as amostras sem ácido carboxílico e com ácido adípico perdem água durante o processamento. Analisando os resultados verifica-se que o TPS com os ácidos málico e tartárico apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e térmicas. Também foi analisado o envelhecimento, e notou-se que com o tempo as amostras tendem a perder plastificante, modificando suas propriedades mecânicas e sua cristalinidade. Entretanto, durante o intervalo de um ano, as amostras de TPS com ácido málico e tartárico não sofreram perda significativa de plastificante. Por último, foram obtidas blendas de PP reciclado com TPS nas composições 50/50, 60/40 e 70/30 em massa, respectivamente, com e sem adição de ácidos: cítrico, málico e tartárico e anidrido maleico. As amostras foram caracterizadas por FTIR, DRX, reometria capilar, MEV e por teste de resistência à tração. Micrografias obtidas por MEV indicaram que todas as composições estudadas possuem morfologia predominantemente co-contínua. A presença dos ácidos, geralmente, reduz os valores das propriedades mecânicas da blenda de PP com TPS e a adição de PP-g-MA é mais efetiva nas blendas sem adição de ácido. Ao analisar o envelhecimento das blendas com adição de ácidos tartárico e málico, notou-se que as propriedades mecânicas não foram alteradas em função do tempo de estocagem.


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Neste trabalho de doutorado utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial contendo biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano e agitação mecânica, com volume total de 5.5 L e volume útil de 4.5 L. A agitação do meio líquido foi realizada com quatro tipos de impelidores (turbina tipo hélice, lâminas planas, lâminas planas inclinadas e lâminas curvas, testados individualmente, sempre em número de 3), com 6 cm de diâmetro. A pesquisa foi realizada em quatro etapas experimentais. A etapa 1 objetivou determinar o tempo de mistura no reator para cada tipo de impelidor, ou seja, o tempo necessário para que o meio líquido ficasse totalmente homogêneo. A etapa 2 objetivou selecionar o tipo de impelidor e a respectiva intensidade de agitação que garantisse a minimização da resistência à transferência de massa externa no sistema. As intensidades de agitação testadas variaram de 200 a 1100 rpm, dependendo do tipo de impelidor. A etapa 3 foi realizada com tipo de impelidor e intensidade de agitação definidos na etapa 2, mas variando-se o tamanho da biopartícula (0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 cm de aresta). O objetivo desta etapa foi selecionar o tamanho de biopartícula que minimizasse a resistência à transferência de massa interna. De posse das condições operacionais otimizadas (tipo de impelidor, intensidade de agitação e tamanho de partícula de suporte), a etapa 4 constituiu na aplicação das mesmas para o tratamento de um resíduo real, sendo escolhida água residuária de suinocultura. Na etapa 1, os resultados mostraram que os tempos de mistura para todos os tipos de impelidores foram desprezíveis em relação ao tempo total de ciclo. A etapa 2 revelou tempos de partida muito curtos (cerca de 20 dias), em todas as condições testadas, sendo atingidas remoções de DQO próximas de 70%. Além disso, o tipo de impelidor exerceu grande influência na qualidade final do efluente, fato este claramente constatado quando as frações de DQO foram consideradas separadamente (filtrada e suspensa). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na etapa 3, o tamanho da biopartícula teve influência decisiva no desempenho do sistema, nas condições testadas. As velocidades de dissolução foram aparentemente influenciadas pelo empacotamento do leito de espuma, enquanto que o consumo da fração de DQO correspondente às amostras filtradas foi provavelmente influenciado por fatores mais complexos. Finalmente, o teste realizado com resíduo diluído de suinocultura demonstrou que a operação do reator em estudo para o tratamento deste tipo de água residuária é possível. Os dados operacionais mostraram que o reator permaneceu estável durante o período testado. A agitação mecânica provou ser eficiente para melhorar a degradação da DQO suspensa, um dos maiores problemas no tratamento deste tipo de água residuária. Sendo assim, de acordo com os dados experimentais obtidos ao longo do trabalho, pode-se afirmar que a agitação em reatores em batelada mostrou-se importante não somente para proporcionar boas condições de mistura ou melhorar a transferência de massa na fase líquida, mas também para melhorar a solubilização da matéria orgânica particulada, melhorando as velocidades de consumo de matéria orgânica.


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Nesse estudo, procurou-se investigar a influência do aumento de carga orgânica em um ASBR operado a 30ºC, agitado mecanicamente e contendo microrganismos imobilizados em suporte inerte. Para tal, foi aplicado um carregamento orgânico volumétrico variando de 1,5 a 6,0 g DQO/L.dia, alimentando-se um reator construído em acrílico (5,4 L) com 2 L de água residuária sintética com concentrações de 500 a 2000 mg DQO/L com fontes de carboidrato/proteína/lipídio, em bateladas de 8 a 12 h. O sistema apresentou eficiências de remoção de material orgânico entre 73% e 88% para as condições estudadas. Entretanto, quando o reator foi alimentado com uma concentração de 2000 mg DQO/L em bateladas de 8 h, verificou-se o acúmulo de ácidos voláteis totais, refletindo na redução da eficiência de remoção de material orgânico para 55%, para amostras filtradas. Os perfis dinâmicos ao longo da batelada permitiram concluir que, para a condição com o mesmo carregamento orgânico, porém com concentrações afluentes e tempos de ciclo diferentes, a produção inicial de ácidos voláteis totais foi mais acentuada para o caso de alimentação com maior concentração. Para condições com concentrações afluentes iguais, o tempo a mais para o ciclo foi fundamental para obter-se efluente de melhor qualidade em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica.


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Purpose – This research deals with a new kind of nanopigment, obtained from the combination of organic dyes and layered nanoclays, that the authors call nanoclay-colorant pigment (NCP). Whilst they have already been employed in inks and coatings, to date these nanopigments have not been used as pigments for polymers. The existing lack of knowledge surrounding them must be redressed in order to bridge the gap between current academic studies and commercial exploitation. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to examine the hitherto unknown aspects of the NCP, which relate specifically to their applicability as a new type of colorant for polymers. Design/methodology/approach – A blue NCP has been prepared at the laboratory according to the patented method of synthesis (patent WO0104216), using methylene blue and montmorillonite nanoclay. It has then been applied to a thermoplastic polymer (linear low-density polyethylene – LLDPE) to obtain a coloured sample. Furthermore, samples with the same polymer but using conventional blue colorants have been prepared under the same processing conditions. The mechanical, thermal and colorimetric properties of these materials have been compared. Findings – The thermal stability of the sample coloured with NCP is reduced to some extent, while the mechanical strength is slightly increased. Moreover, this sample has better colour performance than the conventionally pigmented samples. Originality/value – In this paper, a blue NCP has been synthesised and successfully employed with polyethylene and the obtained sample shows better colour performance than polyethylene with conventional pigments.


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It is well known that sound absorption and sound transmission properties of open porous materials are highly dependent on their airflow resistance values. Low values of airflow resistance indicate little resistance for air streaming through the porous material and high values are a sign that most of the pores inside the material are closed. The laboratory procedures for measuring airflow resistance have been stan- dardized by several organizations, including ISO and ASTM for both alternate flow and continuous flow. However, practical implementation of these standardized methods could be both complex and expensive. In this work, two indirect alternative measurement procedures were compared against the alternate flow standardized technique. The techniques were tested using three families of eco-friendly sound absorbent materials: recycled polyurethane foams, coconut natural fibres, and recycled polyester fibres. It is found that the values of airflow resistance measured using both alternative methods are very similar. There is also a good correlation between the values obtained through alternative and standardized methods.


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Furniture waste is mainly composed of wood and upholstery foam (mostly polyurethane foam). Both of these have a high calorific value, therefore, energy recovery would be an appropriate process to manage these wastes. Nevertheless, the drawback is that the energy content of these wastes is limited due to their low density mainly that of upholstery foam. Densification of separate foam presents difficulties due to its elastic character. The significance of this work lies in obtaining densified material by co-densification of furniture wood waste and polyurethane foam waste. Densification of furniture wood and the co-densification of furniture wood waste with polyurethane foam have been studied. On the one hand, the parameters that have an effect on the quality of the furniture waste briquettes have been analysed, i.e., moisture content, compaction pressure, presence of lignin, etc. The maximum weight percentage of polyurethane foam that can be added with furniture wood waste to obtain durable briquettes and the optimal moisture were determined. On the other hand, some parameters were analysed in order to evaluate the possible effect on the combustion. The chemical composition of waste wood was compared with untreated wood biomass; the higher nitrogen content and the concentration of some metals were the most important differences, with a significant difference of Ti content.


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Investment casting is often used to produce fully functional prototype components from sacrificial patterns. These patterns (prototypes) may be made using specialized rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography or three-dimensional printing. When multiple functional prototypes are required, interim tools for making wax patterns are employed. The objective of this research work was to determine the precision and accuracy of wax patterns produced using several prototype tools. Linear contraction was used to determine the accuracy as a function of the wax injection parameters used in low-pressure injection moulding. Wax patterns were produced using polyurethane and silicone rubber tools. It has been shown that the accuracy of patterns from both tools is similar. However, silicone tools produce patterns with much higher contraction than those produced by polyurethane tools. Unconstrained patterns dimensions contracted as much as 3.44 +/- 0.40 per cent and 1.70 +/- 0.60 per cent for silicone and polyurethane tools respectively. The constrained dimensions contracted by 2.20 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of silicone tools and 1.40 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of polyurethane tools.


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Increasing interests in the use of starch as biodegradable plastic materials demand, amongst others, accurate information on thermal properties of starch systems particularly in the processing of thermoplastic starch (TPS), where plasticisers (water and glycerol) are added. The specific heat capacity of starch-water-glycerol mixtures was determined within a temperature range of 40-120degreesC. A modulated temperature differential scanning calorimeter (MTDSC) was employed and regression equations were obtained to predict the specific heat capacity as a function of temperature, water and glycerol content for four maize starches of differing amylose content (0 - 85%). Generally, temperature and water content are directly proportional to the specific heat capacity of the systems, but the influence of glycerol content on the thermal property varied according to the starch type.


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This study evaluates the pro-inflammatory response to the thermoplastic biopolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) through the analysis of cellular responses in vitro. The murine macrophage RAW264.7 cell line was cultured on solvent cast PHBV films, which was found to induce pro-inflammatory activity that required direct contact between the material and the macrophages. The identity of the pro-inflammatory stimulus was determined by culturing bone marrow-derived macrophages from bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice and CpG non-responsive TLR9-/- mice on PHBV. The lack of a pro-inflammatory response by the C3H/HeJ cells indicates that the pro-inflammatory agent present within PHBV is predominately LPS while the TLR9-/- macrophages confirmed that CpG-containing bacterial DNA is unlikely to contribute to the activity. A series of purification procedures was evaluated and one procedure was developed that utilized hydrogen peroxide treatment in solution. The optimized purification was found to substantially reduce the pro-inflammatory response to PHBV without adversely affecting either the molecular structure or molecular weight of the material thereby rendering it more amenable for use as a biomaterial in vivo. Crown Copyright (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogels may be described as cross~linked hydrophilic polymers that swell but do not dissolve in water. They have been utilised in many biomedical applications, as there is the potential to manipulate the properties for a given application by changing the chemical structure of the constituent monomers. This project is focused on the development of novel hydrogels for keratoprosthesis (KPro). The most commonly used KPro model consists of a tansparent central stem witb a porous peripheral skirt. Clear poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) core material used in the Strampelli KPros prosthesis has not been the cause of failure found in other core and skirt prostheses. However, epithelialization of this kind of solid, rigid optic material is clearly impossible. The approach to the development of a hydrogeJ for potential KPro use adopted in this work is to develop soft core material to mimic the properties of the natural cornea by incorporating some hydrophilic monomers such as N, N-dimethyacrylamide (NNSMA) N~vinyl pyrrolidone (NVP) and acryloylmorpholine (AMO) with methyl methactylate (MMA). Most of these materials have been used in other ophthalmic applications, such as contact lens. However, an unavoidable limitation of simple .MMA copolymers as conventional hydrogels is poor mechanical strength. The hydrogel for use in this application must be able to withstand the stresses involved during the surgical procedure involved with KPro surgery and the in situ stresses such as the deforming force of the eyelid during the blink cycle. Thus, semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (SIPNs) based on ester polyurethane, AMO, NVP and NNDMA were examined in this work and were found to have much improved mechanical properties at water contents between 40% and 70%. Polyethylene glycol monomethacrylate (PEG MA) was successfully incorporated in order to modulate protein deposition and cell adhesion. Porous peripheral skirts were fabricated using different types of porosigen. The water content mechanical properties, surface properties and cell response of these various materials have been investigated in this thesis. These studies demonstrated that simple hydrogel SIPNs which show isotropic mechanical behaviour, are not ideal KPro materials since they do not mimic the anisotropic behaviour of natural cornea. The final stage of the work has concentrated on the study of hydrogels reinforced with mesh materials. They offer a promising approach to making a hydrogel that is very flexible but strong under tension, thereby having mechanical properties closer to the natural cornea than has been previously possible.


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The cationic polymerisation of various monomers, including cyclic ethers bearing energetic nitrate ester (-ON02) groups, substituted styrenes and isobutylene has been investigated. The main reaction studied has been the ring-opening polymerisation of 3- (nitratomethyl)-3-methyl oxetane (NIMMO) using the alcohol/BF3.0Et2 binary initiator system. A series of di-, tri- and tetrafunctional telechelic polymers has been synthesised. In order to optimise the system, achieve controlled molecular weight polymers and understand the mechanism of polymerisation the effects of certain parameters on the molecular weight distribution, as determined by Size Exclusion Chromatography, have been examined. This shows the molecular weight achieved depends on a combination of factors including -OH concentration, addition rate of monomer and, most importantly, temperature. A lower temperature and OH concentration tends to produce higher molecular weight, whereas, slower addition rates of monomer, either have no significant effect or produce a lower molecular weight polymer. These factors were used to increase the formation of a cyclic oligomer, by a side reaction, and suggest, that the polymerisation of NIMMO is complicated with endbiting and back biting reactions, along with other transfer/termination processes. These observations appear to fit the model of an active-chain end mechanism. Another cyclic monomer, glycidyl nitrate (GLYN), has been polymerised by the activated monomer mechanism. Various other monomers have been used to end-cap the polymer chains to produce hydroxy ends which are expected to form more stable urethane links, than the glycidyl nitrate ends, when cured with isocyanates. A novel monomer, butadiene oxide dinitrate (BODN), has been prepared and its homopolymerisation and copolymerisation with GL YN studied. In concurrent work the carbocationic polymerisations of isobutylene or substituted styrenes have been studied. Materials with narrow molecular weight distributions have been prepared using the diphenyl phosphate/BCl3 initiator. These systems and monomers are expected to be used in the synthesis of thermoplastic elastomers.


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Central venous catheters have become an integral part of patient management however they are associated with many complications including infection. Despite efforts being made to reduce the incidence of such infect ions the problem continues to increase and has resource implications for the Health Service. Studies relating to the source of microorganisms causing CVC-associated infection, the cost of such infections and the efficacy of an antimicrobial catheter have been undertaken. Thirty patients who required a CVC as part of their medical management and underwent cardiac surgery had the distal tips of their catheters sampled whilst in situ. Sampling took place within 1 h of catheter placement. Bacteria were isolated from 16% of the catheter distal tips sampled in situ. The guidewires used to insert the devices were also contaminated (50%). When CVC were inserted via a protective sheath, avoiding contact with the skin. the incidence of microbial contamination was reduced. These findings suggest that despite rigorous skin disinfection and strict aseptic technique, viable microorganisms are impacted onto the distal tip of CVC during the insertion procedure. Needleless intravascular access devices have been introduced in order to reduce the incidence of need1estick injury. However, it was unclear whether such connectors would act as a portal of entry for microorganisms to CVC. The efficacy of these devices was investigated. Within the controlled laboratory environment it was demonstrated that needleless devices, when challenged with microorganisms, did not allow the passage of microbes when flu id was injected. This therefore suggested that the devices should not increase the risk of catheter colonisation. When used in clinical practice however microbial contamination of the needleless connectors was 55 % in comparison to the routinely used luer connectors (23%). The cost of infections associated with CVC was determined. Twenty patients catheterised with a CVC designed for long term use who were admitted to hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of catheter-related infection were studied. The treatment given specifically for this infection was costed. The mean cost of such an infection was £ 1781.81. Throughout the UK this may amount to £1.565.906 per annum. The cost of infections associated with CVC designed for short term use was estimated to be between 5 and 7 million pounds per annum in the UK. In an attempt to reduce both the incidence and cost of catheter- related infection antimicrobial CVC have been developed. The efficacy of a novel polyurethane CVC impregnated on both the internal and external catheter surface with the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride was investigated. Eighty eight patients received an antimicrobial catheter and 78 patients a conventional polyurethane CVC. The anti-microbial CVC resulted in a reduction in microbial colonisation of the external and internal polymer surfaces as compared to the control device. The observed reduction in microbial colonisation with the anti-microbial CVC may decrease the likelihood of subsequent infection offering a useful approach to the prevention of catheter-related infections.


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The present thesis investigates targeted (locally and systemically) delivery of a novel group of inhibitors of enzyme transglutaminases (TGs). TGs are a widely distributed group of enzymes that catalyse the formation of isopeptide bonds between the y-carboxamide group of protein-bound glutamines and the a-amino group of protein-bound lysines or polyamines. The first group of the novel inhibitors tested were the tluorescently labelled inhibitors of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa). These small, non-toxic inhibitors have the potential to prevent stabilisation of thrombi by FXIIIa and consequently increase the natural rate of thrombolysis, in addition it reduces staphylococcal colonisation of catheters by inhibiting their FXIIIa¬mediated cross-linking to blood clot proteins on the central venous catheter (CVCs) surface. The aim of this work was to incorporate the FXIIIa inhibitor either within coating of polyurethane (PU) catheters or to integrate it into silicone catheters, so as to reduce the incidence of thrombotic occlusion and associated bacterial infection in CVCs. The initial work focused on the incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitors within polymeric coatings of PU catheters. After defining the key characteristics desired for an effective polymeric-coating, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) or their combination were studies as polymers of choice for coating of the catheters_ The coating was conducted by dip-coating method in a polymer solution containing the inhibitor. Upon incubation of the inhibitor-and polymer-coated strips in buffer, PVP was dissolved instantly, generating fast and significant drug release, whilst PLGA did not dissolve, yielding a slow and an insufficient amount of drug release. Nevertheless, the drug release profile was enhanced upon employing a blend solution of PVP and PLGA. The second part of the study was to incorporate the FXIIIa inhibitor into a silicone elastomer; results demonstrated that FXIIIa inhibitor can be incorporated and released from silicone by using citric acid (CA) and sodium bicarbonate (SB) as additives and the drug release rate can be controlled by the amount of incorporated additives in the silicone matrix. Furthermore, it was deemed that the inhibitor was still biologically active subsequent to being released from the silicone elastomer strips. Morphological analysis confirmed the formation of channels and cracks inside the specimens upon the addition of CA and SB. Nevertheless, the tensile strength, in addition to Young's modulus of silicone elastomer strips, decreased constantly with an increasing amount of amalgamated CA/ SB in the formulations. According to our results, incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitor into catheters and other medical implant devices could offer new perspectives in preventing bio-material associated infections and thrombosis. The use of tissue transglutaminase (T02) inhibitor for treating of liver fibrosis was also investigated. Liver fibrosis is characterized by increased synthesis and decreased degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Transglutaminase-mediated covalent cross-linking is involved in the stabilization of ECM in human liver fibrosis. Thus, TG2 inhibitors may be used to counteract the decreased degradation of the ECM. The potential of a liposome based drug delivery system for site specific delivery of the fluorescent TG2 inhibitor into the liver was investigated; results indicated that the TG2 inhibitor can be successfully integrated into liposomes and delivered to the liver, therefore demonstrating that liposomes can be employed for site-specific delivery of TG2 inhibitors into the liver and TG2 inhibitor incorporating liposomes could offer a new approach in treating liver fibrosis and its end stage disease cirrhosis.


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The recent expansion of clinical applications for optical coherence tomography (OCT) is driving the development of approaches for consistent image acquisition. There is a simultaneous need for time-stable, easy-to-use imaging targets for calibration and standardization of OCT devices. We present calibration targets consisting of three-dimensional structures etched into nanoparticle-embedded resin. Spherical iron oxide nanoparticles with a predominant particle diameter of 400 nm were homogeneously dispersed in a two part polyurethane resin and allowed to harden overnight. These samples were then etched using a precision micromachining femtosecond laser with a center wavelength of 1026 nm, 100kHz repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. A series of lines in depth were etched, varying the percentage of inscription energy and speed of the translation stage moving the target with respect to the laser. Samples were imaged with a dual wavelength spectral-domain OCT system and point-spread function of nanoparticles within the target was measured.


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The recent expansion of clinical applications for optical coherence tomography (OCT) is driving the development of approaches for consistent image acquisition. There is a simultaneous need for time-stable, easy-to-use imaging targets for calibration and standardization of OCT devices. We present calibration targets consisting of three-dimensional structures etched into nanoparticle-embedded resin. Spherical iron oxide nanoparticles with a predominant particle diameter of 400 nm were homogeneously dispersed in a two part polyurethane resin and allowed to harden overnight. These samples were then etched using a precision micromachining femtosecond laser with a center wavelength of 1026 nm, 100kHz repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. A series of lines in depth were etched, varying the percentage of inscription energy and speed of the translation stage moving the target with respect to the laser. Samples were imaged with a dual wavelength spectral-domain OCT system and point-spread function of nanoparticles within the target was measured.