855 resultados para Technology in motion pictures


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Mit zunehmender Komplexität und Vielfalt der Logistikprozesse steigt der Stellenwert der eingesetzten Informationstechnologien. Die den Warenfluss begleitenden bzw. vorhereilenden Informationen sind erforderlich, um Waren identifizieren und Unternehmensressourcen optimal einsetzen zu können. Als Beispiel ist der klassische Wareneingang zu nennen. Durch die Avisierung von Menge und Art eingehender Waren können der Einsatz des Personals zur Entladung und Vereinnahmung sowie die erforderlichen Ressourcen (Ladehilfsmittel, Flurförderzeuge, usw.) im Vorfeld geplant und bereitgestellt werden. Der Informationsfluss ist demnach als Qualitätsmerkmal und als Wirtschaftlichkeitsfaktor zu verstehen. Die Schnittstelle zwischen dem physischen Warenfluss und dem Informationsfluss auf EDV-Basis bildet die Identifikationstechnologien. In der Industrie verbreitete Identifikationstechnologien bestehen in der Regel aus einem Datenträger und einem Erfassungsgerät. Der Datenträger ist am physischen Objekt fixiert. Das Erfassungsgerät liest die auf dem Datenträger befindlichen Objektinformationen und wandelt sie in einen Binär-Code um, der durch nachgelagerte EDV weiterverarbeitet wird. Die momentan in der Industrie und im Handel am häufigsten verwendete Identifikationstechnologie ist der Barcode. In den letzten Jahren tritt die RFID-Technologie in den Fokus der Industrie und des Handels im Bereich Materialfluss und Logistik. Unter „Radio Frequency IDentification“ wird die Kommunikation per Funkwellen zwischen Datenträger (Transponder) und Lesegerät verstanden. Mittels der RFID-Technologie ist der Anwender, im Gegensatz zum Barcode, in der Lage, Informationen auf dem Transponder ohne Sichtkontakt zu erfassen. Eine Ausrichtung der einzelnen Artikel ist nicht erforderlich. Zudem können auf bestimmten Transpondertypen weitaus größere Datenmengen als auf einem Barcode hinterlegt werden. Transponder mit hoher Speicherkapazität eignen sich in der Regel, um die auf ihnen hinterlegten Daten bei Bedarf aktualisieren zu k��nnen. Eine dezentrale Datenorganisation ist realisierbar. Ein weiterer Vorteil der RFID-Technologie ist die Möglichkeit, mehrere Datenträger im Bruchteil einer Sekunde zu erfassen. In diesem Fall spricht man von einer Pulkerfassung. Diese Eigenschaft ist besonders im Bereich Warenein- und -ausgang von Interesse. Durch RFID ist es möglich, Ladeeinheiten, z. B. Paletten mit Waren, durch einen Antennenbereich zu fördern, und die mit Transpondern versehenen Artikel zu identifizieren und in die EDV zu übertragen. Neben der Funktionalität einer solchen Technologie steht in der Industrie vor allem die Wirtschaftlichkeit im Vordergrund. Transponder sind heute teuerer als Barcodes. Zudem müssen Investitionen in die für den Betrieb von RFID erforderliche Hard- und Software einkalkuliert werden. Daher muss der Einsatz der RFID-Technologie Einsparungen durch die Reorganisation der Unternehmensprozesse nach sich ziehen. Ein Schwachpunkt der RFID-Technologie ist momentan je nach Anwendung die mangelnde Zuverlässigkeit und Wiederholgenauigkeit bei Pulklesungen. Die Industrie und der Handel brauchen Identifikationstechnologien, deren Erfassungsrate im Bereich nahe 100 % liegt. Die Gefahr besteht darin, dass durch ein unzuverlässiges RFID-System unvollständige bzw. fehlerhafte Datensätze erzeugt werden können. Die Korrektur der Daten kann teurer sein als die durch die Reorganisation der Prozesse mittels RFID erzielten Einsparungen. Die Erfassungsrate der Transponder bei Pulkerfassungen wird durch mehrere Faktoren beeinflusst, die im Folgenden detailliert dargestellt werden. Das Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistik (IFT) in Stuttgart untersucht m��gliche Einflussgrößen auf die Erkennungsraten bei Pulkerfassungen. Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen sollen mögliche Schwachstellen bei der Erkennung mehrerer Transponder im Vorfeld einer Implementierung in die Logistikprozesse eines Unternehmens eliminiert werden. With increasing complexity and variety of the logistics processes the significance of the used information technologies increases. The information accompanying the material flow is necessary in order to be able to identify goods and to be able to use corporate resources optimally. The classical goods entrance is to be mentioned as an example. The notification of amount and kind of incoming goods can be used for previously planning and providing of the personnel and necessary resources. The flow of information is to be understood accordingly as a high-quality feature and as an economic efficiency factor. With increasing complexity and variety of the logistics processes the significance of the used information technologies increases. The information accompanying the material flow is necessary in order to be able to identify goods and to be able to use corporate resources optimally. The classical goods entrance is to be mentioned as an example. The notification of amount and kind of incoming goods can be used for previously planning and providing of the personnel and necessary resources. The flow of information is to be understood accordingly as a high-quality feature and as an economic efficiency factor.


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The article is concerned with design and use of e-learning technology to develop education qualitatively. The purpose is to develop a framework for a pedagogical evaluation of e-learning technology. The approach is that evaluation and design must be grounded in a learning theoretical approach, and it is argued that it is necessary to make a reflection of technology in relation to activities, learning principles, and a learning theory in order to qualitatively develop education. The article presents three frameworks developed on the basis of cognitivism, radical constructivism and activity theory. Finally, on the basis of the frameworks, the article discusses e-learning technology and, more specifically, design of virtual learning environments and learning objects. It is argued that e-learning technology is not pedagogically neutral, and that it is therefore necessary to focus on design of technology that explicitly supports a certain pedagogical approach. Further, it is argued that design should direct its focus away from organisation of content and towards design of activities.


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The use of biomarkers to infer drug response in patients is being actively pursued, yet significant challenges with this approach, including the complicated interconnection of pathways, have limited its application. Direct empirical testing of tumor sensitivity would arguably provide a more reliable predictive value, although it has garnered little attention largely due to the technical difficulties associated with this approach. We hypothesize that the application of recently developed microtechnologies, coupled to more complex 3-dimensional cell cultures, could provide a model to address some of these issues. As a proof of concept, we developed a microfluidic device where spheroids of the serous epithelial ovarian cancer cell line TOV112D are entrapped and assayed for their chemoresponse to carboplatin and paclitaxel, two therapeutic agents routinely used for the treatment of ovarian cancer. In order to index the chemoresponse, we analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of the mortality fraction, as judged by vital dyes and confocal microscopy, within spheroids subjected to different drug concentrations and treatment durations inside the microfluidic device. To reflect microenvironment effects, we tested the effect of exogenous extracellular matrix and serum supplementation during spheroid formation on their chemotherapeutic response. Spheroids displayed augmented chemoresistance in comparison to monolayer culturing. This resistance was further increased by the simultaneous presence of both extracellular matrix and high serum concentration during spheroid formation. Following exposure to chemotherapeutics, cell death profiles were not uniform throughout the spheroid. The highest cell death fraction was found at the center of the spheroid and the lowest at the periphery. Collectively, the results demonstrate the validity of the approach, and provide the basis for further investigation of chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer using microfluidics technology. In the future, such microdevices could provide the framework to assay drug sensitivity in a timeframe suitable for clinical decision making.


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Statement of Problem: The second background paper for the Medical School Objective Project (MSOP), defined Educational Technology (ET) as the use of information technology to facilitate student’s learning.1 Medical schools as a group have made limited progress in accomplishing the recommended educational technology goals and there had been much greater use of such technology in basic sciences courses than in clinical clerkships. We will explore the positive and negative implications of incorporating ET into the educational experience of TMC schools. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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William Osler (1849-1919): America’s Most Famous Physician (Robert E. Rakel) The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Neurosurgeon’s Eyewitness Account of the Medical Aspect of the Events of November 22, 1963 (Robert G. Grossman) Making Cancer History: Disease and Discovery at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (James S. Olson) The History of Pathology as a Biological Science and Medical Specialty (L. Maximillian Buja) “Medicine in the Mid-19th Century America” (Student Essay Contest Winner) (David Hunter) The Achievements and Enduring Relevance of Rudolph Virchow (Nathan Grohmann) Medicine: Perspectives in History and Art (Robert E. Greenspan) What Every Physician Should Know: Lessons from the Past (Robert E. Greenspan) Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia (Sajid Haque) The History of Texas Children’s Hospital (B. Lee Ligon) Visualizing Disease: Motion Pictures in the History of Medical Education (Kirsten Ostherr)


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RecA in Escherichia coli and it's homologue, ScRad51 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, play important roles in recombinational repair. ScRad51 homologues have been discovered in a wide range of organisms including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, lily, chicken, mouse and human. To date there is no direct evidence to describe that mouse Rad51(MmRad51) is involved in DNA double-strand break repair. In order to elucidate the role of MmRad51 in vivo, it was mutated by the embryonic stem (ES) cell/gene targeting technology in mice. The mutant embryos arrested in development shortly after implantation. There was a decrease in cell proliferation followed by programmed cell death, and trophectoderm-derived cells were sensitive to $\gamma$-radiation. Severe chromosome loss was observed in most mitotically dividing cells. The mutant embryos lived longer and developed further in a p53 mutant background; however, double-mutant embryonic fibroblasts failed to proliferate in tissue culture, reflecting the embryos limited life span. Based on these data, MmRad51 repairs DNA damage induced by $\gamma$-radiation, is needed to maintain euplody, and plays an important role in proliferating cells.^ Ku is a heterodimer of 70 and 80 kDs subunit, which binds to DNA ends and other altered DNA structures such as hairpins, nicks, and gaps. In addition, Ku is required for DNA-PK activity through a direct association. Although the biochemical properties of Ku and DNA-PKcs have been characterized in cells, their physiological functions are not clear. In order to understand the function of Ku in vivo, we generated mice homozygous for a mutation of the Ku80 gene. Ku80-deficient mice, like scid mice, showed severe immunodeficiency due to a impairment of V(D)J recombination. Mutant mice were semiviable and runted, cells derived from mutant embryos displayed hypersensitivity to $\gamma$-radiation, a decreased growth rate, a slow entry into S phase, altered colony size distributions, and a short life span. Based on these results, mutant cells and mice appeared to prematurely age. ^


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The capabilities of postmodern biotechnology inevitably lead to questioning if it is morally acceptable to use all possibilities offered by technology. In sport, this very complex issue is dealt with by drawing clear boundaries between naturalness and artificiality. Currently, new biotechnology is constantly being produced and with this, boundaries between naturalness and artificiality, between normal and abnormal, human and hybrid are constantly shifting . “Human enhancement” is a fascinating prism that reflects contemporary questions of participation, justice, equality and the autonomy of the subject in all social fields. The area of elite sports is particularly affected by “human enhancement”, according to the principle of exceeding what has come before, of aiming higher, faster and further. This paper analyses the postulated “naturalness” in the regulative and normalising function in the area of elite sports, in connection with Foucault’s theory of governmentality. The example of the South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius appears to be particularly suited to illustrate current definition difficulties in the area of disabled and non-disabled people in differentiated competitive sports. His is a vivid example of a multifaceted body-sociological analysis of current sport culture and the construction of reality or naturalness in the framework of the discourse of drafting and negotiating the accreditation for sprint competitions of non-disabled athletes, most recently in the London Olympics 2012. Using the case study of Oscar Pistorius, the negotiating processes in relation to the argumentation logic, dynamics and resistance in shifting distinctions are presented in detail using the fundamental documents of the IOC, IPC, CAS and IAAF. Represented through the inclusion and exclusion processes are hierarchies of the body that are (re)consolidated and transformed. The central question emerges as to how the worth of equal opportunity and fairness in regard to “naturalness” can be reconsolidated or transformed.


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BACKGROUND: The observation of conspecifics influences our bodily perceptions and actions: Contagious yawning, contagious itching, or empathy for pain, are all examples of mechanisms based on resonance between our own body and others. While there is evidence for the involvement of the mirror neuron system in the processing of motor, auditory and tactile information, it has not yet been associated with the perception of self-motion. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated whether viewing our own body, the body of another, and an object in motion influences self-motion perception. We found a visual-vestibular congruency effect for self-motion perception when observing self and object motion, and a reduction in this effect when observing someone else's body motion. The congruency effect was correlated with empathy scores, revealing the importance of empathy in mirroring mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data show that vestibular perception is modulated by agent-specific mirroring mechanisms. The observation of conspecifics in motion is an essential component of social life, and self-motion perception is crucial for the distinction between the self and the other. Finally, our results hint at the presence of a "vestibular mirror neuron system".


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(Full text is available at http://www.manu.edu.mk/prilozi). New generation genomic platforms enable us to decipher the complex genetic basis of complex diseases and Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) at a high-throughput basis. They give valuable information about predisposing Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Copy Number Variations (CNVs) or Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) (using SNP-array) and about disease-causing mutations along the whole sequence of candidate-genes (using Next Generation Sequencing). This information could be used for screening of individuals in risk families and moving the main medicine stream to the prevention. They also might have an impact on more effective treatment. Here we discuss these genomic platforms and report some applications of SNP-array technology in a case with familial nephrotic syndrome. Key words: complex diseases, genome wide association studies, SNP, genomic arrays, next generation sequ-encing.


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Swiss lake-side settlements dating between 4300 and 800 BC were first recognized in the early 19th century and between 1854 and 1880 early research boomed due to the first scientific studies and the artificial lowering of lakes in Western Switzerland. In the 20th century underwater and wetland archaeology experienced an enormous surge not only because of large rescue excavations, due to extensive motorway construction projects but also due to the evolution of modern IT technology in the 1970s. For the first time huge quantities of ancient wooden structures could be dated by dendrochronology. This produced a quantum leap in the 150 years of pile-dwelling research. In 2011, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee recognized the outstanding universal value of these sites. This article presents an overview about Swiss pile-dwellings of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age and the results of two recent diploma works (case study Sutz-Lattrigen Haupstation innen and case study Seedorf Lobsigensee) as examples of research and cooperation between universities and government agencies for cultural heritage management.


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Is numerical mimicry a third way of establishing truth? Kevin Heng received his M.S. and Ph.D. in astrophysics from the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton from 2007 to 2010, first as a Member and later as the Frank & Peggy Taplin Member. From 2010 to 2012 he was a Zwicky Prize Fellow at ETH Z¨urich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). In 2013, he joined the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern, Switzerland, as a tenure-track assistant professor, where he leads the Exoplanets and Exoclimes Group. He has worked on, and maintains, a broad range of interests in astrophysics: shocks, extrasolar asteroid belts, planet formation, fluid dynamics, brown dwarfs and exoplanets. He coordinates the Exoclimes Simulation Platform (ESP), an open-source set of theoretical tools designed for studying the basic physics and chemistry of exoplanetary atmospheres and climates (www.exoclime.org). He is involved in the CHEOPS (Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite) space telescope, a mission approved by the European Space Agency (ESA) and led by Switzerland. He spends a fair amount of time humbly learning the lessons gleaned from studying the Earth and Solar System planets, as related to him by atmospheric, climate and planetary scientists. He received a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research in 2006


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Many technological developments of the past two decades come with the promise of greater IT flexi-bility, i.e. greater capacity to adapt IT. These technologies are increasingly used to improve organiza-tional routines that are not affected by large, hard-to-change IT such as ERP. Yet, most findings on the interaction of routines and IT stem from contexts where IT is hard to change. Our research ex-plores how routines and IT co-evolve when IT is flexible. We review the literatures on routines to sug-gest that IT may act as a boundary object that mediates the learning process unfolding between the ostensive and the performative aspect of the routine. Although prior work has concluded from such conceptualizations that IT stabilizes routines, we qualify that flexible IT can also stimulate change because it enables learning in short feedback cycles. We suggest that, however, such change might not always materialize because it is contingent on governance choices and technical knowledge. We de-scribe the case-study method to explore how routines and flexible IT co-evolve and how governance and technical knowledge influence this process. We expect to contribute towards stronger theory of routines and to develop recommendations for the effective implementation of flexible IT in loosely coupled routines.