923 resultados para TWO-NEUTRON BREAK-UP


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A phase-locking fibre laser array with up to 60 W of coherent output power based on two large-core fibre is reported. The slope efficiency of the in-phase mode is 37%. For two cases of spacings between the cores, steady high-contrast interference stripes are observed. When the whole system operates under a high pump power level, no thermal effects for the spatial filter have been observed, which means that we can increase the coherent output power further by increasing the individual fibre laser power.


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This paper reports on the successful preparation and a detailed study on the up-conversion properties of Er3+ -doped TeO2-ZnO-PbCl2 oxylialide tellurite glasses. Three intense emissions centered at around 527, 549 and 666 nm have been clearly observed under 977 nm excitation and the involved mechanisms have been explained. The green emissions centered at 527 and 549 nin are due to the H-2(11/2 ->) I-4(15/2) and S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, and the red up-conversion emission centered at 666 nm is associated with the F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions of Er3+ ions, respectively. The quadratic dependence of fluorescence on excitation laser power confirm that two-photons contribute to up-conversion of the green-red emissions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped gernianate-niobic (GN) and germanium-bismuth (GB) glasses have been synthesized by conventional ruching and quenching method. Intense blue and weak red emissions centered at 477 and 650 nm, corresponding to the transitions (1)G(4)->H-3(6) and (1)G(4)->H-3(4), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The possible Up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. GN glass showed a weaker up-conversion emission than GB glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between GN and GB glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Compared with phonon side-band spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy extracts more information including both phonon energy and phonon density. For the first time, our results reveal that, besides the maximum phonon energy, the phonon density of host glasses is also an important factor in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tm3+-doped oxide-chloride germanate and tellurite glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense up-conversion luminescence emissions were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The possible up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. However, in these Tm3+-doped glasses, tellurite glass showed weaker up-conversion emissions than germanate glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Our results confirm that, besides the maximum phonon energy, the phonon density of host glasses is also an important factor in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped oxide-halide tellurite and germanate-niobic-lead glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546 and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546 and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs. Tellurite glass showed a weaker up-conversion emission than germanate-niobic-lead glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate-mobic-lead glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Compared with phonon side-band spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy extracts more information including both phonon energy and phonon density. Our results reveal that the phonon density and the maximum phonon energy of host glasses are both important factors in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The hydrology of the Ebrie coastal lagoon in Abidjan area is summarized. The authors describe the oxygenation in that area during the two extreme seasons of the hydrological cycle: the low-water season (March-April) and the high-water season (Sept-Oct). The influences of the continental and oceanic waters, photosynthesis, exchanges with the atmosphere and pollution are considered. The oxigen consumption of primary organic pollution represents from 9 to 12% of the content of the waters that circulates in the area. It is geographically very heterogeneous. The central basin, swept by strong marine and fresh water currents, shows a rather high level of water oxygenation. In the peripheric bays, water circulation and mixing are less important and pollution accelerates the natural eutrophic processes. During the low-water season, a vertical stratification is responsible for a bottom anoxic layer and the deposit of reduced organic silts. On the contrary, supersaturations, up to 200%, are recorded on the surface layer. During the high-water season the break of the vertical stratification sets the loose reduced silts into suspension and partly reoxygenates the bottom waters. A classification of the different areas, based on the oxygen vertical profiles is proposed.


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Este trabalho pretende problematizar as concepções de coletivo que se apresentam nos discursos da psicologia brasileira contemporânea. Tomamos como campo os artigos da revista Psicologia e Sociedade e construímos duas imagens: a imagem do coletivo representação é acompanhada por concepções naturalizantes das categorias com as quais trabalha. Nesta imagem de coletivo a separação entre indivíduo e sociedade é bem marcada e acaba produzindo construções abstratas dos seus fenômenos. Ao percorrer uma breve história da psicologia vemos esta surgir como uma tecnologia voltada para a ?gestão? dos coletivos, construindo e reproduzindo conhecimentos acerca dos indivíduos e do social. A imagem dos coletivos clandestinos é pautada em referências que desestabilizam as fronteiras impostas das ciências modernas e concebem tanto o indivíduo quanto o social efeito de uma produção simultânea, problematizando as fprmas de cpnhecimento das ciências tradicionais. A metodologia conta com a perspectiva histórica de Michel Foucault que afirma a primazia das relações de poder, e com as contribuições de Bruno Latour e suas conexões criando hibridismos. A proposta metodológica foi um importante instrumento ara romper com as barreiras separatistas, acentuando a presença do pesquisadpr como participante igual aos outros elementos do campo de pesquisa, enfatizando que o modo de pesquisar é com o outro e não sobre o outro. Desta forma As histórias de coletivos para uma psicologia brasileira pretende desnaturalizar modos de produzir conhecimento e categorias de coletivos herméticas. Para finalizar entre formas de fazer e perceber o coletivo temos o trabalho de campo atravessado pordois sociólogos, Emile Durkheim e Gabriel Tarde, contribuindo com as problematizações dos coletivos representação e clandestinos. Gabriel Tarde contribui produzindo uma concepção de coletivo processual, onde a imitação e a invenção ressaltam o caráter relacional do indivíduo e do social e os coloca numa produção de dupla emergência.


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Pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) have been used to study movements, habitat use, and postrelease survival of large pelagic vertebrates, but the size of these tags has historically precluded their use on smaller coastal species. To evaluate a new generation of smaller PSATs for the study of postrelease survival and habitat use of coastal species, we attached Microwave Telemetry, Inc., X-tags to ten striped bass (Morone saxatilis) 94–112 cm total length (TL) caught on J hooks and circle hooks during the winter recreational fishery in Virginia. Tags collected temperature and depth information every five minutes and detached from the fish after 30 days. Nine of the ten tags released on schedule and eight transmitted 30% to 96% (mean 78.6%) of the archived data. Three tags were physically recovered during or after the transmission period, allowing retrieval of all archived data. All eight striped bass whose tags transmitted data survived for 30 days after release, including two fish that were hooked deeply with J hooks. The eight fish spent more than 90% of their time at depths less than 10 m and in temperatures of 6–9°C, demonstrated no significant diel differences in depth or temperature utilization (P>0.05), and exhibited weak periodicities in vertical movements consistent with daily and tidal cycles.


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A doença de Chagas é endêmica na América Latina sendo considerada uma doença negligenciada com grande impacto socioeconômico. A infecção é causada pelo protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi que é transmitido pela forma vetorial, entre outros mecanismos. O tratamento consiste basicamente no uso de dois fármacos, o benznidazol e o Nifurtimox que apresentam uma série de efeitos colaterais e atuam muito pouco nas formas amastigotas intracelulares o que faz com que o tratamento atual seja restrito e insatisfatório.Várias atividades farmacológicas foram atribuídas ao lapachol e a pterocarpanos, tais como atividade antitumoral e antiparasitária. Devido a esse potencial foi sintetizado uma molécula híbrida, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB-118, e algumas moléculas derivadas. A LQB-118 mostrou anteriormente atividade antitumoral e anti-Leishmania. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a atividade in vitro da LQB-118 e suas moléculas derivadas sobre o Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm28c. Para avaliação inicial do efeito anti-parasitário das moléculas, amastigotas intracelulares, tripomastigotas metacíclicos e epimastigotas foram incubados com 20 M das LQBs 118, 168, 187, 182 e 236. A LQB-118 demonstrou atividade antiparasitária nas três formas evolutivas (90% na forma amastigota, 44% na forma tripomastigota e 70% na forma epimastigota) do parasito, enquanto as moléculas derivadas não mostraram atividade significativa. Sendo assim os estudos foram continuados com a molécula LQB-118. A ação da LQB-118 sobre as amastigotas intracelulares foi dose dependente, com redução do índice de infecção em 81% e 88% nas concentrações de 20 e 30 M respectivamente. Já sobre tripomastigotas, a LQB-118 foi menos ativa reduzindo a mobilidade dessas formas em até 45% a 30 M. Sobre a forma epimastigota a ação foi dose-dependente chegando a inibir 96% o crescimento dos parasitos a 20 M, com alterações da morfologia tais como arrendondamento do corpo celular e perda do flagelo. A dose capaz de inibir 50% foi de 4,2 M para amastigota intracelular e 38,1 M para tripomastigotas. Para macrófagos, a LC50 ficou em 40 M, uma concentração quase dez vezes maior que a IC50 para amastigotas. A capacidade das formas amastigotas intracelulares se diferenciarem em tripomatigotas e lisar os macrófagos foi avaliada após o tratamento com a LQB-118 por 72h. Observou-se um atraso do ciclo intracelular do parasito de modo dose-dependente, onde na concentração de 30 M o surgimento de tripomastigota foi no 9 dia enquanto nos controles foi no 5 dia de cultura. Para delinear o mecanismo de ação, foi avaliado o efeito direto sobre o parasito como a indução da fragmentação de DNA. A análise de indução da fragmentação do DNA feita pela marcação pelo TUNEL mostrou que o tratamento com a LQB-118 induziu seletivamente a fragmentação do núcleo das amastigotas enquanto o núcleo dos macrófagos se mantiveram íntegros. Macrófagos peritoneais pré-tratados com LQB-118 por 24 horas foram capazes de reduzir o número de amastigotas após 72h de cultivo na ausência da molécula, mas sem alteração na produção de óxido nítrico. Esses resultados mostram que a LQB-118 é ativa contra o T. cruzi, principalmente sobre a forma amastigota intracelular, que é a forma presente na fase crônica da infecção. O mecanismo de ação sugere que a LQB-118 é capaz de ser seletivamente tóxica para o parasito e também ativar os mecanismos microbicidas dos macrófagos de modo independente da produção de óxido nítrico.


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The recent development of the pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) has allowed the collection of information on a tagged animal, such as geolocation, pressure (depth), and ambient water temperature. The success of early studies, where PSATs were used on pelagic fishes, has spurred increasing interest in the use of these tags on a large variety of species and age groups. However, some species and age groups may not be suitable candidates for carrying a PSAT because of the relatively large size of the tag and the consequent energy cost to the study animal. We examined potential energetic costs to carrying a tag for the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). Two forces act on an animal tagged with a PSAT: lift from the PSATs buoyancy and drag as the tag is moved through the water column. In a freshwater flume, a spring scale measured the total force exerted by a PSAT at flume velocities from 0.00 to 0.60 m/s. By measuring the angle of deflection of the PSAT at each velocity, we separated total force into its constituent forces — lift and drag. The power required to carry a PSAT horizontally through the water was then calculated from the drag force and velocity. Using published metabolic rates, we calculated the power for a ray of a given size to swim at a specified velocity (i.e., its swimming power). For each velocity, the power required to carry a PSAT was compared to the swimming power expressed as a percentage, %TAX (Tag Altered eXertion). A %TAX greater than 5% was felt to be energetically significant. Our analysis indicated that a ray larger than 14.8 kg can carry a PSAT without exceeding this criterion. This method of estimating swimming power can be applied to other species and would allow a researcher to decide the suitability of a given study animal for tagging with a PSAT.


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Short-duration (5- or 10-day) deployments of pop-up satellite archival tags were used to estimate survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) released from the western North Atlantic recreational fishery. Forty-one tags, each recording temperature, pressure, and light level readings approximately every two minutes for 5-day tags (n= 5) or four minutes for 10-day tags (n= 36), were attached to white marlin caught with dead baits rigged on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (n =21) or circle hooks (n=20) in offshore waters of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela. Forty tags (97.8%) transmitted data to the satellites of the Argos system, and 33 tags (82.5%) transmitted data consistent with survival of tagged animals over the deployment duration. Approximately 61% (range: 19−95%) of all archived data were successfully recovered from each tag. Survival was significantly (P<0.01) higher for white marlin caught on circle hooks (100%) than for those caught on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (65%). Time-to-death ranged from 10 minutes to 64 hours following release for the seven documented mortalities, and five animals died within the first six hours after release. These results indicate that a simple change in hook type can significantly increase the survival of white marlin released from recreational fis


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The present study was aimed at determining the food habits of hatchery-produced, pond-cultured shad (Alosa sapidissima) reared to a total length of approximately two inches. More specifically, the objectives were to determine: (1) That point in life at which young shad start to consume food; (2) What type or types of food the young shad consume at the onset of feeding; (3) Food changes, if any, which occur with age and growth in size up to the arbitrarily designated total length of two inches. The plan was that the shad larvae be introduced into an outdoor rearing pond previously fertilized, and that the larvae be dependent upon the plankton for food as they would be under natural conditions.


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Large sections of many types of engineering construction can be considered to constitute a two-dimensional periodic structure, with examples ranging from an orthogonally stiffened shell to a honeycomb sandwich panel. In this paper, a method is presented for computing the boundary (or edge) impedance of a semi-infinite two-dimensional periodic structure, a quantity which is referred to as the direct field boundary impedance matrix. This terminology arises from the fact that none of the waves generated at the boundary (the direct field) are reflected back to the boundary in a semi-infinite system. The direct field impedance matrix can be used to calculate elastic wave transmission coefficients, and also to calculate the coupling loss factors (CLFs), which are required by the statistical energy analysis (SEA) approach to predicting high frequency vibration levels in built-up systems. The calculation of the relevant CLFs enables a two-dimensional periodic region of a structure to be modeled very efficiently as a single subsystem within SEA, and also within related methods, such as a recently developed hybrid approach, which couples the finite element method with SEA. The analysis is illustrated by various numerical examples involving stiffened plate structures.


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Uncooled, high-speed modulation of two-contact lasers is presented with ultra-low drive currents. Practical operation at 10Gb/s up to temperatures of 85°C and extinction ratios of 6dB are found for current swings which are less than 40% of conventional lasers.


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Hemorrhagic toxins are widely distributed in viperid and crotalid snake venoms. Envenomation of Trimeresurus stejnegeri, a member of Crotalidae family, caused potent systemic and local hemorrhage. Up to now, there is no report on hemorrhage toxins from th