917 resultados para Switch Fees


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Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) inhibition by nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) is related to a shift towards increased glycolysis during cardiac pathological processes such as cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. The transcription factors estrogen-related receptor-α (ERRα) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) regulate PDK4 expression through the potent transcriptional coactivator PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α). NF-κB activation in AC16 cardiac cells inhibit ERRα and PPARβ/δ transcriptional activity, resulting in reduced PGC-1α and PDK4 expression, and an enhanced glucose oxidation rate. However, addition of the NF-κB inhibitor parthenolide to these cells prevents the downregulation of PDK4 expression but not ERRα and PPARβ/δ DNA binding activity, thus suggesting that additional transcription factors are regulating PDK4. Interestingly, a recent study has demonstrated that the transcription factor E2F1, which is crucial for cell cycle control, may regulate PDK4 expression. Given that NF-κB may antagonize the transcriptional activity of E2F1 in cardiac myocytes, we sought to study whether inflammatory processes driven by NF-κB can downregulate PDK4 expression in human cardiac AC16 cells through E2F1 inhibition. Protein coimmunoprecipitation indicated that PDK4 downregulation entailed enhanced physical interaction between the p65 subunit of NF-κB and E2F1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated that p65 translocation into the nucleus prevented the recruitment of E2F1 to the PDK4 promoter and its subsequent E2F1-dependent gene transcription. Interestingly, the NF-κB inhibitor parthenolide prevented the inhibition of E2F1, while E2F1 overexpression reduced interleukin expression in stimulated cardiac cells. Based on these findings, we propose that NF-κB acts as a molecular switch that regulates E2F1-dependent PDK4 gene transcription.


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Htr1a is one of the most widespread serotonin receptor across the brain, strongly expressed in CAI region of hippocampus. Our laboratory studies the phenotypic alteration in 5HTla- deficient mice (Htr1aK0), characterized an abnormal anxious-like behavior. Our aim is to evaluate the regulation of this cognitive process by understanding the circuitry involved. This phenotype sets up early during development and has durable effect in adulthood. Our laboratory showed that adult Htr1aK0 male mice displaying exuberant dendritic growth of oblique dendrites in a specific layer of a CAI pyramidal neurons, the stratum radiatum. Application of drugs in organotypic cultures and by in vivo injections revealed that GluN2B, a subunit of NMDA receptor highly expressed during development, is responsible for this dendritic exuberance. Immunohistochemistry highlighted in particular a synaptic enrichment of GluN2B in stratum radiatum of Htr1aK0 CAI pyramidal neurons at puberty. Finally, original analysis of Htr1aK0 mouse behavior showed a different response to anxiety between male and female. Htr1a activation down-regulates the CaMKII activity in the CAI pyramidal neurons. CaMKII directly favors the membrane conductance and stability of GluN2B at the synapse. In the context of the Htr1aK0 mouse, GluN2B is the final common pathway of our phenotype. This subunit is well known to regulate the threshold of LTD/LTP and the dendritogenesis during development. In my thesis, I establish a link between the gender differences in the morphology and the physiology in the Htr1aK0 mice during development to understand how these characteristics shape the circuit with prominent cognitive impacts in adulthood. My study highlighted that during development, Htr1aK0 male mice show a constant increase of the dendritic growth of oblique dendrites from early ages until adulthood associated with an increased physiological impact of altered GluN2A/GluN2B ratio. Whereas during puberty, synaptic contribution of GluN2B to NMDA response is higher in Htr1aK0 compared to WT male mice, this ratio comes back to normal values towards adulthood. However, this recovery of the ratio of GluN2A/GluN2B located at the synaptic level is concomitant with the lateral diffusion of excess GluN2B subunits, leading to extrasynaptic enrichment. The main impact was a lowering of the LTP threshold characterized by strong increased potentiation of synaptic strength after 5 Hz low frequency stimulation. Moreover, the extrasynaptic GluN2B overexpression leads to a shift of the maturation phase switch explaining the exuberant morphology. However, Htr1aK0 females characterized during the 3 first weeks of development by an increase of the dendritic growth of oblique dendrites showed starting at puberty that the dendrite arborization returns progressively to WT values. The physiological impact of GluN2B was investigated and directly linked to this morphology, since Htr1aK0 female mice does not show alteration of the synaptic strength during development. These observations show a compensation occurring in Htr1aK0 female, responsible for a rescue of the phenotype morphologically, physiologically and to be tested behaviorally. We highlighted then the biological processes underlying this compensation. During development, sexual hormones such as testosterone and estrogen are responsible to induce sexual differentiation of specific brain regions. I demonstrated that estrogen, but not testosterone, was able to reduce both in vitro and in vivo the dendritic arborization early during development, through activation of GPER-1, a G-coupled protein estrogen receptor, which phenocopy the activation of Htr1a by reducing GluN2B conductance and stability. I then identified a pathway, parallel to Htr1a, able to regulate GluN2B and responsible for the morphological and physiological phenotype in Htr1aK0 female mice. The specific rise of estrogen occurring at puberty in female is responsible for the compensation observed and induces a late rescue of the Htr1aK0 phenotype by activation GPER-1. -- Htr1a est un des récepteurs à la sérotonine les plus répandus dans le cerveau, fortement exprimé dans la région CAI de l'hippocampe. Notre laboratoire étudie les altérations phénotypiques de souris déficientes pour ce récepteur (Htr1aK0), caractérisées par un comportement avec des traits anxieux. Notre objectif est d'évaluer la régulation de ces processus cognitifs en comprenant les connexions nerveuses impliquées. Ce phénotype se met en place tôt au cours du développement et présente un effet durable à l'âge adulte. Notre laboratoire a montré que les souris Htr1aK0 mâles adultes se caractérisent par une croissance exubérante des dendrites obliques dans une couche spécifique des neurones pyramidaux du CAI, le stratum radiatum. L'application de drogues sur cultures organotypiques et par injections in vivo ont révélé que GluN2B, une sous-unité du récepteur NMDA fortement exprimée au cours du développement, est responsable de cette exubérance dendritique. Des expériences d'immunohistochimie ont notamment mis en évidence un enrichissement synaptique de GluN2B durant la puberté dans le stratum radiatum des neurones de la région CAI des souris Htr1aK0. Finalement, l'analyse originale du comportement des souris Htr1aK0 a montré une différence de réponse à l'anxiété entre mâles et femelles. L'activation de Htr1a diminue l'activité de la CaMKII dans les neurones pyramidaux du CAI. La CaMKII favorise directement la conductance et la stabilité de la sous-unité GluN2B à la synapse. Dans le contexte de la souris Htr1aK0, GluN2B est le « médiateur » de notre phénotype. Cette sous-unité est particulièrement connue pour réguler le seuil de LTD-LTP ainsi que la dendritogénèse durant le développement. Dans ma thèse, j'ai établi le lien entre les différences dépendant du genre dans la morphologie et physiologie des souris Htr1aK0 au cours du développement pour comprendre comment ces caractéristiques modulent le circuit accompagnés d'impacts cognitifs visibles à l'âge adulte. Mon étude a mis en évidence que durant le développement, les souris mâles Htr1aK0 montrent une constante augmentation de la croissance des dendrites obliques entre les premières semaines et l'âge adulte associée à une augmentation de l'impact physiologique du ratio GluN2A/GluN2B altéré. Alors que durant la puberté, la contribution synaptique de GluN2B à la réponse NMDA est plus haute chez la souris mâle Htr1aK0 que le WT, ce ratio revient à des valeurs normales à l'âge adulte. Cependant, cette récupération de l'expression du récepteur au niveau synaptique est concomitante avec la diffusion des sous-unités GluN2B excédantes, amenant alors à un enrichissement extrasynaptique. Le principal impact est une diminution du seuil de la LTP caractérisée par une forte potentiation de la plasticité après une stimulation basse fréquence à 5 Hz. De plus, la surexpression des GluN2B extrasynaptiques conduit à un décalage de la bascule à la phase de maturation, expliquant la morphologie dendritique exubérante. Cependant, les femelles Htr1aK0 initialement caractérisées pendant les 3 premières semaines du développement par une augmentation de la croissance des dendrites obliques montrent à partir de la puberté que cette arborisation dendritique retourne à des valeurs WT. L'impact physiologique de GLuN2B a été investigué et mis en lien avec cette morphologie, étant donné que les femelles Htr1aK0 ne montrent pas d'altération de la plasticité durant le développement. Ces observations montrent une compensation se produisant chez la femelle Htr1aK0, responsable d'une récupération du phénotype morphologique, physiologique et peut-être comportemental. Nous avons souligné les processus biologiques sous-jacent à cette compensation. Au cours du développement, les hormones sexuelles telles que la testostérone et l'estrogène sont responsables de la différentiation sexuelle de régions du cerveau spécifiques. J'ai démontré que l'estrogène, mais pas la testostérone, était capable de réduire in vitro et in vivo l'arborisation dendritique tôt dans le développement au travers de l'activation du récepteur GPER-1, un récepteur aux estrogènes couplés à un protéine G, qui phénocopie l'activation de Htr1a en réduisant la conductance et la stabilité de GluN2B à la membrane. J'ai identifié une voie de signalisation parallèle à celle de Htr1a, capable de réguler GluN2B et responsable du phénotype morphologique et physiologique de la souris femelle Htr1aK0. La montée spécifique d'estrogène se déroulant à la puberté chez la femelle est responsable de cette compensation et implique une récupération tardive du phénotype Htr1aK0 par l'activation de GPER-1.


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Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis is an adaptation to water and atmospheric CO2 deficits that has been linked to diversification in dry-adapted plants. We investigated whether CAM evolution can be associated with the availability of new or alternative niches, using Eulophiinae orchids as a case study. Carbon isotope ratios, geographical and climate data, fossil records and DNA sequences were used to: assess the prevalence of CAM in Eulophiinae orchids; characterize the ecological niche of extant taxa; infer divergence times; and estimate whether CAM is associated with niche shifts. CAM evolved in four terrestrial lineages during the late Miocene/Pliocene, which have uneven diversification patterns. These lineages originated in humid habitats and colonized dry/seasonally dry environments in Africa and Madagascar. Additional key features (variegation, heterophylly) evolved in the most species-rich CAM lineages. Dry habitats were also colonized by a lineage that includes putative mycoheterotrophic taxa. These findings indicate that the switch to CAM is associated with environmental change. With its suite of adaptive traits, this group of orchids represents a unique opportunity to study the adaptations to dry environments, especially in the face of projected global aridification.


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Tutkimuksessa on tarkoitus selvittää velallisen asemaa perinnässä ja perintäkulujen merkitystä. Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan, jossa selvitetään teoreettisesti velkaan ja perintään liittyviä käsitteitä ja lainsäädäntöä. Laki saatavien perinnästä sääntelee yleislakina perintätoimintaa riippumatta siitä suorittaako perintää itse velkoja vai perimistoimisto. Lakiin otettiin vuonna 2005 kuluttajasaatavia koskevia perimiskuluja rajoittavat enimmäismäärät, jotka on porrastettu saatavan suuruuden mukaan. Empiirisessä osassa tutkitaan oikeudenkäyntiaineistosta kerätyistä tiedoista perintään kuuluvia osapuolia, perittäviä saatavia ja perimiskuluja. Velallisen asema näyttää olevan riittävän hyvin turvattu oikeusjärjestyksessämme, joskin perimiskulujen ja oikeudenkulujen määrä nousee usein itse perittävää pääomaa suuremmaksi. Rahasaatavien perintää koskevien tapausten määrä käräjäoikeuksissa on kasvanut huomattavasti vuonna 2007. Tällaisia velkomuksia käsiteltiin käräjäoikeuksissa yli 200.000 kappaletta vuonna 2007. Tämän kasvun osaltaan selittää uudeksi velkaongelmien aiheuttajaksi nousemassa olevat pikavipit, joiden määrä kaikista perittävistä saatavista oli noin 10%. Näiden pääomat olivat keskiarvoltaan noin 145 euroa, ja näiden perintäkulut noin kaksinkertaisia verrattuna pääomaan Koko aineistossa perityt pääomat olivat keskiarvoltaan noin 2900 euroa ja perintäkulut noin 270 euroa.


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In many species with internal fertilization, molecules transferred in the male ejaculate trigger and interact with physiological changes in females. It is controversial to what extent these interactions between the sexes act synergistically to mediate the female switch to a reproductive state or instead reflect sexual antagonism evolved as a by product of sexual selection on males. To address this question, we eliminated sexual selection by enforcing monogamy in populations of Drosophila melanogaster for 65 generations and then measured the expression of male seminal fluid protein genes and genes involved in the female response to mating. In the absence of sperm competition, male and female reproductive interests are perfectly aligned and any antagonism should be reduced by natural selection. Consistent with this idea, males from monogamous populations showed reduced expression of seminal fluid protein genes, 16% less on average than in polygamous males. Further, we identified 428 genes that responded to mating in females. After mating, females with an evolutionary history of monogamy exhibited lower relative expression of genes that were up regulated in response to mating and higher expression of genes that were down-regulated - in other words, their post-mating transcriptome appeared more virgin-like. Surprisingly, these genes showed a similar pattern even before mating, suggesting that monogamous females evolved to be less poised for mating and the accompanying receipt of male seminal fluid proteins. This reduced investment by both monogamous males and females in molecules involved in post-copulatory interactions points to a pervasive role of sexual conflict in shaping these interactions.


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The scholarship on migration in Europe heavily focuses on the integration of economically vulnerable migrants. In the age of commercialization of education, however, the European Union attracts a rising number of highly skilled non-EU migrants that take up studies across the continent. Despite economic downturn, the EU universities experience a rapid growth in the number of Chinese students, many of whom settle in Europe upon graduation. Surprisingly, although the number of Chinese students in the EU increases, scholars largely ignore the labor paths that these highly skilled migrants take upon graduating from European universities. This study aims to fill this gap by exploring the variation in the Chinese graduates’ labor incorporation patterns and in their spatial mobility. In this project, I also examine macro-level hypotheses predicting that the EU and host states’ labor market institutions, changes in the EU policies on the highly skilled and the outburst of economic crisis matter for the Chinese highly skilled social and spatial mobility. Seizing on surveys, interviews and on the bodies of literature on stratification and social mobility, economic incorporation, social capital and human capital, I look at the Chinese students that graduated from universities in Great Britain and Spain. These states differ in the university tuition fees, migration policies towards the highly skilled workers and in the period of the Chinese students’ influx, thus providing an economically and socially diverse sample. My research will contribute to the literature on the relations between migrants’ social mobility, class and status background and spatial mobility, at the same time adding a transnational level perspective to the study of highly skilled Asian migration.


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AMPK, a master metabolic switch, mediates the observed increase of glucose uptake in locomotory muscle of mammals during exercise. AMPK is activated by changes in the intracellular AMP:ATP ratio when ATP consumption is stimulated by contractile activity but also by AICAR and metformin, compounds that increase glucose transport in mammalian muscle cells. However, the possible role of AMPK in the regulation of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle has not been investigated in other vertebrates, including fish. In this study, we investigated the effects of AMPK activators on glucose uptake, AMPK activity, cell surface levels of trout GLUT4 and expression of GLUT1 and GLUT4 as well as the expression of enzymes regulating glucose disposal and PGC1α in trout myotubes derived from a primary muscle cell culture. We show that AICAR and metformin significantly stimulated glucose uptake (1.6 and 1.3 fold, respectively) and that Compound C completely abrogated the stimulatory effects of the AMPK activators on glucose uptake. The combination of insulin and AMPK activators did not result in additive nor synergistic effects on glucose uptake. Moreover, exposure of trout myotubes to AICAR and metformin resulted in an increase in AMPK activity (3.8 and 3 fold, respectively). We also provide evidence suggesting that stimulation of glucose uptake by AMPK activators in trout myotubes may take place, at least in part, by increasing the cell surface and mRNA levels of trout GLUT4. Finally, AICAR increased the mRNA levels of genes involved in glucose disposal (hexokinase, 6-phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase and citrate synthase) and mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1α) and did not affect glycogen content or glycogen synthase mRNA levels in trout myotubes. Therefore, we provide evidence, for the first time in non-mammalian vertebrates, suggesting a potentially important role of AMPK in stimulating glucose uptake and utilization in the skeletal muscle of fish.


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Dans le néphron distal sensible à l'aldostérone, le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes (RM) et le récepteur aux glucocorticoids (RG) sont exprimés et peuvent être liés et activés par l'aldostérone et le Cortisol, respectivement. La réabsorption rénale de sodium est principalement contrôlée par le RM. Cependant, des modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo suggèrent que le RG pourrait également jouer un rôle dans le transport rénal du sodium. Afin d'étudier l'implication du RG et/ou du RM exprimés dans les cellules épithéliales adultes dans le transport rénal du sodium, nous avons généré deux modèles de souris, dans lesquelles l'expression du RG (Nr3c1Pax8/LC1) ou du RM (Nr3c2Pax8/LC1) peut être abolie de manière inductible et cela spécifiquement dans les tubules rénaux. Les souris déficientes pour le gène du RM survivent mais développent un phénotype sévère de PHA-1, caractérisé par un retard de croissance, une augmentation des niveaux urinaires de Na+, une diminution de la concentration du Na+ dans le plasma, une hyperkaliémie et une augmentation des niveaux d'aldostérone plasmatique. Ce phénotype empire et devient létal lorsque les souris sont nourries avec une diète déficiente en sodium. Les niveaux d'expression en protéine de NCC, de la forme phosphorylée de NCC et de aENaC sont diminués, alors que l'expression en ARN messager et en protéine du RG est augmentée. Une diète riche en Na+ et pauvre en K+ ne corrige pas la concentration élevée d'aldostérone dans le plasma pour la ramener à des niveaux conformes, mais est suffisante pour corriger la perte de poids et les niveaux anormaux des électrolytes dans le plasma et l'urine. -- In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, both the mineralocorticoid (MR) and the glucocorticoid (GR) receptor are expressed. They can be bound and activated by aldosterone and Cortisol, respectively. Renal Na+ reabsorption is mainly controlled by MR. However, in vitro and in vivo experimental models suggest that GR may play a role in renal Na+ transport. Therefore, to investigate the implication of MR and/or GR in adult epithelial cells in renal sodium transport, we generated inducible renal tubule- specific MR (Nr3c2Pax8/LC1) and GR (Nr3c1Pax8/LC1) knockout mice. MR-deficient mice survived but developed a severe PHA-1 phenotype with failure to thrive, higher urinary Na+, decreased plasma Na+ levels, hyperkalemia and higher levels of plasma aldosterone. This phenotype further worsened and became lethal under a sodium-deficient diet. NCC protein expression and its phosphorylated form, as well as aENaC protein level were downregulated, whereas the mRNA and protein expression of GR was increased. A diet rich in Na+and low in K+ did not normalize plasma aldosterone to control levels, but was sufficient to restore body weight, plasma and urinary electrolytes. Upon switch to a Na+-deficient diet, GR-mutant mice exhibited transient increased urinary Na+ and decreased K+ levels, with transitory higher plasma K+ concentration preceded by a significant increase in plasma aldosterone levels within the 12 hours following diet switch. We found no difference in urinary aldosterone levels, plasma Na+ concentration and plasma corticosterone levels. Moreover, NHE3, NKCC2, NCC


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Notch signaling is involved in cell fate choices during the embryonic development of Metazoa. Commonly, Notch signaling arises from the binding of the Notch receptor to its ligands in adjacent cells driving cell-to-cell communication. Yet, cell-autonomous control of Notch signaling through both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent mechanisms is known to occur as well. Examples include Notch signaling arising in the absence of ligand binding, and cis-inhibition of Notch signaling by titration of the Notch receptor upon binding to its ligands within a single cell. Increasing experimental evidences support that the binding of the Notch receptor with its ligands within a cell (cis-interactions) can also trigger a cell-autonomous Notch signal (cis-signaling), whose potential effects on cell fate decisions and patterning remain poorly understood. To address this question, herein we mathematically and computationally investigate the cell states arising from the combination of cis-signaling with additional Notch signaling sources, which are either cell-autonomous or involve cell-to-cell communication. Our study shows that cis-signaling can switch from driving cis-activation to effectively perform cis-inhibition and identifies under which conditions this switch occurs. This switch relies on the competition between Notch signaling sources, which share the same receptor but differ in their signaling efficiency. We propose that the role of cis-interactions and their signaling on fine-grained patterning and cell fate decisions is dependent on whether they drive cis-inhibition or cis-activation, which could be controlled during development. Specifically, cis-inhibition and not cis-activation facilitates patterning and enriches it by modulating the ratio of cells in the high-ligand expression state, by enabling additional periodic patterns like stripes and by allowing localized patterning highly sensitive to the precursor state and cell-autonomous bistability. Our study exemplifies the complexity of regulations when multiple signalng sources share the same receptor and provides the tools for their characterization.


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El present estudi s’emmarca en una investigació centrada en les persones grans de 65 a 84 anys del municipi de Canovelles. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és conèixer les principals motivacions i barreres d’aquest col·lectiu a l’hora d’anar al Complex Esportiu Municipal – Thalassa. Lligat amb els objectius marcats, la finalitat és relacionar els resultats amb possibles propostes de millora, per tal de minimitzar les barreres i potenciar les motivacions. Per obtenir els resultats s’ha passat un qüestionari a 40 persones demanant les raons per les quals van o no al complex. Un cop analitzats podem extreure, a tall de conclusions, que la principal motivació va relacionada amb temes de salut i la principal barrera amb temes econòmic, el cost mensual de la instal·lació per un abonat.


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Airports have become platforms that derive revenues from both aeronautical and commercial activities. The demand for these services is characterized by a one-way complementarity in that only air travelers can purchase retail goods at the airport terminals. We analyze a model of optimal airport behavior in which this one-way complementarity is subject to consumer foresight, i.e., consumers may not anticipate in full the ex post retail surplus when purchasing a flight ticket. An airport sets landing fees, and, in addition, also chooses the retail market structure by selecting the number of retail concessions to be awarded. We find that, with perfectly myopic consumers, the airport chooses to attract more passengers via low landing fees, and also sets the minimum possible number of retailers in order to increase the concessions’ revenues, from which it obtains the largest share of profits. However, even a very small amount of anticipation of the consumer surplus from retail activities changes significantly the airport’s choices: the optimal airport policy is dependent on the degree of differentiation in the retail market. When consumers instead have perfect foresight, the airport establishes a very competitive retail market, where consumers enjoy a large surplus. This attracts passengers and it is exploited by the airport by charging higher landing fees, which then constitute the largest share of its profits. Overall, the airport’s profits are maximal when consumers have perfect foresight. Keywords: two-sided markets, platform pricing, one-way demand complementarity, consumer foresight. JEL classification: L1, L2, L93.


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The identification of cancer-specific enzymatic activities that can be therapeutically targeted is key to the development of suitable anti-cancer drugs. Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is a rare and incurable malignancy that can occur in immunodeficient patients as a consequence of latent infection of B-cells with Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV (also known as human herpesvirus-8, HHV8). Malignant growth of KSHV-infected B cells requires the constitutive activity of the transcription factor NF-KB, which controls expression of viral genes required for maintenance of viral latency and suppression of the viral lytic program. Here we identify the protease mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue transformation protein 1 (MALTI), a key driver of NF-KB activation in lymphocytes, as an essential component in KSHV-dependent NF-KB activation and growth of latently infected PEL cell lines. Inhibition of the MALTI protease activity induced a switch from the latent to the lytic stage of viral infection, and led to reduced growth and survival of PEL cell lines in vitro and in a xenograft model. These results demonstrate a key role for the proteolytic activity of MALTI in PEL, and provide a rationale for the pharmacological targeting of MALTI in PEL therapy. -- L'identification d'activités enzymatiques propre au cancer est clé dans le développement des nouvaux médicaments anti-cancer. Le lymphome primitif des séreuses est un lymphome rare et incurable qui peut se developer chez les patients immunodéficients. Il est la conséquence d'une infection latente des cellules B, dûe à l'herpes virus 8, plus connu comme herpes virus associé au sarcome de Kaposi (KSHV). La croissance maligne des cellules B infecteés par KSHV requière l'activité constitutive du facteur de transcription NF-KB qui contrôle l'expression des genes viraux requis pour la maintenance latente et la suppression du programme de lyse du virus. Avec cette étude, nous avons identifié la protease MALTI comme un composant essentiel dans l'activation de NF-KB dans les cellules B du lymphome primitif des séreuses. L'inhibition de l'activité de la protéase MALTI induit un virement de la phase latente à la phase lytique du KSHV et conduit à une reduction de la viabilité des cellules tumorales in vitro et dans un modèle de xénogreffe. Ces résultats démontrent un rôle clé pour l'activité protéolytique de MALTI dans le développement du lymphome primitif des séreuses et soutiennent l'idée que MALTI pourrait être une cible pharmacologique dans la thérapie de cette forme rare du lymphome.


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This study investigates whether incumbent audit firm-provided tax services enhance or impair the likelihood of acknowledging client companies’ low financial reporting quality. In particular, we examine the association between tax-related fees and the likelihood of timely restatements, and internal control weakness disclosures among a sample of US companies that all have misstatements in financial information. The empirical findings indicate that companies paying higher tax-related fees are less likely to disclose SOX 404 internal control weakness disclosures, implying that underlying control problems are unacknowledged when incumbent audit firm provided tax-related fees are higher. However, the findings suggest that just providing both audit and tax-related services does not have an impact on audit quality per se, but rather it is the magnitude of the tax-related fees in particular that counts. We also find some evidence suggesting that companies paying higher tax-related fees have higher likelihood of restatement lags, whereas companies paying smaller tax-related fees to their audit firm restate financial statements in a timelier manner. Overall, the findings suggest that audit scrutiny of client companies with low quality financial reporting is weaker when the magnitude of tax-related fees is higher.


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The neuronal calcium sensor proteins GCAPs (guanylate cyclase activating proteins) switch between Ca2+-free and Ca2+-bound conformational states and confer calcium sensitivity to guanylate cyclase at retinal photoreceptor cells. They play a fundamental role in light adaptation by coupling the rate of cGMP synthesis to the intracellular concentration of calcium. Mutations in GCAPs lead to blindness. The importance of functional EF-hands in GCAP1 for photoreceptor cell integrity has been well established. Mutations in GCAP1 that diminish its Ca2+ binding affinity lead to cell damage by causing unabated cGMP synthesis and accumulation of toxic levels of free cGMP and Ca2+. We here investigate the relevance of GCAP2 functional EF-hands for photoreceptor cell integrity. By characterizing transgenic mice expressing a mutant form of GCAP2 with all EF-hands inactivated (EF(-)GCAP2), we show that GCAP2 locked in its Ca2+-free conformation leads to a rapid retinal degeneration that is not due to unabated cGMP synthesis. We unveil that when locked in its Ca2+-free conformation in vivo, GCAP2 is phosphorylated at Ser201 and results in phospho-dependent binding to the chaperone 14-3-3 and retention at the inner segment and proximal cell compartments. Accumulation of phosphorylated EF(-)GCAP2 at the inner segment results in severe toxicity. We show that in wildtype mice under physiological conditions, 50% of GCAP2 is phosphorylated correlating with the 50% of the protein being retained at the inner segment. Raising mice under constant light exposure, however, drastically increases the retention of GCAP2 in its Ca2+-free form at the inner segment. This study identifies a new mechanism governing GCAP2 subcellular distribution in vivo, closely related to disease. It also identifies a pathway by which a sustained reduction in intracellular free Ca2+ could result in photoreceptor damage, relevant for light damage and for those genetic disorders resulting in 'equivalent-light'' scenarios.


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We generalize a standard technology diffusion model by allowing for IPRs regimes to be endogenously defined by the development level of each country. Also we insert differences in the composition of human capital between North (leader) and South (followers) which shape the relative costs of innovation and imitation. Results show how an optimal growth trajectory is found for the follower country which initially imitates and that, once a "threshold development stage" is reached, optimally switches to innovation by fully enforcing IPRs achieving a higher proximity with the technology frontier in the long-run. Other scenarios, such as a premature increase in the enforcement of IPRs or a switch from imitation to innovation at early stages of development of the followers are found to be sub-optimal.