986 resultados para Swift, Jonathan: Gulliverin matkat


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Context: BL Lacs are the most numerous extragalactic objects which are detected in Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays band. They are a subclass of blazars. Large flux variability amplitude, sometimes happens in very short time scale, is a common characteristic of them. Significant optical polarization is another main characteristics of BL Lacs. BL Lacs' spectra have a continuous and featureless Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) which have two peaks. Among 1442 BL Lacs in the Roma-BZB catalogue, only 51 are detected in VHE gamma-rays band. BL Lacs are most numerous (more than 50% of 514 objects) objects among the sources that are detected above 10 GeV by FERMI-LAT. Therefore, many BL Lacs are expected to be discovered in VHE gamma-rays band. However, due to the limitation on current and near future technology of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope, astronomers are forced to predict whether an object emits VHE gamma-rays or not. Some VHE gamma-ray prediction methods are already introduced but still are not confirmed. Cross band correlations are the building blocks of introducing VHE gamma-rays prediction method. Aims: We will attempt to investigate cross band correlations between flux energy density, luminosity and spectral index of the sample. Also, we will check whether recently discovered MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical BL Lac. Methods: We select a sample of 42 TeV BL Lacs and collect 20 of their properties within five energy bands from literature and Tuorla blazar monitoring program database. All of the data are synchronized to be comparable to each other. Finally, we choose 55 pair of datasets for cross band correlations finding and investigating whether there is any correlation between each pair. For MAGIC J2001+435 we analyze the publicly available SWIFT-XRT data, and use the still unpublished VHE gamma-rays data from MAGIC collaboration. The results are compared to the other sources of the sample. Results: Low state luminosity of multiple detected VHE gamma-rays is strongly correlated luminosities in all other bands. However, the high state does not show such strong correlations. VHE gamma-rays single detected sources have similar behaviour to the low state of multiple detected ones. Finally, MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical TeV BL Lac. However, for some of the properties this source is located at the edge of the whole sample (e.g. in terms of X-rays flux). Keywords: BL Lac(s), Population study, Correlations finding, Multi wavelengths analysis, VHE gamma-rays, gamma-rays, X-rays, Optical, Radio


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Invokaatio: I.N.J.


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Dedikaatio: Carolus Fridericus Mennander, Nicolaus Hedeen, Johannes Gottleben, Henric Soenck, Pehr Sonck, Abraham Sonck, Johan Rahgo, Margareta Hoeckert född Turowia.


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Invokaatio: Q.B.V.


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Brett Duane Improving oral healthcare in Scotland with special reference to sustainability and caries prevention University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku), Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja- Ser. D, Medica-Odontologica. Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland, 2015. Dentistry must provide sustainable, evidence-based, and prevention-focused care. In Scotland oral health prevention is delivered through the Childsmile programme, with an increasing use of high concentration fluoride toothpaste (HCFT). Compared with other countries there is little knowledge of xylitol prevention. The UK government has set strict carbon emission limits with which all national health services (NHS) must comply. The purpose of these studies was firstly to describe the Scottish national oral health prevention programme Childsmile (CS), to determine if the additional maternal use of xylitol (CS+X) was more effective at affecting the early colonisation of mutans streptococci (MS) than this programme alone; secondly to analyse trends in the prescribing and management of HCFT by dentists; and thirdly to analyse data from a dental service in order to improve its sustainability. In all, 182 mother/child pairs were selected on the basis of high maternal MS levels. Motherswere randomly allocated to a CS or CS+X group, with both groups receiving Childsmile. Theintervention group consumed xylitol three times a day, from when the child was 3 months until 24 months. Children were examined at age two to assess MS levels. In order to understand patterns of HCFT prescribing, a retrospective secondary data analysis of routine prescribing data for the years 2006-2012 was performed. To understand the sustainability of dental services, carbon accounting combined a top-down approach and a process analysis approach, followed by the use of Pollard’s decision model (used in other healthcare areas) to analyse and support sustainable service reconfiguration. Of the CS children, 17% were colonised with MS, compared with 5% of the CS+X group. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.1744). The cost of HCFT prescribing increased fourteen-fold over five years, with 4% of dentists prescribing 70% of the total product. Travel (45%), procurement (36%) and building energy (18%) all contributed to the 1800 tonnes of carbon emissions produced by the service, around 4% of total NHS emissions. Using the analytical model, clinic utilisation rates improved by 56% and patient travel halved significantly reducing carbon emissions. It can be concluded that the Childsmile programme was effective in reducing the risk for MS transmission. HCFT is increasing in Scotland and needs to be managed. Dentistry has similar carbon emissions proportionally as the overall NHS, and the use of an analytic tool can be useful in helping identify these emissions. Key words: Sustainability, carbon emissions, xylitol, mutans streptococci, fluoride toothpaste, caries prevention.


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The objective of this study is to increase understanding of the nature and role of trust in temporary virtual problem-solving teams engaged in real-life co-creation activities, while much of previous research has been conducted in student settings. The different forms and bases of trust, possible trust barriers and trust building actions, and perceived role of trust in knowledge sharing and collaboration are analyzed. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study in case company. Data includes interviews from 24 people: 13 from 3 different project teams that were going on during the study, 8 from already finalized project teams, and 3 founders of case company. Additional data consists of communication archives from three current teams. The results indicate that there were both knowledge-based and swift trust present, former being based on work-related personal experiences about leaders or other team members, and latter especially on references, disposition to trust and institution-based factors such as norms and rules, as well as leader and expert action. The findings suggest that possible barriers of trust might be related to lack of adaptation to virtual work, unclear roles and safety issues, and nature of virtual communication. Actions that could be applied to enhance trust are for example active behavior in discussions, work-related introductions communicating competence, managerial actions and face-to-face interaction. Finally, results also suggest that trust has a focal role as an enabler of action and knowledge sharing, and coordinator of effective collaboration and performance in temporary virtual problem-solving teams.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a frequência de fatores de risco para doença renal e suas correlações, foi realizado estudo transversal de base populacional em seis escolas municipais de Goiânia (GO). Nós investigamos a história de baixo peso ao nascer, enurese, incontinência urinária, urgência miccional, antecedente familiar de doença renal, diabete, hipertensão arterial, percentil de pressão arterial, perímetro da cintura e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Foram avaliadas 274 crianças, das quais 139 (50,7%) eram meninas, com idade de 8,06 ± 1,33 anos. Observou-se enurese em 50 (18,2%), incontinência urinária em 34 (12,4%) e urgência em 49 (17,9%). O IMC apresentava-se, em 18,8% (45), acima de P85. Perímetro de cintura acima do percentil 90 em 6,9% (17). Pressão arterial foi detectada acima do P95, em 7,1% (17). Também notamos a presença de correlação da pressão arterial com a obesidade e aumento da circunferência da cintura (p < 0,05). O estudo demonstrou elevada frequência de alterações do hábito miccional e aumento do IMC na população estudada.


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ResumoIntroduçãoA terapêutica com varfarina pode provocar hematúria grave e lesão renal aguda pela formação de cilindros eritrocitários oclusivos. Estas alterações são sugestivas de uma doença recentemente conhecida como nefropatia relacionada pela varfarina.Caso Clínico:Apresentamos um doente de 74 anos de idade com doença renal crônica estádio 3 A, que progrediu com declínio na taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) após o início de terapêutica com varfarina devido a um quadro fibrilação atrial. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela histologia renal, que demonstrou a presença de oclusão tubular por cilindros eritrocitários, achados consistentes com este diagnóstico. O paciente não recuperou a TFG, tendo iniciado terapêutica substitutiva da função renal.Discussão:O objetivo da descrição deste caso clínico é alertar para a complicação associada a este fármaco e reforçar a necessidade de monitorização cuidada da função renal e dos parâmetros de coagulação em doentes tratados com a varfarina. A patogênese e o prognóstico desta entidade também serão discutidos.


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Tutkielma on ajankohtainen, sillä nykypäivänä pohjoinen ulottuvuus on kasvattamassa merkitystään erityisesti talouden saralla, johon myös Kuolan niemimaalla sijaitseva sotilaallinen voima on vahvasti sitoutunut. Alueen sotilaallinen tila onkin ollut suoraan verrannollinen Venäjän taloudelliseen tilanteeseen, joka oli 1990-luvulla heikko ja 2000-luvusta lähtien myönteisempi. Kuolan niemimaan tämänpäiväinen sotilaallinen merkittävyys perustuu vielä pitkälti sen varaan, mitä se oli Neuvostoliiton aikaan. Tutkielma antaa perusteet ymmärtää Kuolan niemimaan sotilaallista merkittävyyttä ja sen muutosta kylmän sodan jälkeisellä aikakaudella. Tutkimus on historiatutkimus, jonka avulla selvitään Kuolan niemimaan sotilaallisen merkittävyyteen liittyviä tapahtumia, vaiheita ja merkityksiä kylmän sodan jälkeisenä aikakautena. Tutkimuksen ajallinen tarkastelujakso on Neuvostoliiton hajoamisesta aina vuoteen 2010 asti. Menneisyyden hahmottaminen perustuu pääasiassa tulkintojen tekemiseen, joten historiatutkimus liittyy hermeneuttiseen tutkimusstrategiaan, jossa menneisyyden hahmottaminen perustuu tulkintojen tekemiseen. Tutkimuksessa tulkintojen perusteena käytetään laadullisesti valittuja lähteitä, jotka edustavat länsimaista näkemystä Kuolan niemimaan sotilaallisesta merkittävyydestä. Tutkimuksen tuloksina todetaan, että Kuolan niemimaan sotilaallinen merkitys kasvoi suhteellisesti läpi 1990-luvun, mutta se oli silti sotilaalliselta suorituskyvyltään heikompi kuin mitä se oli ollut ennen Neuvostoliiton hajoamista. 2000-luvulla Venäjän talouskasvun myötä alkoi myös sotavoimien kehittäminen ja päivittäminen. Lisäksi sotilaallinen toiminta aktivoitui jälleen 1990-luvun hiljaiselon jälkeen. Kuolan niemimaan kohdalla maantieteellisen ja so-tilaallisen merkittävyyden lisäksi nousivat myös taloudelliset tekijät. 2000-luvulla Kuolan niemimaan sotilaallinen yhteistyö siviilitoimijoiden kanssa yleistyi, mikä osaltaan muutti myös alueella sijaitsevien sotajoukkojen tehtäviä.


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The escalation in the number of mergers and acquisition transactions involving emerging market firms is a relatively recent phenomenon; as a consequence academic research in such topic is rather limited. The purpose of this research study was to discuss the possible reasons that led the acquisition failure of an emerging multinational firm and an Indonesian player. Extensive theoretical research was performed and it had been achieved, based on this, the finding of a framework that facilitated to understand the way in which the concepts of cultural distances and relate liabilities of foreignness in the process of acquisitions of foreign companies in emerging markets. The theoretical background collects literature related to acquisitions, models of cultural studies between nations and liabilities of foreignness. It has been generated a variety of frameworks that aid to understand the way that the institutional distance and cultural factors together with the concept of liabilities of foreignness can affect the process of market entry of an emerging multinational company to the extent that the best way to stop losing money is to abandon the project. The empirical research consisted of selective semi-structured interviews and an extensive research in available public data on the chosen study case of this research. There were several factors that were identified as the cause of the failure in the market entry of a Mexican multinational firm in Indonesia. The weakness shown by the local government authorities was used by the local community leaders who rioted because of discomfort. These groups were the ones who made the government submit to the extent that the agreements reached at the beginning of the deal were either canceled or modified in a way that favored always the local community. The contributions of this study fall into the knowledge field of emerging multinational firms and market entry process.


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The thesis analyzes liability of Internet news portals for third-party defamatory comments. After the case of Delfi AS v. Estonia, decided by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights on 16 June 2015, a portal can be held liable for user-generated unlawful comments. The thesis aims at exploring consequences of the case of Delfi for Internet news portals’ business model. The model is described as a mixture of two modes of information production: traditional industrial information economy and new networked information economy. Additionally, the model has a generative comment environment. I name this model “the Delfian model”. The thesis analyzes three possible strategies which portals will likely apply in the nearest future. I will discuss these strategies from two perspectives: first, how each strategy can affect the Delfian model and, second, how changes in the model can, in their turn, affect freedom of expression. The thesis is based on the analysis of case law, legal, and law and economics literature. I follow the law and technology approach in the vein of ideas developed by Lawrence Lessig, Yochai Benkler and Jonathan Zittrain. The Delfian model is researched as an example of a local battle between industrial and networked information economy modes. The thesis concludes that this local battle is lost because the Delfian model has to be replaced with a new walled-garden model. Such a change can seriously endanger freedom of expression.