819 resultados para Stores, Retail
Multi-agent systems offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. We apply agent-based modeling and simulation to investigate a set of problems in a retail context. Specifically, we are working to understand the relationship between people management practices on the shop-floor and retail performance. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that using an agent-based approach offers great potential for improving organizational capabilities in the future. Our multi-disciplinary research team has worked closely with one of the UK’s top ten retailers to collect data and build an understanding of shop-floor operations and the key actors in a department (customers, staff, and managers). Based on this case study we have built and tested our first version of a retail branch agent-based simulation model where we have focused on how we can simulate the effects of people management practices on customer satisfaction and sales. In our experiments we have looked at employee development and cashier empowerment as two examples of shop floor management practices. In this paper we describe the underlying conceptual ideas and the features of our simulation model. We present a selection of experiments we have conducted in order to validate our simulation model and to show its potential for answering “what-if” questions in a retail context. We also introduce a novel performance measure which we have created to quantify customers’ satisfaction with service, based on their individual shopping experiences.
Agents offer a new and exciting way of understanding the world of work. In this paper we describe the development of agent-based simulation models, designed to help to understand the relationship between people management practices and retail performance. We report on the current development of our simulation models which includes new features concerning the evolution of customers over time. To test the features we have conducted a series of experiments dealing with customer pool sizes, standard and noise reduction modes, and the spread of customers’ word of mouth. To validate and evaluate our model, we introduce new performance measure specific to retail operations. We show that by varying different parameters in our model we can simulate a range of customer experiences leading to significant differences in performance measures. Ultimately, we are interested in better understanding the impact of changes in staff behavior due to changes in store management practices. Our multi-disciplinary research team draws upon expertise from work psychologists and computer scientists. Despite the fact we are working within a relatively novel and complex domain, it is clear that intelligent agents offer potential for fostering sustainable organizational capabilities in the future.
The purpose of this thesis was to redesign a commercial center in Miami, Florida in a manner that incorporates the needs of pedestrians as well as the automobile. In my research, I studied projects that had been successful at integrating cars in retail design. I applied the strategies learned from this research to the design of a center that creates a positive interaction of pedestrian and car traffic, addressing the needs of the surrounding community. I designed a master plan that includes a mix of residential, retail, commercial and parking space. The parking is designed so that the retail center is not dominated by surface parking. Rather, the automobile is introduced into the different layers of the proposed buildings. The design focused on connecting pedestrian plazas and parking areas beneath them through the introduction of light and greenery. The findings show how a shopping center might transform the area around it by including spaces for residential, civic, cultural and social functions, as well as for the automotive infrastructure that make those functions possible.
One of the current challenges in model-driven engineering is enabling effective collaborative modelling. Two common approaches are either storing the models in a central repository, or keeping them under a traditional file-based version control system and build a centralized index for model-wide queries. Either way, special attention must be paid to the nature of these repositories and indexes as networked services: they should remain responsive even with an increasing number of concurrent clients. This paper presents an empirical study on the impact of certain key decisions on the scalability of concurrent model queries, using an Eclipse Connected Data Objects model repository and a Hawk model index. The study evaluates the impact of the network protocol, the API design and the internal caching mechanisms and analyzes the reasons for their varying performance.
Den här studien, som har bedrivits i samarbete med konsultföretaget Pipe, har studerat informationshanteringsprocessen hos småföretag inom retailbranschen. Företaget som ägnar sig åt butiksplanering med hjälp av CAD-program har idag ingen koppling mellan CAD-programmet och den molndatabas som lagrar information. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva hur ett åtgärdsförslag skulle kunna se ut för att företaget ska kunna förbättra sin informationshantering genom användandet utav en molndatabas. Vi har även beskrivit problemområdet kring kopplingar mellanmolndatabaser och designprogram. För att besvara studiens syfte har vi genomfört en fallstudie, och svaret på forskningsfrågorna, 1. Hur ser informationshanteringsprocessen ut idag? 2. Hur kan informationshanteringsprocessen förbättras? 2. Vilka arbetssteg skulle kunna tas bort om företaget inför en koppling mellanmolndatabasen och designprogrammet? 3. Är en molnbaserad lösning ett möjligt alternativ för att använda för småföretag i retailbranschen? 4. Hur ser det ut i andra branscher som använder sig av CAD-program? Har vi hittat genom att genomföra intervjuer. Intervjuerna har hjälpt oss att genomföra en förändringsanalys där vi genom handlingsgrafer och mål- och problemlistor har kommit fram till ett antal åtgärdsförslag som företaget bör genomföra för att förbättra sin informationshanteringsprocess. Utifrån förändringsanalysen har vi kunnat dra slutsatsen att informationshanteringsprocessen skulle kunna förbättras och snabbas upp genom att införa en koppling mellan designprogrammet och en molndatabas. Detta skulle innebära att material automatiskt laddas upp från designprogrammet tillmolndatabasen, som även kunden har tillgång till. På så sätt samlas all information på ett och samma ställe. Genom litteraturstudier har vi också kommit fram till att en molnbaserad lösning vore möjligt för företaget, då det är en billig och smidig lösning för företag som inte har så stora resurser.
I dagens samhälle har det skett en strukturomvandling på marknaden gällande detaljhandeln.Strukturomvandlingen har inneburit utveckling av bland annat omnikanaler och e-handelvilket har förändrat företagens affärsmodellsval för att kunna överleva på marknaden. Ehandelnhar i många år setts som en konkurrent för mikroföretag, men det börjar även blimöjligt för mikroföretag att införa ett integrerat system som innebär att den fysiska butikensamverkar med e-handeln. Resultatet av de ökade möjligheterna för mikroföretag är att de kanvälja mellan tre olika affärsmodellsval gällande sin marknadsplats och tillgänglighet avföretaget och sedan utifrån omnikanaler kan företagen välja hur de vill nå ut tillkonsumenterna.I denna studie vill vi få en ökad förståelse för hur lokala mikroföretag arbetar med att behållasin marknadsplats i den ökade konkurrensen som blir i och med e-handelns tillväxt. För attkunna undersöka mikroföretagen har vi tillämpat en kvalitativ metod med djupgåendehalvstrukturerade intervjuer. För att få reda på hur lokala handlare uppfattar marknaden,konkurrensen och handelsutvecklingen, intervjuades fem stycken strategiskt valdadetaljhandelsföretag.Av undersökningen framgick det att en gemensam syn kring marknaden föreligger vilketinnebar att oavsett företagens val så har företagen sitt fokus på konsumenten. Det framgickäven att en av de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna är att tillgodose konsumenten med högservicegrad och på så sätt skapa en relation. Relationer bidrar till återkommande och lojalakonsumenter vilket i sin tur bidrar till lönsamhet för företaget. Samtliga informanter var enigaom att relationer upprättas i den fysiska butiken och har således valt att fokusera på denenskilda butiken i internets ständiga utveckling. För att attrahera konsumenter till butiken harde valt att tillhandahålla ett unikt sortiment. Sammanfattningsvis har internet och handelnsutveckling och den konkurrens det medför på lokala handlarna blivit tvungna ta ställning tilldet och anpassa en affärsmodell utefter sin egen verksamhet.
To finance transportation infrastructure and to address social and environmental negative externalities of road transports, several countries have recently introduced or consider a distance based tax on trucks. In competitive retail and transportation markets, such tax can be expected to lower the demand and thereby reduce CO2 emissions of road transports. However, as we show in this paper, such tax might also slow down the transition towards e-tailing. Considering that previous research indicates that a consumer switching from brick-and-mortar shopping to e-tailing reduces her CO2 emissions substantially, the direction and magnitude of the environmental net effect of the tax is unclear. In this paper, we assess the net effect in a Swedish regional retail market where the tax not yet is in place. We predict the net effect on CO2 emissions to be positive, but off-set by about 50% because of a slower transition to e-tailing.
Bonnita es una empresa que nace en el año 2015 en el mes de marzo, su actividad económica se clasifica bajo el código CIIU 4751, comercio al por menor de productos textiles en establecimientos especializados, actualmente cuenta con un establecimiento de comercio ubicado en el barrio Kennedy de la ciudad de Bogotá, la inversión realizada para esta empresa se realizo en su totalidad con recursos propios, los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento han llenado la expectativas de los inversionistas y en el mes de agosto del presente año se abrirá una nueva tienda que mejorara las utilidades de la empresa. Las tiendas Bonnita enfocan todo su modelo de negocio a crear una experiencia de compra para su segmento objetivo que son las mujeres entre los 18 y 40 años de edad, de estrato 2 – 3 medio - bajo, por medio de estrategias de merchandising propias, que generan una actitud diferente y mas impulsiva dentro de la tienda, utilizando elementos sensoriales y psicológicos que el consumidor no percibe pero influye en su decisión y manera de comprar, haciendo de esta más rentable para las tiendas Bonnita. El segmento objetivo es grande en la ciudad de Bogotá, los competidores más representativos del mercado emplean modelos de negocio diferentes y no existe un líder en este segmento ya que muchas de estas empresas diversifican con respecto al género al que enfocan sus esfuerzos, Bonnita se dirige únicamente a la mujer, la rotación de sus productos es rápida debido al manejo de inventarios justo a tiempo, lo que permite ser competitivos frente al precio y innovación en los productos.
The literature shows that category management is an important concept and tool for retailers and suppliers, but that there is a trend to move to a more shopper-centric category management approach, linked to the shoppermarketing approach. However, the knowledge on this issue is scarce on some retailing sectors, like convenience stores. The present study is focused on convenience stores, with the main purpose of finding out to what extent non-major food retailers successfully adopt a shopper-centric category management. The study is relevant in order to evaluate if a more shopper-centric approach is adequate to smaller companies/stores. To accomplish that goal, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted among convenience store retailers and suppliers. Six semistructured face-to-face interviews were conducted with Commercial Directors and Trade Marketing Managers. This data was complemented with thirteen interviews with shopper marketing experts. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis technique, identifying themes, categories, subcategories, units of meaning and relations. The results revealed that convenience store retailers use some of the principles and techniques of the shopper-marketing and shopper-centric category management approaches, which they do in a non-standardized and non-formal approach or process. Their suppliers (the manufacturers) do it in a more formal and structured manner, probably as a result of previous interaction with major supermarkets chains. Both direct and indirect evidences of a shopper-centric approach were found, which, however, were slight, discrete and not formal.
QUT Fine Arts Fashion Design graduate Gail Reid is making a name for herself nationally and internationally. As one of the first QUT graduates to establish and sustain her own label, it begs the question how, why and what's next for her career aspirations.
The firm is faced with a decision concerning the nature of intra-organizational exchange relationships with internal human resources and the nature or inter-organizational exchange relationships with market firms. In both situations, the firm can develop an exchange that ranges from a discrete exchange to a relational exchange. Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and the Resource Dependency View (RDV) represent alternative efficiency-based explanations fo the nature of the exchange relationship. The aim of the paper is to test these two theories in respect of air conditioning maintenance in retail centres. Multiple sources of information are genereated from case studies of Australian retail centres to test these theories in respoect of internalized operations management (concerning strategic aspects of air conditioning maintenance) and externalized planned routine air conditioning maintenance. The analysis of the data centres on pattern matching. It is concluded that the data supports TCE - on the basis of a development in TCE's contractual schema. Further research is suggested towards taking a pluralistic stance and developing a combined efficiency and power hypothesis - upon which Williamson has speculated. For practice, the conclusions also offer a timely cautionary note concerning the adoption of one approach in all exchange relationships.
This paper traces the history of store (retailer-controlled) and national (manufacture controlled)brands; identifies the key historical characteristics of the past 200 years of marketing history;describes the four main time periods of U.S. retail marketing (1800 - 2000); and comments on the most likely developments within the current phases of brand marketing. Will the future focus on technology and new forms of communications? The Internet exemplifies an unconventional retailing environment, with etailer numbers growing rapidly. The central proposition of this paper is that a "cycle of control" - a pattern of marketing developments within the history of retailing and national marketing communications - Can indicate the success of marketing strategies in the future.
Despite the increased offering of online communication channels to support web-based retail systems, there is limited marketing research that investigates how these channels act singly, or in combination with online channels, to influence an individual' s intention to purchase online. If the marketer's strategy is to encourage online transactions, this requires a focus on consumer acceptance of the web-based transaction technology, rather than the purchase of the products per se. The exploratory study reported in this paper examines normative influences from referent groups in an individual's on and offline social communication networks that might affect their intention to use online transaction facilities. The findings suggest that for non-adopters, there is no normative influence from referents in either network. For adopters, one online and one offline referent norm positively influenced this group's intentions to use online transaction facilities. The implications of these findings are discussed together with future research directions.
The adoption of e-business by the Australian construction industry lags other service and product industries. It is assumed that slow adoption rate does not reflect the maturity of the technology but is due to adoption impediments peculiar to the nature of construction. This chapter examines impediments to the uptake of e-business nationally and internationally. A systematic and extensive literature search of impediments (also referred to as obstacles, impediments or hindrances) to adoption has been undertaken and the findings discussed in this chapter. This review included more that 200 documents and these have been published in a searchable database as part of a larger research initiative funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation. The influence of levels of e-business maturity seen in other sectors such as retail, tourism and manufacturing was also captured and a number of major impediments were identified some including: privacy, trust, uncertainty of financial returns, lack of reliable measurement, fraud, lack of support and system maintenance. A total of 23 impediments were assessed in terms of impact to organisational type and size across reviewed documents. With this information it was possible to develop a reference framework for measuring maturity levels and readiness to uptake e-business in construction. Results have also shown that impediments to e-business adoption work differently according to organisational type and culture. Areas of training and people development need to be addressed. This would include a more sensitive approach to the nature of construction organisations, especially to those small and medium enterprises. Raising levels of awareness and creating trust for on-line collaboration are other aspects that need attention, which current studies confirm as lacking. An empirical study within construction, to validate these findings, forms the subsequent phase of this research.