793 resultados para Socialist architecture
Equilibrium phase diagrams are calculated for a selection of two-component block copolymer architectures using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). The topology of the phase diagrams is relatively unaffected by differences in architecture, but the phase boundaries shift significantly in composition. The shifts are consistent with the decomposition of architectures into constituent units as proposed by Gido and coworkers, but there are significant quantitative deviations from this principle in the intermediate-segregation regime. Although the complex phase windows continue to be dominated by the gyroid (G) phase, the regions of the newly discovered Fddd (O^70) phase become appreciable for certain architectures and the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase becomes stable when the complex phase windows shift towards high compositional asymmetry.
The development of architecture and the settlement is central to discussions concerning the Neolithic transformation asthe very visible evidence for the changes in society that run parallel to the domestication of plants and animals. Architecture hasbeen used as an important aspect of models of how the transformation occurred, and as evidence for the sharp difference betweenhunter-gatherer and farming societies. We suggest that the emerging evidence for considerable architectural complexity from theearly Neolithic indicates that some of our interpretations depend too much on a very basic understanding of structures which arenormally seen as being primarily for residential purposes and containing households, which become the organising principle for thenew communities which are often seen as fully sedentary and described as villages. Recent work in southern Jordan suggests that inthis region at least there is little evidence for a standard house, and that structures are constructed for a range of diverse primary purposes other than simple domestic shelters.
Recent excavations at Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) WF16 in southern Jordan have revealed remarkable evidence of architectural developments in the early Neolithic. This sheds light on both special purpose structures and “domestic” settlement, allowing fresh insights into the development of increasingly sedentary communities and the social systems they supported. The development of sedentary communities is a central part of the Neolithic process in Southwest Asia. Architecture and ideas of homes and households have been important to the debate, although there has also been considerable discussion on the role of communal buildings and the organization of early sedentarizing communities since the discovery of the tower at Jericho. Recently, the focus has been on either northern Levantine PPNA sites, such as Jerf el Ahmar, or the emergence of ritual buildings in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B of the southern Levant. Much of the debate revolves around a division between what is interpreted as domestic space, contrasted with “special purpose” buildings. Our recent evidence allows a fresh examination of the nature of early Neolithic communities.
Information architecture (IA) is defined as high level information requirements of an organisation. It is applied in areas such as information systems development, enterprise architecture, business processes management and organisational change management. Still, the lack of methods and theories prevents information architecture becoming a distinct discipline. Healthcare organisation is always seen as information intensive organisation, moreover in a pervasive healthcare environment. Pervasive healthcare aims to provide healthcare services to anyone, anywhere and anytime by incorporating mobile devices and wireless network. Information architecture hence plays an important role in information provisioning within the context of pervasive healthcare in order to support decision making and communication between clinician and patients. Organisational semiotics is one of the social technical approaches that contemplate information through the norms or activities performed within an organisation prior to pervasive healthcare implementation. This paper proposes a conceptual design of information architecture for pervasive healthcare. It is illustrated with a scenario of mental health patient monitoring.
A parallel pipelined array of cells suitable for realtime computation of histograms is proposed. The cell architecture builds on previous work to now allow operating on a stream of data at 1 pixel per clock cycle. This new cell is more suitable for interfacing to camera sensors or to microprocessors of 8-bit data buses which are common in consumer digital cameras. Arrays using the new proposed cells are obtained via C-slow retiming techniques and can be clocked at a 65% faster frequency than previous arrays. This achieves over 80% of the performance of two-pixel per clock cycle parallel pipelined arrays.
A parallel formulation of an algorithm for the histogram computation of n data items using an on-the-fly data decomposition and a novel quantum-like representation (QR) is developed. The QR transformation separates multiple data read operations from multiple bin update operations thereby making it easier to bind data items into their corresponding histogram bins. Under this model the steps required to compute the histogram is n/s + t steps, where s is a speedup factor and t is associated with pipeline latency. Here, we show that an overall speedup factor, s, is available for up to an eightfold acceleration. Our evaluation also shows that each one of these cells requires less area/time complexity compared to similar proposals found in the literature.
In order to improve the quality of healthcare services, the integrated large-scale medical information system is needed to adapt to the changing medical environment. In this paper, we propose a requirement driven architecture of healthcare information system with hierarchical architecture. The system operates through the mapping mechanism between these layers and thus can organize functions dynamically adapting to user’s requirement. Furthermore, we introduce the organizational semiotics methods to capture and analyze user’s requirement through ontology chart and norms. Based on these results, the structure of user’s requirement pattern (URP) is established as the driven factor of our system. Our research makes a contribution to design architecture of healthcare system which can adapt to the changing medical environment.
Clinical pathway is an approach to standardise care processes to support the implementations of clinical guidelines and protocols. It is designed to support the management of treatment processes including clinical and non-clinical activities, resources and also financial aspects. It provides detailed guidance for each stage in the management of a patient with the aim of improving the continuity and coordination of care across different disciplines and sectors. However, in the practical treatment process, the lack of knowledge sharing and information accuracy of paper-based clinical pathways burden health-care staff with a large amount of paper work. This will often result in medical errors, inefficient treatment process and thus poor quality medical services. This paper first presents a theoretical underpinning and a co-design research methodology for integrated pathway management by drawing input from organisational semiotics. An approach to integrated clinical pathway management is then proposed, which aims to embed pathway knowledge into treatment processes and existing hospital information systems. The capability of this approach has been demonstrated through the case study in one of the largest hospitals in China. The outcome reveals that medical quality can be improved significantly by the classified clinical pathway knowledge and seamless integration with hospital information systems.
In recent years, the importance of the corporate brand has significantly grown and companies increasingly seek to strengthen their corporate brand. The corporate brand image can be strengthened through portfolio advertising as a technique of impression management. This mechanism works only if important variables are considered, such as the fit between product brands, the number of product brands as well as the processing depth of the consumers. Based on three experiments, the benefits of portfolio advertising for the corporate brand and its product brands are shown and practical implications are discussed.
This article examines how conventional studio production strategies were active in the construction of political meaning in the 1974 television play 'Absolute Beginners' written by Trevor Griffiths. Produced for the BBC anthology series Fall of Eagles, the play dramatises Lenin's involvement with the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) and explores the contradictions between personal ethics and political necessity. Through close textual analysis and contextual discussion of other plays in the series, this piece demonstrates how shot patterns and spatial and performative devices in 'Absolute Beginners' supported the drama's socialist-humanist themes. Drawing on existing writing about the studio mode, it argues that the qualities of intimacy and presentational distance that it engendered were highly appropriate for the personal and the political dialectic in 'Absolute Beginners'. While using authorship as a convenient category for referring to the coherence of Griffiths' thematic concerns and dramatic structure during this period, the article complicates notions of the television dramatist as author by arguing for the importance of visual style and showing how 'ordinary' studio form was operational in the play's political meanings.
The environmental and financial costs of using inorganic phosphate fertilizers to maintain crop yield and quality are high. Breeding crops that acquire and use phosphorus (P) more efficiently could reduce these costs. The variation in shoot P concentration (shoot-P) and various measures of P use efficiency (PUE) were quantified among 355 Brassica oleracea L. accessions, 74 current commercial cultivars, and 90 doubled haploid (DH) mapping lines from a reference genetic mapping population. Accessions were grown at two or more external P concentrations in glasshouse experiments; commercial and DH accessions were also grown in replicated field experiments. Within the substantial species-wide diversity observed for shoot-P and various measures of PUE in B. oleracea, current commercial cultivars have greater PUE than would be expected by chance. This may be a consequence of breeding for increased yield, which is a significant component of most measures of PUE, or early establishment. Root development and architecture correlate with PUE; in particular, lateral root number, length, and growth rate. Significant quantitative trait loci associated with shoot-P and PUE occur on chromosomes C3 and C7. These data provide information to initiate breeding programmes to improve PUE in B. oleracea.
The complexity of current and emerging high performance architectures provides users with options about how best to use the available resources, but makes predicting performance challenging. In this work a benchmark-driven performance modelling approach is outlined that is appro- priate for modern multicore architectures. The approach is demonstrated by constructing a model of a simple shallow water code on a Cray XE6 system, from application-specific benchmarks that illustrate precisely how architectural char- acteristics impact performance. The model is found to recre- ate observed scaling behaviour up to 16K cores, and used to predict optimal rank-core affinity strategies, exemplifying the type of problem such a model can be used for.