666 resultados para Sêmen : Resfriamento


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A anchoita foi capturada e acondicionada a bordo sob-resfriamento a 0°C com gelo em escamas. Após o recebimento, o pescado foi processado na forma salgado-maturado. Após a maturação foram processadas e embaladas em sacos de polietileno e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C durante 84 dias. As amostras foram divididas grupos: (1) sob pressão atmosfera normal, (2) vácuo, (3) atmosfera modificada com 50% CO2 + 20% O2 + 30% N2 e (4) 60% CO2 + 10% O2 + 30% N2, em embalagens de polietileno e aluminizadas, termo-seladas e armazenadas sob-refrigeração a 5°C. Os valores de textura tiveram uma redução de 2277,8 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para 821,90 N (Kg.m/s2 ) para o tratamento controle. A qualidade inicial do pescado atendeu aos padrões legais vigentes, apresentando ausência Salmonella sp e enumerações aceitáveis aos padrões de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva, Clostridium sulfito redutores, coliforme totais e a 45ºC. Com relação ao pH, houve diferenças significativas durante o tempo de processamento (p<0,05), o valor passou de 6,3 (início) para 6,4 (final). Com relação aos resultados correspondentes aos parâmetros L*, a* e b* (cor), em todos os tratamentos e ao longo do tempo de processamento (ambas as embalagens), ocorreram diferenças significativas (p<0,05). Os valores de L* variaram de 34,80 para 18,00 (controle) 23,00 (vácuo), 20,21 (T3) e 22,00 (T4) embalagens de polietileno. Nas embalagens de alumínio os valores de L* variaram de 34,00 para 25,00 (controle), 29,00(vácuo), 22,10 (T3) e 26,00 (T4).


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This master thesis aims to assess the influence of the design decisions on the energy building performance of hotels. The research is based on the integration of field study and computer simulation. Firstly, a detailed field study is carried out to identify the characteristics of hotels in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The items assessed are occupancies, light and equipment densities, types of air conditioning, total and monthly energy consumption, among others. A second and more comprehensive field study is carried out to identify the range of occurrence of architectural variables, with a larger number of buildings. A base case is modelled in VisualDOE, based on the first field study. Then, a first set of simulations are run to explore the sensitivity of the variables on the energy consumption. The results analyses were the base of a second set of simulations, which combined the most influential variables. The results of 384 models were assessed, and the impacts of design decisions were quantified. The study discusses tendencies and recommendations, as well as the methods advantages and disadvantages


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características bioquímicas da carne de bubalinos Mediterrâneo terminados em confinamento e abatidos em diferentes pesos. Foram utilizados 28 bubalinos Mediterrâneo jovens, com idade de 9 meses, e peso vivo médio inicial de 240kg. Os animais foram alimentados com ração total à vontade em regime de confinamento até atingirem pesos de abate de 450, 480, 510 e 540kg de peso vivo (tratamentos). Os valores de pH e temperatura dos músculos Longissimus dorsi e Bíceps femoris foram coletados a intervalos de duas horas durante 24 horas após o abate. Determinou-se a cor da carne pelos métodos subjetivo e objetivo. Não houve efeito de interação entre tratamento e tempo de coleta. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos em relação ao pH e à temperatura nos dois músculos estudados (Longissimus dorsi e Bíceps femoris) durante o processo de resfriamento das carcaças. Os valores médios de pH inicial e pH final dos músculos Longissimus dorsi e Bíceps femoris foram de 6,6 e 5,4; e de 6,3 e 5,5, respectivamente. Os valores médios de temperatura inicial e final dos músculos Longissimus dorsi e Bíceps femoris foram 39,7°C e 4,1°C; 40,4°C e 7,0°C, respectivamente. Quanto à cor da carne, pelo método subjetivo, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos estudados, obtendo-se a média geral de 3,41 pontos. em relação à cor da carne pelo método objetivo, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos estudados. Os valores médios encontrados foram : L*= 35,16; a*=12,43 e b*=5,29. A carne bubalina, apesar de se apresentar mais escura que a carne bovina, não traz prejuízos quanto ao aspecto visual para o consumidor.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2015.


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O género Equus teve origem na América do Norte e alguns exemplares migraram para a Eurásia pelo Estreito de Bering, durante a última glaciação. No fim da glaciação, todos os cavalos do continente americano extinguiram-se, mas sobreviveram nas estepes da Eurásia, na Peninsula lbérica e nas florestas da Europa Ocidental e Central. O cavalo Lusitano teve a sua origem em cavalos selvagens e domesticados da Peninsula lbérica, ocorrendo uma mistura com outros animais trazidos por eventos migratórios ocorridos no passado. Os cavalos deste gene pool contribuiram para o desenvolvimento de outras raças modernas na Europa e foram mais tarde introduzidos e dispersos pelo continente Americano, tornando-se fundadores de numerosas raças do novo mundo. A raça Lusitana é uma raça equina autóctone portuguesa, com especial relevancia económica no panorama nacional e internacional. Apesar de não ser uma raça ameaçada, alguns autores defendem que a informação genealógica disponivel (pedigrees) indica que uma utilização excessiva de um reduzido número de reprodutores machos esta a diminuir a diversidade genética da raça, tendo como consequência o aumento da consanguinidade e a diminuição do tamanho efetivo da população para cerca de metade dos valores recomendados pela FAO. No entanto, a anàlise da diversidade genética com base em 16 microssatélites (Marcadores de DNA) a um grupo de 2699 machos da raça Lusitana, nascidos entre 1985 e 2010 e inscritos como reprodutores no Livro Genealógico da raça, revelou um elevado nível de diversidade, idêntico ao encontrado na maioria das raças equinas. Dada a crescente relevância da Crioconservação, omo estratégia complementar para a conservação da diversidade genética in situ, e tendo em conta que não existe criopreservação de oocitos, embriões ou sémen, do cavalo de raça Lusitana em Banco de Genes, selecionaram-se 62 machos reprodutores (garanhões) com interesse genético para a criopreservação de sémen, quer no sentido de preservar a diversidade da raça quer no da salvaguardar em caso de calamidade; ABSTRACT: The genus Equus originated in North America and some exemplary migrated to Eurasia through the Bering Strait during the last glaciation. By the end of the last glaciation, all horses on the American continent became extinct but the genus survived in the steppes of Eurasia, in the Iberian Peninsula and on the Central and West Europe forests. The Lusitano horse breed has its origins in wild and domesticated horses of the Iberian Peninsula, where a mixture with other animals brought by migratory events in the past occurred. The horses of this gene pool contributed to the development of other modern breeds in Europe and were later introduced and spread throughout the American continent, becoming founders of numerous breeds of the New World. The Lusitano horse breed, is a Portuguese native equine breed, with special economic relevance in the national and international scene. Although not being an endangered breed, some authors argue that the available genealogical information (pedigrees) indicates that an excessive use of a limited number of stallions is decreasing the genetic diversity of the breed, resulting in the increase of inbreeding and on the decrease of the effective population size to about half of the values recommended by FAO. However, the analysis of genetic diversity based on 16 microsatellites (DNA markers) in a group of 2699 males of the Lusitano horse breed, born between 1985 and 2010 and registered as Stallions in the Studbook, revealed a high level of diversity similar to that found in the majority of equine breeds. Given the growing relevance of Cryopreservation as a complementary strategy for the conservation of genetic diversity in situ and, taking into consideration the inexistence of criopreservation for oocytes, embryos and semen, in a Gene Bank, for the Lusitano horse breed, 62 breeding males (stallions) with genetic interest for semen cryopreservation were selected in order either to preserve the diversity of the breed or as safeguard in case of calamity.


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This masther dissertation presents a contribution to the study of 316L stainless steel sintering aiming to study their behavior in the milling process and the effect of isotherm temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The 316L stainless steel is a widely used alloy for their high corrosion resistance property. However its application is limited by the low wear resistance consequence of its low hardness. In previous work we analyzed the effect of sintering additives as NbC and TaC. This study aims at deepening the understanding of sintering, analyzing the effect of grinding on particle size and microstructure and the effect of heating rate and soaking time on the sintered microstructure and on their microhardness. Were milled 316L powders with NbC at 1, 5 and 24 hours respectively. Particulates were characterized by SEM and . Cylindrical samples height and diameter of 5.0 mm were compacted at 700 MPa. The sintering conditions were: heating rate 5, 10 and 15◦C/min, temperature 1000, 1100, 1200, 1290 and 1300◦C, and soaking times of 30 and 60min. The cooling rate was maintained at 25◦C/min. All samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The sintered microstructure were characterized by optical and electron microscopy as well as density and microhardness. It was observed that the milling process has an influence on sintering, as well as temperature. The major effect was caused by firing temperature, followed by the grinding and heating rate. In this case, the highest rates correspond to higher sintering.


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This research studies the sintering of ferritic steel chips from the machining process. Were sintered metal powder obtained from machining process chips for face milling of a ferritic steel. The chip was produced by machining and characterized by SEM and EDS, and underwent a process of high energy mill powder characterized also by SEM and EDS. Were constructed three types of matrixes for uniaxial compression (relation l / d greater than 2.5). The differences in the design of the matrixes were essentially in the direction of load application, which for cylindrical case axial direction, while for the rectangular arrays, the longer side. Two samples were compressed with different geometries, a cylindrical and rectangular with the same compaction pressure of 700 MPa. The samples were sintered in a vacuum resistive furnace, heating rate 20 °C / min., isotherm 1300 °C for 60 minutes, and cooling rate of 25 °C / min to room temperature. The starting material of the rectangular sample was further annealed up to temperature of 800 ° C for 30 min. Sintered samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS. The sample compressed in the cylindrical matrix did not show a regular density reflecting in the sintered microstructure revealed by the irregular geometry of the pores, characterizing that the sintering was not complete, reaching only the second phase. As for the specimen compacted in the rectangular array, the analysis performed by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS indicate a good densification, and homogeneous microstructure in their full extent. Additionally, the EDS analyzes indicate no significant changes in chemical composition in the process steps. Therefore, it is concluded that recycling of chips, from the processed ferritic steel is feasible by the powder metallurgy. It makes possible rationalize raw material and energy by manufacture of known properties components from chips generated by the machining process, being benefits to the environment


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In this study it was used two metallic oxides, Ta2O5 and TiO2, in order to obtain metallic powders of Ta and Ti through aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma. Ta2O5 and TiO2 powders were mixed with Al in a planetary mill, using different milling times. A thermal analysis study (DTA and TG) was carried out, in order to know the temperature to react both the mixtures. Then, these mixtures were submitted to a hollow cathode discharge, where they were reacted using aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma. The product obtained was characterized by XRD and SEM, where it was proven the possibility of producing these metallic particles, different from the conventional process, where metallic ingots are obtained. It was verified that the aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma is able to produce metallic powders of Ta and Ti, and a higher efficiency was observed to the process with Ta2O5-Al mixtures. Among different microstructural aspects observed, it can be noted the presence of metallic nanoparticles trapped into an Al2O3 matrix, besides acicular structures (titanium) and dendritic structures (tantalum), which are a product characteristic from a fast cooling


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This research has as its object study focus bioclimatic in architecture and its conection with projects decisions, on what regards to environmental comfort for single-family dwelling. From the analysis of five architectural projects inserted in Natal/RN, warm-moist weather, this research gather informations regarding architectural features guided by shape and space arrengement, which embody important elements for the project design development. Computer simulations assisted as foundation to verify the efficiency grade for these projects strategies from shading analysis. Related strategies for the demands of natural ventilation circulation and thermal mass for refrigeration were analysed as well. Results show that there is an hierarchizing of priorities for the decisions made when it comes to shape and space disposition variables, as well as the way these variables will consider the bioclimatic demands. The analysis, even, show that there is no single way to respond to specific bioclimatic demands, as it points out the value of examination of the projectual solutions throughtout the conception process, in order to achieve an efficient project performance for the envimonment comfort


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In this work was used a plasma torch of non transferred arc with argon as work gas, using a power supply with maximum DC current of 250 A and voltage of 30 V to activate the plasma and keep it switched on. The flame temperature was characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, through Boltzmann-plot-method. The torch has been used like igniter in the aluminothermic reduction of the mixture tantalum oxide and aluminum, seeking to obtain metallic tantalum. In heating of the reagents only one particle will be considered to study interactions between plasma-particle, seeking to determinate its fusion and residence time. The early powders were characterized by laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The final product of this reaction was characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction. Crystallite size was calculated by the Scherrer equation and microdeformation was determined using Willamsom-Hall graph. With Rietveld method was possible to quantify the percentile in weight of the products obtained in the aluminothermic reaction. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic tantalum and Al2O3 as products of the reduction. As was waited the particle size of the metallic tantalum produced, presents values in nanometric scale due the short cooling time of those particles during the process


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Objetivou-se determinar a dose inseminante adequada para uso na fertilização artificial de ovócitos de dourado (Salminus brasiliensis). Os ovócitos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, e fertilizados com uma das relações espermatozoides/ovócito 6,0×10³; 6,0×10(4); 6,0×10(5); 6,0×10(6) ou 3,0×10(7), cada uma com quatro repetições. Considerou-se unidade experimental uma incubadora de volume útil de 2,5 L, contendo 2,0 mL de ovócitos não-hidratados. As taxas de fertilização foram mensuradas 8 horas após o início da fertilização. Com intuito de verificar possíveis efeitos da diluição seminal na movimentação dos espermatozoides, realizou-se a mensuração do tempo de duração da motilidade espermática dos espermatozoides de dourado, ativados por meio de diferentes relações de diluição: 6,8×10-5; 6,8×10-4; 6,8×10-3; 6,8×10-2; 3,4×10-1 e 1,0 mL de sêmen por mL de água. O tempo de duração da motilidade foi avaliado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado composto de seis tratamentos e três repetições. As taxas de fertilização apresentaram relação quadrática com o número de espermatozoides por ovócito. As relações de diluição do sêmen tiveram efeito inversamente proporcional sobre a duração da motilidade espermática. A relação que proporcionou melhores taxas de fertilização artificial de ovócitos de dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) foi de 30.722 espermatozoides por ovócio.


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This master thesis aims to assess the influence of the design decisions on the energy building performance of hotels. The research is based on the integration of field study and computer simulation. Firstly, a detailed field study is carried out to identify the characteristics of hotels in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The items assessed are occupancies, light and equipment densities, types of air conditioning, total and monthly energy consumption, among others. A second and more comprehensive field study is carried out to identify the range of occurrence of architectural variables, with a larger number of buildings. A base case is modelled in VisualDOE, based on the first field study. Then, a first set of simulations are run to explore the sensitivity of the variables on the energy consumption. The results analyses were the base of a second set of simulations, which combined the most influential variables. The results of 384 models were assessed, and the impacts of design decisions were quantified. The study discusses tendencies and recommendations, as well as the methods advantages and disadvantages


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Uma alternativa para controle do mofo-branco do feijão (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Ss) é o uso de agentes de controle biológico (ACB). Trichoderma sp. (Tr) e Clonostachys rosea (Cr) podem competir, parasitar e produzir metabólitos tóxicos contra fitopatógenos. Avaliou-se a capacidade de três isolados de Tr e um de Cr, previamente selecionados para o controle de Ss, em produzir metabólitos tóxicos contra o patógeno. Os ACB foram crescidos em caldo batata dextrose sob agitação (100 rpm) por sete dias. Após, o caldo foi filtrado a vácuo (membrana bacteriológica 0,22µm) e adicionou-se uma alíquota (2 ml) do filtrado ou de ADE (testemunha) a BDA fundente em placas de Petri. Após o resfriamento, adicionou-se no centro da placa um disco de micélio de Ss. As placas (cinco repetições/tratamento) foram incubadas a 20˚C ou 25˚C. Diariamente mediu-se o diâmetro das colônias até a testemunha atingir as bordas da placa. A 25˚C verificou-se significativa redução (Tukey, 5%) do crescimento micelial de Ss pelos filtrados dos três isolados de Tr (72 a 79%) e por Cr (50%). A 20ºC, apenas dois isolados de Tr inibiram Ss (45 a 65%). Os resultados indicam que os ACB podem atuar por antibiose, porém a eficiência é influenciada pelo ambiente.


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Objetivou-se foi avaliar a fertilização artificial e a duração da motilidade espermática em pacus com diferentes doses inseminantes, volumes de água e preservação do sêmen in natura. Foram realizados quatro experimentos para avaliação do efeito de doses inseminantes (7x10³, 7x10(4), 7x10(5), 7x10(6) e 7x10(7) espermatozoides ovócito-1) sobre a fertilização artificial dos ovócitos; do efeito do volume de água (0,5; 15,0; 30,0; 45,0 e 60,0 mL de água mL-1 de ovócitos) com doses inseminantes de 105.481 e 210.963 espermatozoides ovócito-1; do efeito de diluição do sêmen (0,005; 0,05; 0,5 e 5,0 µL de sêmen mL-1 de água) sobre a duração da motilidade espermática; e do efeito do armazenamento a 15 ºC por 9 h sobre a duração da motilidade espermática e o índice de sobrevivência espermática. Os maiores resultados obtidos foram: doses inseminantes entre 7x10³ e 7x10(7) espermatozoides ovócito-1; 15 a 60 mL de água mL-1 de ovócitos; diluição de 0.005 µL sêmen mL-1 de água e 98,65% de sobrevivência espermática até o tempo de preservação de 2h45min36s. A preservação a 15ºC por 9 horas não influencia a duração da motilidade espermática. As maiores taxas de fertilização podem ser observadas no emprego de 0,27 a 270 µL de sêmen mL-1 de ovócitos, com 15 a 60 mL de água para ativação.