658 resultados para Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Plantentuin


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The recent history of small shop and independent retailing has been one of decline. The most desirable form of assistance is the provision of information which will increase the efficiency model of marketing mix effeciveness which may be applied in small scale retailing. A further aim is to enhance theoretical development in the marketing field. Recent changes in retailing have affected location, product range, pricing and promotion practices. Although a large number of variables representing aspects of the marketing mix may be identified, it is not possible, on the basis of currently available information, to quantify or rank them according to their effect on sales performance. In designing a suitable study a major issue is that of access to a suitable representative sample of small retailers. The publish nature of the retail activities involved facilitates the use of a novel observation approach to data collection. A cross-sectional survey research design was used focussing on a clustered random sample of greengrocers and gent's fashion outfitters in the West Midlands. Linear multiple regression was the main analytical technique. Powerful regression models were evolved for both types of retailing. For greengrocers the major influences on trade are pedestrian traffic and shelf display space. For gent's outfitters they are centrality-to-other shopping, advertising and shelf display space. The models may be utilised by retailers to determine the relative strength of marketing mix variables. The level of precision is not sufficient to permit cost benefit analysis. Comparison of the findings for the two distinct kinds of business studied suggests an overall model of marketing mix effectiveness might be based on frequency of purchase, homogeneity of the shopping environment, elasticity of demand and bulk characteristics of the good sold by a shop.


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Migration is as old as humanity, but since the 1990s migration flows in Western Europe have led to societies that are not just multicultural but so-called «super-diverse». As a result, Western towns now have very complex social structures, with amongst others large amounts of small immigrant communities that are in constant change. In this paper we argue that for social workers to be able to offer adequate professional help to non-native residents in town, they will need balanced view of ‘culture’ and of the role culture plays in social aid. Culture is never static, but is continually changing. By teaching social workers about how to look at cultural backgrounds of immigrant groups and about the limitations of then role that culture plays in communication, they will be better equipped to provide adequate aid and will contribute to making various groups grow towards each other and to avoid people thinking in terms of ‘out-group-homogeneity’. Nowadays, inclusion is a priority in social work that almost every social worker supports. Social workers should have an open attitude to allow them to approach every individual as a unique person. They will see the other person as the person they are, and not as a part of a specific cultural group. Knowledge about the others makes them see the cultural heterogeneity in every group. The social sector, though, must be aware not to fall into the trap of the ‘inclusion mania’! This will cause the social deprivation of a particular group to be forgotten. An inclusive policy requires an inclusive society. Otherwise, this could result in even more deprivation of other groups, already discriminated against. Emancipation of deprived people demands a certain target-group policymaking. Categorized aid will raise efficiency of working with immigrants and of acknowledging the cultural identity of the non-natives group. It will also create the possibility to work on fighting social deprivation, in which most immigrants can be found.


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Este trabajo aborda la posible contribución de la radio al envejecimiento activo. La ética comunicativa actual debe tener presentes los colectivos más vulnerables de la sociedad y uno de ellos es el de la vejez. Se recogen en el artículo los principales datos demográficos sobre población mayor, cuyo crecimiento es tal que se hace necesario un cambio de paradigma a la hora de abordar estos cambios, lo que se conoce como envejecimiento activo. Se plantea que la radio, por sus peculiares características, puede contribuir a promover dicho paradigma. Pero es necesario partir de datos objetivos y el artículo concluye presentando los datos y gráficos de la investigación realizada sobre la presencia de la vejez en los magazines matinales de las cuatro emisoras más importantes del país.


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La reafirmación del modelo político-administrativo ciudadano tras la fase arcaica colonial abre una nueva etapa de prosperidad en la antigua fundación tiria. El esplendor de Gadir en el s. V a.C. se refleja en los textos clásicos y en los hallazgos arqueológicos y, sin embargo, nuestros conocimientos sobre el desarrollo histórico de la ciudad de época púnica son muy limitados. El horizonte arcaico comienza a esclarecerse tras los hallazgos del Teatro Cómico que han sacado a la luz los restos de la fundación tiria y, sin embargo, la ciudad posterior continúa siendo una gran incógnita. ¿A qué lugar se traslada la población una vez que se abandona el asentamiento primitivo? ¿Quiénes son los individuos enterrados en los excepcionales sarcófagos antropoides? ¿Qué relación jerárquica existe entre el asentamiento insular y los situados en tierra firme? ¿Qué papel jugó la industria y comercialización de las salazones? Los interrogantes planteados son múltiples y no hacen más que evidenciar la incapacidad del paradigma tradicional para explicar el desarrollo histórico de la Gadir postcolonial y la necesidad de buscar nuevos modelos interpretativos.


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Partiendo del concepto de metáfora cognitiva, que complementa al más conocido de metáfora literaria, y analizando la base conceptual que a ambas subyace, pretendemos un cuidadoso análisis de los textos de poesía épica y lírica arcaicas, sin olvidar la importancia fundamental del contexto cultural en que estos surgen, para obtener una mejor comprensión de la forma en que los griegos conceptualizaban el sentimiento amoroso.


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Following and contributing to the ongoing shift from more structuralist, system-oriented to more pragmatic, socio-cultural oriented anglicism research, this paper verifies to what extent the global spread of English affects naming patterns in Flanders. To this end, a diachronic database of first names is constructed, containing the top 75 most popular boy and girl names from 2005 until 2014. In a first step, the etymological background of these names is documented and the evolution in popularity of the English names in the database is tracked. Results reveal no notable surge in the preference for English names. This paper complements these database-driven results with an experimental study, aiming to show how associations through referents are in this case more telling than associations through phonological form (here based on etymology). Focusing on the socio-cultural background of first names in general and of Anglo-American pop culture in particular, the second part of the study specifically reports on results from a survey where participants are asked to name the first three celebrities that leap to mind when hearing a certain first name (e.g. Lana, triggering the response Del Rey). Very clear associations are found between certain first names and specific celebrities from Anglo-American pop culture. Linking back to marketing research and the social turn in onomastics, we will discuss how these celebrities might function as referees, and how social stereotypes surrounding these referees are metonymically attached to their first names. Similar to the country-of-origin-effect in marketing, these metonymical links could very well be the reason why parents select specific “celebrity names”. Although further attitudinal research is needed, this paper supports the importance of including socio-cultural parameters when conducting onomastic research.


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This paper presents a new hyper-heuristic method using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for solving course timetabling problems. The term Hyper-heuristics has recently been employed to refer to 'heuristics that choose heuristics' rather than heuristics that operate directly on given problems. One of the overriding motivations of hyper-heuristic methods is the attempt to develop techniques that can operate with greater generality than is currently possible. The basic idea behind this is that we maintain a case base of information about the most successful heuristics for a range of previous timetabling problems to predict the best heuristic for the new problem in hand using the previous knowledge. Knowledge discovery techniques are used to carry out the training on the CBR system to improve the system performance on the prediction. Initial results presented in this paper are good and we conclude by discussing the con-siderable promise for future work in this area.


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Introdução: A pseudotrombocitopenia dependente de EDTA (EDTA-PTCP) consiste numa falsa diminuição na contagem de plaquetas (PLT), em amostras de sangue colhidas em EDTA, devido a aglutinação plaquetar. Estudos publicados referem que a aglutinação plaquetar na presença de EDTA se pode evitar e dissociar com a adição de um aminoglicosídeo. Objectivos: 1) avaliar a eficácia do aminoglicosídeo gentamicina (Gent) na dissociação de aglutinados plaquetares em amostras de sangue total colhidas em EDTA; 2) verificar se existe alterações nos outros parâmetros hematológicos e na morfologia do sangue periférico, após adição de Gent; 3) detetar o envolvimento das frações GPllb ou GPllIa do complexo GPllb/llIa no mecanismo de formação dos aglutinados plaquetares induzidos pelo EDTA. Material e Métodos: 145 amostras de sangue periférico em EDTA-K3 e com trombocitopenia, processadas no CELL-DYN Sapphire TM. De acordo com padrão gráfico característico em Mono-Poly I, amostras reprocessadas após adição de 20 μL de Gent, com a mesma metodologia. Esfregaços de sangue periférico (ESP) corados por May-Grünwald-Giemsa. 13 amostras processadas com contagem imunológica de PLT (CD61), antes e após Gent. Comparação dos valores dos diferentes parâmetros antes e após adição de Gent: Teste T- student emparelhado, significado estatístico: p<0,05. Resultados: 138 amostras com diferença estatisticamente significativa na contagem de PLT antes e após Gent, com desaparecimento do padrão inicial em Mono-Poly I: 97 EDTA-PTCP (p<0,0001) e 41 trombocitopenias reais (p<0,0001). Sete amostras sem aumento na contagem de PLT (P=0,15) com Gent, nem alteração em Mono-Poly I, sugerindo presença de microcoágulos, confirmados em ESP. Principais parâmetros hematológicos sem diferenças significativas (p>0,05), após adição de Gent, com exceção do VPM (P<0,0001) e Ptc (p<0,0001). Morfologia do sangue periférico sem alterações. As treze amostras processadas com CD61 antes de Gent tinham um número de PLT superior ao obtido na contagem ótica antes de Gent. Conclusões: A adição de Gent às amostras em EDTA induz uma rápida dissociação dos aglutinados, sem causar alterações morfológicas nem dos principais parâmetros hematológicos. Apenas a GPllb parece estar envolvida no mecanismo de formação dos aglutinados plaquetares. O uso de Gent revelou-se muito útil, rápido e com baixo custo nas EDTA-PTCP, permitindo rentabilizar a tecnologia existente, com grande benefício para o doente.


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A parameterization of mesoscale eddy fluxes in the ocean should be consistent with the fact that the ocean interior is nearly adiabatic. Gent and McWilliams have described a framework in which this can be approximated in L-coordinate primitive equation models by incorporating the effects of eddies on the buoyancy field through an eddy-induced velocity. It is also natural to base a parameterization on the simple picture of the mixing of potential vorticity in the interior and the mixing of buoyancy at the surface. The authors discuss the various constraints imposed by these two requirements and attempt to clarify the appropriate boundary conditions on the eddy-induced velocities at the surface. Quasigeostrophic theory is used as a guide to the simplest way of satisfying these constraints.


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Hay algo de extraño, algo que me divierte y me escandaliza leyendo esta pre­sentación que de Girard se hace en el bello Dictionnaire des philosophes (PUF). En realidad, esta introducción es una crítica feroz, apasionada y, a mi manera de ver, muy injusta con la teoría mimética y con el hombre René Girard. Es extraño y cómico observar que se le hace el honor de criticar a Girard, incluso en los diccionarios. Pienso que no solamente es fácil demostrar el parti­dismo negativo del diccionario, sino también la falta de conocimiento del tema tratado. No se trata tanto de defender la teoría mimética, sino de mostrar que ella no está siendo simplemente presentada de forma correcta.


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Questo lavoro è incentrato sull'analisi e la simulazione di un ciclo Rankine a fluido organico (ORC) per la produzione di energia da calore a bassa entalpia. Il lavoro è stato svolto in collaborazione con l'università di Gent, in Belgio, in particolare grazie al Prof. De Peape e all' Ing. Steven Lecompte; il lavoro in Italia è stato coordinato dal Prof. De Pascale. L'obiettivo principale della tesi è stata la creazione un modello computazionale in grado di descrivere le prestazioni dell'impianto a carico parziale. Ogni elemento dell'impianto è stato analizzato e modellizzato secondo un approccio di simulazione originale in Matlab. I componenti ottenuti sono stati poi combinati a formare la simulazione dell'intero sistema; questa è in grado di prevedere la potenza prodotta ed il rendimento del ciclo al variare delle condizioni esterne. I risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni sono stati poi confrontati con i dati sperimentali raccolti sull'impianto di prova dell'Università. Questo confronto dimostra un buon accordo dei risultati previsti con quelli misurati. L'errore relativo massimo ottenuto per la potenza elettrica è sotto il 7%, così come quello sul rendimento; Gli errori relativi a pressione ed entalpie sono in genere sotto il 5%. Il modello può perciò dirsi validato e rappresenta un valido strumento di analisi per comprendere la risposta ai carichi parziali anche al di fuori del range di calibrazione. Il modello è stato infine utilizzato per costruire delle mappe del carico parziale e analizzare l'influenza delle variabili del ciclo. Ulteriori applicazioni delle mappe prodotte sono proposte a fine del lavoro.