653 resultados para Ree


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In the present study the origin of clay deposits occurring in an inland platform, in central Portugal, was investigated by their mineralogical and chemical composition. The clay deposits, exploited for ceramic industry are composed of silt-clay facies, the Monteira Member and the Arroça Member, which are assigned to the Coja Formation (Paleogene) and the Campelo Formation (Miocene), respectively. These clayey facies show almost compositional homogeneity, especially concerning texture. The mineralogical composition of the Monteira Member displays slightly higher content in smectite and interstratified clay minerals, which is supported by the chemical composition of samples analyzed. Both members present similar REE patterns, displaying an intense weathering record and little variation in the source area composition. Minor element geochemistry suggests low content in heavy minerals and transition metals. REE patterns and ratios of geochemical parameters support the dominant metasedimentary provenance, with a granite source contribution and also mature recycled sediments of continental origin. The study results’ suggest that the clays of these two members have the same source in terms of lithology and recycled sediments from the Hesperian massif. During the deposition of the Arroça Member, a major remobilization of the Monteira Member is suggested, explaining the geochemical similarity of both facies.


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Over the past decades, rare earth elements (REE) and their radioactive isotopes have received tremendous attention in sedimentary geochemistry, as tracers for the geological history of the continental crust and provenance studies. In this study, we report on elemental concentrations and neodymium (Nd) isotopic compositions for a large number of sediments collected near the mouth of rivers worldwide, including some of the world’s major rivers. Sediments were leached for removal of non-detrital components, and both clay and silt fractions were retained for separate geochemical analyses. Our aim was to re-examine, at the scale of a large systematic survey, whether or not REE and Nd isotopes could be fractionated during Earth surface processes. Our results confirmed earlier assumptions that river sediments do not generally exhibit any significant grain-size dependent Nd isotopic variability. Most sediments from rivers draining old cratonic areas, sedimentary systems and volcanic provinces displayed similar Nd isotopic signatures in both clay and silt fractions, with ΔεNd (clay-silt) < |1.| A subtle decoupling of Nd isotopes between clays and silts was identified however in a few major river systems (e.g. Nile, Mississippi, Fraser), with clays being systematically shifted towards more radiogenic values. This observation suggests that preferential weathering of volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks relative to more resistant lithologies may occur in river basins, possibly leading locally to Nd isotopic decoupling between different size fractions. Except for volcanogenic sediments, silt fractions generally displayed homogeneous REE concentrations, exhibiting relatively flat shale-normalized patterns. However, clay fractions were almost systematically characterized by a progressive enrichment from the heavy to the light REE and a positive europium (Eu) anomaly. In agreement with results from previous soil investigations, the observed REE fractionation between clays and silts is probably best explained by preferential alteration of feldspars and/or accessory mineral phases. Importantly, this finding clearly indicates that silicate weathering can lead to decoupling of REE between different grain-size fractions, with implications for sediment provenance studies. Finally, we propose a set of values for a World River Average Clay (WRAC) and Average Silt (WRAS), which provide new estimates for the average composition of the weathered and eroded upper continental crust, respectively, and could be used for future comparison purposes.


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An inactive vent field comprised of dead chimneys was discovered on the ultrafast East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 18°S during the research campaign NAUDUR with the R/V Le Nadir in December 1993. One of these chimneys was sampled, studied and found to be largely composed of silica-mineralized bacterial-like filaments. The filaments are inferred to be the result of microbial activity leading to silica (± Fe-oxyhydroxide) precipitation. The chimney grew from the most external layer (precipitated 226 ± 4 yr. B.P.) towards the central chimney conduit. Hydrothermal activity ceased 154 ± 13 yr. B.P. and the chimney conduit was completely sealed. Mixing between an end-member hydrothermal fluid and seawater explains the Sr–Nd isotopic composition of the chimney. Seawater was the major source of Sr to the chimney, whereas the dominant Nd source was the local mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) leached by the hydrothermal fluids. The mixing scenarios point to a dynamic hydrothermal system with fluctuating fluid compositions. The proportion of seawater within the venting fluid responsible for the precipitation of the silica chimney layers varied between 94 and 85%. Pb-isotope data indicates that all of the Pb in the chimney was derived from the underlying MORB. The precipitation temperatures of the chimney layers varied between 55 and 71 °C, and were a function of the seawater/end-member hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio. δ30Si correlates with the temperature of precipitation implying that temperature is one of the major controls of the Si-isotope composition of the chimney. Concentrations of elements across the chimney wall were a function of this mixing ratio and the composition of the end-member hydrothermal fluid. The inward growth of the chimney wall and accompanying decrease in wall permeability resulted in an inward decrease in the seawater/hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio, which in turn exerted a control on the concentrations of the elements supplied mainly by the hydrothermal fluids. The silica chimney is significantly enriched in U, likely a result of bacterial concentration of U from the seawater-dominated vent fluid. The chimney is poor in rare earth elements (REE). It inherited its REE distribution patterns from the parent end-member hydrothermal fluids. The dilution of the hydrothermal fluid with over 85% seawater could not obliterate the particular REE features (positive Eu anomaly) of the hydrothermal fluids.


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Determination of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in the waters and sediments of El Hito Lake and its drainage basin was carried out. Distribution maps for REEs concentrations show increasing values in the lake sediments from the center to the eastern edge reaching 166.5 mg/kg. In the drainage basin, higher values were observed with a maximum of 350.9 mg/kg in the southern part. Concentrations in the water were considerably lower with a maximum value of 1.3 µg/L. Ce, La and Nd were the most abundant elements. When normalized REE concentrations against NASC (North American Shale Composite), a positive anomaly of Eu in the water and of Nd in the sediments (lake and basin) was observed. The (La/Gd)NASC and (La/Yb)NASC ratios determined the predominance of light REE (LREE) over medium (MREE) and heavy REE (HREE). Key-words: Rare Earth Elements, lacustrine sediments and water, Eu anomaly, sulfates RESUMEN: Se llevó a cabo el estudio de Tierras Raras (REEs) del agua y los sedimentos de la Laguna de El Hito así como de su cuenca de recepción. Los mapas de distribución de las concentraciones de REE en los sedimentos de la laguna mostraron valores crecientes desde el centro hacia el margen este alcanzando 166.5 mg/kg. En la cuenca se midieron valores más elevados llegando hasta 350.9 mg/kg en la mitad sur. Los valores en el agua fueron notablemente inferiores, con un máximo de 1.3 µg/L. El elemento más abundante fue el Ce seguido del Nd. Se normalizaron las concentraciones de REEs frente a las del NASC (North American Shale Composite), observándose una anomalía positiva de Eu en el agua, así como de Nd en los sedimentos (laguna y cuenca). Mediante los índices (La/Gd)NASC y (La/Yb)NASC se determinó el predominio de las REEs ligeras (LREEs) frente a las medias (MREE) y pesadas (HREE).


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Dataciones geocronológicas U-Pb en circones detríticos, edades 40Ar/ 39Ar en mica blanca, análisis estructurales, texturales, la composición química de elementos mayores, traza y tierras raras (REE) así como la composición química mineral de las rocas metamáficas, metultramáficas y metasedimentarias, fueron determinadas con el fin de determinar las condiciones metamórficas, el ambiente tectónico y la procedencia del Esquisto Granjeno en el noreste de México (Nuevo León y Tamaulipas). En el país existen rocas metamórficas paleozoicas que están relacionados con los procesos que dieron lugar a la colisión entre Laurentia y Gondwana durante la formación Pangea. Vestigios de la configuración continental paleozoica de México se encuentran en el Esquisto Granjeno, que forma parte del basamento metamórfico de la Sierra Madre Oriental. Relaciones de campo y análisis petrográficos indican que el Esquisto Granjeno consiste de rocas metamórficas con protolitos sedimentarios (psamita, pelita, turbidita, conglomerado, lutita negra) e ígneos (toba, flujos de lava, lava meta-almohadillada y cuerpos ultramáficos). El geotermómetro de clorita, el geobarómetro de fengita y la edad 40Ar/ 39Ar calculada indican que el Esquisto Granjeno fue afectado por metamorfismo en facies de sub-esquistos verdes a facies de esquistos verdes-anfibolita, (165-410°C y 2.5-4 kbar ) durante el Carbonífero (330±30 Ma). Las rocas metamáficas del Esquisto Granjeno tienen una afinidad sub-alcalina a alcalina y se caracterizan por un bajo contenido de SiO2 (40-50 wt%), alto contenido de Al2O3 (19 wt%) y #MgO de 48-67. La abundancia de tierras raras (∑REE) varía de 51-167 ppm. Estas rocas presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita moderadamente fraccionados, con valores de LaN/YbN 0.74-8.88. La anomalía de europio es variable (Eu/Eu* 0.80- 1.09) y presenta una tendencia ligeramente negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.96). Las rocas metamáficas tienen composiciones correspondientes a basaltos de cresta (MORB) e isla oceánica (OIB), de acuerdo a los valores en las relaciones Zr/Y=6-8 y Zr/Nb=4-9 para OIB y 0.9-3; 14-53 para MORB. Los protolitos de la serpentinita y el metacumulato corresponden a dunita y harzburgita. La serpentina y el metacumulato tienen un contenido de MgO (16-39 wt%), SiO2 (36-45 wt%), FeO (2-11 wt%), Al2O3 (0.76-13 wt%), CaO (< 22wt%) y #MgO (85-98, 69). Las rocas de talco presentan contenido de MgO (26-33wt%), SiO2 (31- 61wt%), FeO (3.7-9.8wt%), Al2O3 (1.2-19wt%), CaO (0.25-2.0wt%), y #Mg (83-93). Los patrones de tierras raras casi horizontals (LaN/YbN=0.51-19.95 y la relación LaN/SmN=0.72-9.08 sugieren un origen vinculado a un ambiente de dorsal oceánica y de suprasubducción para las rocas ultramáficas. Las serpentinitas contienen cromita rica en Al, ferrit-cromita y magnetita. La cromita rica en Al tiene #Cr 0.48-0.55 que indica que este mineral fue formado a partir de una fuente tipo MORB y que fue afectada hasta un 18% fusión parcial durante su formación. La ferritchromita tiene #Cr 0.93-1.00 que indica un origen metamórfico. La composición química de roca total indica que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias consisten de lutita, grauvaca y arenita. La metapelita y metapsamita tienen un contenido de SiO2 (69-78% y 80-96% ) y de Al2O3 (9-13% y 1-8%). La abundancia de ∑REE son variables en los metasedimentos (9-178 ppm). Presentan patrones de REE normalizados a condrita con una tendencia más fraccionada que los de las rocas metamáficas, con valores en las relaciones LaN/YbN de 3-16. Las rocas metasedimentarias tienen anomalías de europio negativa (Eu/Eu* 0.67). Los datos obtenidos sugieren que los protolitos de las rocas metasedimentarias derivan de fuentes mixtas con una composición ígnea félsica-básica. (Ti/Nb 200-400). Según los valores de las relaciones de los elementos traza Th/Sc y Zr/Sc de 0.2-3.6 y 0.2-220, respectivamente se sugiere un ambiente de depósito para los protolitos de margen continental activo.


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Research funded by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Montana Tech investigated various methods of extracting and refining rare earth elements (REEs) from mineral ores and concentrates. Extensive thermodynamic, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses were performed to evaluate the relative stabilities of various REE compounds in order to assess potential methods for selective separation and recovery of specific REEs. Conversion of rare earth oxides (REO) to rare earth chlorides or bromides is a possible initial step in pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of REEs. REO can be converted to chlorides or bromides by roasting in the presence of a chloridizing or bromidizing reactant. (e.g. NH4Cl and NH4Br).


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Mitochondrial diseases (MD) are the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism. In affected tissues, MD can alter cellular oxygen consumption rate leading to potential decreases in whole-body resting energy expenditure (REE), but data on pediatric children are absent. We determined, using indirect calorimetry (IC), whole-body oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory quotient (RQ) and REE in pediatric patients with MD and healthy controls. Another goal was to assess the accuracy of available predictive equations for REE estimation in this patient population. IC data were obtained under fasting and resting conditions in 20 MD patients and 27 age and gender-matched healthy peers. We determined the agreement between REE measured with IC and REE estimated with Schofield weight and FAO/WHO/UNU equations. Mean values of VO2, VCO2 (mL·min-1·kg-1) or RQ did not differ significantly between patients and controls (P = 0.085, P = 0.055 and P = 0.626 respectively). Accordingly, no significant differences (P = 0.086) were found for REE (kcal·day-1 kg-1) either. On the other hand, although we found no significant differences between IC-measured REE and Schofield or FAO/WHO/UNU-estimated REE, Bland-Altman analysis revealed wide limits of agreement and there were some important individual differences between IC and equation-derived REE. VO2, VCO2, RQ and REE are not significantly altered in pediatric patients with MD compared with healthy controls. The energy demands of pediatric patients with MD should be determined based on IC data in order to provide the best possible personalized nutritional management for these children.


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Antecedentes: El síndrome de fatiga crónica/encefalomielitis miálgica (SFC/EM), un trastorno debilitante y complejo que se caracteriza por un cansancio intenso, ha sido estudiado en población general, sin embargo, su exploración en población trabajadora ha sido limitada. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de síntomas asociados a SFC/EM y su relación con factores ocupacionales en personal de una empresa de vigilancia en Bogotá, durante el año 2016. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en una empresa de vigilancia, utilizando como instrumento para la recolección de datos la historia clínica-ocupacional. En las variables cualitativas se obtuvieron frecuencias simples y porcentajes y en las variables cuantitativas medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Se determinaron asociaciones entre variables (Ji-cuadrado de Pearson o test exacto de Fisher, valores esperados <5), (mann-whitney.y un modelo de regresión logística incondicional (p<0.05)). Resultados: Se evaluaron 162 trabajadores, los síntomas de SFC/EM con mayor prevalencia fueron sueño no reparador (38,3%) y dolor muscular (30,2%). Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre fatiga severa y crónica por al menos 6 meses con alteración en sistema nervioso (p=0,016) y consumo de medicamentos (p=0,043), así mismo entre el sueño no reparador con el número de horas de sueño de 5 a 7 horas (p=0,002). Conclusión: En los vigilantes el síntoma de SFC/EM más prevalente fue sueño no reparador y este se asoció con el número de horas de sueño de 5 a 7 horas. Con el estudio se pudieron determinar los casos probables de SFC/EM los cuales se beneficiarían de una valoración médica integral para un diagnóstico oportuno.