839 resultados para Recommendations to practice


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Aquest estudi té com objectiu conèixer els hàbits esportius dels alumnes del IES Isaac Albèniz de Badalona, no obstant els hàbits esportiu és un conjunt d’accions difícilment d’estudiar amb exactitud. Per tant l’estudi és centra principalment en conèixer el índex d’activitat física dels alumnes, el tipus d’activitat física que realitzen, els motius de pràctica i les barreres que dificulten la pràctica. La mostra analitzada és l’alumnat d’ESO que està format per 367 alumnes, 196 són nois i 171 són noies de 11 a 17 anys. El instrument de mesura utilitzat és una enquesta d’elaboració pròpia però amb referències del (MSD, 2011), aquesta enquesta s’ha administrat personalment als alumnes al principi de les classes d’educació física, posteriorment s’ha tractat les dades mitjançant el programa estadístic SPSS 20 per realitzar taules de contingència i gràfic de barres, finalment els resultats han mostrat una equivalència entre alumnes actius i no actius, que hi ha més percentatge de pràctica d’activitat física no organitzada que activitat física organitzada, que els principals motius de pràctica són la diversió i la salut, i que la falta de temps és la barrera que predomina més en els alumnes.


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The book presents the state of the art in machine learning algorithms (artificial neural networks of different architectures, support vector machines, etc.) as applied to the classification and mapping of spatially distributed environmental data. Basic geostatistical algorithms are presented as well. New trends in machine learning and their application to spatial data are given, and real case studies based on environmental and pollution data are carried out. The book provides a CD-ROM with the Machine Learning Office software, including sample sets of data, that will allow both students and researchers to put the concepts rapidly to practice.


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Los acontecimientos pueden contribuir al desarrollo turístico de una ciudad y beneficiar a sus habitantes y empresas. Sin embargo, para poder diseñar los acontecimientos correctamente, es necesario comprender qué características determinan su impacto económico. Esta investigación pretende contribuir a tal entendimiento mediante la estimación y comparación del impacto económico de tres acontecimientos. Para estimar el impacto económico adoptamos un modelo básico de tres factores: (1) número de visitantes por (2) gasto medio por turista por (3) multiplicador. Primero estimamos el número de visitantes particulares y profesionales mediante diversos sistemas de conteo, encuestas personales e información suministrada por el organizador de los eventos. En segundo lugar, obtuvimos los importes y componentes del gasto de los visitantes por medio de una encuesta; también contamos los gastos de organización de los eventos a partir de sus respectivos presupuestos. Y, tercero, utilizamos multiplicadores de tablas input-output para analizar el impacto de los gastos directos sobre la producción, el valor añadido y el empleo y su distribución entre sectores económicos. Además, calculamos y comparamos ratios de rentabilidad de los tres eventos y dimos recomendaciones para aumentar su impacto económico.


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L’educació física és una matèria que presenta diferències estructurals i organitzatives significatives respecte la resta d’àrees. L’anàlisi de la pràctica diària durant les sessions, ens demostra els pocs minuts que els alumnes realment disposen per practicar i poder assolir els objectius marcats. Aquesta recerca, pretén fer veure als professors la importància d’una adequada gestió del temps a l’aula amb l’objectiu d’augmentar el temps de pràctica motriu dels alumnes. Per fer-ho, es durà a terme un procés d’investigació on, primerament es definiran els diferents temps que existeixen en una sessió d’educació física, i després, s’analitzaran i es buscaran possibles relacions entre l’organització d’aquests temps dins la programació del professor i durant la realització de les sessions. Per últim, es presenten una sèrie d’estratègies d’intervenció, que poden ajudar al professorat a augmentar el temps dedicat a la pràctica, temps essencial per a l’aprenentatge.


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Minimizing infiltration of water in pavement structures has long been a priority of pavement designers. Incorporation of subsurface edgedrains is frequently an integral part of an pavement drainage system. In order for such a system to be effective however, it must be properly installed and maintained. With advances in video technology, inspection of edgedrain systems can now be conducted quite efficiently. This report documents the results of 287 video inspections of highway edgedrain systems in 29 states. These inspections were conducted to both demonstrate the capabilities of the technology as well as demonstrating some of the common problems associated with the performance of edgedrain systems. Findings indicated not only that the equipment was quite effective in identifying edgedrain performance concerns, but also how widespread the concerns of edgedrain performance are. Almost one third of the systems inspected had nonfunctional outlets, another third were either found to have non-functional mainlines or the mainlines could not be inspected due to physical obstructions. Only one third of the systems inspected were found to be performing as intended. Recommendations are provided for edgedrain design improvements to facilitate performance of the system and their inspections as well as recommendations to improve quality control during construction. Suggestions are also provided for maintenance procedures to address concerns identified in the inspection process. A Draft Guide Specification For Video Edgedrain Inspection and Acceptance is also provided as an Appendix.


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This project was undertaken in coordination with the Environmental Assessment process on the Mt. Vernon Road Improvements project in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The goal of the research was to determine the cost effectiveness of combined photo-imaging and computer animation as a presentation tool describing public road improvements. The Public Hearing, in combination with the involvement of a Citizen's Resource Group, afforded an opportunity to have an evaluation of the processes by interested citizens who were not familiar with engineering drawings or the construction industry. After the initial viewing of a draft version of the video, the Resource Group made recommendations to the staff developing the video. Discussion of these recommendations led to the development of an animated composite section that showed a combination of situations typically encountered throughout the project corridor, as well as critical considerations. The composite section did not show specific locations and therefore, individuals were not distracted by looking for the details pertaining to their properties. Concentration on the concepts involved rather than specifics provided the opportunity for a more thorough understanding by the citizens. The development of the composite concept was the primary discovery of the research.


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The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional recommendations. To circumvent such issues and more comprehensively probe the relationship between genes and diet, the field of nutrition has begun to capitalize on both the technologies and supporting analytical software brought forth in the post-genomic era. The creation of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, two fields with distinct approaches to elucidate the interaction between diet and genes but with a common ultimate goal to optimize health through the personalization of diet, provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationship between nutritional molecules, genetic polymorphisms, and the biological system as a whole. Reluctance to embrace these new fields exists primarily due to the fear that producing overwhelming quantities of biological data within the confines of a single study will submerge the original query; however, the current review aims to position nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics as the emerging faces of nutrition that, when considered with more classical approaches, will provide the necessary stepping stones to achieve the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual's health via nutritional intervention.


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Este trabajo presenta el proceso de aprendizaje y evolución del sistema de toma de notas adquirido en el Grado de Traducción e Interpretación. El objetivo consiste en mejorar la técnica adquirida mediante el análisis de varios ejercicios de toma de notas para así desarrollar un sistema consistente y eficiente.


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This report provides updates on the WPAC recommendations to legislature, including actions taken on those recommendations and any follow-up recommendations from WPAC. Recommendations include documentation of activities, and the needs and challenges toward making progress in protecting Iowa’s water resources, identified by WPAC in coordination with all agencies and stakeholders in the management of the state’s water resources in a sustainable, fiscally responsible, and environmentally conscientious manner.


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BACKGROUND: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of pre-clinical studies, in vivo animal experiments in particular, can influence clinical care. Publication bias is one of the major threats of validity in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Previous empirical studies suggested that systematic reviews and meta-analyses have become more prevalent until 2010 and found evidence for compromised methodological rigor with a trend towards improvement. We aim to comprehensively summarize and update the evidence base on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal studies, their methodological quality and assessment of publication bias in particular. METHODS/DESIGN: The objectives of this systematic review are as follows: âeuro¢To investigate the epidemiology of published systematic reviews of animal studies until present. âeuro¢To examine methodological features of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal studies with special attention to the assessment of publication bias. âeuro¢To investigate the influence of systematic reviews of animal studies on clinical research by examining citations of the systematic reviews by clinical studies. Eligible studies for this systematic review constitute systematic reviews and meta-analyses that summarize in vivo animal experiments with the purpose of reviewing animal evidence to inform human health. We will exclude genome-wide association studies and animal experiments with the main purpose to learn more about fundamental biology, physical functioning or behavior. In addition to the inclusion of systematic reviews and meta-analyses identified by other empirical studies, we will systematically search Ovid Medline, Embase, ToxNet, and ScienceDirect from 2009 to January 2013 for further eligible studies without language restrictions. Two reviewers working independently will assess titles, abstracts, and full texts for eligibility and extract relevant data from included studies. Data reporting will involve a descriptive summary of meta-analyses and systematic reviews. DISCUSSION: Results are expected to be publicly available later in 2013 and may form the basis for recommendations to improve the quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal studies and their use with respect to clinical care.


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Cet article se veut être un condensé des bases nécessaires à la pratique d'une ponction et, ou infiltration articulaire, des indications principales aux complications potentielles en passant par la description de la procédure et de ses contre-indications. La ponction du genou fait l'objet d'une description plus détaillée. Les données permettant de justifier une façon particulière de procéder ont spécifiquement été recherchées dans la littérature (Cochrane et Medline, termes de recherche : arthrocentesis ; joint aspiration). Le détail de ces données, comme par exemple le résultat d'études, ne trouve pas sa place dans ce résumé mais fait l'objet d'une publication à part. What should be known in order to practice safely a joint aspiration and/or infiltration is summarized in the following article. This summary includes various aspects, such as the indications and contraindications, the procedure itself, and the possible complications. The arthrocentesis of the knee is described in more details. Data in support of a specific modus operandi have been searched for in Cochrane and Pubmed (key words: arthrocentesis, joint aspiration). Only the conclusions of this research are exposed in this summary. A more comprehensive article will be published


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The City of Marquette lies in the 65,000 acre Mississippi River watershed, and is surrounded by steep bluffs. Though scenic, controlling water runoff during storm events presents significant challenges. Flash-flooding from the local watershed has plagued the city for decades. The people of Marquette have committed to preserve the water quality of key natural resources in the area including the Bloody Run Creek and associated wetlands by undertaking projects to control the spread of debris and sediment caused by excess runoff during area storm events. Following a July 2007 storm (over 8” of rain in 24 hours) which caused unprecedented flood damage, the City retained an engineering firm to study the area and provide recommendations to eliminate or greatly reduce uncontrolled runoff into the Bloody Run Creek wetland, infrastructure damage and personal property loss. Marquette has received Iowa Great Places designation, and has demonstrated its commitment to wetland preservation with the construction of Phase I of this water quality project. The Bench Area Storm Water Management Plan prepared by the City in 2008 made a number of recommendations to mitigate flash flooding by improving storm water conveyance paths, detention, and infrastructure within the Bench area. Due to steep slopes and rocky geography, infiltration based systems, though desirable, would not be an option over surface based systems. Runoff from the 240 acre watershed comes primarily from large, steep drainage areas to the south and west, flowing to the Bench area down three hillside routes; designated as South East, South Central and South West. Completion of Phase I, which included an increased storage capacity of the upper pond, addressed the South East and South Central areas. The increased upper pond capacity will now allow Phase II to proceed. Phase II will address runoff from the South West drainage area; which engineers have estimated to produce as much water volume as the South Central and South East areas combined. Total costs for Phase I are $1.45 million, of which Marquette has invested $775,000, and IJOBS funding contributed $677,000. Phase II costs are estimated at $617,000. WIRB funding support of $200,000 would expedite project completion, lessen the long term debt impact to the community and aid in the preservation of the Bloody Run Creek and adjoining wetlands more quickly than Marquette could accomplish on its own.


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The Watershed Planning Advisory Council (WPAC) was established by the Iowa Legislature (see Appendix A: Iowa Code 466B.31) to assemble a diverse group of stakeholders to make recommendations to state and federal agencies to protect water resources in Iowa. In 2015, WPAC prioritized the seven areas for recommendations outlined in 466B.31, and small work groups drafted recommendations for approval by the full membership.


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The Engineering Research Institute at Iowa State University studied the organization and procedures for highway planning by all levels of government and the coordination among various state agencies and local governments in Iowa. Study information was derived from interviews, questionnaires, and a review of the literature. Representatives from state transportation or highway organizations in all states responded to questionnaires. Additionally, selected upper and intermediate level personnel from highway organizations in seven other states were interviewed and a visit was made to one state transportation department. Within Iowa, employees were interviewed in the Highway Commission, Office for Planning and Programming, Development Commission, Commerce Commission, Conservation Commission, and Highway Patrol. Nearly 600 officials of local governments in Iowa contributed factual data and opinions through questionnaires and interviews. Private citizens and consultants also provided input to the investigation through their responses to questionnaires. Twelve recommendations to improve highway planning in Iowa were formulated as a result of this study.


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Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by excessive or disorientating visual stimuli (e.g. supermarkets). VV can significantly improve when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. Virtual reality (VR), which immerses patients in realistic, visually challenging environments, has also been suggested as an adjunct to VR to improve VV symptoms. This pilot study compared the responses of sixteen patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder randomly allocated to a VR regime incorporating exposure to a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) VR environment. Participants practiced vestibular exercises, twice weekly for four weeks, inside a static (Group S) or dynamic (Group D) virtual crowded square environment, presented in an immersive projection theatre (IPT), and received a vestibular exercise program to practice on days not attending clinic. A third Group D1 completed both the static and dynamic VR training. Treatment response was assessed with the Dynamic Gait Index and questionnaires concerning symptom triggers and psychological state. At final assessment, significant betweengroup differences were noted between Groups D (p = 0.001) and D1 (p = 0.03) compared to Group S for VV symptoms with the former two showing a significant 59.2% and 25.8% improvement respectively compared to 1.6% for the latter. Depression scores improved only for Group S (p = 0.01) while a trend towards significance was noted for Group D regarding anxiety scores (p = 0.07). Conclusion: Exposure to dynamic VR environments should be considered as a useful adjunct to vestibular rehabilitation programs for patients with peripheral vestibular disorders and VV symptoms.