La toma de notas en interpretación consecutiva:hacia la elaboración de un sistema propio

Autoria(s): Rebullida Estébanez, Silvia



Este trabajo presenta el proceso de aprendizaje y evolución del sistema de toma de notas adquirido en el Grado de Traducción e Interpretación. El objetivo consiste en mejorar la técnica adquirida mediante el análisis de varios ejercicios de toma de notas para así desarrollar un sistema consistente y eficiente.

A consistent system for taking notes in consecutive interpreting is essential for an interpreter and at the same time, one of the most difficult tasks to develop. Some professionals affirm that note-taking cannot be taught and that everyone must come up with their own system. Therefore many instructors allow their students to develop a system which will not present effective solutions to the problems they may find. Consequently, most students of interpreting fail to acquire an effective system of note-taking. The aim of this essay is to improve the note-taking techniques acquired throughout the degree in “Translation and Interpreting”. This essay presents several exercises whose goal is to achieve the aims previously described. To begin with, there is a general overview of the characteristics of consecutive interpreting and, more specifically, the note-taking technique. In the third section, four note-taking exercises, which were carried out in class in the third year of their degree, are analysed in order to detect the errors. In the fourth section, these exercises are corrected so as to practice. Moreover, two more consecutive interpretations are performed and analysed one last time. These results are taken to observe the mistakes presented in the note-taking system and create improvements. Now, after the elaboration of this essay, the system for note-taking is consistent and efficient.





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Palavras-Chave #Traducció i interpretació #Traducció simultània i consecutiva #Anotacions
