920 resultados para Ratio and proportion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nowadays, articaine hydrochloride (ATC) is a local anesthetic widely used in dental procedures, but its side effects include paresthesia and nerve injury. Alginate/chitosan nanoparticles (AG/CSnano) can be used as carrier for drugs, overcoming the problems. The aim of this work was to evaluate the factors (Calcium/alginate [Ca2+:AG] and Chitosan/alginate [CS:AG] mass ratios) influence on the average size, polydispersity index, zeta potential and encapsulation efficiency of ATC. AG/CSnano containing ATC were prepared by ionic pregelation method. A three-level factorial design was carried out and the factors varied were Ca2+/AG mass ratio and CS/AG mass ratio. There were obtained nanoparticles with size range of 340–550 nm and polydispersity index between 0.2 and 0.5, zeta potential range –19 and –22 mV and encapsulation efficiency of ATC in AG/Csnano between 22 and 45%. According to the results, the average size, polydispersity index and encapsulation efficiency were significantly affected to the variation of Ca2+/AG and CS/AG mass ratio, but the zeta potential didn't change significantly with factor variations. The factorial design showed it was possible to identify formulations that presented better results for the parameters measured. The factor chosen for the suitable formulations was the encapsulation efficiency. Through this parameter, one formulation was chosen with highest encapsulation efficiency of ATC and presented good colloidal stability parameters aiming future clinical applications.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We evaluated oil and powder formulations of Melia azedarach for controlling larvae of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) in corn and plant enhancement. Five concentrations of each formulation were evaluated and compared to fipronil (negative control) and distilled water (positive control). After treatment, the number of surviving insects (larvae, pupae, and adults), the adult body weight, the sex ratio, and the longevity were recorded, while the height, dry weight of aerial part and roots, and number of leaves of plants were measured. The oil formulation at 4.0 mL reduced the larvae population of D. speciosa similarly to the insecticide fipronil, which resulted in greater height, dry weight of the root system, and number of leaves. Powder formulation at concentrations of 40, 80, and 160 mg caused larval mortality above 80%; however, these concentrations did not prevent reduction of plant height and dry weight of aerial part. Further studies assessing the residual period of M. azedarach control against D. speciosa larvae and its phytotoxicity, which are common traits associated with azadirachtin application, are necessary to subsidize the next steps of this alternative control strategy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We evaluated the effects of a low intensity aerobic exercise protocol on cardiac remodeling and myocardial function in diabetic rats. Wistar rats were assigned into four groups: sedentary control (C-Sed), exercised control (C-Ex), sedentary diabetes (DM-Sed), and exercised diabetes (DM-Ex). Diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Rats exercised for 9 weeks in treadmill at 11 m/min, 18 min/day. Myocardial function was evaluated in left ventricular (LV) papillary muscles and oxidative stress in LV tissue. Statistical analysis was given by ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis. Echocardiogram showed diabetic groups with higher LV diastolic diameter-to-body weight ratio and lower posterior wall shortening velocity than controls. Left atrium diameter was lower in DM-Ex than DM-Sed (C-Sed: 5.73 ± 0.49; C-Ex: 5.67 ± 0.53; DM-Sed: 6.41 ± 0.54; DM-Ex: 5.81 ± 0.50 mm; P < 0.05 DM-Sed vs C-Sed and DM-Ex). Papillary muscle function was depressed in DM-Sed compared to C-Sed. Exercise attenuated this change in DM-Ex. Lipid hydroperoxide concentration was higher in DM-Sed than C-Sed and DM-Ex. Catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were lower in diabetics than controls and higher in DM-Ex than DM-Sed. Glutathione peroxidase activity was lower in DM-Sed than C-Sed and DM-Ex. Conclusion. Low intensity exercise attenuates left atrium dilation and myocardial oxidative stress and dysfunction in type 1 diabetic rats.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Composting is considered a process that enables adding value to organic solid waste turning them into organic fertilizer. In this process, factors such as mishandling the windrow, failed to control the temperature, aeration and moisture content will result in the quality of waste decomposition, and thus affect the quality of the final compound. Decentralized systems such as home composting, composting in restaurants, food courts and schools are one of the solutions for valuing these waste in a non expensive way and with greater quality. For this purpose, the project aims to analyze the conditions for composting of solid waste of the University Restaurant of Rio Claro- SP, through two different composting systems: manual revolving windrow and static pile. It was found that in University Restaurant (RU) on average 33% by weight of the total waste generated in the property are capable of composting. In this sense, in order to investigate the preliminary process operation parameters were mounted one manual windrow composed of 100% of the UR waste and a static pile composed of 60% of the UR waste and 40% of pruning and grass residues (PG). This study analyzed the manual revolving windrow and static pile systems for the parameters: moisture content, pH, C / N ratio and temperature. The study of the proportions of the PG and UR waste pointed to the need for pruning and grass residues addition for composting, considering that the manual revolving windrow composed by 100% of the UR waste had no satisfactory performance due to low temperatures measured during 60 days analysis. The best ratio for manual revolving windrow method analyzed in this study was 60% of the UR waste and 40% of PG waste, in dry weight. From this proportion a static pile was assembled, composed of 60% of UR waste e 40% of PG waste from the maintenance activities of the green area of the university. The biological activity in the static pile reached the maximum temperature of ...


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The etiology of bruxism is not well defined. Different factors affecting the central nervous system are considered as risk factors for bruxism. Dental students are not immune to the bruxism, alcohol consumption and tobacco use, despite their training, knowledge of its effects and social responsibility. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between bruxism, alcohol consumption and tobacco use among Brazilian dental students. Participants were chosen among 180, 17-29 year-old students at the UNESP’s Dentistry School – Araçatuba Campus. They were divided into those with and without bruxism on the basis at validated clinical criteria. The clinical examinations were carried out by four standardized examiners (Intraexaminer and Interexaminer Unweighted kappa= 0.82, Weighted kappa= 0.89, respectively), in the clinic, with daylight and a tongue depressor. Bruxism was registered with the following categories: no wear facets, wear facets in enamel, dentine wear facets, facets wear half of the crown and wear facets more than 2/3 of the tooth crown. A self report validated questionnaire for alcohol consumption and tobacco use with 29 questions was completed by both groups. Fischer exact test and T-test were used and Odds Ratio and Confidence Interval was estimated. Bruxism was more frequent among cigarette smokers both in men (68.4%) and in women (56.8%). Among all respondents in this group, 82.6% reported that they would like to quit smoking and those who have tried previously to quit (76.4%) found it made them more stressed. Drinker was more frequent in the group with bruxism also (66.5% of the female and 73.5% of the male). 88.4% reported drinking alcohol because it “allows dealing with stress in an adequate way”. Results suggest a positive association between bruxism and alcohol consumption and tobacco use.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto das atividades antropogênicas da cidade de Belém pela comparação da qualidade da água e das comunidades de larvas de peixes em dois igarapés que desembocam no rio Guamá. Um dos igarapés atravessa um subúrbio pobre e populoso de Belém, enquanto o outro é localizado em uma ilha de Belém, declarada Área de Proteção Ambiental desde 1997. Dois pontos de coletas foram definidos em cada igarapé e monitorados durante oito horas, a cada três meses e durante um ano. O igarapé em região urbana apresentou fortes alterações na qualidade da água, durante o ano todo e em todas as marés, e isto deve se essencialmente a presença de um elevado número de coliformes termotolerantes. Poucas larvas foram encontradas. A água foi considerada imprópria para uso e atividades humanas, assim como para a vida aquática. O igarapé da ilha apresentou primeiros sinais de contaminação por nutrientes e bactéria durante o período chuvoso, parcialmente decorrente de fontes de poluição difusa. Em ambos os córregos, as comunidades larvais foram quase exclusivamente compostas de clupeiformes. Todos os estágios de desenvolvimento larval foram encontrados. Densidades e proporções mais elevadas de larvas recém eclodidas foram registradas durante a estação seca e associadas à presença de nitrato. Resultados apontam a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema de drenagem urbano para esgoto e água pluvial na maior brevidade, e recomenda um estudo de monitoramento integrado do igarapé na Área de Proteção Ambiental.


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As novas técnicas propostas para a agricultura na Amazônia incluem sistema de rotação de capoeira enriquecido com árvores leguminosas e transformando a queima da biomassa em cobertura morta sobre o solo. A decomposição e a liberação de nutrientes da cobertura morta foram estudadas usando sacos de liteira com malha fina que continham cinco tratamentos com diferentes espécies de leguminosas em comparação a um tratamento-controle com vegetação natural. As amostras para cada tratamento foram analisadas para conteúdos de C total, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignina, celulose e polifenóis solúveis em diferentes tempos de amostragem durante um ano. A razão constante de decomposição variou com a espécie e com o tempo. A perda de massa nos sacos de decomposição foi de 30,1 % para Acacia angustissima, de 32,7 % para Sclerolobium paniculatum, de 33,9 % para Inga edulis e para a vegetação secundária, de 45,2 % para Acacia mangium e de 63,6 % para Clitoria racemosa. Foi observada imobilização de N e P em todos os tratamentos, sendo a mineralização do N negativamente correlacionada com o fenol, razão C/N, razão (lignina + fenol)/N, razão fenol/P e o conteúdo de N nos sacos de liteira. Depois de 362 dias de incubação no campo, 3,3 % de K, 32,2 % de Ca e 22,4 % de Mg permaneceram no material em decomposição. Os resultados evidenciaram que a baixa qualidade mineral e a alta quantidade de carbono orgânico e aplicado como cobertura morta podem limitar a quantidade de energia disponível para os microrganismos resultando em uma competição por nutrientes com as plantas agrícolas.