998 resultados para Rare gas


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in concentrations of O2 and CO2 inside packages of minimally processed Pera orange. Previously selected oranges that were washed, sanitized, and chilled were peeled using hydrothermal treatment (immersion of fruits in water at 50 °C for 8 minutes). The peeled oranges were then packed in five different plastic packages under passive and active modified atmosphere (5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2). The fruits were stored at 6 °C and 12 °C. The package headspace gas composition was evaluated for twelve days at 6 °C and nine days at 12 °C. The polypropylene film (32 µm) promoted modified atmosphere similar to that initially injected (5% O2 + 10% CO2 + 85% N2) at 6 °C and 12 °C. With regard to the atmosphere modification system, the injection of a gas mixture anticipated achieving an equilibrium atmosphere inside the packages at 12 °C. At 6 °C, the gas composition inside the packages was kept close to that of the injection, but the equilibrium was not verified.


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In order to determine the variability of pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) populations, volatile compounds from fruits of eighteen trees representing five populations were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seventy-seven compounds were identified, including esters, hydrocarbons, terpenoids, ketones, lactones, and alcohols. Several compounds had not been previously reported in the pequi fruit. The amount of total volatile compounds and the individual compound contents varied between plants. The volatile profile enabled the differentiation of all of the eighteen plants, indicating that there is a characteristic profile in terms of their origin. The use of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis enabled the establishment of markers (dendrolasin, ethyl octanoate, ethyl 2-octenoate and β-cis-ocimene) that discriminated among the pequi trees. According to the Cluster Analysis, the plants were classified into three main clusters, and four other plants showed a tendency to isolation. The results from multivariate analysis did not always group plants from the same population together, indicating that there is greater variability within the populations than between pequi tree populations.


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Lipoprotein glomerulopathy (LPG) is a rare autosomal recessive glomerulopathy associated with the deposition of lipoprotein thrombi in the capillary lumina due to apoE gene mutations. Abnormal plasma lipoprotein profile and marked increase in serum apoliprotein E (apoE) are characteristic clinical data. The compromised patients can present nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, and progressive renal failure. Herein, the authors present the first described case of LPG in a Brazilian male patient, 11 years, who presented with a steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Renal function was normal. Kidney biopsy showed markedly enlarged glomerulus, with dilated capillary loops and weak eosinophilic lipoprotein thrombi in the capillary lumina. Interstitium, tubules, arteries, and veins showed normal histologic aspect. Genotypic study for the apoE gene showed the presence of the alleles E3 and E4. The diagnosis of LPG was then performed. The patient received lipid-lowering treatment. After 2 years of follow-up, renal function is gradually decreasing, with persisting heavy proteinuria, despite a marked decrease in serum cholesterol and triglycerides levels.


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Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is an infectious disorder which appears after cat scratching particularly in children and adolescents. Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent more frequently involved. There are only a few recent reports demonstrating the disease after transplantation, although the illness is not infrequent in immunologically competent people. Indeed CSD in transplant receptors has only been recently emphasized in the literature and it was concluded that fever and lymphadenopathy in patients who had been exposed to cats should prompt clinicians to maintain a suspicion for the infection. In this report CSD infecting a renal transplanted adolescent complaining of headache, blurred vision and fever, presenting a cat scratching lesion in the right arm, with a bilateral painful cervical lymphadenopathy was related. He also presented indirect immunofluorescency identifying that the two subtype's titles of Bartonella-henselae and quintana- were elevated. Treatment with doxicicline e rifampicin was introduced and the patient became asymptomatic in about 3 weeks.


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The aim of this thesis research work focused on the carbonate precipitation of magnesium using magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas at ambient temperature and pressure. The rate of dissolution of Mg(OH)2 and precipitation kinetics were investigated under different operating conditions. The conductivity and pH of the solution were inline monitored by a Consort meter and the solid samples gotten from the precipitation reaction were analysed by a laser diffraction analyzer Malvern Mastersizer to obtain particle size distributions (PSD) of crystal samples. Also the Mg2+ concentration profiles were determined from the liquid phase of the precipitate by ion chromatography (IC) analysis. Crystal morphology of the obtained precipitates were also investigated and discussed in this work. For the carbonation reaction of magnesium hydroxide in the present work, it was found that magnesium carbonate trihydrate (nesquehonite) was the main product and its formation occurred at a pH of around 7-8. The stirrer speed has a significant effect on the dissolution rate of Mg(OH)2. The highest obtained Mg2+ concentration level was 0.424 mol L-l for the 470 rpm and 0.387 mol L-1 for the 560 rpm which corresponded to the processing time of 45 mins and 40 mins respectively. The particle size distribution shows that the average particle size keeps increasing during the reaction as the CO2 is been fed to the system. The carbonation process is kinetically favored and simple as nesquehonite formation occurs in a very short time. It is a thermodynamically and chemically stable solid product, which allows for a long-term storage of CO2. Since the carbonation reaction is a complex system which includes dissolution of magnesium hydroxide particles, absorption of CO2, chemical reaction and crystallization, the dissolution of magnesium hydroxide was studied in hydrochloric acid (HCl) solvent with and without nitrogen (N2) inert gas. It was found on the dissolution part that the impeller speed had effect on the dissolution rate. The higher the impeller speed the higher the pH of the solution, although for the highest speed of 650rpm it was not the case. Therefore, it was concluded that the optimum speed of the stirrer was 560rpm. The influence of inert gas N2 on the dissolution rate of Mg(OH)2 particles could be seen based on measured pH, electric conductivity and Mg2+ concentration curves.


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Fortsättningsvis tillgodoses största delen av världens energibehov genom förbränning av fossila bränslen, dessutom forsätter världens totala energibehov att öka. Eftersom förbränning av fossila bränslen som t.ex. olja och kol orsakar utsläpp av svaveldioxid som är skadligt för både människa och natur, finns det fortfarande ett akut behov av forskning och utveckling av metoder för svavelrening. De vanligaste teknikerna för svavelrening är våt- och semitorrskrubbning, där svaveldioxiden absorberas av en skrubbervätska. Det är allmänt känt att våtskrubbning är en av de effektivaste teknikerna för svavelrening både ekonomiskt och tekniskt sett samt den mest använda. Våtskrubbningsprocessen har dock flera nackdelar, som dess höga vatten- och energiförbrukning. I större kraftverk går ca 1-3% av dess eleffekt åt till rökgasreningsprocessen, vilket kraftigt motiverar utveckling av nya reningsprocesser samt effektivering av existerande reningsanläggningar. Skrubbervätskan som till huvudsak består av vatten innehåller vanligtvis även kalcium vars syfte är att binda svavlet. Kalciumet kan tillsättas i flera former varav bränd kalk och kalksten är de vanligaste formerna. Kalksten används ofta i svavelreningsprocessen p.g.a. dess låga pris och för att den ger upphov till den användbara biprodukten gips. Kalkstenens upplösningshastighet är en de av faktorer som kraftigast påverkar reningsprocessen. En detaljerad experimentell karakterisering och analys av kalkstenspartiklar i fast form och i vätskeform har utförts i detta arbete. En experimentell metod för att studera kalkstenens upplösningshastighet vid låg till obegränsad massöverföring har även utvecklats i detta arbete. Metoden möjliggör identifieringen av systemoberoende kinetiska parametrar, vilka kan användas för att undersöka reningsprocesser samt för att planera nya reningsanläggningar. Kinetiska modeller utvecklades genom att använda kalkstenpartiklars specifika yta, som mättes genom kväveadsorption. Efter att de kinetiska parametrarna bestämts experimentellt utvecklades en skrubbermodell för att optimera en i driftvarande skrubber. Genom att kombinera experimentellt bestämda modeller med matematisk optimering erhölls en djupare insikt i hur olika råmaterial påverkar processen och hur driftparameterar bör justeras för att minska elförbrukningen.


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Increasing amount of renewable energy source based electricity production has set high load control requirements for power grid balance markets. The essential grid balance between electricity consumption and generation is currently hard to achieve economically with new-generation solutions. Therefore conventional combustion power generation will be examined in this thesis as a solution to the foregoing issue. Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology is known to have sufficient scale to acts as a large grid balancing unit. Although the load change rate of the CFB unit is known to be moderately high, supplementary repowering solution will be evaluated in this thesis for load change maximization. The repowering heat duty is delivered to the CFB feed water preheating section by smaller gas turbine (GT) unit. Consequently, steam extraction preheating may be decreased and large amount of the gas turbine exhaust heat may be utilized in the CFB process to reach maximum plant electrical efficiency. Earlier study of the repowering has focused on the efficiency improvements and retrofitting to maximize plant electrical output. This study however presents the CFB load change improvement possibilities achieved with supplementary GT heat. The repowering study is prefaced with literature and theory review for both of the processes to maximize accuracy of the research. Both dynamic and steady-state simulations accomplished with APROS simulation tool will be used to evaluate repowering effects to the CFB unit operation. Eventually, a conceptual level analysis is completed to compare repowered plant performance to the state-of-the-art CFB performance. Based on the performed simulations, considerably good improvements to the CFB process parameters are achieved with repowering. Consequently, the results show possibilities to higher ramp rate values achieved with repowered CFB technology. This enables better plant suitability to the grid balance markets.


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Herpes simplex -virus 1 (HSV-1) ja ihmisen papilloomavirus (HPV) infektoivat suun epiteelisoluja. Useimmissa tapauksissa näiden virusten infektio on kliinisesti oireeton. Suun limakalvojen oireeton HPV-infektio on aikuisilla yleinen, ja valtaosa näistä infektioista ovat ohimeneviä ja vain pieni osa johtaa krooniseen HPV-infektioon. Krooninen HPV-infektio lisää riskiä epiteelisolujen transformoitumiseen kohti syöpäsolua. HPV infektio ei ole yksinään riittävä aiheuttamaan syöpäsolun, vaan siihen tarvitaan myös muita riskitekijöitä.. Muut infektiot, kuten esimerkiksi HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi näistä riskitekijöistä. Tämän syventävän opinnäytetyön tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää HSV-1-infektion esiintymistä naisten suun limakalvonäytteissä kuuden vuoden seurannassa. Toinen tavoitteemme oli selvittää HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektion esiintymistä suun epiteelisoluissa, erityisesti naisilla joilla havaittiin suun krooninen HPV-infektio. Tämä tutkimus on osa kuusivuotista seurantatutkimusta (Finnish Family HPV -tutkimus), joka suunniteltiin selvittämään HPV-infektioiden dynamiikkaa ja riskitekijöitä 329 suomalaisperheessä. Suun limakalvoilta otettiin harjausnäyte ennen synnytystä ja kuusi kertaa synnytyksen jälkeen kuuden vuoden aikana. Näytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta oli saatavilla riittävästi HSV-1-analyysiä varten yhteensä 304 naiselta (keski-ikä 25.6 vuotta). Kaikkiaan tutkittavia näytteitä oli 1,873, joista HSV-1:n esiintyminen tutkittiin käyttäen kvantitatiivista PCR:ää. Lisäksi epävarmat PCR-tulokset varmistettiin PCR-tuotteen Southern Blot hybridisaatiolla. HSV-1 tuloksia verrattiin aikaisemmin saatuihin HPV-tuloksiin. Suun limakalvonäytteistä 2.2% oli HSV-1-positiivisia ja 19.6% oli HPV-positiivisia. Yhteensä 11.8%:lla äideistä suunäyte oli HSV-1-DNA -positiivinen ainakin kerran seurannan aikana. HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektio löydettiin vain neljältä äidiltä. Suurin osa äideistä, jotka olivat HSV-1-positiivisia ennen syntymää, pysyivät HSV-1-positiivisina myös synnytyksen jälkeen. Kolmella naisella todettiin persistentti HPV-16 infektio ja kahdella heistä oli samanaikainen HSV-1 infektio. Tuloksemme osoittaa, että HSV-1:n ja HPV:n esiintyminen yhtä aikaa nuorten naisten suun limakalvolla on harvinaista. On suositeltavaa, että yhteisinfektion omaavia äitejä seurataan myös tulevaisuudessa, sillä HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi riskitekijä suun limakalvon malignissa muutoksessa kroonisen HPV-infektion yhteydessä.


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The aim of this study is to understand the importance of b2b brands in different phases of the industrial buying process in the digital era. The research problem is approached by examining a b2b supplier brand in the context of gas supplier selection. The data was collected by interviewing individuals from ten different companies. The findings contribute to previous theory by showing that as industrial buying behaviour is eventually individual behaviour, brands can influence decision making. The relevance of a brand depends on individual’s personality and preferences. Digital media cannot be ignored in managing brand image as buyers are present in the online environment. The results reveal that traditional personal selling is, nevertheless, in a key role in brand image building and is a source of added value. The salesperson influences buyers’ perceived associations of a brand and gives the brand a face.


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The purpose of this thesis was the screening of power to gas projects worldwide and reviewing the technologies used and applications for the end products. This study focuses solely on technical solutions and feasibility, economical profitability is excluded. With power grids having larger penetrations of intermittent sources such as solar and wind power, the demand and production cannot be balanced in conventional methods. Technologies for storing electric power in times of surplus production are needed, and the concept called power to gas is a solution for this problem. A total of 57 projects mostly located in Europe were reviewed by going through publications, presentations and project web pages. Hydrogen is the more popular end product over methane. Power to gas is a viable concept when power production from intermittent sources needs to be smoothed and time shifted, when carbon free fuels are produced for vehicles and when chemical industry needs carbon neutral raw materials.


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Factors affecting the detennination of PAHs by capillary GC/MS were studied. The effect of the initial column temperature and the injection solvent on the peak areas and heights of sixteen PAHs, considered as priority pollutants, USillg crosslinked methyl silicone (DB!) and 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, 1% vinyl polysiloxane (DBS) columns was examined. The possibility of using high boiling point alcohols especially butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol, and hexanol as injection solvents was investigated. Studies were carried out to optimize the initial column temperature for each of the alcohols. It was found that the optimum initial column temperature is dependent on the solvent employed. The peak areas and heights of the PAHs are enhanced when the initial column temperature is 10-20 c above the boiling point of the solvent using DB5 column, and the same or 10 C above the boiling point of the solvent using DB1 column. Comparing the peak signals of the PAHs using the alcohols, p-xylene, n-octane, and nonane as injection solvents, hexanol gave the greatest peak areas and heights of the PAHs particularly the late-eluted peaks. The detection limits were at low pg levels, ranging from 6.0 pg for fluorene t9 83.6 pg for benzo(a)pyrene. The effect of the initial column temperature on the peak shape and the separation efficiency of the PARs was also studied using DB1 and DB5 columns. Fronting or splitting of the peaks was obseIVed at very low initial column temperature. When high initial column temperature was used, tailing of the peaks appeared. Great difference between DB! and.DB5 columns in the range of the initial column temperature in which symmetrical.peaks of PAHs can be obtained is observed. Wider ranges were shown using DB5 column. Resolution of the closely-eluted PAHs was also affected by the initial column temperature depending on the stationary phase employed. In the case of DB5, only the earlyeluted PAHs were affected; whereas, with DB1, all PAHs were affected. An analytical procedure utilizing solid phase extraction with bonded phase silica (C8) cartridges combined with GC/MS was developed to analyze PAHs in water as an alternative method to those based on the extraction with organic solvent. This simple procedure involved passing a 50 ml of spiked water sample through C8 bonded phase silica cartridges at 10 ml/min, dried by passing a gentle flow of nitrogen at 20 ml/min for 30 sec, and eluting the trapped PAHs with 500 Jll of p-xylene at 0.3 ml/min. The recoveries of PAHs were greater than 80%, with less than 10% relative standard deviations of nine determinations. No major contaminants were present that could interfere with the recognition of PAHs. It was also found that these bonded phase silica cartridges can be re-used for the extraction of PAHs from water.