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We report on the growth and structural and morphologic characterization of stacked layers of self-assembled GeSn dots grown on Si (100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy at low substrate temperature T = 350 °C. Samples consist of layers (from 1 up to 10) of Ge0.96Sn0.04 self-assembled dots separated by Si spacer layers, 10 nm thick. Their structural analysis was performed based on transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and Raman scattering. We found that up to 4 stacks of dots could be grown with good dot layer homogeneity, making the GeSn dots interesting candidates for optoelectronic device applications.
[Excerpt] The incidence of fungal infections has greatly increased in patients under sustained immunosuppression with considerable risk associated. Difficulties regarding prompt diagnosis and the limited therapeutic options dictate high mortality rates. Available antifungals display substantial toxicity, a predictable consequence of the cellular structure of the organisms involved, reduced spectrum of activity, and drug interactions. Our group had previously identified three (Z)-5-amino-N'-aryl-1-methyl-1H-imidazole-4-carbohydrazonamides 1 [aryl= phenyl (1a), 4-fluorophenyl (1b), 3fluorophenyl (1c)] as potent antifungal agents.1 (...)
[Excerpt] Cancer is the second most common cause of death in developed countries appearing just after cardiovascular diseases. The treatment of cancer remains a major medical challenge and the development of new anticancer drugs is an emerging topic for the scientific community. During the past three decades several chemical classes of anticancer drugs have been identified. In particular, 2,6-diamino purines proved to be important candidates as new anti-cancer agents.
[Excerpt] The purine core is a privileged scaffold in medicinal chemistry and the biological relevance of purine derivatives makes them attractive targets in the preparation of combinatorial libraries.1,2 In particular, there is a great interest in the synthesis of 8-substituted purines due to their important potential as antiviral and anticancer agents.3 Reports on 8-aminopurines are limited and general methods to obtain these purine derivatives are still needed.4 Cyclic amines and hydrazines are key structural motifs in various bioactive agents.5 Here we report a novel, efficient and inexpensive method for the synthesis of 6,8-diaminopurines 4 incorporating cycloalkylamino substituents at N3position of the purine ring. (...)
[Excerpt] Purine nucleobases are fundamental biochemicals in living organisms. They have been a valuable inspiration for drug design once they play several key roles in the cell.1 To the best of our knowledge, reported routes to 8-aminopurines are still scarce due to the difficulty in introducing amino groups in this position of the purine ring. Here we report a novel, inexpensive and facile synthetic method to generate N3,N6-disubstituted-6,8-diaminopurines. In our research group, a number of substituted purines have been obtained from a common imidazole precursor, the 5-amino-4-cyanoformimidoyl imidazole 1. Recently, a comprehensive study on the reactivity of imidazoles 1 with nucleophiles under acidic conditions led us to develop experimental methods to incorporate primary amines into the cyanoformimidoyl group.2 (...)
[Excerpt] Purine nucleobases are essential biomolecules in living organisms. Playing several key roles in the cell, they have been a significant inspiration for drug design.1 Benzimidazole nucleus is an important pharmacophore in the development of molecules with pharmaceutical or biological interest. Benzimidazoles have been reported to display significant pharmacological activities such as antiulcer, antifungal, antiparkinson, anticancer and antibiotic.2 Fused structures incorporating these two scaffolds might be important for medicinal chemistry and, to the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of these systems in the literature. In particular, benzo[4,5]imidazo[2,1]purines seem to be novel and must be important target molecules in the heterocyclic synthesis. (...)
[Excerpt] Purines, such as adenine, are one of the most important naturally occurring nitrogen heterocycles and they are frequently used as bioactive agents.[1,2] The increasing number of synthetic purines reveals the great potential of these compounds as enzyme inhibitors. Protein Kinases have an important regulatory role in cell proliferation, differentiation and signalling processes. Abnormal signal transduction is responsible for devastating diseases such as cancer. All of the protein kinases identified have in common the cofactor ATP indicating that the adenine nucleus is a very important scaffold for discovery of new anti-cancer agents.[3,4] Previous work identified a modest anticancer activity in a family of 6-arylaminopurines. In the view of these results, it seemed reasonable to assume that some interesting anticancer agents might result by replacement of the phenyl group by a secondary amino group linked to the N-6 atom of the adenine moiety. (...)
[Excerpt] The imidazole nucleus is present in a significant number of biomolecules and the inclusion of this moiety in organic scaffolds is considered an important synthetic strategy in drug discovery.[1] 5-Aminoimidazoles are interesting building blocks in medicinal chemistry since they are key components in many bioactive molecules and their derivatives showed a wide pharmacological potential as anticancer drugs.[1] The hydrazones constitute an important class of biological active drug molecules due to their wide range of pharmacological properties that include antitumoral activities.[2] Amidrazone derivatives could be considered very promising in the perspective of new drug discovery, because they are very effective as building blocks to obtain various heterocycles.[2,3] The α-hydrazononitriles are a special case of compounds belonging to the family of hydrazones that is less common in the literature, but has a great interest due to their pharmacological applications.[4] (...)
The present paper is devoted to the study of linear maps preserving certain relations, such as the sharp partial order and the star partial order in semisimple Banach algebras and C*-algebras.
In this paper, we characterize the existence and give an expression of the group inverse of a product of two regular elements by means of a ring unit.
Artigo completo publicado na revista "BioMed Research International, (2015), 1-7" e disponível no RepositóriUM em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/33375
Purpose: To evaluate the impact of eye and head rotation in the measurement of peripheral refraction with an open-field autorefractometer in myopic eyes wearing two different center-distance designs of multifocal contact lenses (MFCLs). Methods: Nineteen right eyes from 19 myopic patients (average central M ± SD = −2.67 ± 1.66 D) aged 20–27 years (mean ± SD = 23.2 ± 3.3 years) were evaluated using a Grand-Seiko autorefractometer. Patients were fitted with one multifocal aspheric center-distance contact lens (Biofinity Multifocal D®) and with one multi-concentric MFCL (Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia). Axial and peripheral refraction were evaluated by eye rotation and by head rotation under naked eye condition and with each MFCL fitted randomly and in independent sessions. Results: For the naked eye, refractive pattern (M, J0 and J45) across the central 60◦ of the horizontal visual field values did not show significant changes measured by rotating the eye or rotating the head (p > 0.05). Similar results were obtained wearing the Biofinity D, for both testing methods, no obtaining significant differences to M, J0 and J45 values (p > 0.05). For Acuvue Oasys for presbyopia, also no differences were found when comparing measurements obtained by eye and head rotation (p > 0.05). Multivariate analysis did not showed a significant interaction between testing method and lens type neither with measuring locations (MANOVA, p > 0.05). There were significant differences in M and J0 values between naked eyes and each MFCL. Conclusion: Measurements of peripheral refraction by rotating the eye or rotating the head in myopic patients wearing dominant design or multi-concentric multifocal silicone hydrogel contact lens are comparable.
Our objective was to validate a new device dedicated to measure the light disturbances surrounding bright sources of light under different sources of potential variability. Twenty subjects were involved in the study. Light distortion was measured using an experimental prototype (light distortion analyzer, CEORLab, University of Minho, Portugal) comprising twenty-four LED arrays panel at 2 m. Sources of variability included: intrasession and intersession repeated measures, pupil size (3 versus 6 mm), defocus (þ0.50) correction for the working distance, angular resolution (15 deg versus 30 deg), temporal stimuli presentation, and pupil size. Size, shape, location, and irregularity parameters have been obtained. At a low speed of presentation of the stimuli, changes in angular resolution did not have an effect on the results of the parameters measured. Results did not change with pupil size. Intensity of the central glare source significantly influenced the outcomes. Examination time was reduced by 30% when a 30 deg angular resolution was explored instead of 15 deg. Measurements were fast and repeatable under the same experimental conditions. Size and shape parameters showed the highest consistency, whereas location and irregularity parameters showed lower consistency. The system was sensitive to changes in the intensity of the central glare source but not to pupil changes in this sample of healthy subjects.
Purpose: To describe the stabilization of early adult-onset myopia in three university students after initiating orthokeratology treatment with corneal refractive therapy contact lenses. Methods: Three Caucasian early adult-onset progressing myopic subjects (1 male, 2 females) were fitted with corneal refractive therapy lenses to correct myopia between ?1.50 and ?2.50 D of sphere using Paragon CRT (Paragon Vision Sciences, Mesa, AZ)lenses for overnight orthokeratology. The pre-treatment refractive history from 2005 as well as refraction and axial length after treatment onset are reported over a period of 3 years between December 2009 and January 2013 with an additional year of follow-up after treatment discontinuation (January–December 2013). The peripheral refractive patterns and topographic changes are also reported individually. Results: Treatment was successful in all three subjects achieving uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better monocularly. During a period of 3 years of follow-up the subjects did not experience progression in their refractive error, nor in their axial length (measured during the last 2 years of treatment and 1 year after discontinuation). Furthermore, the subjects recovered to their baseline refraction and did not progressed further over the following year after lens wear discontinuation. Conclusions: We cannot attribute a causative effect to the orthokeratology treatment alone as underlying mechanism for myopia stabilization in this 3 patients. However, the present report points to the possibility of stabilization of early adult-onset myopia progression in young adults using corneal refractive therapy treatment.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of orthokeratology for different degrees of myopia correction in the relative location of tangential (FT) and sagittal (FS) power errors across the central 70 of the visual field in the horizontal meridian. Methods: Thirty-four right eyes of 34 patients with a mean age of 25.2 ± 6.4 years were fitted with Paragon CRT (Mesa, AZ) rigid gas permeable contact lenses to treat myopia (2.15 ± 1.26D, range: 0.88 to 5.25D). Axial and peripheral refraction were measured along the central 70 of the horizontal visual field with the Grand Seiko WAM5500 open-field auto-refractor. Spherical equivalent (M), as well as tangential (FT) and sagittal power errors (FS) were obtained. Analysis was stratified in three groups according to baseline spherical equivalent: Group 1 [MBaseline = 0.88 to 1.50D; n = 11], Group 2 [MBaseline = 1.51 to 2.49D; n = 11], and Group 3 [MBaseline = 2.50 to 5.25D; n = 12]. Results: Spherical equivalent was significantly more myopic after treatment beyond the central 40 of the visual field (p50.001). FT became significantly more myopic for all groups in the nasal and temporal retina with 25 (p 0.017), 30 (p 0.007) and 35 (p 0.004) of eye rotation. Myopic change in FS was less consistent, achieving only statistical significance for all groups at 35 in the nasal and temporal retina (p 0.045). Conclusions: Orthokeratology changes significantly FT in the myopic direction beyond the central 40 of the visual field for all degrees of myopia. Changes induced by orthokeratology in relative peripheral M, FT and FS with 35 of eye rotation were significantly correlated with axial myopia at baseline. Keywords: Field