924 resultados para Programmable Logic Array
The fuzzy logic accepts infinite intermediate logical values between false and true. In view of this principle, a system based on fuzzy rules was established to provide the best management of Catasetum fimbriatum. For the input of the developed fuzzy system, temperature and shade variables were used, and for the output, the orchid vitality. The system may help orchid experts and amateurs to manage this species. ?Low? (L), ?Medium? (M) and ?High? (H) were used as linguistic variables. The objective of the study was to develop a system based on fuzzy rules to improve management of the Catasetum fimbriatum species, as its production presents some difficulties, and it offers high added value
Changes in the oceanic heat storage (HS) can reveal important evidences of climate variability related to ocean heat fluxes. Specifically, long-term variations in HS are a powerful indicator of climate change as HS represents the balance between the net surface energy flux and the poleward heat transported by the ocean currents. HS is estimated from sea surface height anomaly measured from the altimeters TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason 1 from 1993 to 2006. To characterize and validate the altimeter-based HS in the Atlantic, we used the data from the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) array. Correlations and rms differences are used as statistical figures of merit to compare the HS estimates. The correlations range from 0.50 to 0.87 in the buoys located at the equator and at the southern part of the array. In that region the rms differences range between 0.40 and 0.51 x 10(9) Jm(-2). These results are encouraging and indicate that the altimeter has the precision necessary to capture the interannual trends in HS in the Atlantic. Albeit relatively small, salinity changes can also have an effect on the sea surface height anomaly. To account for this effect, NCEP/GODAS reanalysis data are used to estimate the haline contraction. To understand which dynamical processes are involved in the HS variability, the total signal is decomposed into nonpropagating basin-scale and seasonal (HS(l)) planetary waves, mesoscale eddies, and small-scale residual components. In general, HS(l) is the dominant signal in the tropical region. Results show a warming trend of HS(l) in the past 13 years almost all over the Atlantic basin with the most prominent slopes found at high latitudes. Positive interannual trends are found in the halosteric component at high latitudes of the South Atlantic and near the Labrador Sea. This could be an indication that the salinity anomaly increased in the upper layers during this period. The dynamics of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre could also be subject to low-frequency changes caused by a trend in the halosteric component on each side of the South Atlantic Current.
A Co-doped silica film was deposited on the surface of a Si(100) wafer and isothermally annealed at 750 degrees C to form spherical Co nanoparticles embedded in the silica film and a few atomic layer thick CoSi2 nanoplatelets within the wafer. The structure, morphology, and spatial orientation of the nanoplatelets were characterized. The experimental results indicate that the nanoplatelets exhibit hexagonal shape and a uniform thickness. The CoSi2 nanostructures lattice is coherent with the Si lattice, and each of them is parallel to one of the four planes belonging to the {111} crystallographic form of the host lattice. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3683493]
Fleury Group
We report an efficient alternative to obtain recessed microelectrodes device on gold electrode surface, in which mixed self-assembled monolayer of long and short carbon alkanethiol chains was used for this purpose. Development of the modified electrodes included the chemical adsorption of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid and 2-mercaptoethanol solution, as well as their mixtures, on gold surface, resulting in the final mixed self-assembled monolayer configuration. For comparison, the electrochemical performance of self-assembled monolayer of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid. 3-mercaptopropionic acid, 4-mercapto-1-butanol and 6-mercapto-1-hexanol modified electrodes was also investigated. It was verified that, in the mixed self-assembled monolayer, the 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid acts as a barrier for electron transfer while the short alkanethiol chair is deposited in an island-like shape through which electrons can be freely transferred to ions in solution, allowing electrochemical reactions to occur. The performance of the modified electrodes toward microelectrode behavior was investigated via cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements using [Fe(CN)(6)](3-/4-) redox couple as a probe. In this case, sigmoidal voltammetric responses were obtained, very similar to those observed for microelectrodes. Such behavior reinforces the proposition of electron transfer through the short alkanethiol chain layer and surface blockage by the long chain one. Electrochemical impedance results allowed calculated the mean radius value of each microelectrode disks of 3.8 mu m with about 22 mu m interval between them. The microelectrode environment provided by the mixed self-assembled monolayer can be conveniently used to provide an efficient catalytic conversion in biosensing applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The association between anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor and AC biosusceptometry (ACB) to evaluate gastrointestinal motility is presented. The AMR-ACB system was successfully characterized in a bench-top study, and in vivo results were compared with those obtained by means of simultaneous manometry. Both AMR-ACB and manometry techniques presented high temporal cross correlation between the two periodicals signals (R = 0.9 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05). The contraction frequencies using AMR-ACB were 73.9 +/- 7.6 mHz and using manometry were 73.8 +/- 7.9 mHz during the baseline (r = 98, p < 0.05). The amplitude of contraction using AMR-ACB was 396 +/- 108 mu T.s and using manometry were 540 +/- 198 mmHg.s during the baseline. The amplitudes of signals for AMR-ACB and manometric recordings were similarly increased to 86.4% and 89.3% by neostigmine, and also decreased to 27.2% and 21.4% by hyoscine butylbromide in all animals, respectively. The AMR-ACB array is nonexpensive, portable, and has high-spatiotemporal resolution to provide helpful information about gastrointestinal tract.
The ever-growing production and the problematization of Environmental Health have shown the need to apprehend complex realities and deal with uncertainties from the most diversified instruments which may even incorporate local aspects and subjectivities by means of qualitative realities, while broadening the capacity of the information system. This paper presents a view on the reflection upon some challenges and possible convergences between the ecosystemic approach and the Fuzzy logic in the process of dealing with scientific information and decision-making in Environmental Health.
OBJECTIVE: This study proposes a new approach that considers uncertainty in predicting and quantifying the presence and severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. METHODS: A rule-based fuzzy expert system was designed by four experts in diabetic neuropathy. The model variables were used to classify neuropathy in diabetic patients, defining it as mild, moderate, or severe. System performance was evaluated by means of the Kappa agreement measure, comparing the results of the model with those generated by the experts in an assessment of 50 patients. Accuracy was evaluated by an ROC curve analysis obtained based on 50 other cases; the results of those clinical assessments were considered to be the gold standard. RESULTS: According to the Kappa analysis, the model was in moderate agreement with expert opinions. The ROC analysis (evaluation of accuracy) determined an area under the curve equal to 0.91, demonstrating very good consistency in classifying patients with diabetic neuropathy. CONCLUSION: The model efficiently classified diabetic patients with different degrees of neuropathy severity. In addition, the model provides a way to quantify diabetic neuropathy severity and allows a more accurate patient condition assessment.
Due to the growing interest in social networks, link prediction has received significant attention. Link prediction is mostly based on graph-based features, with some recent approaches focusing on domain semantics. We propose algorithms for link prediction that use a probabilistic ontology to enhance the analysis of the domain and the unavoidable uncertainty in the task (the ontology is specified in the probabilistic description logic crALC). The scalability of the approach is investigated, through a combination of semantic assumptions and graph-based features. We evaluate empirically our proposal, and compare it with standard solutions in the literature.
Interaction protocols establish how different computational entities can interact with each other. The interaction can be finalized to the exchange of data, as in 'communication protocols', or can be oriented to achieve some result, as in 'application protocols'. Moreover, with the increasing complexity of modern distributed systems, protocols are used also to control such a complexity, and to ensure that the system as a whole evolves with certain features. However, the extensive use of protocols has raised some issues, from the language for specifying them to the several verification aspects. Computational Logic provides models, languages and tools that can be effectively adopted to address such issues: its declarative nature can be exploited for a protocol specification language, while its operational counterpart can be used to reason upon such specifications. In this thesis we propose a proof-theoretic framework, called SCIFF, together with its extensions. SCIFF is based on Abductive Logic Programming, and provides a formal specification language with a clear declarative semantics (based on abduction). The operational counterpart is given by a proof procedure, that allows to reason upon the specifications and to test the conformance of given interactions w.r.t. a defined protocol. Moreover, by suitably adapting the SCIFF Framework, we propose solutions for addressing (1) the protocol properties verification (g-SCIFF Framework), and (2) the a-priori conformance verification of peers w.r.t. the given protocol (AlLoWS Framework). We introduce also an agent based architecture, the SCIFF Agent Platform, where the same protocol specification can be used to program and to ease the implementation task of the interacting peers.
Sustainable computer systems require some flexibility to adapt to environmental unpredictable changes. A solution lies in autonomous software agents which can adapt autonomously to their environments. Though autonomy allows agents to decide which behavior to adopt, a disadvantage is a lack of control, and as a side effect even untrustworthiness: we want to keep some control over such autonomous agents. How to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy? A solution is to regulate agents’ behavior by norms. The normative paradigm makes it possible to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy, limiting untrustworthiness and augmenting system compliance. It can also facilitate the design of the system, for example, by regulating the coordination among agents. However, an autonomous agent will follow norms or violate them in some conditions. What are the conditions in which a norm is binding upon an agent? While autonomy is regarded as the driving force behind the normative paradigm, cognitive agents provide a basis for modeling the bindingness of norms. In order to cope with the complexity of the modeling of cognitive agents and normative bindingness, we adopt an intentional stance. Since agents are embedded into a dynamic environment, things may not pass at the same instant. Accordingly, our cognitive model is extended to account for some temporal aspects. Special attention is given to the temporal peculiarities of the legal domain such as, among others, the time in force and the time in efficacy of provisions. Some types of normative modifications are also discussed in the framework. It is noteworthy that our temporal account of legal reasoning is integrated to our commonsense temporal account of cognition. As our intention is to build sustainable reasoning systems running unpredictable environment, we adopt a declarative representation of knowledge. A declarative representation of norms will make it easier to update their system representation, thus facilitating system maintenance; and to improve system transparency, thus easing system governance. Since agents are bounded and are embedded into unpredictable environments, and since conflicts may appear amongst mental states and norms, agent reasoning has to be defeasible, i.e. new pieces of information can invalidate formerly derivable conclusions. In this dissertation, our model is formalized into a non-monotonic logic, namely into a temporal modal defeasible logic, in order to account for the interactions between normative systems and software cognitive agents.
Several activities were conducted during my PhD activity. For the NEMO experiment a collaboration between the INFN/University groups of Catania and Bologna led to the development and production of a mixed signal acquisition board for the Nemo Km3 telescope. The research concerned the feasibility study for a different acquisition technique quite far from that adopted in the NEMO Phase 1 telescope. The DAQ board that we realized exploits the LIRA06 front-end chip for the analog acquisition of anodic an dynodic sources of a PMT (Photo-Multiplier Tube). The low-power analog acquisition allows to sample contemporaneously multiple channels of the PMT at different gain factors in order to increase the signal response linearity over a wider dynamic range. Also the auto triggering and self-event-classification features help to improve the acquisition performance and the knowledge on the neutrino event. A fully functional interface towards the first level data concentrator, the Floor Control Module, has been integrated as well on the board, and a specific firmware has been realized to comply with the present communication protocols. This stage of the project foresees the use of an FPGA, a high speed configurable device, to provide the board with a flexible digital logic control core. After the validation of the whole front-end architecture this feature would be probably integrated in a common mixed-signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The volatile nature of the configuration memory of the FPGA implied the integration of a flash ISP (In System Programming) memory and a smart architecture for a safe remote reconfiguration of it. All the integrated features of the board have been tested. At the Catania laboratory the behavior of the LIRA chip has been investigated in the digital environment of the DAQ board and we succeeded in driving the acquisition with the FPGA. The PMT pulses generated with an arbitrary waveform generator were correctly triggered and acquired by the analog chip, and successively they were digitized by the on board ADC under the supervision of the FPGA. For the communication towards the data concentrator a test bench has been realized in Bologna where, thanks to a lending of the Roma University and INFN, a full readout chain equivalent to that present in the NEMO phase-1 was installed. These tests showed a good behavior of the digital electronic that was able to receive and to execute command imparted by the PC console and to answer back with a reply. The remotely configurable logic behaved well too and demonstrated, at least in principle, the validity of this technique. A new prototype board is now under development at the Catania laboratory as an evolution of the one described above. This board is going to be deployed within the NEMO Phase-2 tower in one of its floors dedicated to new front-end proposals. This board will integrate a new analog acquisition chip called SAS (Smart Auto-triggering Sampler) introducing thus a new analog front-end but inheriting most of the digital logic present in the current DAQ board discussed in this thesis. For what concern the activity on high-resolution vertex detectors, I worked within the SLIM5 collaboration for the characterization of a MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) device called APSEL-4D. The mentioned chip is a matrix of 4096 active pixel sensors with deep N-well implantations meant for charge collection and to shield the analog electronics from digital noise. The chip integrates the full-custom sensors matrix and the sparsifification/readout logic realized with standard-cells in STM CMOS technology 130 nm. For the chip characterization a test-beam has been set up on the 12 GeV PS (Proton Synchrotron) line facility at CERN of Geneva (CH). The collaboration prepared a silicon strip telescope and a DAQ system (hardware and software) for data acquisition and control of the telescope that allowed to store about 90 million events in 7 equivalent days of live-time of the beam. My activities concerned basically the realization of a firmware interface towards and from the MAPS chip in order to integrate it on the general DAQ system. Thereafter I worked on the DAQ software to implement on it a proper Slow Control interface of the APSEL4D. Several APSEL4D chips with different thinning have been tested during the test beam. Those with 100 and 300 um presented an overall efficiency of about 90% imparting a threshold of 450 electrons. The test-beam allowed to estimate also the resolution of the pixel sensor providing good results consistent with the pitch/sqrt(12) formula. The MAPS intrinsic resolution has been extracted from the width of the residual plot taking into account the multiple scattering effect.