1000 resultados para Professores de ensino fundamental - Práticas pedagógicas


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O presente trabalho versa sobre a Inclusão Digital no Terceiro Setor. A investigação ocorreu no Instituto Maria Madalena Oliveira Cavalcante, em Recife, Pernambuco. O objetivo foi analisar as práticas pedagógicas das ações de Inclusão Digital buscando reconhecer a existência de Inovação Pedagógica. A abordagem adotada foi a de natureza qualitativa com base na orientação etnográfica. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: observação, diário de campo e entrevista semiestruturada. A fundamentação teórica foi ancorada na teoria de Fino, sobre Inovação Pedagógica e o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação como contributos do processo educativo; Silveira e Cazeloto, sobre a Inclusão Digital, além dos estudos de Gohn acerca da educação não formal. Para a estrutura metodológica, optou-se por Lapassade, Macedo e Minayo. Após a busca dos dados da pesquisa foi realizada a análise destes a partir da teoria dos autores elencados e da contribuição de outros. Os resultados da pesquisa faz reconhecer a existência de uma prática pedagógica incomum nas ações do Projeto Futuro Digital. Esta por sua vez não se caracteriza como uma simples instrução sobre informática, porque oferece aos alunos a formação de princípios éticos para a emancipação dos sujeitos envolvidos. Constatou-se ainda que a ação educativa de inclusão digital deste projeto está associada à dimensão social.


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Este estudo pleiteia a discussão acerca do conhecimento concreto da criança que aprende com mais autonômia, como ferramenta indispensável para construir práticas pedagógicas inovadoras, tendo o docente como seu mediador. No intuito de compreender a inovação pedagógica o locus pesquisado foi o Grupo Escolar Luís Viana Filho localizada no município de Ibirapitanga - Bahia - Brasil, na tentativa de compreender os saberes e as práxis utilizadas como valorização do saber científico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa etnográfica, na qual se compreende a criança e o docente como sujeitos protagonistas do processo de construção efetiva de saberes, percebendo a importância da escola como um dos ambientes propiciadores da construção de aprendizagens. Os resultados permitiram refletir acerca da postura tanto dos alunos quanto do professor no desenvolvimento do cotidiano da sala de aula, valorizando os diversos ambientes sociais como espaços de aprendizagens e priorizando a atuação da criança como desveladora de seus próprios saberes.


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O objetivo deste estudo visa compreender como as crianças e os jovens se relacionam para aprender, num espaço de socialização cultural e de contexto educativo não-formal, no campo das artes plásticas, na comunidade de prática: Espaço das artes, no Funchal. Perceber se, nesse contexto educativo, há lugar a práticas pedagógicas inovadoras, susceptíveis de estimularem o desenvolvimento do conhecimento. Para interpretar o fenómeno educativo, recorri à metodologia etnográfica, no âmbito da abordagem qualitativa, observei os indivíduos no seu ambiente natural recorrendo à observação participante, o que implicou o contacto com alguma duração, para observar do ponto de vista de quem vai ser observado, tornando-me no outro, para depois compreender melhor pelo lado de quem está por dentro. A observação, o diário de bordo etnográfico, a fotografia, o áudio, conversas informais e entrevistas etnográficas foram os instrumentos utilizados; os dados foram sujeitos a análise de conteúdo e as categorias daí derivadas foram: o conhecimento, as competências sócio-afetivas e a inovação. Verifica-se que os aprendizes aprendem, com prazer, a desenvolver e expressar a sua capacidade criativa através do desenho e da pintura, num contexto de aprendizagem situada e colaborativa com monitores ou outros aprendizes mais capazes em determinada atividade e onde a instrução não é organizada. Conclui-se que há indícios fortes de inovação pedagógica.


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Esta pesquisa tem como título Inovação Pedagógica em Busca de Mudanças Qualitativas no Ensino Fundamental I, com o objetivo de investigar a prática pedagógica no sentido de identificar a existência ou não de inovação pedagógica, no âmbito da Escola de Ensino Infantil e Fundamental Trilha do Saber, situada no município de Guaraciaba do Norte/Ceará/Brasil. A universalização da pesquisa se dá com foco nas interações entre professora e alunos e destes entre si. Os sujeitos desta investigação são os alunos e a professora do 3º ano, turma B, do Ensino Fundamental I. O referencial teórico utilizado nesta investigação tem como base os estudos de Fino a partir de (1999), Fino & Sousa desde (2005); Papert (1980, 1993, 2008); Vygotsky (2007); Perrenoud (2000); Freire (1979, 1985, 2011); Mendonça (2009, 2010); Toffer (1997); Gadotti (2006, 2008); Piaget (2010); Salviane (2009) e outros teóricos, que fundamentam concepções de prática pedagógica inovadora. Esta pesquisa com foco na aprendizagem, nos alunos e nos contextos de aprendizagem é de natureza qualitativa e estudo de caso, segundo a orientação de Yin (2001), Silva (2009), Macedo (2006, 2008); Alvarenga (2010) e Lapassade (2005), uma vez que esse processo de investigação permite a utilização de diversos instrumentos de coleta de dados; utilizou-se a observação participante e a entrevista semiestruturada, favorecendo o cruzamento dos dados (triangulação) no procedimento de análise e discussão dos resultados. Concluiu-se, que a escola deve ser um espaço aberto às mudanças e indagações dos alunos compondo-se dos aspectos criativo, dinâmico e inovador assegurando aos aprendizes novos contextos de aprendizagem situada. Concluiu-se, ainda, nesta investigação, que é mais difícil a inovação pedagógica acontecer nas escolas públicas em razão da inclusão de programas e projetos que são implantados pelas políticas educacionais.


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PASSEGGI,Luis Álvaro Sgadari. O discurso expositivo escrito no ensino fundamental: um enfoque cognitivista e seus desdobramentos didáticos. Revista do GELNE, Fortaleza, v.4, n.1, p. 122-124, 2002.


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Compte tenu de l importance de la formation des enseignants pour répondre, de nos jours, aux besoins des élèves dont les caractéristiques marquantes sont la diversité et la différentiation, desquels nécessairement font partie , à un échelon croissant, des personnes atteintes d une déficience quelconque ; devant le constat que les actuelles politiques d éducation, en fonction de leurs limitations, peuvent être considérées comme un des principaux facteurs qui entravent la concrétisation d un vrai processus d inclusion de ces personnes ; compte tenu, encore, que le confront des situations éducatives concernant le processus d inclusion de ceux ayant des déficiences physiques, notamment lorsqu il s agit d élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale, engendre chez les enseignants un état de troublante inquiétude du fait de ne se sentir convenablement préparés pour se confronter avec des situations pareilles, cette recherche, centrée sur cette problématique, a chosi comme objectif planifier, mettre en marche et analyser un programme d intervention pédagogique dans une école régulière de la ville de Natal/RN, auprès de quatre enseignants de l école fondamentale (7e Série) qui avaient reçu, dans leur classe, deux élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale. S utilisant comme recours méthodologique de la recherche-action, le programme d intervention s est structuré autour de troix axes thématiques : l attitudinal, le pédagogique et le vécu en milieu scolaire, sous la forme de discussions théoriques et la mise en oeuvre de ces thématiques. Les données qui devraient être soumises à l analyse ont été collectées à partir des procédés d observation, d entretiens avant et après l intervention, du régistre de photos et d un questionnaire. Les interprétations faites, basées dans la comparaison du discours des sujets ont signalé que les enseignants ont progressé dans la maîtrise des savoirs scienfiques concernant la paralysie cérébrale et dans la connaissance des personnes atteintes par cette déficience. Par rapport aux valeurs et significations attribuées par les enseignants à ce programme d intervention à partir de leur choix des photos dans l ensemble du déroulement de ce processus formatif, elles s expriment par une prise de conscience très marquée, de la part des enseignants, par rapport :aux besoins éducatifs des élèves atteints de paralysie cérébrale ; à l importance et au vrai rôle que l école doit jouer face aux politiques d éducation inclusive ; aux difficultés vécues par ces personnes, qui réclament le plus profond respect de leurs ingularités ; la reconstruction d une nouvelle image concernant ces personnes ; la constatation qu il est possible aux enseignants d adapter et même de créer à l école des ressources et matériaux pédagogiques envisageant la qualité du processus d enseignement et apprentissage de l élève atteint de paralysie cérébrale ; finalement, la perception de l importance du travail en équipe, d un milieu scolaire accessible à ces personnes et de l appuis de la famille dans le contexte de l éducation inclusive. Les résultats obtenus, issus de ce programme d intervention, d après l évaluation finale des sujets, de part de témoigner de son efficacité, montrent que l intervention a été une excellente opportunité d habiliter ces enseignants et d améliorer le processus d enseignement à l école choisie comme le locus de cette recherche


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In the last three decades, the subject of the teacher's social identity has been discussed under various theoretical focuses, not only in Brazil, but also beyond our borders. In this thesis, the theme is approached starting from the theoretical proposal that has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1994), which is strongly based in the epistemological approach between Pierre Bourdieu’s praxiology and the Theory of the Social Representations formulated by Serge Moscovici. It presupposes that this would make it easier to apprehend the process of construction of social identity of the investigated social group. The universe of the research is constituted by teachers of the fundamental teaching of the municipal district of Maracanaú, state of Ceará, that were active in class-room work there during at least three years, and were registered or had concluded the Course of Educational Formation promoted by UECE in that municipal district. Taking into account that the teacher's social identity is a process in permanent construction, resulting of their daily experiences and of the interferences originated from of the social context, the investigative tasks were implemented in two different stages, although they complement each other. Initially, with the objective of putting in evidence the genesis of the formation of that group’s habitus, an analysis of the family and school lives of eleven teachers who participated in the course was made, using as main sources of data: thematic memorials, semi-structured interviews and observations - inside and out of the class-room – during four school semesters. In the second stage a test of free association of words was applied to 426 teachers, seeking to apprehend the structure of the social representations of family and school – a methodological strategy considered necessary to enhance and identify certain outlines of the habitus in study, besides being in agreement with the theoretical model followed. It became evident from the results that the identity of Maracanaú’s teachers is molded and transformed into a multifaceted dynamic unit that shows successes and mistakes, certainties and doubts. For instance, besides an innovative speech seeking to reassure that teaching is a profession and not a simple vocation or mission, some discourse and attitudes are identified that point to the opposite direction, extolling the school as extension of the family, defending a parental relationship with the students, and looking at certain aspects of daily school life as “sacramental”. However, in the light of science such ambiguities and incoherences are inherent to common sense discourse, where the influences of the patterns and cultural references are present in the process of identity construction of the group, which was confirmed by the research of their social representations of family and school


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Cette recherche est ancrée dans les racines de la pédagogie de Célestin Freinet, un des plus importants éducateurs du XXème siècle, car ses propositions naissaient de la réalité de l élève lequel était, de ce fait, valorisé. Au début de ses recherches, Freinet s est rendu compte que pour pouvoir édifier une école qui, effectivement, atteigne les classes populaires, il devrait réaliser des changements dans le milieu scolaire. Notre travail le principe de coopération dans les actions développées par le professeur et ses élèves dans le quotidien de la salle de classe. Les décisions pour la réalisation de ce travail ont exigé, de notre part, une profonde et globale réflexion vis à vis des pas qui devraient être entamés, considérant que notre intention n était pas de faire une simple intervention dans le système scolaire avec une programmation pré-établie, sans instruments crées à priori pour le développement d actions dans le contexte scolaire. Comme questions principales nous pouvons souligner: Comment la coopération contribue pour le vécu des élèves? De quelle manière ce principe se réalise dans le quotidien de la salle de classe? Le principe coopératif, pourrait-il agir comme une alternative qui favorise la dynamique de la salle de classe et des relations entre les élèves? Le principe de la coopération exige la création d une ambiance en salle de classe dans laquelle il existe des éléments médiateurs dans la relation professeur-élève. Ainsi, l organisation de la salle a un caractère important; il faut considérer la participation des élèves dans la construction de ses connaissances. Pour cela, il est nécéssaire créer des structures qui doivent être complétées à partir de l activité des propres élèves. Dans la ligne de cette pensée nous avons, donc, comme objectifs spécifiques: 1) Investiguer, dans l action pédagogique du professeur, l utilisation de stratégies pour la consolidation du principe coopératif pour la salle de classe; 2) Faire une réflexion à propos de l organisation du travail coopératif développé par le professeur en observant comment celui-ci est réalisé en salle de classe; 3) Établir un répertoire des vécus de coopération construits en salle de classe par les élèves et le professeur. Ainsi, pour développer une interaction avec les sujets de la recherche [professeurs et élèves] des études ont été développés ancrés sur les principes de la recherche qualitative de type ethnographique pour considérer ce dernier un référentiel méthodologique plus indiqué à l utilisation des téchniques d observation, interviews et analyse de documents, car ces téchniques sont, traditionnellement, associées à l ethnographie. Cette recherche a pour but comprendre la vision de ce qui arrive quotidiennement dans la salle de classe observée et les multiples relations imbriquées dans le processus de motivation de l apprentissage utilisant la coopération


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This work has proposed to relate the experience product of a pedagogical intervention, performed in a public institution of teaching situated in this capital. It had as objective to validade the applying of a teaching module of geometry, more specifically about the conceptions of perimeter and área in the second cycle of fundamental teaching. This dissertation has presented the problematic which involves the teaching of geometry in different contexts. It has adopted the broach of the radical constructivism while methodological theoretical referencial through which it has tried to explain the phenomena that involves the teaching and the apprenticeship. It appropriates Jean s Piaget contributions related to the development stages, while referencial that will dialogue in the search by sense and comprehension of the geometric apprenticeship process and it runs over Richard s Skemp (1980) theory in order to explicit the student s apprenticeship according to the levels of instrumental comprehesion and relacional comprehension . The research has presented datum related to initial diagnosis evaluantion, the pedagogical intervention and analysis of the activities and students perfomance displaying still the results of the final evaluation. According to the results got, we could check the students group growth front to the acquisition of the concepts of perimeter and área in comparison with the previous knowledges presented in the initial diagnosis evoluation of the students participants of the research. We have concluded evaluating the objectives of the research, connecting the strategies and reasoning employed by the students in order to resolve the questions and then to reach the objectives proposed by the teaching module. We have presented still the main obstacles to the apprenticeship of such concepts


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This thesis represents a didactic research linked to the Post-graduation Programme in Education of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte which aimed to approach the construction of the geometrical concepts of Volume of the Rectangular Parallelepiped, Area and Perimeter of the Rectangle adding a study of the Area of the Circle. The research was developed along with students from the 6th level of the Elementary School, in a public school in Natal/RN. The pedagogical intervention was made up of three moments: application of a diagnostic evaluation, instrument that enabled the creation of the teaching module by showing the level of the geometry knowledge of the students; introduction of a Teaching Module by Activities aiming to propose a reflexive didactic routing directed to the conceptual construction because we believed that such an approach would favor the consolidation of the learning process by becoming significant to the apprentice, and the accomplishment of a Final Evaluation through which we established a comparison of the results obtained before and after the teaching intervention. The data gathered were analyzed qualitatively by means of a study of understanding categories of mathematical concepts, in addition to using descriptive statistics under the quantitative aspect. Based on the theory of Richard Skemp, about categorization of mathematical knowledge, in the levels of Relational and Instrumental Understanding were achieved in contextual situations and varied proportions, thus enabling a contribution in the learning of the geometrical concepts studied along with the students who took part in the research. We believe that this work may contribute with reflections about the learning processes, a concern which remained during all the stages of the research, and also that the technical competence along with the knowledge about the constructivist theory will condition the implementation of a new dynamics to the teaching and learning processes. We hope that the present research work may add some contribution to the teaching practice in the context of the teaching of Mathematics for the intermediate levels of the Elementary School


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The accomplished researches in the education field focus on the importance of the accomplishment of actions involved in the analysis of the needs to graduate teachers as a way to adequate to socialcultural changing that require more and more a creative activity to prepare teachers in their graduation perspective. The worry with a fail at school linked to public school students lead us to make this thesis which goals are: investigate the needs of the graduation of teachers at public Elementary Schools concerning to the subjacent knowledge to the development of a pedagogic practice of alphabetizing with literacy and (re)create, with some teachers as active participants in the researches, knowledge regarding the process of alphabetization with literacy , based on the graduation of teachers. The study was accomplished in a municipal Elementary School in the Ceará-Mirim city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which offers both I and II levels of the Elementary School, 7 teachers and the principal of the school were subjects of our researches. The starting point was the needs of the graduation as subject phenomena, socially created and that allow people to be aware of the goals of a graduation. The investigative broach is qualitative, whose fundamental purpose is the understanding of the meanings, symbols, values and intentions of the mankind actions, as regards to other humanbeing and the contexts in which they interact. Within this context, we chose the investigation-action for we consider this kind of research a place for investigation and professional graduation, in which teachers and the researcher herself assume responsibility of problematizing, build the needs of graduation and think about their practices. As proceedings to create and analyze data, we developed participant observations during the activities in classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and in groups) with teachers and the principal; analysis of documents and meetings at school for reflexive studies that enabled us to gather data in a pyramidal panoramic view and analyze the contents. The research revealed that the analysis of necessities to graduate teachers is a resource able to contribute to the planning of projects of keeping on graduating more properly, and thus create a critical and reflexive identity for teachers. This way, it was possible the graduation necessities could be revealed and also the knowledge of teachers as regards to alphabetization inserted in a perspective of literacy. Nowadays, conceptualized needs upon difficulties of teachers, there is a tendency to translate them into theorization of problems, without application to these knowledge of teachers, as well as their wishes for changing, especially when those needs are built to analyze and consider concrete practices. Therefore, the graduation experiences have enabled the abandon of a mechanical broach for teaching reading and writing. It has also lead teachers to assume a posture of providing their students the understanding about the reading and writing processes and their functions as social instruments. The graduation theme contents allowed the knowledge to conceive reading and writing in new perspectives, according to their social functions, so that they can improve the education with literacy quality. This theoretical construction has enabled us to understand and consider the necessities of the graduation as progressive process, and has given us the possibility of re-think our own learning processes at the university and review the pedagogical practices of public school teachers. Our conclusion is that once teachers consider their own graduation needs, it contributes to change their concepts and practices in education and literacy, even though there used to be many difficulties in their graduation and organization of the pedagogical work


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El trabajo titulado La Política de Formación Continua de Profesores de Enseñanza Media en RN: límites y posibilidades tiene como objetivo analizar la política de formación continua de profesores de Enseñanza Media implantada en Río Grande del Norte. Parte del supuesto de que las directrices de formación continuada se articulan conforme a los organismos internacionales que desde la década de 1990 extendieron por América Latina un modelo homogéneo de formación, que tiene como principales características la de constituir un servicio a través de la modalidad a distancia y teniendo a la escuela como principal locus. En Brasil, estas características se apoyan en la Ley de Directrices y Bases de Educación Nacional nº. 9.394/96. Este trabajo es parte de un estudio que se desarrolla desde 2004 por la base de investigación Políticas y Gestión de Educación llamada Factores que influyen en la productividad de la Escuela Media: un estudio en Río Grande del Norte. El estudio en cuestión se centra en la dimensión pedagógica de la referida investigación y analiza la política de formación continua del personal docente, y considera como dimensiones de análisis la formación continua promovida en el ámbito escolar, ofrecida por la SECD/RN en el marco de la autoformación. Para la realización del estudio se hizo una búsqueda bibliográfica y documental que permitió la comprensión del objeto de estudio. La investigación empírica se realizó mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, a los maestros de Enseñanza Media de RN, y a través de entrevistas, semi-estructuradas de naturaleza complementaria, a las coordinadoras estatales de programas dirigidos a la Enseñanza Media. El análisis de los datos obtenidos muestra que no hay en SECD/RN una programación específica para la formación continua de los docentes de ese nivel educativo. Los programas implantados son de carácter nacional, de índole focalizada y no prestan atención a la mayoría de los docentes. La formación continua desarrollada en el âmbito escolar es prácticamente inexistente, y se limita a reuniones y algunos seminarios, sin mucha repercusión en la práctica docente. En cuanto a la autoformación son pocos los profesores que tratan de mejorar su práctica pedagógica con cursos de capacitación. Por lo tanto, se percibe una laguna en la formación de esos profesores y la necesidad de implementar acciones generales de formación continua que favorezcan una mayor y mejor articulación entre la formación inicial y continua, entre la teoría y la práctica, desde una perspectiva transformadora, en el sentido de superar modelos tradicionales de formación que no han tenido repercusión en la práctica docente


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Study about the teaching-learning process in History, which intents to point limits and possibilities to this process, starting from its characterization and analysis and understanding of the concepts of history, time, society and culture, used by teachers and students. The field research was performed in the Municipal School of Basic Education Zumbi dos Palmares, located in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba State, in the period between 1996 and 2006. To achieve the objective of the study, a number of research instruments were used, amongst which, interviews, questionnaires and exercises emphasizing conceptual learning. The theoretical-methodological premises of the qualitative research justify the use of these various instruments, and serve as base for the interpretation and analysis of the data. This study demonstrated that some limits and possibilities that are found in the teaching-learning process in History are originated in the school context of the 1st phase of basic education and remain in the 2nd phase of this education level, partly, because of the understanding that teachers and students have regarding the concepts of history, time, society and culture


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This study is part of the line of research on Teacher Education, circumscribed to the Graduate Program in Education of Federal University Rio Grande do Norte. In it, we have a qualitative research, whose object returned to the influence of continued education in social representation of inclusive education of Elementary School teachers. The same was done in an Elementary School of Cruzeiro do Sul city (Brasil/Acre) and performed with the participation of 11 teachers. We assume that thinking a continuing education inclusive presupposes reflect on the redefinition and resignification of practices undertaken by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher education is conceived as a continuum in which the teacher will be graduating in forming, shaping their way of being in social situations. We argue that in the context of interactions, we are going to reconstruct social representations that guide actions and attitudes about the objects that have meaning for the group. It was with the aim of identify the influence of these social representations and at the same time submit a proposal for continuing training in structured formative needs teachers who made use of collaborative action research. Since we believe that this can either meet the assumptions of a research and vocational training to enable that researcher and other teachers, collectively, problematizing situations of practice and, at the same time able to intervene in the same it. As procedures for obtaining information and analysis of the data, we performed, respectively, semi-structured interviews (individual and collective); reflective studies sessions and the analysis of content. The path of research revealed two social representations integrated one of inclusive education and another for student with disabilities. We noticed that although the teachers criticize the character sealed and limited of continued education courses that have frequented, reveal social representations of inclusive education and students with disabilities based on theories and concepts originated from such courses. As a result, represent inclusive education as an "education for all" and student with disabilities as someone "abnormal, different, but able to learn something . It is possible to state that from the moment the teachers approched theories about the principles of inclusive education and on the possibilities of student with disabilities took new discourses, and showed signs of change in the social representations before presented. In addition, we evidenced in this production that a proposal for training within the school, fomented by the needs teachers and having as methodology to collaborative action research, provides the (re)construction of collective knowledges and practices, sharing of experiences, hopes, discoveries and concerns and the development of cooperation and attitude for the (re)development of strategies to overcome the difficulties present in everyday teaching


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte