999 resultados para Pensamento Publicitário Brasileiro


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Recent behavior of the Brazilian labor market: 1992-2005. This study aims at describing the behavior of the Brazilian labor market between 1992 and 2005. This period comprises significant changes in the economic scenario, in the midst of the process of opening the economy to adjust to the prevailing international economic order. In the one hand, the paper focuses on the time evolution of the main labor market indicators, trying to identify trends and stylized facts. On the other, it emphasizes aspects related to spatial patterns, particularly in terms of the metropolitan versus non-metropolitan behavior.


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Central Bank transparency: an analysis of the Brazilian case. Nowadays there is a tendency among central banks of increasing transparency in the conduction of the monetary policy. After the adoption of inflation targeting in Brazil there was an increase in the communication of the Central Bank of Brazil with the public. This paper makes a brief review of the recent theoretical and empirical literature concerning this subject. Furthermore, an analysis due to the transparency in the conduction of Brazilian monetary policy on important macroeconomic variables is made. The findings denote that an increase in transparency improves the behavior of several macroeconomic variables.


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De-Industrialization: concept, causes, effects and the Brazilian case. This article aims to do a theoretical discussion about the term "de-industrialization" and its relationship with other concepts as "primarization" of exports and "Dutch disease". After that we will analyze the possible causes and effects of "de-industrialization". Finally, we analyze the Brazilian case, with a special attention over the economic literature about this issue.


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This article aims to present an overview of Amartya Sen's thought, relating to his writings on political philosophy and his contributions to the field of development economics. This paper shows how justice and development are highly related in Sen's approach based on the concept of capability. Along with this paper, we will present some debates between Sen and John Rawls, beside other critics. This is done to explain the complex theoretical system elaborated by him. In concluding, the paper shows that the objective of Sen is to find a satisfactory concept of development that is explicit in its ethical presumptions.


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This article evaluates the effects that monetary policy actions exert on Brazilian stock market. By the measures defined to estimate the surprise caused by Comitê de Política Monetária do Banco Central do Brasil (COPOM) decisions, it was verified that to a hypothetic unexpected 1% increase in the target rate is associated an 1.3% average fall of Bovespa Index. Additional tests did not show distinct reactions caused by direction decisions, neither evidences from relevant recent economic events or decision contexts having influences on the surprise responses.


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The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.


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The recente Brazilian public management. We use two frameworks to analyze the recent Brazilian public debt management. The first one encompasses the Brazilian optimal public debt management analysis through the examination of the correlations among the main variables to which the public debt is indexed. The second seeks to address the consequences of recent Brazilian economic policies, such as international reserves accumulation through sterilized interventions by the Central Bank and excessive capitalization of federal financial institutions. Those policies have important, albeit often ignored, fiscal impacts, which became important to determine the current size, maturity and composition of the public debt stock.


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The debate regarding Brazil's development model returned again to the public arena in the first decade of 21st century after two decades of orthodox economic policies which encouraged non-developed countries to adopt liberal economic policies as their preferred growth strategies. As Brazil achieved neither economic stability nor development, the discussion of new development strategies returned as a popular research topic. It is in this context that a new development theory - New Developmentalism - emerges. The objective of this article is to review the origins of this debate and the main propositions defended by the group aiming to implement a new development model policy in the country. The main conclusions are that this group has had an important contribution in maintaining the development debate in the public agenda as well as proposing a new theoretical approach called "structuralist macroeconomic development".


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The paper has analyzed John R. Commons' contribution to the comprehension of Law and Economics relationship. In contrast to the orthodox economics, Commons has shown that the capitalist economic order emerges and functions regulated by laws and institutions. These approaches made possible to him to understand the nature of the modern capitalist wealth and the problems that time introduces in economic transactions.


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This paper is a tribute to one of the greatest Brazilian intellectuals of the XXth century, Ignácio Rangel, at the Centenary of his birth. The two analytical pillars of his thought are discussed, namely the thesis of the long term "basic duality" of the Brazilian economy and of the national political structure, and the idea that economic planning should always involve the identification and use of idle resources. It is argued that his ideas on history and his defense of planning integrate a wider development theory, which combines structural change (industrialization, agrarian modernization, the strengthening of the financial capital, etc.) and a macro-dynamic approach on idle capacity and economic cycles. By way if conclusion the ideas are evaluated from a XXIst century perspective.


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O Pensamento de Platão tem o encanto das estátuas de Dédalo: esvai-se pelos meandros do discurso, tão logo se pretenda travar com ele uma relação de domínio. A sua correta interpretação exige que se assuma a Polis como o lugar natural no qual emerge, como a limitação que ele se propõe superar remontando à Fysis e ao Ser. Fazê-lo importa em captar o movimento que lhe é próprio, partindo da questão sobre o ente e visualizando a resposta como o enunciado de sua essência, isto é, do eidos, e de seu fundamento, isto é, do Bem como nome próprio do Ser. Determinando o ente em sua essência, o eidos é a medida de toda a adequação, da episteme à Polis.


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O Pragmaticismo de Charles Sanders Peirce, como teoria geral da concepção, e uma teoria do signo e uma teoria do pensamento. Limitando-se à consideração do "teor racional" dos símbolos, o pragmaticismo procura estabelecer o tipo de causação atribuível ao pensamento: uma causação eficiente centralizada na percepção e no experimento e uma causação final que determina um hábito racional de conduta diante da classe geral de fenômenos experimentais representada no conceito.


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O caráter semiótico de todo pensamento exige que tal fenômeno seja intrinsecamente dialógico, pois uma mediação interfere na própria produção do pensamento. Todo pensamento é igualmente social, pois o signo é produto da tradição e determina um programa de conduta para o futuro que tem por sujeito último a totalidade das mentes no fim da história.


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As obras de Sade procuram retratar as práticas corruptas e libertinas presentes no regime despótico de Luís XV, apontando invariavelmente a "alcova" como lugar privilegiado de transformação do corpo e da mente e, ao mesmo tempo, de produção filosófica. A atualidade do pensamento de Sade revela-se no fato de colocar como tendencia da modernidade, a constituição narcísica da subjetividade que, em sua variante político-social, aparece sob a forma do conformismo político. Este artigo pretende apresentar o pensamento de Sade como urna crítica aos liames sociais, o que conduz à ruptura da idéia de pacto social formulada por Rousseau. A doutrina sem compaixão de Sade torna-se filosofia negativa na medida em que fornece os fundamentos da crítica à razão instrumental. Sendo pessimista quanto aos rumos do existente, a teoria sadiana aponta a "animalidade" humana como possibilidade de transcendencia da artificialidade dos laços sociais.