858 resultados para Obras públicas - planejamento


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This paper aims to analyze the social media monitoring as a specific instrument of Public Relations. Indeed, in the current context this is the most suitable professional to establish the relationship between organizations and their online audiences. Its function is to be manager of communications, mediating and instituting relationships, caring image and reputation of the organization and conducting strategic planning. This case study sought to monitor the Virada Cultural de Bauru through social media's own audience. For this purpose, two types of free tools - Socialmention and Topsy - sustained the diagnosis that turned data into information to be used by this professional communication. The balance shows the power of social media and how they are able to reflect the wishes of consumers, providing often the necessary tools for an efficient communication


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Cultural clashes are part of the intercultural relationships, and especially in the organizations, they cause differences interfering in the process of sharing experiences, expertise and coexistence. This study outlines some communicational actions, built to improve the management of intercultural relations in organizations. This study also is related to the sharing and discussions on the communication planning process and its importance in intercultural differences detained and promoting interfaces between public of “different worlds”. The discussion is supported by theoretical theory of organizations and organizational culture in order to demonstrate a number of aspects related to this subject, which are directly accustomed to public relations activities. It also presents an analysis of the multinational AB InBev, in order to illustrate the process of knowledge and relationships that is built through the construction of the meaning in intercultural environments, as is the case of this organization


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The present work refers to graduation media with specialization in Public Relations and intends to observe the potential for social transformation present in the work of the Community public relations and critical development of the profession in a community, from the perspective of economics concepts creative. Specifically highlights this practice in the community and region of Bauru from observation and evaluation of the work done by the author for two and a half years in project Taquara extension, along with Project Bamboo, which has bamboo as a focus of study and its extension actions. Encompasses the perceptions of the author on existing work in the third sector challenges and observes the realization of a participatory planning process and creating a communication plan as a contribution to the growth of the project


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The concern with the environmental planning has become important in Brazil recently. Until then, nature was conceived as a resource, because of the implementation of developmental policies that perdured to the 1970s, based on the expansion of the industrial complex, altogether hadn´t preoccupation by the federal government with the relationship between society and nature. During this period, after the threat of not receiving more international investment to finance large projects in the country, accompanied by pressure from civil society organizations, the federal government began to take some action related to the environment, such as the creation of federal agencies (IBAMA), application of environmental laws and decrees in order to create rules for the proper use of natural resources such as water, soil and air. From the decade of 1990 onwards the master plans have become a mandatory document for all municipalities in the country with a population over 20,000 inhabitants, ranging from health issues to the development of urban, rural and environmental planning. Thus, the environmental planning gained prominence in the political scene. Therefore, to achieve environmental planning is necessary to follow some social and environmental parameters, which for this survey, conducted in the District of Ameliópolis – Presidente Prudente... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This work analyzes the importance of public policies in the process of urban-environmental preservation of the Alvares Machado city at state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where priority was given to questions related to cultural heritage. Adopting the concept of territory as base to understand the complexities in the city, this work clarifies and contextualizes the historical heritage legislation through the Master Plan and the City Statute. The work also focuses on the contribution of the geographer toward studies related to urban-environmental planning.


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Esta monografia esta relacionado à pesquisa de iniciação científica inserida no Grupo de Pesquisa em Gestão Ambiental e Dinâmica Socioespacial (GADIS), da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNESP, campus de Presidente Prudente, e vincula-se a projetos mais amplos desenvolvidos com apoio da FAPESP, do CNPq e FEHIDRO. De modo geral, este trabalho possui o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento ambiental da bacia do Balneário da Amizade, como também para o gerenciamento de seus recursos hídricos, aprofundando conhecimentos teórico-metodológicos sobre o tema. Os procedimentos metodológicos seguem a proposta de Rodriguez (1994) adaptada por Leal (1995), na qual incluem etapas de elaboração do Inventário, Diagnóstico Ambiental, Prognóstico e Propostas, de modo a identificar as características de uso e ocupação da bacia do Balneário da Amizade, mapear seus principais problemas ambientais e elaborar propostas visando sua recuperação ambiental e a preservação de seus recursos hídricos, além de analisar políticas públicas direcionadas para a bacia. A importância desta pesquisa se inicia com a escolha da área de estudo, já que a mesma é uma importante bacia hidrográfica para os municípios de Presidente Prudente e Álvares Machado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Public Relations is an area of communication that has many definitions given by both professional associations and by many authors. Academic and professional discussions on a precise definition of the area are recurrent. Considering this issue, it was decided to study the relationship between public relations and communications agencies, assuming that this is a market segment that includes the public relations. This paper analyzes the discourses of communication agencies and how the Public Relations are handled by them. For this, it was used theories about the history of public relations as well as definitions and concepts of its main authors. Furthermore, we present the characteristics of communication agencies, the contexts associated with its emergence in Brazil and the future prospects of this market segment in the opinion of the professionals who work in it. The study about the discourses of communications agencies was based on French Discourse Analysis, using books from important authors of the area, such as José Fiorin and Helna Brandão. The discourses analyzed were those present on websites of three communications agencies in the state of Sao Paulo. It was noted that not always the participation of public relations in communication agencies is highlighted, although the services of these agencies are based on techniques and typical functions of Public Relations. Above all, what the discourses are seeking to highlight are the experience and expertise in organizational communication owned by its staff


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This work has as main objective to discuss the participation of professional public relations in the environment of communications agencies, based on experience of creating an experimental agency to participate in the challenge Overtime, sponsored by RPjr (junior company relations public), UNESP Bauru. In this sense there is the search for understanding of how globalization is changing the characteristics of the capitalist market today, also changing the manner of organizations and what is expected of their employees. There is an analysis and contextualization of the emergence of communication agencies in Brazil and what are their types, their structures and mode of action. The figure of the public relations professional in this context appears to help the agencies, through their knowledge and tools to plan better and return to their edges that looks just forgotten several times, allowing them to promote strategic actions each time better and more objective, thereby improving their results


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The civil construction is an industrial sector of great economic importance and that it comes exponentially growing in the country. However, this activity is deficient in its management processes, and in this context that the management of construction as a way of organizing and controlling all the technical and construction of an enterprise. The literature shows that the manager has a key role throughout the process of planning, execution and analysis of the results of the work being of prime importance that all steps have its due attention in order to avoid any technical problems or lack information. The management’s main objective is the transparency of technical and financial information to investors and their assessments of physical and financial performances of the work intervened positively in quality, deadlines and costs. In this sense, this paper aims to present consideration about the proper management of a residential development in vertical construction


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The contemporary organizations establish complex networks of relationships with their audiences. However, it is the socio-historical setting of the organizations that allow that their internal structures, management and culture as well as their interests and goals in relation to the macro social environment to be understood. To understand what is currently proposed as institutional relations, it is necessary to search on that socio-historical source the progress in the studies of management and organizational communication aiming to prove the assumptions underlying this strategic role within organizations. In order to do that, this project raises ethnographic aspects of the institutional relationships to see what is proposed by the organizations and, therefore, highlights the lack of detailed studies in this area. From this survey, it is clear the possible role of public relations in contributing to studies, plans and execution of institutional relations according to the basement in the humanities and communication processes of networks of relationships between organizations


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Given the high competitiveness in the construction industry, businesses became necessary in a management which reduce costs and delivery times, and is fundamental to running a compatible planning with the magnitude of each work order is the same make feasible the executor. When it comes to planning, one is including both the physical planning of the work, time and duration of the events, as well as the preparation of the cost thereof. There are numerous ways to run the management of works, then it is necessary, in most cases, the planning experience, in previous works, the engineer in charge, because with it he should know what strategy to take the work skirt as planned and designed. For a complete and efficient management, an initial study hard to prepare the physical and financial planning it is necessary, in order to make it real and consistent throughout the execution of the work. It is necessary also a hard monitoring of both the physical and the financial schedule in order to what was initially planned to be completed as close as possible. This paper shows a case study which uses some ways to the management be held with the course of planning, medium and short term, as well as the preparation of the initial budget of the work. Will also be presented as is performed physical planning of a real estate work


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The Micro and Small Enterprises are in a special group of companies it given potential for development, employability, and integration into society. Although in Brazil they have high mortality rates, resulted to creation of the Statute of Micro and Small Enterprise in order to encourage it through tax benefits and advantages in public procurement processes. However, the other side of the debate, the public procurement process is the moment when the Public Sector relates to the Private Sector to materialize works, services and shopping. These procurement processes have itself weaknesses, such as excessive bureaucracy, delays and corruption, leading us to inquire: is a good idea promotes the development of micro and small enterprises through weaknesses procurement process? This discussion using theoretical framework, and an analysis of two case studies where the winners of procurement were two enterprises benefited from the Statute of Micro and Small Enterprises