897 resultados para Nursing in medical clinic
Part 1: 1907-1908 The Royal Medical Society of Edinburg, 1907 On the Library of a Medical School, 1907 On Telangiectasis Circumscripta Universalis, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Abdominal Tumours Associated with Disease of the Testicle, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Erythraemia, 1908 Vienna after Thirty-Four Years, 1908 Endocardites Infectieuses Chroniques, 1908 Part 2: 1909 Chronic Infectious Endocarditis, 1909 What the Public Can Do in the Fight Against Tuberculosis, 1909 Annual Oration on the Occasion of the Opening of the New Building of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, May 13, 1909 The Medical Library in Post-Graduate Work, 1909 The Treatment of Disease, 1909 Part 3: 1910-1911 The Pupil Symptoms in Thoracic Aneurysm, 1910 The Lumleian Lectures on Angina Pectoris, 1910 Certain Vasomotor, Sensory, and Muscular Phenomena Associated with Cervical Rib, 1910 An Address on the Hospital Unit in University Work, 1911 Sulle Telangiectasie Emorragiche Ereditarie, 1911 Transient Attacks of Aphasia and Paralyses in States of High Blood Pressure and Arterio-Sclerosis, 1911 The Pathological Institute of a General Hospital, 1911 Part 4: 1912-1914 An Address on High Blood Pressure: its Associations, Advantages, and Disadvantages, 1912 Specialism in the General Hospital, 1913 Syphilis of the Liver with the Picture of Banti’s Disease, 1913 An Introductory Address on Examinations, Examiners, and Examinees, 1913 The Medical Clinic: a retrospect and a Forecast, 1914 Part 5: 1915-1919 Remarks on the Diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney, 1915 The War and Typhoid Fever, 1914/15 The Cerebro-Spinal Fever in Camps and Barracks, 1915 Remarks on Arterio-Venous Aneurysm, 1915 Nerve & “Nerves”, 1915 Intensive Work in Science at the Public Schools in Relation to the Curriculum, 1916 Creators, Transmuters, and Transmitters, 1916 Annual Oration on the Campaign Against Syphilis, 1917 The First Printed Documents relating to Modern Surgical Anaesthesia, 1918 Observations on the Severe Anaemias of Pregnancy and the Post-Partum State, 1919 Typhoid Spine, 1919
The Phase I clinical trial is considered the "first in human" study in medical research to examine the toxicity of a new agent. It determines the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) of a new agent, i.e., the highest dose in which toxicity is still acceptable. Several phase I clinical trial designs have been proposed in the past 30 years. The well known standard method, so called the 3+3 design, is widely accepted by clinicians since it is the easiest to implement and it does not need a statistical calculation. Continual reassessment method (CRM), a design uses Bayesian method, has been rising in popularity in the last two decades. Several variants of the CRM design have also been suggested in numerous statistical literatures. Rolling six is a new method introduced in pediatric oncology in 2008, which claims to shorten the trial duration as compared to the 3+3 design. The goal of the present research was to simulate clinical trials and compare these phase I clinical trial designs. Patient population was created by discrete event simulation (DES) method. The characteristics of the patients were generated by several distributions with the parameters derived from a historical phase I clinical trial data review. Patients were then selected and enrolled in clinical trials, each of which uses the 3+3 design, the rolling six, or the CRM design. Five scenarios of dose-toxicity relationship were used to compare the performance of the phase I clinical trial designs. One thousand trials were simulated per phase I clinical trial design per dose-toxicity scenario. The results showed the rolling six design was not superior to the 3+3 design in terms of trial duration. The time to trial completion was comparable between the rolling six and the 3+3 design. However, they both shorten the duration as compared to the two CRM designs. Both CRMs were superior to the 3+3 design and the rolling six in accuracy of MTD estimation. The 3+3 design and rolling six tended to assign more patients to undesired lower dose levels. The toxicities were slightly greater in the CRMs.^
Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas y morbilidad de los pacientes (pac.) adictos ingresados a un Servicio de Clínica Médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Criterio de inclusión: pac. adicto con consumo de sustancias ilícitas. Informe preliminar: Periodo: 24 meses. Datos analizados en Epi info 6.4 Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pac. Prevalencia: 0.2/1000 egresos. El 82.5% eran hombres. Edad media: 31.5 años (DS±9.65). Permanencia media: 11 días (DS±13.98) vs 7.12 (DS±10.1) del Servicio (p=0.016). Consumían cocaína el 82.5% (IC95%67.22-92.66) marihuana el 77.5% (IC95% 61.65- 89.16), tolueno el 10% (IC95%2.79-23.66), floripondio y hachis el 2.5% (IC95% 0.06-13.16) cada uno. En el 2.5% la vía de administración era endovenosa y el 60% eran poliadictos. Solo el 10% recibió tratamiento para abandonar la adicción (100% tratamiento psicológico y 5.13% farmacológico). De clase social pobre el 75%. El 62.5% de los pac. estaban desocupados, tenían antecedentes judiciales el 10% y el 7.5% había estado en prisión. El 92.5% (IC95% 76.34-97.21) era heterosexual, 2.5% hombres que tenían sexo con hombres y bisexuales 5% (IC95% 0.61-16.92). Solo el 10% tenían secundaria completa. El 80% ingreso por Emergencias y por causa infecciosa el 45%. El 12.5% ingreso por complicaciones de la adicción. Las manifestaciones relacionadas con la adicción fueron: manifestaciones del sistema nervioso central: 12.5% (IC95%4.19-26.80); síndrome de abstinencia y temblor 7.5% cada uno y excitación psicomotriz, delirium, signo de foco neurológico y rigidez 5% cada uno. El 100% presentaba alguna comórbida; tabaquismo 80%, depresión 12.8% Y alcoholismo 57.5%, entre otras. Presentaban enfermedades de transmisión sexual 5 pac. (4 HIV, 2 VHC y 1 pediculus pubis). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Conclusión: El paciente adicto internado se caracteriza por ser joven, pertenecer a un grupo social desprotegido, sin trabajo y sin educación, tener poliadicción, con alta carga de comórbidas y de internación, principalmente por complicaciones infecciosas.
A compact system based on time-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) has been developed to measure internal fruit quality parameters and has been applied to the non-destructive estimation of firmness, sugar content and acidity of kiwifruits. This new optical technique, developed in medical applications and related areas, provides a complete optical characterisation of a diffusive sample as it estimates at the same time and independently the light absorption inside the tissues and the scattering across them. The working principle of the technique is the analysis of the attenuation and broadening of the time-distribution of the remitted light, and the correct interpretation with a proper theoretical model. This main advantage compared to conventional optical techniques (which are only able to register the global attenuation spectrum) added to the compact, portable prototype developed along a three-year work opens the possibilities of this new measurement method in the food industry.
This work analysed the feasibility of using a fast, customized Monte Carlo (MC) method to perform accurate computation of dose distributions during pre- and intraplanning of intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) procedures. The MC method that was implemented, which has been integrated into a specific innovative simulation and planning tool, is able to simulate the fate of thousands of particles per second, and it was the aim of this work to determine the level of interactivity that could be achieved. The planning workflow enabled calibration of the imaging and treatment equipment, as well as manipulation of the surgical frame and insertion of the protection shields around the organs at risk and other beam modifiers. In this way, the multidisciplinary team involved in IOERT has all the tools necessary to perform complex MC dosage simulations adapted to their equipment in an efficient and transparent way. To assess the accuracy and reliability of this MC technique, dose distributions for a monoenergetic source were compared with those obtained using a general-purpose software package used widely in medical physics applications. Once accuracy of the underlying simulator was confirmed, a clinical accelerator was modelled and experimental measurements in water were conducted. A comparison was made with the output from the simulator to identify the conditions under which accurate dose estimations could be obtained in less than 3 min, which is the threshold imposed to allow for interactive use of the tool in treatment planning. Finally, a clinically relevant scenario, namely early-stage breast cancer treatment, was simulated with pre- and intraoperative volumes to verify that it was feasible to use the MC tool intraoperatively and to adjust dose delivery based on the simulation output, without compromising accuracy. The workflow provided a satisfactory model of the treatment head and the imaging system, enabling proper configuration of the treatment planning system and providing good accuracy in the dosage simulation.
The theoretical study of forced bubble oscillations is motivated by the importance of cavitation bubbles and oscillating encapsulated microbubbles (i.e. contrast agents) in medical sciences. In more details,theoretical studies on bubble dynamics addressing the sound-bubble interaction phenomenon provide the basis for understanding the dynamics of contrast agent microbubbles used in medical diagnosis and of non-linearly oscillating cavitation bubbles in the case of high-intensity ultrasound therapy. Moreover, the inclusion of viscoelasticity is of vital importance for an accurate theoretical analysis since most biological tissues and fluids exhibit non-Newtonian behavior.
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).
Acknowledgments Financial Support: HERU and HSRU receive a core grant from the Chief Scientist’s Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates, and the Centre for Clinical epidemiology & Evaluation is funded by Vancouver Coastal Health Authority. The model used for the illustrative case study in this paper was developed as part of a NHS Technology Assessment Review, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment Program (project number 09/146/01). The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Scottish Government, NHS, Vancouver Coastal Health, NIHR HTA Program or the Department of Health. The authors wish to thank Kathleen Boyd and members of the audience at the UK Health Economists Study Group, for comments received on an earlier version of this paper. We also wish to thank Cynthia Fraser (University of Aberdeen) for literature searches undertaken to inform the manuscript, and Mohsen Sadatsafavi (University of British Columbia) for comments on an earlier draft
Interaction of diagnostic ultrasound with gas bodies produces a useful contrast effect in medical images, but the same interaction also represents a mechanism for bioeffects. Anesthetized hairless mice were scanned by using a 2.5-MHz transducer (610-ns pulses with 3.6-kHz repetition frequency and 61-Hz frame rate) after injection of Optison and Evans blue dye. Petechial hemorrhages (PHs) in intestine and abdominal muscle were counted 15 min after exposure to characterize capillary rupture, and Evans blue extravasation was evaluated in samples of muscle tissue. For 5 ml⋅kg-1 contrast agent and exposure to 10 alternating 10-s on and off periods, PH counts in muscle were approximately proportional to the square of peak negative pressure amplitude and were statistically significant above 0.64 MPa. PH counts in intestine and Evans blue extravasation into muscle tissue were significant above 1.0 MPa. The PH effect in muscle was proportional to contrast dose and was statistically significant for the lowest dose of 0.05 ml⋅kg-1. The effects decreased nearly to sham levels if the exposure was delayed 5 min. The PH effect in abdominal muscle was significant and statistically indistinguishable for uninterrupted 100-s exposure, 10-s exposure, 100 scans repeated at 1 Hz, and even for a single scan. The results confirms a previous report of PH induction by diagnostic ultrasound with contrast agent in mammalian skeletal muscle [Skyba, D. M., Price, R. J., Linka, A. Z., Skalak, T. C. & Kaul, S. (1998) Circulation 98, 290–293].
The relationship between the development of mediated online literature searching and the recruitment of medical librarians to fill positions as online searchers was investigated. The history of database searching by medical librarians was outlined and a content analysis of thirty-five years of job advertisements in MLA News from 1961 through 1996 was summarized. Advertisements for online searchers were examined to test the hypothesis that the growth of mediated online searching was reflected in the recruitment of librarians to fill positions as mediated online searchers in medical libraries. The advent of end-user searching was also traced to determine how this trend affected the demand for mediated online searching and job availability of online searchers. Job advertisements were analyzed to determine what skills were in demand as end-user searching replaced mediated online searching as the norm in medical libraries. Finally, the trend away from mediated online searching to support of other library services was placed in the context of new roles for medical librarians.
Medical imaging has become an absolutely essential diagnostic tool for clinical practices; at present, pathologies can be detected with an earliness never before known. Its use has not only been relegated to the field of radiology but also, increasingly, to computer-based imaging processes prior to surgery. Motion analysis, in particular, plays an important role in analyzing activities or behaviors of live objects in medicine. This short paper presents several low-cost hardware implementation approaches for the new generation of tablets and/or smartphones for estimating motion compensation and segmentation in medical images. These systems have been optimized for breast cancer diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging technology with several advantages over traditional X-ray mammography, for example, obtaining patient information during a short period. This paper also addresses the challenge of offering a medical tool that runs on widespread portable devices, both on tablets and/or smartphones to aid in patient diagnostics.
O diagnóstico de câncer infantojuvenil e as demandas do seu tratamento transforma a vida da família, particularmente das mães que acompanham seus filhos de perto e não medem esforços para oferecer-lhes o melhor. O cuidado prestado pelas mães é permeado de influências culturais que podem favorecer a introdução de terapias complementares no cuidado dos seus filhos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os sentidos das experiências de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer com a terapia complementar. Para alcançar este objetivo, realizou-se estudo com abordagem metodológica qualitativa, adotando o referencial teórico da Antropologia Médica e a narrativa como método. Após aprovação ética da pesquisa, foram convidadas a participar do estudo quinze mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em acompanhamento terapêutico em serviço de saúde localizado no interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cada participante, realizadas nas dependências do complexo hospitalar e nos domicílios, no período de julho de 2014 a julho de 2015. A partir das entrevistas foram construídas as narrativas individuais das participantes e utilizamos os pressupostos dos modelos explicativos para organizar os dados relativos à reconstrução das experiências das mães acerca da causa, tratamento e o prognóstico da doença. Para a análise dos dados provenientes das narrativas, utilizou-se a análise temática indutiva. Relacionaram-se os aspectos semelhantes e os particulares das narrativas sobre as experiências das mães com os tratamentos complementares e eles foram integrados em dois temas representativos, apresentados sob a forma de sínteses narrativas ou unidades de sentidos. Os resultados foram analisados e apresentados a partir das narrativas temáticas: Quando um filho tem câncer, não se imagina a força de uma mãe, em que se apresenta a persistência, energia, entusiasmo e motivação das mães para lidar com as demandas do diagnóstico oncológico e tratamento do câncer, bem como a sua influência nas decisões que garantem a qualidade do tratamento dos filhos, incluindo ou não a incorporação de práticas alternativas; e A utilização da terapia complementar motivada pela esperança, em que o sentido atribuído pelas mães à incorporação de terapias complementares no cuidado do filho é o de renovação da esperança, com o propósito de promoção do bem-estar da criança ou adolescente e cura da doença. Os sentidos dessas experiências foram explicados por meio de conceitos derivados da antropologia. A interpretação das narrativas centradas na experiência de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes oncológicos com a terapia complementar, a partir do sistema cultural, permitiu-nos explicar compreensivamente como a cultura influencia o cuidado prestado pelas mães aos seus filhos, por meio dos sentidos. Os sentidos das experiências desse grupo de mães constituem-se em conhecimento que pode ser aplicado na prática clínica e em pesquisas futuras
Objective: The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the needs of male and female oncology patients within a community cancer setting to inform the provision of psychosocial services. Data obtained from 835 single-page measures of oncology patient distress were collected and analyzed to examine the relationship between gender and reported level of distress, the source of this distress, and requests for follow-up from psychosocial service providers.Method: Patients in medical and radiation oncology were given a distress screener tool that included a distress thermometer, a problem checklist, and a list of psychosocial service providers with whom the patient could request to speak.Results: Women reported higher levels of distress than men (p=.003). Women were also more likely than men to endorse practical problems as the cause of their distress (p=.003). A marginally significant relationship between gender and requesting the cancer resource navigator was also found (p=. 059)Conclusion: Gender is a salient factor in reported distress among cancer patients. Although no single variable can entirely explain an individual's response to cancer, male and female patients do appear to have distinctive, gender-specific needs. Psychosocial interventions that account for differences related to gender-role may be particularly beneficial. These results also illustrate the utility of consistent screening practices to better understand and meet the psychosocial needs of oncology
El ámbito comunitario y de salud pública es probablemente el contexto donde las enfermeras han logrado mayores cotas de autonomía profesional y donde su contribución ha sido valorada en mayor medida. No obstante, todavía persisten grandes obstáculos para el pleno desarrollo, algunos de ellos vinculados a la variable género. Por ello, resulta relevante analizar, para el caso español, los antecedentes históricos de esta situación, en la medida que puede ayudar a entender muchos de los problemas y deficiencias que sigue mostrando la Enfermería Comunitaria en la actualidad. Las enfermeras comunitarias contribuyeron al desarrollo de la salud pública en la España contemporánea, proceso que se inició en los años 1920 y que culminó durante la Segunda República, pero el periodo franquista supuso un importante freno al proceso de profesionalización. A través del ejemplo del conflicto público entre enfermeras visitadoras y practicantes, que se gestó en la Segunda República, y se prolongó durante todo el periodo franquista, se analiza cómo el discurso de género estuvo presente, entre otros condicionantes, en la evolución de la Enfermería española y cómo ha venido contribuyendo, hasta nuestros días, en la estructuración de las competencias, y la distribución de responsabilidades y poder.
La investigación que nos planteamos busca dar cuenta de las transformaciones acaecidas a la práctica profesional de enfermería en el INE “Juan H Jara” en la década de los 70, los distintos cambios del Estado nacional y sus relaciones con la corporación médica. Cotejando el discurso enfermero con documentos y datos de la época, intentamos interpretar cuál fue la dinámica y estructura de los procesos de reproducción social, que tuvieron como resultante la gradual “invisibilización” de las prácticas de enfermería. La enfermería fue considerada como un “recurso” por los médicos, no muy distinto de otros insumos, que podían construir y deshacer según las necesidades coyunturales, esta instrumentalización se relaciona con las dificultades para el desarrollo de la capacidad de análisis crítico y la resistencia colectiva a los procesos alienantes dentro de la profesión.