977 resultados para New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail (N.J.)--Maps, Tourist.


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General street map showing buildings and lot lines.


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Del año 2013 al 2015, los indígenas Emberá desplazados en Bogotá, a causa del reconocimiento que el estado les dio por ser sujetos del desplazamiento, estuvieron obligados a encarar dos formas de gubernamentalidad estatal que tuvieron múltiples consecuencias en su vida cotidiana. La primera de estas formas de gubernamentalidad se manifestó en una ciudadanía multicultural (aquí llamada ciudadanía transitoria) la cual, desde el subsidio de vivienda reconocido con albergues en la ciudad, limitó diferentes derechos Emberá bajo el argumento multicultural de que en la ciudad la cultura y, ellos mismos físicamente, eran vulnerables. La consecuencia de este discurso, con el que se les permitió dormir en un techo digno, fue la de obligarlos en buena medida a asumir su vida en la ciudad como un transito hacia el retorno a su territorio de origen, desde donde habían salido, sobre todo, huyendo de la violencia. Por otra parte, la segunda forma de gubernamentalidad tuvo que ver con una serie de itinerarios burocráticos que asumían los Emberá una vez llegaban a la ciudad. Estos eran recorridos que emprendían por diferentes burocracias de los gobiernos nacional y local con el propósito de exigirle al estado el reconocimiento de sus derechos. En cada uno de estos recorridos se desenmascaraba una forma de violencia estatal (característica del funcionamiento de las burocracias) que, como se puede ver en esta tesis, tenía profundas repercusiones en el día a día de los indígenas Emberá dentro de la urbe.


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Actualmente, las barreras comerciales a nivel internacional resultan cada vez menos tangibles entre los diferentes mercados, haciendo que las oportunidades de comercialización de bienes y servicios entre países sea cada vez mayor. Sin embargo, es muy común todavía encontrarse con historias de fracaso en los esfuerzos de diferentes empresarios medianos y pequeños que en su momento decidieron emprender el camino de la internacionalización de sus compañías y que por diferentes factores, bien sea desconocimiento de leyes comerciales internacionales, desinformación primordial del mercado objetivo o simplemente por situaciones ajenas a ellos sufrieron esta adversidad y dejaron de lado su impulso e interés por internacionalizarse. Por tal razón, hemos enfocado nuestros esfuerzos en tratar de identificar las diferentes potencialidades y oportunidades que el empresario colombiano puede llegar a tener en cuatro estados de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo Hampshire y Nebraska específicamente. La metodología a desarrollar a lo largo de esta investigación principalmente recoge información cualitativa y cuantitativa que nos permitirá desglosar diversos aspectos con mayor profundidad, para que el empresario interesado tenga un panorama más claro de lo que puede llegar a encontrarse en los estados mencionados anteriormente.


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Broadly speaking, axiology is the study of values. Axiologies are expressed materially in patterns of choices that are both culture-bound and definitive of different cultures. They are expressed in the language we use; in the friends we keep; in the clothes we wear; in what we read, write, and watch; in the technologies we use; in the gods we believe in and pray to; in the music we make and listen to—indeed, in every kind of activity that can be counted as a definitive element of culture. In what follows, I describe the axiological underpinnings of two closely related multimedia repository projects— Australian Creative Resources Online (ACRO) and The Canadian Centre for Cultural Innovation (CCCI)—and how these are oriented towards a potentially liberating role for digital repositories.


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This volume examines the social, cultural, and political implications of the shift from traditional forms of print-based libraries to the delivery of online information in educational contexts. Despite the central role of libraries in literacy and learning, research of them has, in the main, remained isolated within the disciplinary boundaries of information and library science. By contrast, this book problematizes and thereby mainstreams the field. It brings together scholars from a wide range of academic fields to explore the dislodging of library discourse from its longstanding apolitical, modernist paradigm. Collectively, the authors interrogate the presuppositions of current library practice and examine how library as place and library as space blend together in ways that may be both complementary and contradictory. Seeking a suitable term to designate this rapidly evolving and much contested development, the editors devised the word “libr@ary,” and use the term arobase to signify the conditions of formation of new libraries within contexts of space, knowledge, and capital.


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This book focuses on practical applications for using adult and embryonic stem cells in the pharmaceutical development process. It emphasizes new technologies to help overcome the bottlenecks in developing stem cells as therapeutic agents. A key reference for professionals working in stem cell science, it presents the general principles and methodologies in stem cell research and covers topics such as derivitization and characterization of stem cells, stem cell culture and maintenance, stem cell engineering, applications of high-throughput screening, and stem cell genetic modification with their use for drug delivery.


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Urban centres base their resilience on the ability to evolve and adapt as needed throughout their life. Although constantly developing, changing and subsuming nature for its needs, the current age of environmental awareness requires that cities progress in a more conscious and considered way. While they have become the dominant form of human habitation, there now exists a need to integrate 'green' solutions into urban centres to address social, physical and environmental wellbeing. The means of implementing the vast array of possible solutions without negative impacts is not clear; cities are complex systems, layering meaning, history and cultural memory ‐ they are a manifestation of shared cultural values, and as such, they do not allow a tabula rasa approach of 'blanket' solutions. All around us, cities are continuing to develop and change, and although their form is varied ‐ sprawling cities with density and sustainability problems; or collapsing cities with 'dead' centres and dilapidated districts – a common issue is the resilience of the local identity. The strength or resilience of cities lies in the elements which have become fixed points in the urban structure, giving character and identity to a shared urban experience. These elements need to be identified and either maintained or revitalised. Similarly, the identification of urban elements which can most viably be modified without compromising character and identity of place, will assist in making concrete contributions to increasing both the sustainability and experience of cities, making them more resilient. Through an examination of case studies, this paper suggests a framework to inform urban renewal assessing the widespread elements which generate an urban identity, beyond the traditional approach of heritage conservation for cultural or tourist purposes. The rapid contemporary alteration of urban structures requires an innovative methodology which satisfies on one side the need of new sustainable performances and, on the other, the resilience of the local character.


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This paper examines the integration of computing technologies into music education research in a way informed by constructivism. In particular, this paper focuses on an approach established by Jeanne Bamberger, which the author also employs, that integrates software design, pedagogical exploration, and the building of music education theory. In this tradition, researchers design software and associated activities to facilitate the interactive manipulation of musical structures and ideas. In short, this approach focuses on designing experiences and tools that support musical thinking and doing. In comparing the work of Jean Bamberger with that of the author, this paper highlights and discusses issues of significance and identifies lessons for future research.


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Prentice Hall’s Masters Series in Criminology brings the work of true masters to life for a new audience of readers, presenting brief and accessible introductions to crime and criminology topics from some of the leading scholars in criminology today. All authors in the series are true academic pioneers, and each book in the series pulls from the authors’ decades of research and writing in their fields. The first and only series of its kind, Prentice Hall’s Masters Series in Criminology introduces readers to the scholars and issues that are at the core of modern criminology.


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