692 resultados para Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth


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Se describen las características de las principales maderas tropicales con uso en España. La descripción incluye el nombre científico, sinonimias, nombres vulgares, su distribución en el mundo y en España, la descripción del fuste y de las trozas, con sus defectos más característicos, la descripción de la madera, sus características físicas, mecánicas, resistentes y durables. También se incluye sus aspectos tecnológicos, en el sentido de indicar que aspectos deben considerarse a la hora de trabajar estas maderas. Por último se indican los usos más comunes de las distintas maderas, las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a otras maderas Las especies principales que se describen son las siguientes: Algarrobo blanco, Prosopis alba, Grisebach Andiroba, Carapa guianensis, Aubl. Balsamo, Myroxylon balsamun, Harms. Sandwith. Barba jolote, Pithecolobium arboreum (L), Urban. Bubinga, Guibourtia tessmanii Caoba, Swietenia macrophylla, King. Cedro, Cedrela odorata, L. Cenizaro, Pithecellobium saman, (Jacq.) Benth Chinchon, Guarea grandiflora, A. DC. Cocobolo, Dalbergia retusa, Hemsl Cristobal, Platysmicium polystachyum Elondo o tali, Erythrophleum ivorensis Espavé, Anacardium excelsum, Skeels Gonzalo Alves, Astronium graveolens, Jacquin. Guayabillo, Terminalia lucida, Hoff. Guapaque, Dialium guianense, (Aubl.) Sandwith. Guayacán, Guaiacum sanctum, L. Huesito Homalium racemosum, Jacq. Ipe, Tabebuia guayacan, Hemsl. Iroko, Milicia excelsa Sim Jatoba, Hymenaea courbaril L. Machiche, Lonchocarpus castilloi, Standley. Manil, Symphonia globulifera, L. Marupa, Simarouba glauca, DC. Melina, Gmelina arborea, Roxb. Mongoy, Guibourtia ehie J. Léonard Nance, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.), H.B.K. Nazareno, Peltogyne purpurea Nispero, Manilkara zapota, (L.) Van royen. Palo blanco, Cybitax donnell- smith , Seibert. Pino amarillo, Erblichia odorata Piojo, Tapirira guianensis, Aubl. Quaruba, Vochysia guatemalensis, Donnell Smith Quira, Platysmicium pinnatum. Redondo, Magnolia yoroconte, Dandy. Rosul, Dalbergia tucurensis, Donn-Smith. Sande, Brossimiun ssp San juan areno, Ilex ssp. Saqui-saqui, Bombacopsis quinatum, (Jacq.) Dugand Santa maría, Calophyllum brasílíense Camb. Sapelly, Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague Tamboril, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Gris Teca, Tectona grandis, L.F.. Ukola, Tieghemella africana Ururucana, Hieronyma alchorneoides, Allem


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No semiárido brasileiro, a vegetação predominante é a Caatinga, bioma ainda pouco explorado, que apresenta plantas e micro-organismos com alta resistência aos períodos de seca imposto pelo clima. Os micro-organismos associados às plantas deste bioma, são capazes de desenvolver mecanismos de proteção celular contra o estresse hídrico, assim como proteção vegetal contra a dessecação. O presente estudo buscou compreender as rizobactérias associadas a Mimosa artemisiana a fim de selecionar bactérias tolerantes à seca com características de promover o crescimento de plantas sob condições de estresse hídrico, diminuindo assim, os efeitos adversos impostos pela seca. As amostras de solo rizosférico foram coletadas ao longo da Caatinga, englobando os estados da BA e PE, totalizando quatro pontos de coleta. Com o uso de metodologias dependentes de cultivo, foi isolado bactérias com algumas características de promoção de crescimento de plantas diretos e/ou indiretos, como produção de AIA e fixação de nitrogênio. Além disso, linhagens capazes de crescer em meio com reduzida atividade de água e com mecanismos de proteção contra a dessecação, como, produção de EPS, biofilme, produção da ACC deaminase e indução de resistência sistêmica através das enzimas peroxidase e polifenoloxidase. Uma linhagem de Paenibacillus sp. e outra de Bacillus sp. foram capazes de promover o crescimento de soja sob condições de estresse hídrico, aumentando alguns parâmetros vegetais como, parte aérea e sistema radicular analisados.


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Muitos são os benefícios provenientes da arborização de vias públicas, como aumento da vida útil do asfalto por meio do sombreamento, filtragem de poluentes, absorção de CO2, interceptação da água da chuva e da radiação solar e mitigação de ilhas de calor; porém, por questões culturais, é considerada muitas vezes pela população como algo negativo, cujas folhas entopem calhas, raízes destroem calçadas, troncos e folhas atrapalham fiação elétrica e, principalmente, elas estão susceptíveis às quedas. A pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento das quedas de árvores no município de Piracicaba/SP, Brasil, com atenção especial ao regime de ventos na cidade, baseado em dados fornecidos pelo Corpo de Bombeiros de Piracicaba, Secretaria de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Piracicaba (SEDEMA) e Estação Meteorológica da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (ESALQ). De caráter inédito, o principal resultado foi a relação direta entre quedas e zonas urbanizadas, que, em constantes alterações no uso do solo, acabam por danificar a sustentação das árvores (raízes), fato justificado pela alta concentração de quedas na parte central (36,7%), com destaque para as estações da primavera e do verão, ou seja, ventos e chuvas, na qual, juntas, somaram 78,0% do total. O período de retorno esperado para ventos superiores a 75 km h-1, classificados como temporais na Escala de Vento de Beaufort, foi de 2,8 eventos por ano. Enquanto verificou-se o predomínio de ventos alísios de sudeste, pertencentes ao quarto quadrante, a direção das rajadas de vento teve maior variação e, assim, com predomínio daqueles ventos, é recomendável instalações de parques industriais nas zonas norte, noroeste e oeste, haja vista a importância de evitar que os poluentes adentrem a cidade. As espécies de maior vulnerabilidade foram: Pachira aquatica Aubl. (monguba), Handroanthus sp. (ipê roxo) e Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze (tipuana). Por meio de simulação microclimática computacional, utilizando o programa ENVI-met versão 3.1, em dois estudos de caso, sendo um em bairro residencial e outro na Praça José Bonifácio, foi possível identificar locais de maior atenção quanto às quedas de árvores, em função da rugosidade do local, capaz de alterar a velocidade e a direção do vento.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance and background: “Dictamnus” was a popular name for a group of medicinal herbaceous plant species of the Rutaceae and Lamiaceae, which since the 4th century have been used for gynaecological problems and other illnesses BCE and still appear in numerous ethnobotanical records. Aims: This research has as four overarching aims: Determining the historical evolution of medical preparations labelled “Dictamnus” and the different factors affecting this long-standing herbal tradition. Deciphering and differentiating those medicinal uses of “Dictamnus” which strictly correspond to Dictamnus (Rutaceae), from those of Origanum dictamnus and other Lamiaceae species. Quantitatively assessing the dependence from herbal books, and pharmaceutical tradition, of modern Dictamnus ethnobotanical records. Determining whether differences between Western and Eastern Europe exist with regards to the Dictamnus albus uses in ethnopharmacology and ethnomedicine. Methods: An exhaustive review of herbals, classical pharmacopoeias, ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological literature was conducted. Systematic analysis of uses reported which were standardized according to International Classification of Diseases – 10 and multivariate analysis using factorial, hierarchical and neighbour joining methods was undertaken. Results and discussion: The popular concept “Dictamnus” includes Origanum dictamnus L., Ballota pseudodictamnus (L.) Benth. and B. acetabulosa (L.) Benth. (Lamiaceae), as well as Dictamnus albus L. and D. hispanicus Webb ex Willk. (Rutaceae), with 86 different types of uses. Between 1000 and 1700 CE numerous complex preparations with “Dictamnus” were used in the treatment of 35 different pathologies. On biogeographical grounds the widespread D. albus is a far more likely prototypical “Dictamnus” than the Cretan endemic Origanum dictamnus. However both form integral parts of the “Dictamnus” complex. Evidence exists for a sufficiently long and coherent tradition for D. albus and D. hispanicus, use to treat 47 different categories of diseases. Conclusions: This approach is a model for understanding the cultural history of plants and their role as resources for health care. “Dictamnus” shows how transmission of traditional knowledge about materia medica, over 26 centuries, represents remarkable levels of development and innovation. All this lead us to call attention to D. albus and D. hispanicus which are highly promising as potential herbal drug leads. The next steps of research should be to systematically analyse phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence and to develop safety, pharmacology and toxicology profiles of the traditional preparations.


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We analyzed foraminiferal and nannofossil assemblages and stable isotopes in samples from ODP Hole 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau in order to evaluate productivity and carbonate dissolution cycles over the last 550 kyr (kilo year) in the western equatorial Pacific. Our results indicate that productivity was generally higher in glacials than during interglacials, and gradually increased since MIS 13. Carbonate dissolution was weak in deglacial intervals, but often reached a maximum during interglacial to glacial transitions. Carbonate cycles in the western equatorial Pacific were mainly influenced by changes of deep-water properties rather than by local primary productivity. Fluctuations of the estimated thermocline depth were not related to glacial to interglacial alternations, but changed distinctly at ~280 kyr. Before that time the thermocline was relatively shallow and its depth fluctuated at a comparatively high amplitude and low frequency. After 280 kyr, the thermocline was deeper, and its fluctuations were at lower amplitude and higher frequency. These different patterns in productivity and thermocline variability suggest that thermocline dynamics probably were not a controlling factor of biological productivity in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. In this region, upwelling, the influx of cool, nutrient-rich waters from the eastern equatorial Pacific or of fresh waters from rivers have probably never been important, and their influence on productivity has been negligible over the studied period. Variations in the inferred productivity in general are well correlated with fluctuations in the eolian flux as recorded in the northwestern Pacific, a proxy for the late Quaternary history of the central East Asian dust flux into the Pacific. Therefore, we suggest that the dust flux from the central East Asian continent may have been an important driver of productivity in the western Pacific.


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The middle-late Campanian was marked by an increase in the bioprovinciality of calcareous microfossil assemblages into distinct Tethyan, Transitional, and Austral Provinces that persisted to the end of the Maastrichtian. The northwestern Australian margin belonged to the Transitional Province and the absence of key Tethyan marker species such as Radotruncana calcarata and Gansserina gansseri has led petroleum companies operating in the area to use the locally developed KCCM integrated calcareous microfossil zonation scheme. The KCCM zonation is a composite scheme comprising calcareous nannofossil (KCN), planktonic foraminiferal (KPF) and benthonic foraminiferal (KBF) zones. This paper presents the definitions and revisions of Zones KCCM8-19, from the highest occurrence (HO) of Aspidolithus parcus constrictus to the lowest occurrence (LO) of Ceratolithoides aculeus, and builds on our previous early-late Maastrichtian study. The presence of a middle-upper Campanian disconformity is confirmed by microfossil evidence from the Vulcan Sub-basin, Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, and the Southern Carnarvon Platform. In the Vulcan Sub-basin and on the Exmouth Plateau (ODP Hole 762C) the hiatus extends from slightly above the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum. On the Wombat Plateau (ODP Hole 761B) it spans from above the LO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum; and in the Southern Carnarvon Platform the disconformity has its longest duration from above the HO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum sissinghii. A significant revision of the events which define Zones KCCM18 and 19 was necessary owing to the observation that the LO of Ceratolithoides aculeus occurs below the HOs of Archaeoglobigerina cretacea and Stensioeina granulata incondita and the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa. In the original zonation these events were considered to be coincident.


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A reexamination of the agglutinated benthic foraminiferal microfaunas found in the Upper Cretaceous red and brown clays of DSDP Hole 603B and ODP Holes 640A and 641A allows us to refine the initial shipboard biostratigraphic interpretation and to propose a fourfold zonation that can be used with some precautions in the oceanic realm. By means of various calibrations, an attempt is also made to integrate this zonation in a worldwide chronostratigraphic framework. The resulting chronologic control permits us to discern large differences in the rhythm of red clay deposition on either side of the North Atlantic Ocean.


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This paper describes and illustrates early to middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from northwest Atlantic Site 605, on the continental rise off New Jersey. Benthic foraminiferal faunas are dominated by Bulitnina spp., Nuttallides truempyi, Lenticulina spp., and Cibicidoides spp. Other common taxa include Oridorsalis spp., Gyroidinoides spp., uniserial taxa, arenaceous taxa, and Globocassidulina subglobosa. Together, these taxa usually make up 70% or more of the total fauna. The assemblages are interpreted as indicating a lower bathyal environment of deposition during the Eocene at Site 605. This is corroborated by an independent water depth estimate through backstripping, indicating a water depth for the beginning of the Eocene to late middle Eocene of approximately 2300 to 2000 m.


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The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.


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Benthic foraminifers have been studied in about 900 samples from Sites 642, 643, and 644 (ODP Leg 104, Voring Plateau), ranging in age from Eocene to Holocene. This sequence has been subdivided into seven assemblage zones. The Eocene to middle Miocene deposits are characterized by an agglutinated fauna. This reflects an environment causing dissolution of calcareous tests rather than the original living fauna. The upper Miocene to middle Pliocene deposits contain a diverse benthic foraminiferal fauna dominated by calcareous forms. The uppermost part of the sediment record, deposited during late Pliocene to Holocene, is characterized by many barren intervals and samples containing shallow-water species as well as ice-rafted material indicating glacial periods. Interglacials are reflected in samples containing a true oceanic foraminifer assemblage and no coarse clastic material.


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Detailed study of four Holocene sediment intervals from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1098 (Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula) reveals that in situ dissolution of calcareous foraminifers in the core repository has significantly altered and in some cases eliminated calcareous foraminifers. Despite dissolution, the foraminifer and supporting diatom data show that the most open-ocean and reduced sea-ice conditions occurred in the early Holocene. The influence of Circumpolar Deep Water was greatest during the early Holocene but continued to be important throughout the Holocene. An increase in sea-ice proximal diatoms at 3500 cal. BP documents an expansion in the amount of persistent sea ice. The inferred increase in sea ice corresponds with an overall increase in magnetic susceptibility values. Benthic foraminifers are present in all samples from the Palmer Deep, including the middle Holocene pervasively laminated sediments with low magnetic susceptibility values. The consistent presence of mobile epifaunal benthic foraminifers in the laminated sediments demonstrates that the laminations do not represent anoxic conditions. The uniform composition of the agglutinated foraminifer fauna throughout the late Holocene suggests that the Palmer Deep did not experience bottom-water-mass changes associated with the alternating deposition of bioturbated or laminated sediments.


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Extensive CO2 vents have been discovered in the Wagner Basin, northern Gulf of California, where they create large areas with lowered seawater pH. Such areas are suitable for investigations of long-term biological effects of ocean acidification and effects of CO2 leakage from subsea carbon capture storage. Here, we show responses of benthic foraminifera to seawater pH gradients at 74-207 m water depth. Living (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera included Nonionella basispinata, Epistominella bradyana and Bulimina marginata. Studies on foraminifera at CO2 vents in the Mediterranean and off Papua New Guinea have shown dramatic long-term effects of acidified seawater. We found living calcareous benthic foraminifera in low pH conditions in the northern Gulf of California, although there was an impoverished species assemblage and evidence of post-mortem test dissolution.


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Five microsatellite loci are presented for prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica ssp. indica (Benth.) Brenan, an introduced weed of national significance in Australia. These microsatellite loci were obtained through the construction of an enriched library and their use will enable us to determine the genetic origin and extent of genetic diversity of this weed in Australia.