Pollen distribution in marine surface sediment samples

Autoria(s): Dupont, Lydie M; Wyputta, Ulrike

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -6.622949 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 10.230449 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -22.265000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 6.030000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 2.678333 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 13.383333 * DATE/TIME START: 1993-05-12T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-03-11T01:49:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 5399 data points










Dupont, Lydie M; Wyputta, Ulrike (2003): Reconstructing pathways of aeolian pollen transport to the marine sediments along the coastline of SW Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(2-4), 157-174, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(02)00032-X


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Abutilon; Acacia/Parkia; Acalypha; Acanthaceae; Afzelia; Aizoaceae; Alchornea; Allanblackia; Allophylus; Ambrosia-type; Angola Benguela Front; Angola Diapir Field; Antidesma-type; Arecaceae; Artemisia (Africa); Asphodelus; Balanites; Baphia-type; Barleria; Blighia-type; Bombax; Boraginaceae (Africa); Borreria; Boscia-type; Bosqueia; Boswellia; Botryococcus; Brachystegia; Brassicaceae; Bridelia; Burkea; Caesalpinioideae; Calligonum; Calycobolus-type; Campanulaceae; Canavalia; Canthium; Capparis; Caryophyllac./Chenopodiac./Amaranthac.; Cassia-type; Celastraceae/Hippocrateaceae; Celtis; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; Chassalia; Chrysophyllum; Cissus; Cleome; Cnestis-type; Coffea-type; Cola nitida-type; Combretaceae/Melastomataceae; Commelinaceae; Commiphora; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Compositae Vernonieae; Congo Fan; Corchorus; Counting, palynology; Craterispermum; Crossopteryx; Croton-type; Crudia-type; Cussonia; Cuviera; Cyperaceae undifferentiated; Daniellia-type; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Detarium; Dialium-type; Diospyros; Dodonaea viscosa; Dracaena; Eastern Niger fan; Elaeis guineensis; Elevation of event; Entada-type; Ephedra; Erica (Africa); Erythrophloeum; Euphorbia-type; Event label; Fern spores; Flabellaria; Flacourtia; Funtumia; Gaertnera; Galium (Africa); Gazania-type; GeoB2301-1; GeoB2302-1; GeoB2304-1; GeoB2305-1; GeoB2306-1; GeoB2307-1; GeoB2308-1; GeoB2309-1; GeoB2310-1; GeoB4901-6; GeoB4902-4; GeoB4903-3; GeoB4904-6; GeoB4905-2; GeoB4906-5; GeoB4908-4; GeoB4909-4; GeoB4910-4; GeoB4911-1; GeoB4912-3; GeoB4913-4; GeoB4914-5; GeoB4915-3; GeoB4916-4; GeoB4917-5; GeoB4918-4; Grewia; Gynandropsis gynandra; Harpulia-type; Heritiera-type; Hermannia; Holoptelea grandis; Hymenocardia; Hyphaene; Hypoestes type; Icacina; Ilex cf. I. mitis; Indeterminata/varia; Indigofera-type; Iodes; Irvingia; Isoberlinia-type; Ixora; Jatropha; Justicia/Monechma; Khaya; Klaineanthus; Klainedoxa; Kohautia; Labiatae; Lannea; Latitude of event; Leea; Leucas; Liliaceae undifferentiated; Longitude of event; Lophira; Loranthaceae (Africa); Lotus-type (Africa); Lycopodium (Africa); M41/1; Maerua-type; Mallotus; Malvaceae (Africa); Manilkara; Martretia; MARUM; Meliaceae; Melochia; Meteor (1986); Mimosa pigra; Mitracarpus; Monopetalanthus; Morinda; MUC; MultiCorer; Mussaenda; Myrica; Myriophyllum; Myrtaceae (Africa); Nauclea/Mitragyna; NE off San Thome; Nitraria; northern Congo fan; Ochna; off Angola; off Cameroon; off Gabun; off northern Gabun; off south Gabun; Olea; Olea capensis; Oleaceae (Africa); Ormocarpum; Papilionoideae; Parinari; Parkinsonia; Pavetta; Peganum; Pelargonium; Pentaclethra; Phyllanthus; Piliostigma; Plantago; Plumbaginaceae undifferentiated; Poaceae undifferentiated; Podocarpus; Pollen total; Polycarpon; Polygala-type; Polygonum senegalense-type; PROBOSWA; Protea; Pseudoprosopis; Psilocaulon-type; Pteridium; Pterocarpus; Pycnanthus; Radiola; Raphia; Restionaceae; Rhamnaceae undifferentiated; Rhizophora; Rhus-type; Rhynchosia-type; Ricinus communis; Rotala; Rothmannia; Rubiaceae undifferentiated; Rumex; Rytigynia; Sabicea; Salvadora persica; Sample volume; Sapium-type; Sapotaceae/Meliaceae; Sauvagesia; Schrebera; Scrophulariaceae (Africa); Securinega; Sesbania-type; Sherbournea; SO86; Solanum-type; Sonne; southern Congo fan; Spores, monolete, with perianth; Spores, monolete psilate; Spores, monolete verrucate; Spores, trilete psilate; Spores, trilete verrucate; Sterculiaceae; Sterculia-type; Stereospermum; Symphonia globulifera; Tamarindus/Cryptosepalum; Tamarix (Africa); Tapinanthus; Tarenna; Telephium; Tephrosia; Tetrorchidium; Thymelaeaceae; Tribulus; Typha angustifolia-type; Uapaca; Vigna; Viscum; Welwitschia; Zanthoxylum; Zygophyllum
