944 resultados para Microwave ceramic
This study evaluated the effect of an industrial scale continuous flow microwave volumetric heating system in comparison to conventional commercial scale pasteurisation for the processing of tomato juice in terms of physicochemical properties, microbial characteristics and antioxidant capacity. The effect against oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells, after in vitro digestion was also investigated. Physicochemical and colour characteristics of juices were very similar between technologies and during storage. Both conventional and microwave pasteurisation inactivated microorganisms and kept them in low levels throughout storage. ABTS+ values, but not ORAC, were higher for the microwave pasteurised juice at day 0 however no significant differences between juices were observed during storage. Juice processed with the microwave system showed an increased cytoprotective effect against H2O2 induced oxidation in Caco-2 cells. Organoleptic analysis revealed that the two tomato juices were very similar. The continuous microwave volumetric heating system appears to be a viable alternative to conventional pasteurisation.
A novel microwave high-resolution near-field imaging technique is proposed and experimentally evaluated in reflectometry imaging scenarios involving planar metal-dielectric structures. Two types of resonance near field probes-a small helix antenna and a loaded subwavelength slot aperture are studied in this paper. These probes enable very tight spatial field localization with the full width at half maximum around one tenth of a wavelength, λ, at λ/100-λ/10 standoff distance. Importantly, the proposed probes permit resonance electromagnetic coupling to dielectric or printed conductive patterns, which leads to the possibility of very high raw image resolution with imaged feature-to-background contrast greater than 10-dB amplitude and 50° phase. In addition, high-resolution characterization of target geometries based on the cross correlation image processing technique is proposed and assessed using experimental data. It is shown that printed elements features with subwavelength size ~λ/15 or smaller can be characterized with at least 10-dB resolution contrast.
This paper describes the design of a frequency selective surface (FSS) which provides transmission of 228 - 230 GHz radiation and rejection from 164 – 191.3 GHz with insertion losses under 0.25 dB for TE wave polarization at 45 incidence. This state-of-the art filter consists of two air spaced freestanding perforated screens, comprising unit cell elements of resonant slots folded for the purpose of miniaturisation to enhance angular stability. The reported geometry enhances the angular stability (45 ± 10) of the FSS beyond what is possible with canonical linear slots and satisfies the stringent electromagnetic performance requirements for signal demultiplexing in the quasi-optical feed train of the Microwave Sounder (MWS) instrument.
The line intensity ratio method provides a nonintrusive diagnostic for the measurement of electron temperature in microwave-generated plasmas. For optically thin plasmas of low density, a line intensity method using He I lines can often be used, and is based on the fact that the electron impact excitation rate coefficients for helium singlet and triplet states are insensitive to electron density but differ as a function of the electron temperature. Line intensity measurements are presented from microwave-generated helium plasmas. Both steady-state corona and collision-radiative theoretical models are used to evaluate the ground and excited state populations. The line ratio versus electron temperature obtained from both of these methods are compared with the results from measurements. However, it is not possible to diagnose the electron temperature from the line ratios alone due to the presence of significant opacity and nonnegligible 1s2s S-3 metastable fraction in the plasma. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Electrocerâmicos são uma classe de materiais avançados com propriedades eléctricas valiosas para aplicações. Estas propriedades são geralmente muito dependentes da microestrutura dos materiais. Portanto, o objectivo geral deste trabalho é investigar o desenho da resposta dieléctrica de filmes espessos obtidos por Deposição Electroforética (EPD) e cerâmicos monolíticos, através do controlo da evolução da microestrutura durante a sinterização de electrocerâmicos à base de titanatos. Aplicações sem fios na indústria microelectrónica e de comunicações, em rápido crescimento, tornaram-se um importante mercado para os fabricantes de semicondutores. Devido à constante necessidade de miniaturização, redução de custos e maior funcionalidade e integração, a tecnologia de filmes espessos está a tornar-se uma abordagem de processamento de materiais funcionais cada vez mais importante. Uma técnica adequada neste contexto é EPD. Os filmes espessos resultantes necessitam de um passo subsequente de sinterização que é afectada pelo substrato subjacente, tendo este um forte efeito sobre a evolução da microestrutura. Relacionado com a miniaturização e a discriminação do sinal, materiais dieléctricos usados como componentes operando a frequências das microondas em aplicações na industria microelectrónica de comunicações devem apresentar baixas perdas dieléctricas e elevadas permitividade dieléctrica e estabilidade com a temperatura. Materiais do sistema BaO-Ln2O3- TiO2 (BLnT: Ln = La ou Nd), como BaLa4Ti4O15 (BLT) e Ba4.5Nd9Ti18O54 (BNT), cumprem esses requisitos e são interessantes para aplicações, por exemplo, em estações de base para comunicações móveis ou em ressonadores para telefones móveis, onde a miniaturização dos dispositivos é muito importante. Por sua vez, o titanato de estrôncio (SrTiO3, STO) é um ferroeléctrico incipiente com constante dieléctrica elevada e baixas perdas, que encontra aplicação em, por exemplo, condensadores de camada interna, tirando partido de fronteiras de grão altamente resistivas. A dependência da permitividade dieléctrica do campo eléctrico aplicado torna este material muito interessante para aplicações em dispositivos de microondas sintonizáveis. Materiais à base de STO são também interessantes para aplicações termoeléctricas, que podem contribuir para a redução da actual dependência de combustíveis fósseis por meio da geração de energia a partir de calor desaproveitado. No entanto, as mesmas fronteiras de grão resistivas são um obstáculo relativamente à eficiência do STO para aplicações termoeléctricas. Para além do efeito do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida, outros factores, como a presença de fase líquida, a não-estequiometria ou a temperatura de sinterização, afectam significativamente não apenas a microestrutura dos materiais funcionais, mas também a sua resposta dieléctrica. Se adequadamente compreendidos, estes factores podem ser intencionalmente usados para desenhar a microestrutura dos electrocerâmicos e, desta forma, as suas propriedades dieléctricas. O efeito da não-estequiometria (razão Sr/Ti 0.995-1.02) no crescimento de grão e resposta dieléctrica de cerâmicos de STO foi investigado neste trabalho. A mobilidade das fronteiras de grão aumenta com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti. A resistividade do interior dos grãos e das fronteiras de grão é sistematicamente diminuída em amostras não-estequiométricas de STO, em comparação com o material estequiométrico. O efeito é muito mais forte para as fronteiras de grão do que para o seu interior. Dependências sistemáticas da não-estequiometria foram também observadas relativamente à dependência da condutividade da temperatura (muito mais afectada no caso da contribuição das fronteiras de grão), à capacitância do interior e fronteiras de grão e à espessura das fronteiras de grão. Uma anomalia no crescimento de grão em cerâmicos de STO ricos em Ti foi também observada e sistematicamente analisada. Foram detectadas três descontinuidades na dependência do tipo Arrhenius do crescimento de grão relativamente à temperatura com diminuições no tamanho de grão a temperaturas em torno de 1500, 1550 e 1605 °C. Além disso, descontinuidades semelhantes foram também observadas na dependência da energia de activação relativamente à condutividade das fronteiras de grão e na espessura das fronteiras de grão, avaliadas por Espectroscopia de Impedância. Estas notáveis coincidências suportam fortemente a formação de diferentes complexos de fronteira de grão com transições entre os regimes de crescimento de grão observados, que podem ser correlacionados com diferentes mobilidades de fronteira de grão e propriedades dieléctricas. Um modelo é sugerido, que se baseia na diminuição da fase líquida localizada nas fronteiras de grão, como o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, um cenário compatível com um fenómeno de solubilidade retrógrada, observado anteriormente em metais e semicondutores, mas não em cerâmicos. A EPD de filmes espessos de STO em substratos de folha de Pt e a sinterização constrangida dos filmes fabricados foram também preliminarmente tratadas. Filmes espessos de STO foram depositados com êxito por EPD sobre substratos de Pt e, depois de sinterizados, atingiram densidades elevadas. Um aumento da densificação e do tamanho de grão assim como o alargamento da distribuição de tamanho do grão foram observados com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti, tal como anteriormente observado em amostras cerâmicas. Grãos equiaxiados foram observados para todas as composições, mas um certo grau de anisotropia na orientação dos poros foi detectado: os poros revelaram uma orientação vertical preferencial. Este trabalho focou-se também na sinterização constrangida do sistema BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd), nomeadamente de filmes espessos de BLT e BNT sobre substratos de folha de platina, e na relação do desenvolvimento de anisotropia microestrutural com as propriedades dieléctricas. As observações durante a sinterização constrangida foram comparadas com cerâmicos monolíticos equivalentes sinterizados livremente. Filmes espessos de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) com elevada densidade foram obtidos por EPD e subsequente sinterização constrangida. A anisometria cristalográfica do material em conjunto com um passo de sinterização constrangida resultou em grãos alongados e microestruturas anisotrópicas. O efeito do stress do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida originou graus mais elevados de anisotropia (grãos e poros alongados e orientação preferencial, bem como textura cristalográfica) nos filmes sinterizados relativamente aos cerâmicos equivalentes sinterizados livremente, não obstante o estado equivalente das amostras em verde. A densificação dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é retardada em comparação com os cerâmicos, mas depois de longos tempos de sinterização densidades semelhantes são obtidas. No entanto, em oposição a observações na sinterização constrangida de outros sistemas, o crescimento do grão em filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é favorecido pelo constrangimento causado pelo substrato. Além disso, grãos e poros alongados orientados paralelamente ao substrato foram desenvolvidos durante a sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos. Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre a evolução de grãos e poros, que começou assim que o crescimento do grão se iniciou. Um efeito da tensão do substrato no aumento do crescimento de grão, bem como um forte “Zener pinning”, origina microestruturas altamente texturizadas, o que também é observado a nível cristalográfico. Efeitos marcantes da anisotropia microestrutural foram também detectados nas propriedades dieléctricas dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd). Juntamente com o aumento da razão de aspecto dos grãos, do factor de orientação e do grau de textura cristalográfica, a permitividade relativa é ligeiramente diminuída e o coeficiente de temperatura da permitividade evolui de negativo para positivo com o aumento do tempo isotérmico de sinterização. Este trabalho mostra que a não-estequiometria pode ser usada para controlar a mobilidade das fronteiras de grão e, portanto, desenhar a microestrutura e as propriedades dieléctricas de electrocerâmicos à base de STO, com ênfase nas propriedades das fronteiras de grão. O papel da não-estequiometria no STO e dos complexos de fronteira de grão no desenvolvimento microestrutural é discutido e novas oportunidades para desenhar as propriedades de materiais funcionais são abertas. As observações relativamente à sinterização constrangida apontam para o efeito de tensões mecânicas desenvolvidas devido ao substrato subjacente no desenvolvimento da microestrutura de materiais funcionais. É assim esperado que a escolha adequada de substrato permitia desenhar a microestrutura de filmes espessos funcionais com desempenho optimizado. “Stress Assisted Grain Growth” (SAGG) é então proposto como uma técnica potencial para desenhar a microestrutura de materiais funcionais, originando microestruturas anisotrópicas texturizadas com propriedades desejadas.
One of the more promising possibilities for future “green” electrical energy generation is the protonic ceramic fuel cell (PCFC). PCFCs offer a low-pollution technology to generate electricity electrochemically with high efficiency. Reducing the operating temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) to the 500-700°C range is desirable to reduce fabrication costs and improve overall longevity. This aim can be achieved by using protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) due to their higher electrolyte conductivity at these temperatures than traditional ceramic oxide-ion conducting membranes. This thesis deals with the state of the art Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anodes for PCFCs. The study of PCFCs is in its initial stage and currently only a few methods have been developed to prepare suitable anodes via solid state mechanical mixing of the relevant oxides or by combustion routes using nitrate precursors. This thesis aims to highlight the disadvantages of these traditional methods of anode preparation and to, instead, offer a novel, efficient and low cost nitrate free combustion route to prepare Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anodes for PCFCs. A wide range of techniques mainly X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), environmental scanning electron microscopy, (ESEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed in the cermet anode study. The work also offers a fundamental examination of the effect of porosity, redox cycling behaviour, involvement of proton conducting oxide phase in PCFC cermet anodes and finally progresses to study the electrochemical performance of a state of the art anode supported PCFC. The polarisation behaviour of anodes has been assessed as a function of temperature (T), water vapour (pH2O), hydrogen partial pressures (pH2) and phase purity for electrodes of comparable microstructure. The impedance spectra generally show two arcs at high frequency R2 and low frequency R3 at 600 °C, which correspond to the electrode polarisation resistance. Work shows that the R2 and R3 terms correspond to proton transport and dissociative H2 adsorption on electrode surface, respectively. The polarization resistance of the cermet anode (Rp) was shown to be significantly affected by porosity, with the PCFC cermet anode with the lowest porosity exhibiting the lowest Rp under standard operating conditions. This result highlights that porogens are not required for peak performance in PCFC anodes, a result contrary to that of their oxide-ion conducting anode counterparts. In-situ redox cycling studies demonstrate that polarisation behaviour was drastically impaired by redox cycling. In-situ measurements using an environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) reveal that degradation proceeds due to volume expansion of the Ni-phase during the re-oxidation stage of redox cycling.The anode supported thin BCZY44 based protonic ceramic fuel cell, formed using a peak performing Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anode with no porogen, shows promising results in fuel cell testing conditions at intermediate temperatures with good durability and an overall performance that exceeds current literature data.
A paradigm shift is taking place from using transplanting tissue and synthetic implants to a tissue engineering approach that aims to regenerate damaged tissues by combining cells from the body with highly porous scaffold biomaterials, which act as templates, guiding the growth of new tissue. The central focus of this thesis was to produce porous glass and glass-ceramic scaffolds that exhibits a bioactive and biocompatible behaviour with specific surface reactivity in synthetic physiological fluids and cell-scaffold interactions, enhanced by composition and thermal treatments applied. Understanding the sintering behaviour and the interaction between the densification and crystallization processes of glass powders was essential for assessing the ideal sintering conditions for obtaining a glass scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Our main goal was to carry out a comprehensive study of the bioactive glass sintering, identifying the powder size and sintering variables effect, for future design of sintered glass scaffolds with competent microstructures. The developed scaffolds prepared by the salt sintering method using a 3CaO.P2O5 - SiO2 - MgO glass system, with additions of Na2O with a salt, NaCl, exhibit high porosity, interconnectivity, pore size distribution and mechanical strength suitable for bone repair applications. The replacement of 6 % MgO by Na2O in the glass network allowed to tailor the dissolution rate and bioactivity of the glass scaffolds. Regarding the biological assessment, the incorporation of sodium to the composition resulted in an inibition cell response for small periods. Nevertheless it was demonstrated that for 21 days the cells response recovered and are similar for both glass compositions. The in vitro behaviour of the glass scaffolds was tested by introducing scaffolds to simulated body fluid for 21 days. Energy-dispersive Xray spectroscopy and SEM analyses proved the existence of CaP crystals for both compositions. Crystallization forming whitlockite was observed to affect the dissolution behaviour in simulated body fluid. By performing different heat treatments, it was possible to control the bioactivity and biocompatability of the glass scaffolds by means of a controlled crystallization. To recover and tune the bioactivity of the glass-ceramic with 82 % crystalline phase, different methods have been applied including functionalization using 3- aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (APTES). The glass ceramic modified surface exhibited an accelerated crystalline hydroxyapatite layer formation upon immersion in SBF after 21 days while the as prepared glass-ceramic had no detected formation of calcium phosphate up to 5 months. A sufficient mechanical support for bone tissue regeneration that biodegrade later at a tailorable rate was achievable with the glass–ceramic scaffold. Considering the biological assessment, scaffolds demonstrated an inductive effect on the proliferation of cells. The cells showed a normal morphology and high growth rate when compared to standard culture plates. This study opens up new possibilities for using 3CaO.P2O5–SiO2–MgO glass to manufacture various structures, while tailoring their bioactivity by controlling the content of the crystalline phase. Additionally, the in vitro behaviour of these structures suggests the high potential of these materials to be used in the field of tissue regeneration.
The planar design of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the most promising one due to its easier fabrication, improved performance and relatively high power density. In planar SOFCs and other solid-electrolyte devices, gas-tight seals must be formed along the edges of each cell and between the stack and gas manifolds. Glass and glass-ceramic (GC), in particular alkaline-earth alumino silicate based glasses and GCs, are becoming the most promising materials for gas-tight sealing applications in SOFCs. Besides the development of new glass-based materials, new additional concepts are required to overcome the challenges being faced by the currently existing sealant technology. The present work deals with the development of glasses- and GCs-based materials to be used as a sealants for SOFCs and other electrochemical functional applications. In this pursuit, various glasses and GCs in the field of diopside crystalline materials have been synthesized and characterized by a wide array of techniques. All the glasses were prepared by melt-quenching technique while GCs were produced by sintering of glass powder compacts at the temperature ranges from 800−900 ºC for 1−1000 h. Furthermore, the influence of various ionic substitutions, especially SrO for CaO, and Ln2O3 (Ln=La, Nd, Gd, and Yb), for MgO + SiO2 in Al-containing diopside on the structure, sintering and crystallization behaviour of glasses and properties of resultant GCs has been investigated, in relevance with final application as sealants in SOFC. From the results obtained in the study of diopside-based glasses, a bilayered concept of GC sealant is proposed to overcome the challenges being faced by (SOFCs). The systems designated as Gd−0.3 (in mol%: 20.62MgO−18.05CaO−7.74SrO−46.40SiO2−1.29Al2O3 − 2.04 B2O3−3.87Gd2O3) and Sr−0.3 (in mol%: 24.54 MgO−14.73 CaO−7.36 SrO−0.55 BaO−47.73 SiO2−1.23 Al2O3−1.23 La2O3−1.79 B2O3−0.84 NiO) have been utilized to realize the bi-layer concept. Both GCs exhibit similar thermal properties, while differing in their amorphous fractions, revealed excellent thermal stability along a period of 1,000 h. They also bonded well to the metallic interconnect (Crofer22APU) and 8 mol% yttrium stabilized zirconium (8YSZ) ceramic electrolyte without forming undesirable interfacial layers at the joints of SOFC components and GC. Two separated layers composed of glasses (Gd−0.3 and Sr−0.3) were prepared and deposited onto interconnect materials using a tape casting approach. The bi-layered GC showed good wetting and bonding ability to Crofer22APU plate, suitable thermal expansion coefficient (9.7–11.1 × 10–6 K−1), mechanical reliability, high electrical resistivity, and strong adhesion to the SOFC componets. All these features confirm the good suitability of the investigated bi-layered sealant system for SOFC applications.
An accurate and sensitive method for determination of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (16 PAHs considered by USEPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in fish samples was validated. Analysis was performed by microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with photodiode array and fluorescence detection. Response surface methodology was used to find the optimal extraction parameters. Validation of the overall methodology was performed by spiking assays at four levels and using SRM 2977. Quantification limits ranging from 0.15–27.16 ng/g wet weight were obtained. The established method was applied in edible tissues of three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub mackerel and horse mackerel) originated from Atlantic Ocean. Variable levels of naphthalene (1.03–2.95 ng/g wet weight), fluorene (0.34–1.09 ng/g wet weight) and phenanthrene (0.34–3.54 ng/g wet weight) were detected in the analysed samples. None of the samples contained detectable amounts of benzo[a]pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the occurrence and carcinogenic effects of PAHs in food.
A methodology for the determination of the pesticide chlorfenvinphos by microwave-assisted solvent extraction and square-wave cathodic stripping voltammetry at a mercury film ultramicroelectrode in soil samples is proposed. Optimization of microwave solvent extraction performed with two soils, selected for having significantly different properties, indicated that the optimum solvent for extracting chlorfenvinphos is hexane-acetone (1:1, v/v). The voltammetric procedure is based on controlled adsorptive accumulation of the insecticide at the potential of -0.60 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in the presence of Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 6.2). The detection limit obtained for a 10 s collection time was 3.0 x 10-8 mol l-1. The validity of the developed methodology was assessed by recovery experiments at the 0.100 µg g-1 level. The average recoveries and standard deviations for the global procedure reached byMASE-square-wave voltammetry were 90.2±2.8% and 92.1±3.4% for type I (soil rich in organic matter) and type II (sandy soil) samples, respectively. These results are in accordance to the expected values which show that the method has a good accuracy.
An analytical multiresidue method for the simultaneous determination of seven pesticides in fresh vegetable samples, namely, courgette (Cucurbita pepo), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Romaine and Iceberg varieties) and peppers (Capsicum sp.) is described. The procedure, based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and analysis by liquid chromatography– photodiode array (LC–PDA) detection was applied to four carbamates (carbofuran, carbaryl, chlorpropham and EPTC) and three urea pesticides (monolinuron, metobromuron and linuron). Extraction solvent and the addition of anhydrous sodium sulphate to fresh vegetable homogenate before MAE were the parameters optimised for each commodity. Recovery studies were performed using spiked samples in the range 250–403 µgkg- 1 in each pesticide. The pesticide residues were extracted using 20mL acetonitrile at 60 ºC, for 10 min. Acceptable recoveries and RSDs were attained (overall average recovery of 77.2% and RSDs are lower than 11%). Detection limits ranged between 5.8 µgkg- 1 for carbaryl to 12.3 µgkg- 1 for carbofuran. The analytical protocol was applied for quality control of 41 fresh vegetable samples bought in Oporto Metropolitan Area (North Portugal). None of the samples contained any detectable amounts of the studied compounds.
A new procedure for determining eleven organochlorine pesticides in soils using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) is described. The studied pesticides consisted of mirex, α- and γ-chlordane, p,p’-DDT, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide isomer A, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, dieldrin, endrin, aldrine and hexachlorobenzene. The HS-SPME was optimized for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The present analytical procedure requires a reduced volume of organic solvents and avoids the need for extract clean-up steps. For optimized conditions the limits of detection for the method ranged from 0.02 to 3.6 ng/g, intermediate precision ranged from 14 to 36% (as CV%), and the recovery from 8 up to 51%. The proposed methodology can be used in the rapid screening of soil for the presence of the selected pesticides, and was applied to landfill soil samples.
An extraction-anodic adsorptive stripping voltammetric procedure using microwave-assisted solvent extraction and a gold ultramicroelectrode was developed for determining the pesticide ametryn in soil samples. The method is based on the use of acetonitrile as extraction solvent and on controlled adsorptive accumulation of the herbicide at the potential of 0.50 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in the presence of Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 3.3). Soil sample extracts were analysed directly after drying and redissolution with the supporting electrolyte but without other pre-treatment. The limit of detection obtained for a 10 s collection time was 0.021 µg g-1. Recovery experiments for the global procedure, at the 0.500 µg g-1 level, gave satisfactory mean and standard deviation results which were comparable to those obtained by HPLC with UV detection.
A procedure for the determination of seven indicator PCBs in soils and sediments using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) prior to GC-MS/MS is described. Optimization of the HS-SPME was carried out for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The adopted methodology has reduced consumption of organic solvents and analysis runtime. Under the optimized conditions, the method detection limit ranged from 0.6 to 1 ng/g when 5 g of sample was extracted, the precision on real samples ranged from 4 to 21% and the recovery from 69 to 104%. The proposed method, which included the analysis of a certified reference material in its validation procedure, can be extended to several other PCBs and used in the monitoring of soil or sediments for the presence of PCBs.