938 resultados para Malignant Progression


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Despite new methods and combined strategies, conventional cancer chemotherapy still lacks specificity and induces drug resistance. Gene therapy can offer the potential to obtain the success in the clinical treatment of cancer and this can be achieved by replacing mutated tumour suppressor genes, inhibiting gene transcription, introducing new genes encoding for therapeutic products, or specifically silencing any given target gene. Concerning gene silencing, attention has recently shifted onto the RNA interference (RNAi) phenomenon. Gene silencing mediated by RNAi machinery is based on short RNA molecules, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), that are fully o partially homologous to the mRNA of the genes being silenced, respectively. On one hand, synthetic siRNAs appear as an important research tool to understand the function of a gene and the prospect of using siRNAs as potent and specific inhibitors of any target gene provides a new therapeutical approach for many untreatable diseases, particularly cancer. On the other hand, the discovery of the gene regulatory pathways mediated by miRNAs, offered to the research community new important perspectives for the comprehension of the physiological and, above all, the pathological mechanisms underlying the gene regulation. Indeed, changes in miRNAs expression have been identified in several types of neoplasia and it has also been proposed that the overexpression of genes in cancer cells may be due to the disruption of a control network in which relevant miRNA are implicated. For these reasons, I focused my research on a possible link between RNAi and the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the field of colorectal cancer (CRC), since it has been established that the transition adenoma-adenocarcinoma and the progression of CRC depend on aberrant constitutive expression of COX-2 gene. In fact, overexpressed COX-2 is involved in the block of apoptosis, the stimulation of tumor-angiogenesis and promotes cell invasion, tumour growth and metastatization. On the basis of data reported in the literature, the first aim of my research was to develop an innovative and effective tool, based on the RNAi mechanism, able to silence strongly and specifically COX-2 expression in human colorectal cancer cell lines. In this study, I firstly show that an siRNA sequence directed against COX-2 mRNA (siCOX-2), potently downregulated COX-2 gene expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and inhibited PMA-induced angiogenesis in vitro in a specific, non-toxic manner. Moreover, I found that the insertion of a specific cassette carrying anti-COX-2 shRNA sequence (shCOX-2, the precursor of siCOX-2 previously tested) into a viral vector (pSUPER.retro) greatly increased silencing potency in a colon cancer cell line (HT-29) without activating any interferon response. Phenotypically, COX-2 deficient HT-29 cells showed a significant impairment of their in vitro malignant behaviour. Thus, results reported here indicate an easy-to-use, powerful and high selective virus-based method to knockdown COX-2 gene in a stable and long-lasting manner, in colon cancer cells. Furthermore, they open up the possibility of an in vivo application of this anti-COX-2 retroviral vector, as therapeutic agent for human cancers overexpressing COX-2. In order to improve the tumour selectivity, pSUPER.retro vector was modified for the shCOX-2 expression cassette. The aim was to obtain a strong, specific transcription of shCOX-2 followed by COX-2 silencing mediated by siCOX-2 only in cancer cells. For this reason, H1 promoter in basic pSUPER.retro vector [pS(H1)] was substituted with the human Cox-2 promoter [pS(COX2)] and with a promoter containing repeated copies of the TCF binding element (TBE) [pS(TBE)]. These promoters were choosen because they are partculary activated in colon cancer cells. COX-2 was effectively silenced in HT-29 and HCA-7 colon cancer cells by using enhanced pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors. In particular, an higher siCOX-2 production followed by a stronger inhibition of Cox-2 gene were achieved by using pS(TBE) vector, that represents not only the most effective, but also the most specific system to downregulate COX-2 in colon cancer cells. Because of the many limits that a retroviral therapy could have in a possible in vivo treatment of CRC, the next goal was to render the enhanced RNAi-mediate COX-2 silencing more suitable for this kind of application. Xiang and et al. (2006) demonstrated that it is possible to induce RNAi in mammalian cells after infection with engineered E. Coli strains expressing Inv and HlyA genes, which encode for two bacterial factors needed for successful transfer of shRNA in mammalian cells. This system, called “trans-kingdom” RNAi (tkRNAi) could represent an optimal approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer, since E. Coli in normally resident in human intestinal flora and could easily vehicled to the tumor tissue. For this reason, I tested the improved COX-2 silencing mediated by pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors by using tkRNAi system. Results obtained in HT-29 and HCA-7 cell lines were in high agreement with data previously collected after the transfection of pS(COX2) and pS(TBE) vectors in the same cell lines. These findings suggest that tkRNAi system for COX-2 silencing, in particular mediated by pS(TBE) vector, could represent a promising tool for the treatment of colorectal cancer. Flanking the studies addressed to the setting-up of a RNAi-mediated therapeutical strategy, I proposed to get ahead with the comprehension of new molecular basis of human colorectal cancer. In particular, it is known that components of the miRNA/RNAi pathway may be altered during the progressive development of colorectal cancer (CRC), and it has been already demonstrated that some miRNAs work as tumor suppressors or oncomiRs in colon cancer. Thus, my hypothesis was that overexpressed COX-2 protein in colon cancer could be the result of decreased levels of one or more tumor suppressor miRNAs. In this thesis, I clearly show an inverse correlation between COX-2 expression and the human miR- 101(1) levels in colon cancer cell lines, tissues and metastases. I also demonstrate that the in vitro modulating of miR-101(1) expression in colon cancer cell lines leads to significant variations in COX-2 expression, and this phenomenon is based on a direct interaction between miR-101(1) and COX-2 mRNA. Moreover, I started to investigate miR-101(1) regulation in the hypoxic environment since adaptation to hypoxia is critical for tumor cell growth and survival and it is known that COX-2 can be induced directly by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). Surprisingly, I observed that COX-2 overexpression induced by hypoxia is always coupled to a significant decrease of miR-101(1) levels in colon cancer cell lines, suggesting that miR-101(1) regulation could be involved in the adaption of cancer cells to the hypoxic environment that strongly characterize CRC tissues.


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Fifty-two cases of monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (M-PTLD), developed in patients undergone solid organ or bone marrow transplantation, were studied by the application of the tissue micro-array (TMA) technology. They included 50 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and 2 Burkitt lymphomas (BL). In order to evaluate the immune-profile a large panel of antibodies was applied including several new markers (Cyclin D2, Cyclin D3, p27, PKC-β, FOXP-1 and Survivin) identified as negative prognostic factors in DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. Out of 50 DLBCL, 23 cases (46%) had an Activated B Cell (ABC) phenotype, 8 (16%) a Germinal Centre B-cell (GCB) phenotype, and 11 (22%) an Unclassified (UC) phenotype. In 8 cases (16%) the subtype was not demonstrable due to sub-optimal preservation or loss of the tissue core. FISH analysis detected BCL2 gene amplification and MYC rearrangement. EBV was identified in 32 cases (64%) performing immunohistochemistry (LMP-1) and in situ hybridization (EBER). Clinical data and follow-up were available in all cases of malignant lymphomas but one. Thirty-two patients died for progression of disease or complications related to transplant (bleeding, bacterial infections, and multi-organ failure); 17 patients are actually alive and disease-free. M-PTLD are aggressive lymphomas characterized by very poor outcome. The neoplastic process is stimulated by a prolonged immunosuppressive status which is capable to induce alterations of the immune system and allow EBV reactivation in previously infected patients. Indeed EBV infection seems to be the most significant risk factor to predict the development of a PTLD while age, sex, site of involvement and type of transplant do not have significant correlation. Furthermore DLBCL arisen in a setting of immunodeficiency share phenotypic and molecular features with DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. In particular, the former shows a high incidence of BCL2 gene amplification and this aberration typically correlates with “non-GCB” phenotype. Also M-PTLD do express prognostic markers (PKC-β, cyclin D2, FOXP-1, and Survivin): notably, in our study, PKC-β and FOXP-1 were frequently expressed and they were predictive of a shorter overall survival even in lymphomas recognized to have a good prognosis (GCB-type). Given the fact that such molecules are detectable at the time of the diagnosis, we postulate whether a “tailored” or more specific therapy might be applied in the management of the immune-compromised patient.


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Die Analyse der CML-Zellinie K562 mittels Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung (FISH), Multiplex-FISH (M-FISH) und comparativer genomischer Hybridisierung (CGH) ergab einen hypotriploiden Karyotyp mit 67 Chromosomen und 21 verschiedenen Marker-Chromosomen. Das bei über 90% der CML-Patienten nachgewiesene Ph-Chromosom entsteht durch die reziproke Translokation t(9;22)(q34;q11). Bei 5 - 10% der Patienten resultiert das Ph-Chromosom aus varianten Translokation. Anhand der Untersuchung dreier varianter Translokation mittels Bruchpunkt-übergreifender FISH-Proben für die BCR- und ABL-Gene werden drei verschiedene Mechanismen der Entstehung komplexer Translokationen dargestellt. Das Auftreten sekundärer Aberrationen wurde in 15 CML-Blastenkrisen untersucht. Zudem wurde anhand der CGH-Analyse von CD34-positiven Zellen, Monozyten, Granulozyten und T-Zellen die Zellinienspezifität sekundärer Aberrationen untersucht. In einem Fall wurde eine sekundäre Aberration in allen vier Fraktionen gefunden. In zwei Fällen traten sekundäre Aberrationen in allen untersuchten Fraktionen mit Ausnahme der T-Zellen auf. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse lassen sich zwei alternative Modelle der Tumor-Progression der CML ableiten: 1. Sekundäre Mutatonen treten vor der Differenzierung der hämatopoetischen Stammzelle auf. 2. Sekundäre Mutationen treten in einer hämatopoetischen Vorläuferzelle nach der T-Zell-Differenzierung auf.


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Bestimmte humane Papillomviren sind an der Entstehung von Zervixkarzinomen beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, daß maligne HPV-positive Zellen ihre Fähigkeit zur Induktion von endogenem IFN-beta nach TNF-alpha verloren haben. Durch Infektion mit Encephalomyocarditis Virus (EMCV) oder Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) wurde die Induzierbarkeit des endogenen IFN-beta durch TNF-alpha in nicht-tumorigenen Zellen bestätigt. Alle malignen Zellinien zeigten eine intakte IFN Signaltransduktion, wenn Typ I oder Typ II Interferone exogen supplementiert wurden. Dies zeigt, daß in tumorigenen Zervixkarzinomzellen die Kommunikation zwischen TNF-alpha und IFN-beta


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Das hepatozelluläre Karzinom (HCC) ist mit ungefähr 1,000,000 neuen Fällen pro Jahr einer der häufigsten malignen Tumore weltweit. Es ist hauptsächlich in Südost-Asien und im südlichen Afrika verbreitet. Risikofaktoren sind chronische Infektionen mit Hepatitis Viren (HBV, HCV), Aflatoxin B1-Belastung und chronischer Alkoholkonsum. Um Veränderungen auf genomischer Ebene in HCCs zu untersuchen, wurden in der vorliegenden Untersuchung Frischgewebeproben von 21 Patienten mit HCCs und formalin-fixiertes, paraffineingebettetes Material von 6 Dysplastischen Knoten mittels Comparativer genomischer Hybridisierung (CGH) analysiert. In den untersuchten HCCs konnte Zugewinne auf 1q (12/21), 6p ( 6/21), 8q (11/21), 17q (6/21), 20q (6/21), sowie Verluste auf 4q (7/21), 6q (4/21), 10q (3/21), 13q (4/21), 16q (3/21) identifiziert werden. Die Validität der mit diesem Ansatz erzielten Ergebnisse konnte anhand von unabhängigen Kontrollexperimenten mit Interphase-FISH-Analyse nachgewiesen werden. Die in Dysplastische Knoten identifizierten Veränderungen sind Gewinne auf 1q (50% ) sowie Verluste auf 8p und 17p. Daher stellt 1q eine Kandidatenregion für die Identifizierung jener Gene dar, die bereits im frühem Stadium der Hepatokarzinogenese aktiviert sind. Die Gen-Expressionsanalyse eines HCCs mit Gewinnen auf 1q, 8q, und Xq zeigte die Überexpression von einigen Genen, die in den amplifizierten Regionen liegen. Daher kann spekuliert werden, dass die DNA-Amplifikation in der Hepatokarzinogenese bei einigen Genen ein Mechanismus der Aktivierung sein kann. Zusammengefasst konnte somit durch CGH-Analyse charakteristische, genomische Imbalances des HCC ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich mit Veränderungen bei prämalignen Läsionen erlaubt die Unterscheidung früher (prämaligner) und später (progressionsassoziierter) Veränderungen


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Matrix metalloproteinases are the components of the tumour microenvironment which play a crucial role in tumour progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed in a variety of tumours and the expression is associated with an aggressive malignant phenotype and poor prognosis. A role for MMP-7 in the immune escape of tumours has been postulated, but the mechanisms are not clearly understood. The present study was focused on identifying physiological inactivators of MMP-7 and also to unravel the mechanisms involved in MMP-7 mediated immune escape. This study shows that human leukocyte elastase (HLE), secreted by polymorphonuclear leukocytes cleaves MMP-7 in the catalytic domain as revealed by N-terminal sequencing. Further analysis demonstrates that the activity of MMP-7 was drastically decreased after HLE treatment in a time and dose dependent manner. MMP-7 induces apoptosis resistance in tumour cells by cleaving CD95 and CD95L. The effect of HLE on MMP-7 mediated apoptosis resistance was analysed. In vitro stimulation of apoptosis by anti-Apo-1 (anti-CD95 antibody) and the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is reduced by MMP-7. Also tumour specific cytotoxic T cells do not effectively kill tumour cells in the presence of MMP-7. This study revealed that HLE abrogates the negative effect of MMP-7 on apoptosis induced by CD95 stimulation, doxorubicin or cytotoxic T cells and restores apoptosis sensitivity of tumour cells. To gain insight into the possible immune modulatory functions of MMP-7, experiments were performed to identify new immune relevant substrates. The human T cell line, Jurkat, was selected for these studies. Hsc70 which is involved in uncoating of clathrin vesicles was found in the supernatants of the MMP-7 treated cells indicating a modulatory role of MMP-7 on endocytosis. Further studies demonstrated that MMP-7 leads to decreased clathrin staining in HEK293, HepG2, Jurkat, CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells. Results also show MMP-7 treatment increased surface expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) which accumulated due to inhibition of the clathrin mediated internalization in CD4+CD25+ cells.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, ischemia, etc. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is histopathologically characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaque (SP), predominantly consisting of fibrillar amyloid-peptide (Aβ), intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, and cell loss in the selected regions of the brain. However, the pathogenesis of AD remains largely unknown, but a number of hypothesis were proposed for AD mechanisms, which include: the amyloid cascade, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation hypothesis, and all of them are based, to some extent on the role of A. Accumulated evidence indicates that the increased levels of ROS may act as important mediators of synaptic loss and eventually promote formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Therefore a vicious circle between ROS and Aaccumulation may accelerate progression of AD. For these reasons, growing attention has focused on oxidative mechanism of Atoxicity as well as the search for novel neuroprotective agents. A strategy to prevent the oxidative stress in neurons may be the use of chemopreventive agents as inducers of antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes. Sulforaphane (SF), derived from corresponding glucoraphanin, glucosinolate found in abundance in cruciferous vegetables, has recently gained attention as a potential neuroprotective compound inducer of antioxidant phase 2 enzymes. Consistent with this evidence, the study is aimed at identifying the SF ability to prevent and counteract the oxidative damage inducted by oligomers of Aβ (1-42) in terms of impairment in the intracellular redox state and cellular death in differentiated human neuroblastoma and microglia primary cultures. In addition we will evaluated the mechanism underlying the SF neuroprotection activity.


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Tumor is a lesion that may be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells. Many factors increase the risk of cancer and different targets are involved in tumor progression. Within this thesis, we have addressed two different biological targets, independently connected with tumor formation, e.g. Hsp90 and androgen receptor. The ATP-dependent chaperone Hsp90 is responsible for the conformational maturation and the renaturation of proteins. “Client” proteins are associated with the cancer hallmarks, as cell proliferation and tumor progression. Consequently, Hsp90 has evolved into promising anticancer target. Over the past decade, radicicol has been identified as potential anticancer agent targeting Hsp90, but it is not active in vivo. With that aim of obtaining radicicol-related derivatives, we developed the design and synthesis of new chalcones analogs. Chalcones, which are abundant in edible plants, own a diverse array of pharmacological activities and are considered a versatile scaffold for drug design. Antiproliferative assays and western blot analysis on the new compounds showed that some of those display an interesting cytotoxic effect and the ability to modulate Hsp90 client proteins expression. Androgen Receptor (AR) hypersensitivity plays crucial role in prostate cancer, which progression is stimulated by androgens. The therapy consists in a combination of surgical or chemical castration, along with antiandrogens treatment. Casodex® (bicalutamide), is the most widespread antiandrogen used in clinic. However, hormonal therapy is time-limited since many patients develop resistance. Commercially available antiandrogens show a common scaffold, e.g. two substituted aromatic rings linked by a linear or a cyclic spacer. With the aim of obtaining novel pure AR antagonists, we developed a new synthetic methodology, which allowed us to introduce, as linker between two suitably chosen aromatic rings, a triazole moiety. Preliminary data suggest that the herein reported new molecules generally decrease PSA expression, thus confirming their potential AR antagonistic activity.


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Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. The molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells strongly influences the early steps of the tumourigenic process as well as later stages of the disease. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues but the mechanisms responsible for such fundamental safeguard processes remain in part elusive. To gain insight into these phenomena I took advantage of the clonal analysis methods available in Drosophila for studying the phenotypes due to loss of function of the neoplastic tumour suppressor lethal giant larvae (lgl). I found that lgl mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs are subject to the phenomenon of cell competition and are eliminated by JNK-dependent cell death because they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared to those in the surrounding tissue. Indeed, in non-competitive backgrounds lgl mutant clones are able to overgrow and upregulate dMyc, overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses that display several cancer hallmarks. These phenotypes are completely abolished by reducing dMyc abundance within mutant cells while increasing it in lgl clones growing in a competitive context re-establishes their tumourigenic potential. Similarly, the neoplastic growth observed upon the oncogenic cooperation between lgl mutation and activated Ras/Raf/MAPK signalling was found to be characterised by and dependent on the ability of cancerous cells to upregulate dMyc with respect to the adjacent normal tissue, through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, thereby confirming its key role in lgl-induced tumourigenesis. These results provide first evidence that the dMyc oncoprotein is required in lgl mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in developing and adult epithelial tissues and that dMyc abundance inside versus outside lgl mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.


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Il sarcoma di Ewing (ES) è un tumore maligno pediatrico dell’apparato scheletrico; è associato a una traslocazione specifica codificante la proteina di fusione EWS-FLI1 e all’alta espressione di CD99, una glicoproteina di membrana fisiologicamente coinvolta in diversi processi biologici. EWS-FLI1 e CD99, sono riportati avere ruoli divergenti nella modulazione della malignità e del differenziamento di ES. CD99 inoltre è riportato modulare il pathway di MAPK, il quale interagendo con molteplici fattori di trascrizione partecipa a processi di proliferazione e differenziamento. In questo studio abbiamo investigato in due linee cellulari di ES silenziate per CD99 (TC-71shCD99 e IOR/CARshCD99) l’attività basale di diversi fattori trascrizionali quali: NF-kBp65, AP1, Elk-1, E2F e CREB. L’unico fattore trascrizionale statisticamente significativo è risultato essere NF-kBp65 e abbiamo valutato il suo ruolo nel differenziamento neurale di cellule di ES e la relazione con EWS-FLI1 e CD99. L’attività trascrizionale di NF-kB è stata valutata attraverso gene reporter assay in linee cellulari di ES a diversa espressione di CD99, EWS-FLI1 e NF-kB stesso. Il differenziamento neurale è stato valutato come espressione di βIII-Tubulin in immunofluorescenza. Il silenziamento di CD99 induce una down-modulazione dell’attività trascrizionale di NF-kB, mentre il knockdown di EWS-FLI1 ne induce un’aumento. Inoltre, il silenziamento di EWS-FLI1 non è in grado di contrastare la riduzione dell’attività di NF-kB osservata dopo silenziamento di CD99, suggerendo un ruolo dominante del CD99 nel signaling di NF-kB. Cellule deprivate di CD99 ma non di EWS-FLI1, mostrano un fenotipo differenziato in senso neurale, fenotipo che viene perso quando le cellule sono indotte a sovraesprimere NF-kB. Inoltre, in cellule CD99 positive, il silenziamento di NF-kB induce un leggero differenziamento neurale. In conclusione, questi dati hanno evidenziato il ruolo di NF-kB nel differenziamento di cellule di ES e che potrebbe essere un potenziale target nel ridurre la progressione di questo tumore.


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L’infiammazione cronica è un fattore di rischio di insorgenza del cancro, e la citochina infiammatoria IL-6 gioca un ruolo importante nella tumorigenesi. In questo studio abbiamo dimostrato che L’IL-6 down-regola l'espressione e l'attività di p53. In linee cellulari umane, IL-6 stimola la trascrizione dell’rRNA mediante espressione della proteina c-myc a livello post-trascrizionale in un meccanismo p38MAPK-dipendente. L'up-regolazione della biogenesi ribosomiale riduce l'espressione di p53 attraverso l'attivazione della via della proteina ribosomale-MDM2. La down-regolazione di p53 produce l’acquisizione di modifiche fenotipiche e funzionali caratteristiche della epitelio mesenchimale di transizione, un processo associato a trasformazione maligna e progressione tumorale. I nostri dati mostrano che questi cambiamenti avvengono anche nelle cellule epiteliali del colon di pazienti affetti da colite ulcerosa, un esempio rappresentativo di una infiammazione cronica soggetta a trasformazione neoplastica, che scompaiono dopo trattamento con farmaci antinfiammatori. Questi risultati svelano un nuovo effetto oncogenico indotto dall’IL-6 che può contribuire notevolmente ad aumentare il rischio di sviluppare il cancro non solo in pazienti con infiammazioni croniche, ma anche in quei pazienti con condizioni patologiche caratterizzate da elevato livello di IL-6 nel plasma, quali l'obesità e e il diabete mellito di tipo 2.


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Pankreaskarzinome und maligne Melanome weisen eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Zytostatika und Bestrahlung in der Therapie auf. Die Behandlung eines metastasierenden Pankreaskarzinoms besteht aus einer Kombination aus 5-FU, CDDP und IR. Für die Behandlung des malignen Melanoms ist das methylierende Agenz DTIC das Mittel erster Wahl. Das ebenfalls methylierende Agenz TMZ, welches jedoch in Deutschland noch nicht für die Behandlung von malignen Melanomen zugelassen ist, erlangt immer größere Bedeutung. Die Ansprechrate der Tumore kann durch Kombination mit IFNs erhöht werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde an Pankreaskarzinom- bzw. Melanomzelllinien untersucht, ob IFNs einen radio- bzw. chemosensibilisierender Effekt ausüben und, wenn ja, welcher Mechanismus hierfür verantwortlich ist. Es wurden zehn Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien (Panc-1, Su8686, Capan-1, Capan-2, Bxpc-3, PA-TU 8988T, Aspc-1, HS 766T, Mia-PaCa-2 und PA-TU 8902) untersucht. Diese zeigten eine hohe Variabilität in ihrer intrinsischen Radiosensitivität sowie in ihrer Sensitivität gegenüber IFN-alpha und IFN-beta. IFN-beta erwies sich als toxischer im Vergleich zu IFN-alpha. Die radiosensibilisierende Wirkung der IFNs an Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien war moderat, wobei IFN-beta im Vergleich zu IFN-alpha effektiver war. Der radiosensibilisierende Effekt ging mit einer deutlichen Erhöhung der alpha-Komponente, der Überlebenskurven einher und kam durch eine IFN-beta vermittelte Verstärkung der IR-induzierten Apoptoserate zustande. Dies wurde sowohl durch SubG1 als auch durch Annexin V / PI Messungen gezeigt. Einen Einfluss von IFN-beta auf den Zellzyklus und die DSB-Reparatur konnte durch funktionelle Untersuchungen sowie durch PCR bzw. Western-Blot-Analysen als Grund für den sensibilisierdenen Effekt ausgeschlossen werden. Ein sensibilisierender Effekt von IFN-beta auf die durch TMZ-induzierte Zytotoxizität war für die Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien weder in MGMT-profizientem noch –depletiertem Zustand zu beobachten. Zur Untersuchung der sensibilisierenden Eigenschaften von IFNs gegenüber TMZ in malignen Melanomzelllinien wurden p53-Wildtyp (D05 und A375) und mutierte Zelllinien (D14 und RPMI 7951) untersucht. Gegenüber alleiniger TMZ-Behandlung reagierten die untersuchten p53-Wildtyp Melanomzelllinien nicht sensitiver auf eine Behandlung mit TMZ als p53-mutierte Zelllinien. Der Nachweis des Spaltprodukts der Caspase-9 lieferte einen Hinweis darauf, dass in den Melanomzelllinien unabhängig vom p53-Status nach alleiniger TMZ-Behandlung der mitochondriale Apoptoseweg aktiviert wird. Durch eine Vorbehandlung der Zellen mit IFN-alpha oder IFN-beta konnte die TMZ-induzierte Apoptoserate in malignen Melanomzellen deutlich gesteigert werden. In p53-Wildtyp Melanomzellen war der chemosensibilisierende Effekt der IFNs besonders ausgeprägt. IFN-beta erwies sich hierbei als effektiver, weshalb es für die folgenden Versuche verwendet wurde. Durch stabile Transfektion der Zelllinie D05 mit MGMT konnte das durch TMZ-induzierte Addukt O6MeG als für den sensibilisieredenen Effekt ausschlaggebende DNA-Schädigung charakterisiert werden. Western-Blot-Analysen und gamma-H2AX-Immunfluoreszenz Untersuchungen konnten einen Einfluss von IFN-beta auf die Prozessierung der Läsion O6MeG sowie einen Einfluss von IFN-beta auf die Induktion und Reparatur von TMZ verursachten DSBs ausschließen. Durch Experimente mit einem Fas-aktivierenden Antikörper und durch eine stabile Transfektion der Zelllinien D05 und A375 mit DN-FADD konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53-Wildtyp Melanomzellen nicht oder nur eingeschränkt in der Lage sind, nach TMZ-Behandlung über den Fas-Rezeptor Signalweg Apoptose zu induzieren. Ausschlaggebend hierfür ist die geringe Pro-Caspase-8 Expression dieser Zelllinien. Eine IFN-beta Vorbehandlung bewirkte eine Reaktivierung des Fas-Rezeptor Signalweges, was mit einer verstärkten Expression der Pro-Caspase-8 einherging. Durch Experimente mit Caspase-8 siRNA konnte diese IFN-beta induzierte Verstärkung der Pro-Caspase-8 Expression als entscheidender Faktor für den sensibilisierenden Effekt ausgemacht werden. Zum ersten Mal konnte damit in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass p53-Wildtyp Melanomzellen durch eine IFN-beta vermittelte Hochregulation der Pro-Caspase-8 ihre Fähigkeit wiedererlangen, nach TMZ-Behandlung über den Fas-Rezeptor Signalweg Apoptose auszulösen. Diese Arbeiten weisen einen Weg, auf welchem die hohe Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen, welche zu 80 % das nicht mutierte p53 Gen beherbergen, über eine IFN-beta induzierte Reaktivierung der Fas-Rezeptor vermittelten Apoptosekaskade überwunden werden kann.


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Das Glioblastoma multiforme zählt zu den häufigsten glialen Neoplasien des Menschen und weist zudem unter den Gliomen die höchste Malignität auf. Glioblastompatienten haben trotz aggressiver therapeutischer Ansätze eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von weniger als einem Jahr. Die diffuse Invasion in das umliegende Hirngewebe ist einer der Hauptgründe für die Rezidivbildung und die infauste Prognose von Glioblastompatienten. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass die starke Invasion auch einer der Gründe für die beobachtete anti-angiogene Resistenz bei der Behandlung von Glioblastomen ist. Das bidirektionale EphB/Ephrin-B-System wurde bei der axonalen Wegfindung als Vermittler repulsiver Signale identifiziert und auch im Zusammenhang der Migration und Invasion von Zellen überprüft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher die Funktion der bidirektionalen Eph- und Ephrin-Signaltransduktion in Bezug auf die Glioblastominvasion und Progression untersucht werden. rn Genetische und epigenetische Untersuchungen der EphB/Ephrin-B-Familie in einer Kohorte von Gliompatienten unterschiedlicher Malignitätsgrade identifizierten Ephrin-B2 als mögliches Tumorsuppressorgen. In Übereinstimmung damit führte die Inaktivierung von Ephrin-B2 in einem murinen Gliommodell zu einer verstärkten Invasion und einem erhöhtem Tumorwachstum in vivo. Dies konnte in verschiedenen Invasion-Assays in vitro bestätigt werden. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass Ephrin-B2 transkriptionell durch das hypoxische Mikromilieu HIF-1α-vermittelt reprimiert wird. Da HIF-1α als transkriptioneller Aktivator Ephrin-B2 nicht direkt reprimieren kann, wurden potentielle HIF-1α-regulierte Repressoren untersucht, die für die Ephrin-B2 Herunterregulation verantwortlich sein könnten. Dabei wurde anhand von Ephrin-B2-Promotoranalysen und ChIP-Assays ZEB2 als HIF-1α-induzierbarer Repressor von Ephrin-B2 identifiziert. Zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, dass ZEB2 ein wichtiger Regulator der Tumorinvasion ist, wurden humane ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen generiert und in vitro sowie in vivo untersucht. Im Hinblick auf mögliche therapeutische Anwendungen wurden die ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen zusätzlich im Zusammenhang anti-Angiogenese-induzierter Invasion analysiert. Der Verlust von ZEB2 führte dabei zu einer verringerten Glioblastominvasion und Progression in einem Maus-Xenograft Modell. Die Behandlung der Tumoren mit dem anti-VEGF-Antikörper Avastin resultierte in einer stark erhöhten Invasion, die durch die Inaktivierung von ZEB2 und der dadurch reaktivierten repulsiven Signale von Ephrin-B2 wieder aufgehoben werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Ephrin-B2 als Tumorsuppressor in Gliomen agiert und durch verschiedene Mechanismen wie der genetischen und epigenetischen Kontrolle, aber auch der HIF-1α-vermittelten, ZEB2-abhängigen Repression inaktiviert wird. Dies resultiert in einer Blockade repulsiver Signale, so dass Tumorzellen diffus in das Parenchym und zu den Blutgefäßen migrieren können. Der in dieser Arbeit neu identifizierte Signalweg stellt ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel zur Inhibition der Tumorzellinvasion dar und ermöglicht darüber hinaus der Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegenüber anti-angiogener Behandlung entgegenzuwirken. rn


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Through the years, several studies reported the involvement of nuclear lipid signalling as highly connected with cell cycle progression. Indeed, nuclear Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-Biphosphate (PIP2) hydrolisis mediated by Phospholipases C (PLC), which leads to production of the second messengers Diacylglycerol (DAG) and Inositol-1,4,5-Triphosphate (IP3), is a fundamental event for both G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. In particular, we found that nuclear DAG production was mediated by PLCbeta1, enzyme mainly localized in the nucleus of K562 human erythroleukemia cells. This event triggered the activation and nuclear translocation of PKCalpha, which, in turn, resulted able to affect cell cycle via modulation of Cyclin D3 and Cyclin B1, two important enzymes for G1/S transition and G2/M progression respectively.