992 resultados para LILI-128


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We report the Cl-*(P-2(1/2)) production dynamics in the near-UV dissociation of three isomers (cis-, gem-, and trans-) of dichloroethylene using the conventional resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization technique. Substantial amounts of Cl-* are produced in the wavelength range 222-304 nm. The Cl-* quantum yield (phi(*)) i maximum at 304 nm for all the isomers and phi(*)(cis) is markedly higher than phi(*)(gem) and phi(*)(trans) except at 222 nm. Existence of both direct and indirect dissociation pathways at these wavelengths complicates the Cl* production dynamics. The higher value of phi(*)(cis) originates from a large contribution from direct dissociation via the (n, sigma(*)) state.


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The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of market segmentation theory by studying the evolution of the concept and by identifying the antecedents and consequences of the theory. The research method was influenced by content analysis and meta-analysis. The evolution of market segmentation theory was studied as a reflection of evolution of marketing theory. According to this study, the theory of market segmentation has its roots in microeconomics and it has been influenced by different disciplines, such as motivation research and buyer behaviour theory. Furthermore, this study suggests that the evolution of market segmentation theory can be divided into four major eras: the era of foundations, development and blossoming, stillness and stagnation, and the era of re-emergence. Market segmentation theory emerged in the mid-1950’s and flourished during the period between mid-1950’s and the late 1970’s. During the 1980’s the theory lost its interest in the scientific community and no significant contributions were made. Now, towards the dawn of the new millennium, new approaches have emerged and market segmentation has gained new attention.


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The coexisting phases in the pseudobinary system BaO-Y2O3 have been identified by equilibrating samples containing different amounts of component oxides at 1173, 1273 and 1373 K. Only two ternary oxides, BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9, have been found to be stable in the temperature range of investigation. Solid state galvanic cells: Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol%Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Y2O3+O2, Pt and Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol% Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Ba3Y4O9+O2, Pt have been employed for determining the Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from the component oxides in the range 850 to 1250 K. A composite solid electrolyte incorporating Al2O3-dispersed BaF2 was used in the cells. To prevent interaction between the Al2O3 powder and electrode materials, the solid electrolyte was coated with pure BaF2. The Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from component oxides are given by: Δf0 (BaY2O4, s)=−128,310+5.211T (±580) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K) and ΔGfo(Ba3Y4O9, s)= −317,490 −24.704T (±1100) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K).


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan dementiakuolleisuutta sekä siihen vaikuttavia sosiaalisia tekijöitä. Dementia on oireyhtymä, jota pääasiassa sairastavat yli 65 -vuotiaat henkilöt. Väestön ikääntyessä sekä elinajanodotteen kasvaessa on odotettavissa, että dementiaa sairastavien määrä tulee kasvamaan merkittävästi lähivuosina. On viitteitä siitä, että dementiaan sairastumisen riskiin vaikuttavat erilaiset sosiaaliset tekijät kuten koulutus, mutta varsinkin dementiakuolleisuudesta tiedetään vähän. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin Tilastokeskuksen muodostamaa Elinolot ja kuolinsyyt -rekisteriaineistoa, joka koostuu väestölaskentatiedoista sekä työssäkäyntitilaston pitkittäisaineistosta, johon on liitetty kuolinsyytietoja. Peruskuolinsyyn lisäksi aineistossa oli tieto korkeintaan kolmesta myötävaikuttavasta syystä. Dementiakuolleisuuden on esitetty aliarvioituvan peruskuolinsyynä, joten dementiakuolleisuuden määrittelyssä käytettiin myös tietoa myötävaikuttavista syistä. Rajausten jälkeen aineistossa on 317 944 henkilöä, joista 128 562 on miehiä ja 189 382 naisia. Pääanalyysimenetelmänä on käytetty elinaikamalleihin kuuluvaa Coxin regressiota. Dementiakuolleisuudessa oli vaihtelua kaikkien tutkimuksessa käytettyjen muuttujien, eli koulutuksen, sosiaaliluokan, tulojen, siviilisäädyn sekä perhemuodon mukaan. Koulutuksen vaikutus välittyi osin ammattiasemaan perustuvan sosiaaliluokan kautta. Suurimpia ryhmien väliset suhteelliset erot olivat nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä sekä sosiaaliluokan ja siviilisäädyn kohdalla. Eronneilla ja naimattomilla oli selvästi kohonnut riski suhteessa naimisissa oleviin. Myös työntekijöillä havaittiin kohonnut riski suhteessa ylempiin toimihenkilöihin. Siviilisääty vaikutti olevan merkittävä tekijä siinä mielessä, että koulutuksen, sosiaaliluokan ja tulojen tuominen malliin ei juuri vaikuttanut siviilisäätyryhmien välillä havaittuun vaihteluun. Dementiakuolleisuudessa havaitut ryhmien väliset suhteelliset erot olivat hieman pienempiä kuin muissa syissä, mutta kuitenkin hyvin samaa suuruusluokkaa. Tulosten perusteella on identifioitavissa tekijöitä, jotka suojaavat dementialta. Erityisesti avioliitto, korkea koulutus sekä ylemmät toimihenkilöammatit vaikuttavat olevan dementialta suojaavia tekijöitä. Avioliiton suojaavan vaikutuksen voidaan tulkita liittyvän sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen sekä puolison tukeen ja läsnäoloon. Korkea koulutus sekä toimihenkilöammatit indikoivat virikkeellisempää työympäristöä, mutta niiden vaikutus voi myös kulkea ylipäänsä aktiivisemman ja kognitiivisesti virikkeellisemmän elämäntavan kautta. Aktiivisen ja kognitiivisesti haastavan elämäntavan on esitetty suojaavan dementiaan sairastumiselta. Tuloksia voidaan tulkita elämänkaarinäkökulman kautta. Jo nuoruudessa vaikuttavilla tekijöillä, kuten koulutuksella, on vaikutusta. Tämän lisäksi elämänkaaren aikana myöhemmin vaikuttavat tekijät ovat merkityksellisiä. Näiden tekijöiden on esitetty vaikuttavan aivojen hermoverkostoon ja -yhteyksiin ja luovan kognitiivista reserviä, minkä on esitetty ehkäisevän tai lykkäävän dementiaan sairastumista.


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Microspherophakia is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder characterized by small spherical lens. It may be isolated or occur as part of a hereditary systemic disorder, such as Marfan syndrome, autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Weill-Marchesani syndrome, autosomal dominant glaucoma–lens ectopia–microspherophakia–stiVness– shortness syndrome, autosomal dominant microspherophakia with hernia, and microspherophakia-metaphyseal dysplasia. The purpose of this study was to map and identify the gene for isolated microspherophakia in two consanguineous Indian families. Using a whole-genome linkage scan in one family, we identiWed a likely locus for microspherophakia (MSP1) on chromosome 14q24.1–q32.12 between markers D14S588 and D14S1050 in a physical distance of 22.76 Mb. The maximum multi-point lod score was 2.91 between markers D14S1020 and D14S606. The MSP1 candidate region harbors 110 reference genes. DNA sequence analysis of one of the genes, LTBP2, detected a homozygous duplication (insertion) mutation, c.5446dupC, in the last exon (exon 36) in aVected family members. This homozygous mutation is predicted to elongate the LTBP2 protein by replacing the last 6 amino acids with 27 novel amino acids. Microspherophakia in the second family did not map to this locus, suggesting genetic heterogeneity. The present study suggests a role for LTBP2 in the structural stability of ciliary zonules, and growth and development of lens.


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We study wireless multihop energy harvesting sensor networks employed for random field estimation. The sensors sense the random field and generate data that is to be sent to a fusion node for estimation. Each sensor has an energy harvesting source and can operate in two modes: Wake and Sleep. We consider the problem of obtaining jointly optimal power control, routing and scheduling policies that ensure a fair utilization of network resources. This problem has a high computational complexity. Therefore, we develop a computationally efficient suboptimal approach to obtain good solutions to this problem. We study the optimal solution and performance of the suboptimal approach through some numerical examples.


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The thesis focuses on one of the most dominant articulations of the relation between geographical place and development, clusters - internationally competing place-bound economic system of production in related industries. The dominant articulation of cluster discourse represents the subnational region as a system of production, and as a means for competitiveness for Western countries. Its reproduction in theories has become one of the most prolific exports of economic geography to other disciplines and for policymaking. By analysing cluster discourse the thesis traces how the languages and processes of globalization have over time altered the understandings of the relation between geographical place and the economy. It shows how in its latest incarnation of the cluster discourse, the language of mainstream economics is combined with ‘softer’ elements (e.g. community, learning, creativity) in the economic geographic discourse. This is typical for the idea of soft capitalism, wherein it is assumed that economic success emanates from soft characteristics, such as knowledge, learning and creativity, rather than straightforward technological or cost advantages. A reoccurring critique against the dominant understanding of the relationship between competitiveness and regions, as articulated in cluster discourse, has pinpointed the perspective’s inability to reconcile the respective and reciprocal roles of local standard of living with firm competitiveness. The thesis traces how such critique is increasingly appropriated through the fusion of the economic, social and cultural landscape into the language of capitalism. It shows how cluster discourse has appropriated its critique, by focusing on creativity, with its strong associations to arts, individual artists and the cultural sphere in general, while predominantly creating its meaning in relation to competitiveness. The thesis consists of six essays that each outlines the development of the cluster discourse. The essays show how meaning systems and strategies are created, accepted and naturalized in cluster discourse, how this affects individuals, the economic landscape and society at large, as well as showing which understandings are marginalized in the process. The thesis argues that clusters are a) inseparable from ideology and politics and b) they are the result of purposeful social practice. It calls for increased reflexivity within corporate and economic geographic research on clusters, and underlines the importance of placing issues of power at the centre of analysis.


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The occurrence of occupational chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE) seems to decrease, but still every year reveals new cases. To prevent CSE and early retirement of solvent-exposed workers, actions should focus on early CSE detection and diagnosis. Identifying the work tasks and solvent exposure associated with high risk for CSE is crucial. Clinical and exposure data of all the 128 cases diagnosed with CSE as an occupational disease in Finland during 1995-2007 was collected from the patient records at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) in Helsinki. The data on the number of exposed workers in Finland were gathered from the Finnish Job-exposure Matrix (FINJEM) and the number of employed from the national workforce survey. We analyzed the work tasks and solvent exposure of CSE patients and the findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), and event-related potentials (ERP). The annual number of new cases diminished from 18 to 3, and the incidence of CSE decreased from 8.6 to 1.2 / million employed per year. The highest incidence of CSE was in workers with their main exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons; during 1995-2006 the incidence decreased from 1.2 to 0.3 / 1 000 exposed workers per year. The work tasks with the highest incidence of CSE were floor layers and lacquerers, wooden surface finishers, and industrial, metal, or car painters. Among 71 CSE patients, brain MRI revealed atrophy or white matter hyperintensities or both in 38% of the cases. Atrophy which was associated with duration of exposure was most frequently located in the cerebellum and in the frontal or parietal brain areas. QEEG in a group of 47 patients revealed increased power of the theta band in the frontal brain area. In a group of 86 patients, the P300 amplitude of auditory ERP was decreased, but at individual level, all the amplitude values were classified as normal. In 11 CSE patients and 13 age-matched controls, ERP elicited by a multimodal paradigm including an auditory, a visual detection, and a recognition memory task under single and dual-task conditions corroborated the decrease of auditory P300 amplitude in CSE patients in single-task condition. In dual-task conditions, the auditory P300 component was, more often in patients than in controls, unrecognizable. Due to the paucity and non-specificity of the findings, brain MRI serves mainly for differential diagnostics in CSE. QEEG and auditory P300 are insensitive at individual level and not useful in the clinical diagnostics of CSE. A multimodal ERP paradigm may, however, provide a more sensitive method to diagnose slight cognitive disturbances such as CSE.


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Background Acute bacterial meningitis (BM) continues to be an important cause of childhood mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries. Prognostic scales and the identification of risk factors for adverse outcome both aid in assessing disease severity. New antimicrobial agents or adjunctive treatments - except for oral glycerol - have essentially failed to improve BM prognosis. A retrospective observational analysis found paracetamol beneficial in adult bacteraemic patients, and some experts recommend slow β-lactam infusion. We examined these treatments in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis included 555 children treated for BM in 2004 in the infectious disease ward of the Paediatric Hospital of Luanda, Angola. Our prospective study randomised 723 children into four groups, to receive a combination of cefotaxime infusion or boluses every 6 hours for the first 24 hours and oral paracetamol or placebo for 48 hours. The primary endpoints were 1) death or severe neurological sequelae (SeNeSe), and 2) deafness. Results In the retrospective study, the mortality of children with blood transfusion was 23% (30 of 128) vs. without blood transfusion 39% (109 of 282; p=0.004). In the prospective study, 272 (38%) of the children died. Of those 451 surviving, 68 (15%) showed SeNeSe, and 12% (45 of 374) were deaf. Whereas no difference between treatment groups was observable in primary endpoints, the early mortality in the infusion-paracetamol group was lower, with the difference (Fisher s exact test) from the other groups at 24, 48, and 72 hours being significant (p=0.041, 0.0005, and 0.005, respectively). Prognostic factors for adverse outcomes were impaired consciousness, dyspnoea, seizures, delayed presentation, and absence of electricity at home (Simple Luanda Scale, SLS); the Bayesian Luanda Scale (BLS) also included abnormally low or high blood glucose. Conclusions New studies concerning the possible beneficial effect of blood transfusion, and concerning longer treatment with cefotaxime infusion and oral paracetamol, and a study to validate our simple prognostic scales are warranted.


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The use of electroacoustic analogies suggests that a source of acoustical energy (such as an engine, compressor, blower, turbine, loudspeaker, etc.) can be characterized by an acoustic source pressure ps and internal source impedance Zs, analogous to the open-circuit voltage and internal impedance of an electrical source. The present paper shows analytically that the source characteristics evaluated by means of the indirect methods are independent of the loads selected; that is, the evaluated values of ps and Zs are unique, and that the results of the different methods (including the direct method) are identical. In addition, general relations have been derived here for the transfer of source characteristics from one station to another station across one or more acoustical elements, and also for combining several sources into a single equivalent source. Finally, all the conclusions are extended to the case of a uniformly moving medium, incorporating the convective as well as dissipative effects of the mean flow.


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Microspherophakia is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder characterized by small spherical lens. It may be isolated or occur as part of a hereditary systemic disorder, such as Marfan syndrome, autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Weill-Marchesani syndrome, autosomal dominant glaucoma-lens ectopia-microspherophakia-stiffness-shortness syndrome, autosomal dominant microspherophakia with hernia, and microspherophakia-metaphyseal dysplasia. The purpose of this study was to map and identify the gene for isolated microspherophakia in two consanguineous Indian families. Using a whole-genome linkage scan in one family, we identified a likely locus for microspherophakia (MSP1) on chromosome 14q24.1-q32.12 between markers D14S588 and D14S1050 in a physical distance of 22.76 Mb. The maximum multi-point lod score was 2.91 between markers D14S1020 and D14S606. The MSP1 candidate region harbors 110 reference genes. DNA sequence analysis of one of the genes, LTBP2, detected a homozygous duplication (insertion) mutation, c.5446dupC, in the last exon (exon 36) in affected family members. This homozygous mutation is predicted to elongate the LTBP2 protein by replacing the last 6 amino acids with 27 novel amino acids. Microspherophakia in the second family did not map to this locus, suggesting genetic heterogeneity. The present study suggests a role for LTBP2 in the structural stability of ciliary zonules, and growth and development of lens.


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This paper describes an analytical calculation of break-out noise from a rectangular plenum with four flexible walls by incorporating three-dimensional effects along with the acoustical and structural wave coupling phenomena. The breakout noise from rectangular plenums is important and the coupling between acoustic waves within the plenum and structural waves in the flexible plenum walls plays a critical role in prediction of the transverse transmission loss. The first step in breakout noise prediction is to calculate the inside plenum pressure field and the normal flexible plenum wall vibration by using an impedance-mobility approach, which results in a compact matrix formulation. In the impedance-mobility compact matrix (IMCM) approach, it is presumed that the coupled response can be described in terms of finite sets of the uncoupled acoustic subsystem and the structural subsystem. The flexible walls of the plenum are modeled as an unfolded plate to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes of the uncoupled structural subsystem. The second step is to calculate the radiated sound power from the flexible walls using Kirchhoff-Helmholtz (KH) integral formulation. Analytical results are validated with finite element and boundary element (FEM-BEM) numerical models. (C) 2010 Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/1.3463801]


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"Litter quality and environmental effects on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) fine woody debris (FWD) decomposition were examined in three forestry-drained peatlands representing different site types along a climatic gradient from the north boreal (Northern Finland) to south (Southern Finland) and hemiboreal (Central Estonia) conditions. Decomposition (percent mass loss) of FWD with diameter <= 10 mm (twigs) and FWD with diameter > 10 mm (branches) was measured using the litter bag method over 1-4-year periods. Overall, decomposition rates increased from north to south, the rate constants (k values) varying from 0.128 to 0.188 year(-1) and from 0.066 to 0.127 year(-1) for twigs and branches, respectively. On average, twigs had lost 34%, 19% and 19%, and branches 25%, 17% and 11% of their initial mass after 2 years of decomposition at the hemiboreal, south boreal and north boreal sites, respectively. After 4 years at the south boreal site the values were 48% for twigs and 42% for branches. Based on earlier studies, we suggest that the decomposition rates that we determined may be used for estimating Scots pine FWD decomposition in the boreal zone, also in upland forests. Explanatory models accounted for 50.4% and 71.2% of the total variation in FWD decomposition rates when the first two and all years were considered, respectively. The variables most related to FWD decomposition included the initial ash, water extractives and Klason lignin content of litter, and cumulative site precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration. Simulations of inputs and decomposition of Scots pine FWD and needle litter in south boreal conditions over a 60-year period showed that 72 g m(-2) of organic matter from FWD vs. 365 g m(-2) from needles accumulated in the forest floor. The annual inputs varied from 5.7 to 15.6 g m(-2) and from 92 to 152 g m(-2) for FWD and needles, respectively. Each thinning caused an increase in FWD inputs, Up to 510 g m(-2), while the needle inputs did not change dramatically. Because the annual FWD inputs were lowered following the thinnings, the overall effect of thinnings on C accumulation from FWD was slightly negative. The contribution of FWD to soil C accumulation, relative to needle litter, seems to be rather minor in boreal Scots pine forests. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved."