1000 resultados para Industrial consumers
The performances of eight kinds of insulators from electrical distribution lines in Salvador-BA, Brazil, were evaluated considering the chemical and physical local environmental pollution. The parameters that were chosen as characteristic for the insulators' properties were leakage current and partial electrical discharge. A data storage processing system and a communication link to the lab were built for data acquisition. The results show that the main contribution to the poor performance of the insulators is settleable magnetite particulate matter on the insulator in addition to the long term wetness time, t4.
Recent years have produced great advances in the instrumentation technology. The amount of available data has been increasing due to the simplicity, speed and accuracy of current spectroscopic instruments. Most of these data are, however, meaningless without a proper analysis. This has been one of the reasons for the overgrowing success of multivariate handling of such data. Industrial data is commonly not designed data; in other words, there is no exact experimental design, but rather the data have been collected as a routine procedure during an industrial process. This makes certain demands on the multivariate modeling, as the selection of samples and variables can have an enormous effect. Common approaches in the modeling of industrial data are PCA (principal component analysis) and PLS (projection to latent structures or partial least squares) but there are also other methods that should be considered. The more advanced methods include multi block modeling and nonlinear modeling. In this thesis it is shown that the results of data analysis vary according to the modeling approach used, thus making the selection of the modeling approach dependent on the purpose of the model. If the model is intended to provide accurate predictions, the approach should be different than in the case where the purpose of modeling is mostly to obtain information about the variables and the process. For industrial applicability it is essential that the methods are robust and sufficiently simple to apply. In this way the methods and the results can be compared and an approach selected that is suitable for the intended purpose. Differences in data analysis methods are compared with data from different fields of industry in this thesis. In the first two papers, the multi block method is considered for data originating from the oil and fertilizer industries. The results are compared to those from PLS and priority PLS. The third paper considers applicability of multivariate models to process control for a reactive crystallization process. In the fourth paper, nonlinear modeling is examined with a data set from the oil industry. The response has a nonlinear relation to the descriptor matrix, and the results are compared between linear modeling, polynomial PLS and nonlinear modeling using nonlinear score vectors.
Energy efficiency and saving energy are the main question marks when thinking of reducing carbon dioxide emissions or cutting costs. The objective of thesis is to evaluate policy instruments concerning end-use energy efficiency of heavy industry in European Union. These policy instruments may be divided in various ways, but in this thesis the division is to administrative, financial, informative and voluntary instruments. Administrative instruments introduced in this thesis are Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Directive on Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services, and Climate and Energy Package. Financial means include energy and emission taxation, EU Emission Trading Scheme and diverse support systems. Informative instruments consist of horizontal BAT Reference Document for Energy Efficiency, as well as substantial EU documents including Green Paper on Energy Efficiency, Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and An Energy Policy for Europe. And finally, voluntary instruments include environmental managements systems like ISO 14001 and EMAS, energy auditing and benchmarking. The efficiency of different policy instruments vary quite a lot. Informative instruments lack the commitment from industry and are thus almost ineffective, contrary to EU Emission Trading Scheme, which is said to be the solution to climate problems. The efficiency of administrative means can be placed between those mentioned and voluntary instruments are still quite fresh to be examined fruitfully. However, each instrument has their potential and challenges. Cases from corporate world strengthen the results from theoretical part. Cases were written mainly on the basis of interviews. The interviewees praised the energy efficiency contract of Finnish industry, but the EU ETS takes the leading role of policy instruments. However, for industry the reductions do not come easily.
The traditional forest industry is a good example of the changing nature of the competitive environment in many industries. Faced with drastic challenges forestindustry companies are forced to search for new value-creating strategies in order to create competitive advantage. The emerging bioenergy business is now offering promising avenues for value creation for both the forest and energy sectors because of their complementary resources and knowledge with respect to bioenergy production from forest-based biomass. The key objective of this dissertation is to examine the sources of sustainable competitive advantage and the value-creation opportunities that are emerging at the intersection between the forest and energy industries. The research topic is considered from different perspectives in order to provide a comprehensive view of the phenomenon. The study discusses the business opportunities that are related to producing bioenergy from forest-based biomass, and sheds light on the greatest challenges and threats influencing the success of collaboration between the forest and energy sectors. In addition, it identifies existing and potential bioenergy actors, and considers the resources and capabilities needed in order to prosper in the bioenergy field. The value-creation perspective is founded on strategic management accounting, the theoretical frameworks are adopted from the field of strategic management, and the future aspect is taken into account through the application of futures studies research methodology. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part provides a synthesis of the overall dissertation, and the second part comprises four complementary research papers. There search setting is explorative in nature, and both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. As a result, the thesis lays the foundation for non-technological studies on bioenergy. It gives an example of how to study new value-creation opportunities at an industrial intersection, and discusses the main determinants affecting the value-creation process. In order to accomplish these objectives the phenomenon of value creation at the intersection between the forest and energy industries is theorized and connected with the dynamic resource-based view of the firm.
Potassium carbonate, or potash, was the most important industrial chemical of the 18th century. It was essential for producing glass, soap, saltpeter, dyes, several drugs, and also used for bleaching linens, paper, and sugar. We examine here a book in which Brazilian author José Mariano da Conceição Veloso gathered his translations into Portuguese of English and French articles, letters, patents, and pamphlets with instructions on how to prepare potash. We discuss especially his version of Richard Watson's essay entitled 'Of saline substances', and Veloso's own 'Flora Alographica', a description of the Brazilian plants that could be used to prepare potash.
The importance of chitosan has grown significantly over the last two decades due to its renewable and biodegradable source, and also because of the recent increase in the knowledge of its functionality in the technological and biomedical applications. The present article reviews the biopolymer chitosan and its derivatives as versatile biomaterials for potential drug delivery systems, as well as tissue engineering applications, analgesia and treatment of arthritis.
The new millennium is marked by a growing search for renewable fuels and alternative raw materials from biomass in the petrochemicals industry. However, there are many challenges to overcome regarding technological and human resources aspects. In this scenario, cashew nut oil, which is rich in natural phenols, is considered to be very promising for the development of synthetic and functional products and as a feedstock for production of fine chemicals and a wide variety of new materials.
Surface sediments from the River São Francisco were analyzed to investigate the impact, due to the presence of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in wastes from a metallurgical industry in the city of Três Marias/MG, Brazil. The concentrations and geochemical associations of Pb, Zn and trace metals associated with the minerals employed in zinc production were measured. Sediments close to discharge locations were highly contaminated with Pb (332-512 μg g-1) and Zn (7872-10780 μg g-1), with values decreasing rapidly due to dilution and hydraulic sorting. Evaluation of toxicity according to the Consensus-based Sediment Quality Guidelines indicated for Cd, Pb and Zn a high probability of adverse effects on aquatic biota at these sites.
Chitosan, poly[β-(1-4)-linked-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose], is the N-deacetylated product of chitin which is a major component of arthropod and crustacean shells such as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and cuttlefishes. In addition, chitosan has many significant biological and chemical properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility and bioactivity as well as polycationic properties. Thus, it has been widely used in many industrial and biomedical applications including wastewater treatment, chromatographic support, carriers for controlled drug delivery and enzyme immobilization. This review is an insight into the exploitation of utilization of chitosan based-supports in different geometrical configurations on the immobilization of enzymes by different protocols for further application in biotransformation reactions.
A sugar cane mill is at the present moment a modest biorefinery producing few products such as sugar, ethanol and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). In the near future, this mill can expand its production using several renewable feedstock's to produce biofuels and high value biobased chemicals. However, the choice of appropriate products for addition to the portfolio is challenged by a lack of broad-based conversion technology coupled with a plethora of potential targets. The intent of this revision was to catalyze research efforts to expand the list of products and to present an updated evaluation of potential target structures for chemical production.
ABSTRACT The main aim of this paper was to contribute to reflections in Brazil on the need to transfer knowledge held at universities and R&D institutions over to companies, i.e. to transfer scientific knowledge of chemistry to technology. It discusses how the competitiveness of countries is increasingly dependent on their technological capacity. The chemicals industry is a fundamental driver of social, environmental, economic and industrial indicators of sustainable development. In Brazil, the chemicals industry's deficit has grown over the last three decades. Patents are important sources of information because patent documents contain 75% of all technological information available. The National Institute of Industrial Property in Brazil has created a Technology Observatory with the purpose of identifying and analyzing technological information contained in patent documents within the ambit of partnerships with government entities or business associations, in order to support their technology-related decision-making processes. The paper gives examples of ethanol and biotechnology patent documents, including pharmaceuticals, of which there are very few in Brazil. However, a few of the patent applications identified are filed in Brazil, giving the country the opportunity to transform this scientific knowledge into technology by means of partnership agreements with companies. Finally, the paper presents information on the patent applications filed by the world's leading chemicals companies as measured by their revenues, and the respective numbers of patent applications in the last five years in organic chemistry and polymers, sectors in which Brazil is currently dependent on imports for over 50% of its needs. The patent assignees in these sectors in Brazil are also identified, and the paper concludes that Brazil needs to invest in the development of professionals, providing clearly-defined career paths in technology innovation teams at R&D institutions, and to foster more initiatives such as the creation of a new research and innovation entity, EMBRAPII, since investing in science and technology is a prerequisite for knowledge production, industrial property, economic development and, consequently, the competitiveness of the country.
Agroindustrial waste in general presents significant levels of nutrients and organic matter and has therefore been frequently put to agricultural use. In this context, the objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and carbon content, as well as the qualitative characteristics through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of four samples of poultry litter and one sample of cattle manure, from the southwestern region of Paraná, Brazil. Results revealed that, in general, the poultry litter presented higher amount of nutrients and carbon than the cattle manure. The infrared spectra allowed identification of the functional groups present and the differences in degree of sample humification. The statistical treatment confirmed the quantitative and qualitative differences revealed.
Demand forecasting is one of the fundamental managerial tasks. Most companies do not know their future demands, so they have to make plans based on demand forecasts. The literature offers many methods and approaches for producing forecasts. When selecting the forecasting approach, companies need to estimate the benefits provided by particular methods, as well as the resources that applying the methods call for. Former literature points out that even though many forecasting methods are available, selecting a suitable approach and implementing and managing it is a complex cross-functional matter. However, research that focuses on the managerial side of forecasting is relatively rare. This thesis explores the managerial problems that are involved when demand forecasting methods are applied in a context where a company produces products for other manufacturing companies. Industrial companies have some characteristics that differ from consumer companies, e.g. typically a lower number of customers and closer relationships with customers than in consumer companies. The research questions of this thesis are: 1. What kind of challenges are there in organizing an adequate forecasting process in the industrial context? 2. What kind of tools of analysis can be utilized to support the improvement of the forecasting process? The main methodological approach in this study is design science, where the main objective is to develop tentative solutions to real-life problems. The research data has been collected from two organizations. Managerial problems in organizing demand forecasting can be found in four interlinked areas: 1. defining the operational environment for forecasting, 2. defining the forecasting methods, 3. defining the organizational responsibilities, and 4. defining the forecasting performance measurement process. In all these areas, examples of managerial problems are described, and approaches for mitigating these problems are outlined.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de fungicidas e silicato de potássio, no controle da requeima (Phytophthora infestans), em tomateiro industrial. Os fungicidas foram aplicados com base no sistema de previsão de Wallin e calendário fixo de pulverizações. Empregou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos (T) foram: T1 - testemunha; T2 - dimetomorfe + clorotalonil (valores de severidade da doença (VSD = 10) + metiram; T3 - metalaxil-M + clorotalonil (VSD = 10) + metiram (o metiram foi aplicado somente na semana onde o VSD não atingiu o valor requerido para o tratamento); T4 - calendário fixo: dimetomorfe + clorotalonil, mancozeb, metalaxil-M + clorotalonil e clorotalonil, alternados semanalmente; T5 - silicato de potássio (5 g/L) e T6 - silicato de potássio (15 g/L). A severidade foi avaliada utilizando-se uma escala descritiva variando de 0 a 100 %. A severidade final foi: 100; 2,6; 12,3; 5,5; 97,6 e 96 %, respectivamente, nos tratamentos T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 e T6. A severidade foi em média, 93 % menor nos tratamentos que receberam aplicações de fungicidas em relação a testemunha. Dentre os tratamentos que empregaram sistema de previsão o 2 apresentou melhor resultado do que o 3. O tratamento 2 apresentou eficiência comparável ao calendário semanal (tratamento 4), apresentando produtividades de 62.103,73 e 52.473,33 kg/ha, respectivamente, sendo superiores aos demais tratamentos. Aplicações de silicato de potássio nas duas doses testadas não diferiram significativamente da testemunha, indicando a ineficiência do produto em controlar a requeima.