996 resultados para Historische Stätte


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Schon immer hat sich die Gotthelf-Forschung eher mit der kreativen Originalität, seiner schriftstellerischen Impulsivität beschäftigt, und es läge insofern die Versuchung nahe, das psychophysische Profil des Schreibers auch in der Lektüre der Handschrift wieder aufzusuchen. Die nähere Beschäftigung mit Gotthelf zeigt freilich einen Autor, der nicht als ein Originalgenie aus der eigenen Kreativität seine Werke schuf, sondern sein Erzählen in der Auseinandersetzung mit literarischen Vorbildern und Gattungstraditionenen, mit zeittypischen Medienrhetoriken sowie einem christlichen und politischen Engagement verband. Die Aufgabe der Edition besteht nicht zuletzt darin, anhand der Handschriften und Drucke den Schreibprozess als Teil einer diskursiven Tätigkeit in einem konkreten literarischen, medialen und politischen Umfeld darzustellen. Erst die umfassende historische Kommentierung erfüllt die Aufgabe, Texte und Schreiben einer Gegenwart zu vermitteln.


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Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich kritisch mit dem von Wolfgang Schöllhorn seit 1999 propagierten Ansatz des differenziellen Lehrens und Lernens. Nach einer Einordnung in die historische bewegungswissenschaftliche Debatte um den Informationsverarbeitungsansatz und die dynamische Systemtheorie zeigen wir, dass die von Schöllhorn behaupteten Praxiskonsequenzen theoretisch nicht fundiert sind, dass die Abgrenzung zu konkurrierenden Lerntheorien lücken- und fehlerhaft ausfällt, dass die präsentierte empirische Befundlage auf höchst wackeligen Füßen steht und dass der Ansatz sich auch aus Praxissicht als nicht tragfähig erweist. Mit Blick auf fatale Konsequenzen sowohl für die Sportpraxis als auch für die Sportwissenschaft empfehlen wir, in zukünftigen Publikationen zum differenziellen Lernen auf fehlerhafte und theoretisch wie empirisch unbegründete Praxisempfehlungen zu verzichten.


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The Free City of Danzig was founded by the Allies after World War One to settle the conflict between Poles and Germans as to which territory the town belonged. The League of Nations was designated to be the guarantor of its status. British and American experts and policy advisors saw it as an experiment on the way to new forms of statehood, by means of which nationalism as the founding principle of territorial entities could be overcome. However, the „Free City“ status was rejected by both the city’s inhabitants and German and Polish government agencies, with the result that the League and its local representative, the High Commissioner, were constantly confronted with difficulties in the interpretation of the international treaties and conventions relating to Danzig. In addition, hardly anyone in Danzig, Germany or Poland was interested in the economic and financial situation of the Free City, but were more interested in winning political battles than in the well-being of the city and its inhabitants. As a result, the situation in Danzig became more and more hopeless. The city became increasingly dependent on (illegal) German subsidies, while the High Commissioners generally cared more about their own prestige and that of their home countries than about the interests of the League of Nations. But as no political means of modifying the city’s status had been provided for, nothing changed formally in Danzig until Germany started the Second World War and annexed the city in September 1939. In retrospect, the international control of local government could not contribute to a long-term solution for Danzig. It merely postponed its violent solution for twenty years.


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Due to the impacts of postcolonialism, social and cultural anthropology has been dealing intensively with the possibilities and limits of representing "other” human beings and their meaningful worlds. Scholars such as George Marcus, James Clifford or Clifford Geertz have discussed ways of improving anthropological methods of representation without, however, fully raising questions about the quality and validity of the objects represented and the very idea, that they could be “represented”. Thus, despite attempts to purify classical anthropological categories, substantialized presences (“Humans”, “Others”, “Pygmies” etc.), various forms of binary oppositions (us–them, culture–nature, human–animal) as well as certain epistemological modes/ logoi (representation, interpretation) have been rehearsed until today. The research aims to dissect and challenge the metaphysical outputs of the “anthropological machine” (Giorgio Agamben). I intended to solve these from their apparent familiarity as representable identities or differences in order to investigate their genealogy. In Derrida’s and Foucault’s understanding, genealogy becomes manifest mainly in the “blind spots” (Derrida) or “anomalies” (Foucault) between differences, at the borders of identities. As an analytical guideline, the research uses on one concrete metonym for the Derridean blind spot, one incorporation of a Foucauldian Other, namely pygmy narratives within early modern and 19th century imaginings. “Pygmies” have been part of both Western mythology and anthropological reflection since the antiquity and finally became “ethnographical facts” within an evolutionary anthropology in the 19th century during the European exploration of Africa. Throughout this veritable Odyssey, they were mostly precarious “category-jammers” (Timothy Beal), occupying the impossible middle grounds within (proto)anthropological classification. Thus, along with the early modern wild men, enfants sauvages or the apes of proto-primatology, the pygmies of the Homeric myth, as a catalyst for the negotiation of categories, played a decisive role in early modern and 19th century conceptions of the human. Through the precarious Pygmies, concrete socio-historical materializations of Identities (human, European), differences (human–animal etc.), as well as the accompanying logoi which vindicate these as pseudo-entities, appear evident. The research aims to read and write the history of early modern and 19th Century anthropology through one of its many classificatory constituting Others. It thus contributes to a discipline that for a long time has examined concrete systems of knowledge and the genealogy of classification in general. One might call it an “anthropologization” of anthropology.


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