907 resultados para HEMATOPOIETIC STEM-CELLS


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During inflammation and infection, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are stimulated to proliferate and differentiate into mature immune cells, especially of the myeloid lineage. MicroRNA-146a (miR-146a) is a critical negative regulator of inflammation. Deletion of the gene encoding miR-146a—expressed in all blood cell types—produces effects that appear as dysregulated inflammatory hematopoiesis, leading to a decline in the number and quality of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), excessive myeloproliferation, and, ultimately, to exhaustion of the HSCs and hematopoietic neoplasms. Six-week-old deleted mice are normal, with no effect on cell numbers, but by 4 months bone marrow hypercellularity can be seen, and by 8 months marrow exhaustion is becoming evident. The ability of HSCs to replenish the entire hematopoietic repertoire in a myelo-ablated mouse also declines precipitously as miR-146a-deficient mice age. In the absence of miR-146a, LPS-mediated serial inflammatory stimulation accelerates the effects of aging. This chronic inflammatory stress on HSCs in deleted mice involves a molecular axis consisting of upregulation of the signaling protein TRAF6 leading to excessive activity of the transcription factor NF-κB and overproduction of the cytokine IL-6. At the cellular level, transplant studies show that the defects are attributable to both an intrinsic problem in the miR-146a-deficient HSCs and extrinsic effects of miR-146a-deficient lymphocytes and non-hematopoietic cells. This study has identified a microRNA, miR-146a, to be a critical regulator of HSC homeostasis during chronic inflammatory challenge in mice and has provided a molecular connection between chronic inflammation and the development of bone marrow failure and myeloproliferative neoplasms. This may have implications for human hematopoietic malignancies, such as myelodysplastic syndrome, which frequently displays downregulated miR-146a expression.


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A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma resposta cicatrizante frente a repetidas lesões no fígado, e é caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de proteínas da matriz extracelular (MEC) no parênquima hepático, incluindo colágeno, fibronectina, elastina, laminina e proteoglicanos, com a participação de diferentes populações celulares do fígado. As principais células responsáveis pela síntese de proteínas da MEC na fibrose hepática são as células estreladas hepáticas ativadas e os miofibroblastos, que surgem após estímulo inflamatório e são caracterizadas pela expressão de alfa-actina de músculo liso (α-SMA). Sabe-se que durante a progressão da fibrose hepática, ocorre a morte de hepatócitos e sua substituição por células fibrogênicas α-SMA+. A apoptose dessas células fibrogênicas é de grande relevância para a regressão da fibrose e regeneração hepática. Nos últimos anos, a terapia com células tronco de medula óssea tem sido utilizada para estimular a regeneração hepática em diferentes modelos experimentais e protocolos clínicos. A fração mononuclear da medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas e células-tronco mesenquimais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão de α-SMA e o processo de apoptose de células hepáticas durante a fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO). Os fígados foram coletados de ratos dos seguintes grupos: normal, 14 dias de LDB, 21 dias de LDB e animais que receberam CMMO após 14 dias de LDB, e foram analisados após 7 dias (totalizando 21 dias de LDB). Para quantificar a expressão de α-SMA por células fibrogênicas nos grupos experimentais, foi realizada imunoperoxidase para α-SMA, seguida de morfometria no programa Image Pro Plus. Para analisar a apoptose nas células hepáticas, foi realizada imunoperoxidase e Western Blotting (WB) para caspase-3 (proteína apoptótica) e imunofluorescência com dupla-marcação para caspase-3 e α-SMA, seguida de observação em microscópio confocal. Os resultados da quantificação de α-SMA por morfometria mostraram que a expressão de α-SMA aumentou significativamente 14 e 21 dias após a LDB. Entretanto, essa expressão diminuiu significativamente no grupo tratado com CMMO, que apresentou parênquima hepático mais preservado em relação ao grupo com 21 dias de LDB. Os resultados de imunoperoxidase, WB e microscopia confocal para expressão de caspase-3 demonstraram que essa proteína diminuiu nos animais fibróticos com 14 e 21 dias de LDB com relação ao grupo normal, e estava significativamente elevada no grupo tratado com CMMO. A análise por microscopia confocal demonstrou que algumas células coexpressaram α-SMA e caspase-3 nos animais tratados com CMMO, sugerindo a morte de células fibrogênicas e remodelamento do parênquima hepático.


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A medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTHs) e células-tronco mesenquimais. A regeneração do fígado após a hepatectomia é um processo complexo que requer a proliferação de todas as células hepáticas. Fatores de crescimento, citocinas e componentes da matriz extracelular são elementos-chave nesse processo. As lamininas são uma família de proteínas de matriz extracelular, com funções adesivas e quimiotáticas pelo recrutamento de integrinas e outros receptores de superfície celular. No fígado normal, a laminina é expressa nas veias porta e centrolobular. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a expressão de laminina durante a regeneração hepática induzida por hepatectomia parcial e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea. As células mononucleares de medula óssea foram obtidas dos fêmures e tíbias de ratos, isoladas, marcadas com DAPI e injetadas pela veia porta em ratos recém-hepatectomizados. Os fígados foram coletados 15 minutos, 1 dia e 3 dias após a hepatectomia e o transplante de células de medula óssea e congelados. Os cortes foram imunomarcados com anticorpos primários anti-CD34 e anti-laminina de rato e observados em microscópio confocal de varredura a laser. Os resultados mostraram que 15 minutos após a hepatectomia parcial, as células-tronco hematopoiéticas CD34+ transplantadas foram encontradas em contato com a laminina localizada nas veias porta e centrolobular, indicando que a laminina poderia participar na adesão inicial das células-tronco a esses vasos logo após o seu transplante. Além disso, 1 e 3 dias após a hepatectomia, as células mononucleares de medula óssea transplantadas foram observadas nos sinusóides hepáticos expressando laminina. Esses resultados sugerem que a laminina pode ser um componente da matriz extracelular importante para a adesão e enxerto de células de medula óssea no fígado após uma lesão. Nós também analisamos a expressão de osteopontina (OPN) em células de medula óssea e CTHs. Os resultados por microscopia confocal demonstraram que a maioria das células mononucleares de medula óssea recém-isoladas expressa quantidades variáveis de OPN. Além disso, algumas CTHs CD34+ também expressam OPN. Após 1 e 4 dias de cultura, observamos uma diminuição de células expressando CD34, e um aumento na expressão de OPN pelas células mononucleares de medula óssea.


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O sangue do cordão umbilical e placentário (SCUP) tem sido usado como fonte de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTH) para reconstituir a função medular (hematopoiese). A maioria das vezes, esta modalidade de transplante requer a criopreservação das CTH, que permanecem congeladas até uma possível utilização futura. Na criopreservação de CTH, o reagente químico dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) tem sido utilizado como um crioprotetor. No entanto, tem sido provado que DMSO tem efeitos tóxicos para o corpo humano. Muitos organismos na natureza possuem uma capacidade de sobreviver ao congelamento e à desidratação acumulando dissacarídeos, como a trealose e sacarose, por isso a trealose, tem sido investigada como um crioprotetor alternativo para diversos tipos celulares. Outro dano muito comum durante o congelamento é a formação de espécie reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que diminui a viabilidade celular, por isso a adição de bioantioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células é passo muito importante. Este estudo foi dividido em duas fases na primeira foram avaliados os resultados obtidos com a adição de antioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células de SCUP e na segunda fase avaliou-se a hipótese que a solução de criopreservação contendo trealose intracelular e extracelular melhora a recuperação e a viabilidade das células-tronco do SCUP, após a criopreservação. SCUP foi processado e submetido à criopreservação em soluções contendo na primeira fase: soluções com diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10%, 5% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (5%, 2,5%) com um dos dissacarídeos (60mmol/L) e ácido ascórbico e/ou catalase (10mg/mL); e na segunda fase: soluções contendo diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (2,5%) com trealose intra (a trealose foi introduzida na célula por meio de lipossomas) e extracelular e soluções contendo trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, armazenados por duas semanas em N2L, e descongeladas. As células descongeladas foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo, pelo ensaio metabólico pelo MTT e de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC). Na primeira fase do estudo, a catalase, melhorou a preservação das células CD34+ e CD123+, a UFC e a viabilidade celular, em comparação com a solução padrão de criopreservação. Já na segunda fase do estudo, após as análises de todos os testes vimos que a solução que continha trealose intra/extracelular e DMSO mostrou uma capacidade de manutenção da viabilidade/integridade celular superior a todas as outras testadas. A solução que continha trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, obteve um resultado comparável com seu controle (2,5%DMSO), porém quando avaliamos a solução que continha apenas trealose intracelular não obtivemos resultados satisfatórios. A catalase pode atuar sobre a redução dos níveis ERO na solução de criopreservação das CTH de SCUP, diminuindo os danos por ele causados e a trealose deve estar presente em ambos os lados das células durante o processo de congelamento. Portanto, em testes clínicos futuros, ela poderá ser um potencial crioprotetor das células-tronco de SCUP, podendo substituir totalmente o DMSO da solução de criopreservação, minimizando com os efeitos colaterais provenientes da infusão de produtos criopreservados nos pacientes.


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A method was devised to grow haemopoietic cells in long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) which requires only 1 x 10(6) cells/culture. Such miniature cultures were used to study growth patterns of marrow from patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Consistent differences in LTBMC cellularity and cellular composition were noted between MDS and normal marrow. These differences were accentuated by rGM-CSF. The criteria which distinguished between and MDS marrows were: cell count at weeks 1 and 4, % neutrophils and % blasts. In 10 patients with unexplained macrocytosis or pancytopenia miniature LTBMC results clearly segregated into either 'normal' or 'MDS' growth patterns. Miniature LTBMC with rGM-CSF may therefore be a useful diagnostic test for early MDS.


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This study was conducted to determine the perivascular cell responses to increased endothelial cell expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in mouse retina. The contribution of bone marrow cells in the IGFBP-3-mediated response was examined using green fluorescent protein-positive (GFP(+)) adult chimeric mice subjected to laser-induced retinal vessel occlusion injury. Intravitreal injection of an endothelial-specific IGFBP-3-expressing plasmid resulted in increased differentiation of GF(P)+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into pericytes and astrocytes as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Administration of IGFBP-3 plasmid to mouse pups that underwent the oxygen-induced retinopathy model resulted in increased pericyte ensheathment and reduced pericyte apoptosis in the developing retina. Increased IGFBP-3 expression reduced the number of activated microglial cells and decreased apoptosis of neuronal cells in the oxygen-induced retinopathy model. In summary, IGFBP-3 increased differentiation of GFP(+) HSCs into pericytes and astrocytes while increasing vascular ensheathment of pericytes and decreasing apoptosis of pericytes and retinal neurons. All of these cytoprotective effects exhibited by IGFBP-3 overexpression can result in a more stable retinal vascular bed. Thus, endothelial expression of IGFBP-3 may represent a physiologic response to injury and may represent a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ischemic vascular eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity. (Am J Pathol 2011, 178:1517-1524; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.12.031)


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The response of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (in vitro colony-forming cells) and of colony-stimulating (CS) factor in serum were studied in mice infected intraperitoneally with 10(3) viable Salmonella typhimurium. Increases in the number of colony-forming cells in marrow and spleen and increases in the serum level of CS factor occurred during the infection. There was no evidence to suggest that progressive infection was associated with failure of macrophage production. Medium rich in CS factor increased the bactericidal activity of macrophages in vitro and it was suggested that CS factor could be involved in macrophage activation.


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Non-DNA targeted effects of ionising radiation, which include genomic instability, and a variety of bystander effects including abscopal effects and bystander mediated adaptive response, have raised concerns about the magnitude of low-dose radiation risk. Genomic instability, bystander effects and adaptive responses are powered by fundamental, but not clearly understood systems that maintain tissue homeostasis. Despite excellent research in this field by various groups, there are still gaps in our understandfng of the likely mechanisms associated with non-DNA targeted effects, particularly with respect to systemic (human health) consequences at low and intermediate doses of ionising radiation. Other outstanding questions include links between the different non-targeted responses and the variations. in response observed between individuals and cell lines, possibly a function of genetic background. Furthermore, it is still not known what the initial target and early interactions in cells are that give rise to non-targeted responses in neighbouring or descendant cells. This paper provides a commentary on the current state of the field as a result of the non-targeted effects of ionising radiation (NOTE) Integrated Project funded by the European Union. Here we critically examine the evidence for non-targeted effects, discuss apparently contradictory results and consider implications for low-dose radiation health effects. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We previously reported a randomized trial comparing Cyclosporin-A (CsA) and short-term methotrexate versus CsA alone for graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) prophylaxis in 71 patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from a human leucocyte antigen-identical sibling for severe aplastic anaemia (SAA). We found a better survival in the group receiving the two-drug prophylaxis regimen with no significant difference in the probability of developing GvHD between the two groups. The present study details chimaeric analysis and its influence on survival and GvHD occurrence in 45 of the original 71 patients in whom serial samples were available. Analysis was carried out in a blinded prospective manner. Seventy-two per cent achieved complete donor chimaerism (DC), 11% stable mixed chimaerism (SMC) and 17% progressive mixed chimaerism (PMC). The overall 5-year survival probability was 82% (+/-11%) with a significant survival advantage (P = 0.0009) in DC or SMC compared to those with PMC. Chronic GvHD was more frequent in DC patients, whereas no patient with SMC developed chronic GvHD. Graft failure occurred in 50% of the PMC group. This study demonstrates the relevance of chimaerism analysis in patients receiving HSCT for SAA and confirms the occurrence of mixed chimaerism in a significant proportion of recipients.


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Animal models of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) allow evaluation of new experimental treatment strategies. One potential strategy involves the treatment of donor marrow with ultra-violet B light to allow transplantation across histocompatibility boundaries without an increase in graft rejection or graft-versus-host disease. A major requirement for a new experimental protocol, particularly if it involves manipulation of the donor marrow, is that the manipulated marrow gives rise to long-term multilineage engraftment. DNA based methodologies are now routinely used by many centres to evaluate engraftment and degree of chimaerism post-BMT in humans. We report the adaptation of this methodology to the serial study of engraftment in rodents. Conditions have been defined which allow analysis of serial tail vein samples using PCR of short tandem repeat sequences (STR-PCR). These markers have been used to evaluate the contribution of ultraviolet B treated marrow to engraftment following BMT in rodents without compromising the health of the animals under study. Chimaerism data from sequential tail vein samples and bone marrow from selected sacrificed animals showed excellent correlation, thus confirming the validity of this approach in analysing haemopoietic tissue. Thus the use of this assay may facilitate experimental studies in animal BMT.


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Residual recipient haematopoietic cells may coexist with donor haemopoietic tissue following BMT. This is known as mixed chimaerism. The incidence of mixed chimaerism varies with the sensitivity of the detection system used; DNA based methodologies are the most sensitive. The influence of mixed chimaerism on leukaemia relapse and graft rejection is unclear. The lineages in which mixed chimaerism occurs may affect outcome.


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The influence of mixed hematopoietic chimerism (MC) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation remains unknown. Increasingly sensitive detection methods have shown that MC occurs frequently. We report a highly sensitive novel method to assess MC based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Simple dinucleotide repeat sequences called microsatellites have been found to vary in their repeat number between individuals. We use this variation to type donor-recipient pairs following allogeneic BMT. A panel of seven microsatellites was used to distinguish between donor and recipient cells of 32 transplants. Informative microsatellites were subsequently used to assess MC after BMT in this group of patients. Seventeen of the 32 transplants involved a donor of opposite sex; hence, cytogenetics and Y chromosome-specific PCR were also used as an index of chimerism in these patients. MC was detected in bone marrow aspirates and peripheral blood in 18 of 32 patients (56%) by PCR. In several cases, only stored slide material was available for analysis but PCR of microsatellites or Y chromosomal material could be used successfully to assess the origin of cells in this archival material. Cytogenetic analysis was possible in 17 patients and MC was detected in three patients. Twelve patients received T-cell-depleted marrow and showed a high incidence of MC as revealed by PCR (greater than 80%). Twenty patients received unmanipulated marrow, and while the incidence of MC was lower (44%), this was a high percentage when compared with other studies. Once MC was detected, the percentages of recipient cells tended to increase. However, in patients exhibiting MC who subsequently relapsed, this increase was relatively sudden. The overall level of recipient cells in the group of MC patients who subsequently relapsed was higher than in those who exhibited stable MC. Thus, while the occurrence of MC was not indicative of a poor prognosis per se, sudden increases in the proportions of recipient cells may be a prelude to graft rejection or relapse.


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We report a case of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia relapsing after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in which the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to assess chimeric status. This technique demonstrated the progressive reappearance of host cells prior to clinical relapse. The relapse was of host cell origin as shown by the presence of female (recipient) metaphases containing an abnormal chromosomal marker (iso 9q) which had also been present at initial diagnosis. The emergence of host cells in this case, detected only by PCR techniques but not by cytogenetic methods, appeared to herald overt relapse. PCR analysis provides a sensitive tool for detecting a progressive rise in host cell numbers which may predict clinical relapse.


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BACKGROUND: Hematopoiesis is a paradigm for developmental processes, hierarchically organized, with stem cells at its origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish progenitor and precursor cells of multiple lineages, which normally differentiate into short-lived mature circulating cells. Hematopoiesis has provided insight into the molecular basis of tissue homeostasis and malignancy. Malignant hematopoiesis, in particular acute myeloid leukemia (AML), results from impaired development or differentiation of HSCs and progenitors. Co-overexpression of HOX and TALE genes, particularly the HOXA cluster and MEIS1, is associated with AML. Clinically relevant models of AML are required to advance drug development for an aging patient cohort.

RESULTS: Molecular analysis identified altered gene, microRNA, and protein expression in HOXA9/Meis1 leukemic bone marrow compared to normal controls. A candidate drug screen identified the c-Met inhibitor SU11274 for further analysis. Altered cell cycle status, apoptosis, differentiation, and impaired colony formation were shown for SU11274 in AML cell lines and primary leukemic bone marrow.

CONCLUSIONS: The clonal HOXA9/Meis1 AML model is amenable to drug screening analysis. The data presented indicate that human AML cells respond in a similar manner to the HOXA9/Meis1 cells, indicating pre-clinical relevance of the mouse model.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015