759 resultados para Häyrynen, Janne: Arvopaperimarkkinoiden väärinkäyttö
The amphiphilic polyene amphotericin B, a powerful treatment for systemic fungal infections, is shown to exhibit a critical aggregation concentration, and to form giant helically-twisted nanostructures via self-assembly in basic aqueous solution.
The spontaneous assembly of a peptide bolaamphiphile in water, namely, RFL4FR (R, arginine; F, phenylalanine; L, leucine) is investigated, along with its novel properties in surface modification and usage as substrates for cell culture. RFL4FR self-assembles into nanosheets through lateral association of the peptide backbone. The L4 sequence is located within the core of the nanosheets, whereas the R moieties are exposed to the water at the surface of the nanosheets. Kinetic assays indicate that the self-assembly is driven by a remarkable two-step process, where a nucleation phase is followed by fast growth of nanosheets with an autocatalysis process. The internal structure of the nanosheets is formed from ultrathin bolaamphiphile monolayers with a crystalline orthorhombic symmetry with cross-β organization. We show that human corneal stromal fibroblast (hCSF) cells can grow on polystyrene films coated with films dried from RFL4FR solutions. For the first time, this type of amphiphilic peptide is used as a substrate to modulate the wettability of solid surfaces for cell culture applications.
1. The rapid expansion of systematic monitoring schemes necessitates robust methods to reliably assess species' status and trends. Insect monitoring poses a challenge where there are strong seasonal patterns, requiring repeated counts to reliably assess abundance. Butterfly monitoring schemes (BMSs) operate in an increasing number of countries with broadly the same methodology, yet they differ in their observation frequency and in the methods used to compute annual abundance indices. 2. Using simulated and observed data, we performed an extensive comparison of two approaches used to derive abundance indices from count data collected via BMS, under a range of sampling frequencies. Linear interpolation is most commonly used to estimate abundance indices from seasonal count series. A second method, hereafter the regional generalized additive model (GAM), fits a GAM to repeated counts within sites across a climatic region. For the two methods, we estimated bias in abundance indices and the statistical power for detecting trends, given different proportions of missing counts. We also compared the accuracy of trend estimates using systematically degraded observed counts of the Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus 1767). 3. The regional GAM method generally outperforms the linear interpolation method. When the proportion of missing counts increased beyond 50%, indices derived via the linear interpolation method showed substantially higher estimation error as well as clear biases, in comparison to the regional GAM method. The regional GAM method also showed higher power to detect trends when the proportion of missing counts was substantial. 4. Synthesis and applications. Monitoring offers invaluable data to support conservation policy and management, but requires robust analysis approaches and guidance for new and expanding schemes. Based on our findings, we recommend the regional generalized additive model approach when conducting integrative analyses across schemes, or when analysing scheme data with reduced sampling efforts. This method enables existing schemes to be expanded or new schemes to be developed with reduced within-year sampling frequency, as well as affording options to adapt protocols to more efficiently assess species status and trends across large geographical scales.
The self-assembly in aqueous solution of three novel telechelic conjugates comprising a central hydrophilic polymer and short (trimeric or pentameric) tyrosine end-caps has been investigated. Two of the conjugates have a central poly(oxyethylene) (polyethylene oxide, PEO) central block with different molar masses. The other conjugate has a central poly(l-alanine) (PAla) sequence in a purely amino-acid based conjugate. All three conjugates self-assemble into β-sheet based fibrillar structures, although the fibrillar morphology revealed by cryogenic-TEM is distinct for the three polymers—in particular the Tyr5-PEO6k-Tyr5 forms a population of short straight fibrils in contrast to the more diffuse fibril aggregates observed for Tyr5-PEO2k-Tyr5 and Tyr3-PAla-Tyr3. Hydrogel formation was not observed for these samples (in contrast to prior work on related systems) up to quite high concentrations, showing that it is possible to prepare solutions of peptide–polymer-peptide conjugates with hydrophobic end-caps without conformational constraints associated with hydrogelation. The Tyr5-PEO6k-Tyr5 shows significant PEO crystallization upon drying in contrast to the Tyr5-PEO2k-Tyr5 conjugate. Our findings point to the remarkable ability of short hydrophobic peptide end groups to modulate the self-assembly properties of polymers in solution in model peptide-capped “associative polymers”. Retention of fluidity at high conjugate concentration may be valuable in potential future applications of these conjugates as bioresponsive or biocompatible materials, for example exploiting the enzyme-responsiveness of the tyrosine end-groups
Optical energy storage properties of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) persistent luminescence materials
The details of the mechanism of persistent luminescence were probed by investigating the trap level structure of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials (R: Y, La-Lu, excluding Pm and Eu) with thermoluminescence (TL) measurements and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The TL results indicated that the shallowest traps for each Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) material above room temperature were always ca. 0.7 eV corresponding to a strong TL maximum at ca. 90 A degrees C. This main trap energy was only slightly modified by the different co-dopants, which, in contrast, had a significant effect on the depths of the deeper traps. The combined results of the trap level energies obtained from the experimental data and DFT calculations suggest that the main trap responsible for the persistent luminescence of the Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials is created by charge compensation lattice defects, identified tentatively as oxygen vacancies, induced by the R(3+) co-dopants.
SolNET var den första europeiska forskarskolan för termisk solvenergi med 10 doktorander, där sju gemensamma doktorandkurser utvecklades och genomfördes under projektets gång. Projektet stöddes av EU-programmet Marie-Curie från juni 2006 till maj 2010.Centrum för solenergiforskning SERC vid Högskolan Dalarna deltog med en doktorand, Janne Paavilainen. SERC genomförde den första av doktorandkurserna, om dynamisk systemsimulering. 30 studenter deltog från 16 länder varav 22 var doktorander och tre var från industri.Under 2007 genomförde Paavilainen en teknoekonomisk utvärdering av mellanstora pellet- och solvärmesystem för närvärme som presenterades vid konferensen Eurosun 2008. Resultaten visar under vilka förutsättningar som solvärme kan vara ekonomisk lönsamt i närvärmesystem i Sverige och Finland. Paavilainen har varit medförfattare till en tidsskriftsartikel om SERCs simuleringsmodell för pelletspannor och –kaminer samt varit medförfattare till två tidsskriftsartiklar tillsammans med SPF (Schweiz) och TU Graz (Österrike) om en ny pannmodell för gas, olja och pellets. Dessa två validerade modeller i programmet TRNSYS används nu rutinmässigt i Sverige av SP och SERC och i Europa av ett flertal forskargrupper. Den nya pannmodellen som utvecklades med SPF och TU Graz har också införlivats i programmet Polysun som används av flera hundra användare runt hela världen, inkl. SERCs magisterstudenter.
A literature survey and a theoretical study were performed to characterize residential chimney conditions for flue gas flow measurements. The focus is on Pitot-static probes to give sufficient basis for the development and calibration of a velocity pressure averaging probe suitable for the continuous dynamic (i.e. non steady state) measurement of the low flow velocities present in residential chimneys. The flow conditions do not meet the requirements set in ISO 10780 and ISO 3966 for Pitot-static probe measurements, and the methods and their uncertainties are not valid. The flow velocities in residential chimneys from a heating boiler under normal operating condi-tions are shown to be so low that they in some conditions result in voiding the assumptions of non-viscous fluid justifying the use of the quadratic Bernoulli equation. A non-linear Reynolds number dependent calibration coefficient that is correcting for the viscous effects is needed to avoid significant measurement errors. The wide range of flow velocity during normal boiler operation also results in the flow type changing from laminar, across the laminar to turbulent transition region, to fully turbulent flow, resulting in significant changes of the velocity profile during dynamic measurements. In addition, the short duct lengths (and changes of flow direction and duct shape) used in practice are shown to result in that the measurements are done in the hydrodynamic entrance region where the flow velocity profiles most likely are neither symmetrical nor fully developed. A measurement method insensitive to velocity profile changes is thus needed, if the flow velocity profile cannot otherwise be determined or predicted with reasonable accuracy for the whole measurement range. Because of particulate matter and condensing fluids in the flue gas it is beneficial if the probe can be constructed so that it can easily be taken out for cleaning, and equipped with a locking mechanism to always ensure the same alignment in the duct without affecting the calibration. The literature implies that there may be a significant time lag in the measurements of low flow rates due to viscous effects in the internal impact pressure passages of Pitot probes, and the significance in the discussed application should be studied experimentally. The measured differential pressures from Pitot-static probes in residential chimney flows are so low that the calibration and given uncertainties of commercially available pressure transducers are not adequate. The pressure transducers should be calibrated specifically for the application, preferably in combination with the probe, and the significance of all different error sources should be investigated carefully. Care should be taken also with the temperature measurement, e.g. with averaging of several sensors, as significant temperature gradients may be present in flue gas ducts.
In this study, gaseous emissions and particles are measured during start-up and stop periods for an over-fed boiler and an under-fed boiler. Both gaseous and particulate matter emissions are continuously measured in the laboratory. The measurement of gaseous emissions includes oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide and (NO). The emissions rates are calculated from measured emissions concentrations and flue gas flow. The behaviours of the boilers during start-up and stop periods are analysed and the emissions are characterised in terms of CO, NO, TOC and particles (PM2.5 mass and number). The duration of the characterised periods vary between two boilers due to the difference in type of ignition and combustion control. The under-fed boiler B produces higher emissions during start-up periods than the over-fed boiler A. More hydrocarbon and particles are emitted by the under-fed boiler during stop periods. Accumulated mass of CO and TOC during start-up and stop periods contribute a major portion of the total mass emitted during whole operation. However, accumulated mass of NO and PM during start-up and stop periods are not significant as the duration of emission peak is relatively short.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hereditary angioedema is characterized by recurrent attacks of angioedema of the skin, larynx, and gastrointestinal tract. Bradykinin is the key mediator of symptoms. Icatibant is a selective bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist.
In low-income settings, treatment failure is often identified using CD4 cell count monitoring. Consequently, patients remain on a failing regimen, resulting in a higher risk of transmission. We investigated the benefit of routine viral load monitoring for reducing HIV transmission.
To analyse mortality, loss to follow-up (LTFU) and retention on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in the first year of ART across all age groups in the Malawi national ART programme.
Objectives To assess the proportion of patients lost to programme (died, lost to follow-up, transferred out) between HIV diagnosis and start of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, and determine factors associated with loss to programme. Methods Systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched PubMed and EMBASE databases for studies in adults. Outcomes were the percentage of patients dying before starting ART, the percentage lost to follow-up, the percentage with a CD4 cell count, the distribution of first CD4 counts and the percentage of eligible patients starting ART. Data were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Results Twenty-nine studies from sub-Saharan Africa including 148 912 patients were analysed. Six studies covered the whole period from HIV diagnosis to ART start. Meta-analysis of these studies showed that of the 100 patients with a positive HIV test, 72 (95% CI 60-84) had a CD4 cell count measured, 40 (95% CI 26-55) were eligible for ART and 25 (95% CI 13-37) started ART. There was substantial heterogeneity between studies (P < 0.0001). Median CD4 cell count at presentation ranged from 154 to 274 cells/μl. Patients eligible for ART were less likely to become lost to programme (25%vs. 54%, P < 0.0001), but eligible patients were more likely to die (11%vs. 5%, P < 0.0001) than ineligible patients. Loss to programme was higher in men, in patients with low CD4 cell counts and low socio-economic status and in recent time periods. Conclusions Monitoring and care in the pre-ART time period need improvement, with greater emphasis on patients not yet eligible for ART.