744 resultados para Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30)


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[EN]In this paper we propose a finite element method approach for modelling the air quality in a local scale over complex terrain. The area of interest is up to tens of kilometres and it includes pollutant sources. The proposed methodology involves the generation of an adaptive tetrahedral mesh, the computation of an ambient wind field, the inclusion of the plume rise effect in the wind field, and the simulation of transport and reaction of pollutants. We apply our methodology to simulate a fictitious pollution episode in La Palma island (Canary Island, Spain)...


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Extensive literature outlined that the quality of the mother-foetus relationship is considered the main feature with regard to the quality of postnatal mother-infant interaction and also to the child’s psychical development. Nowadays the relationship between the pregnant woman and her foetus is viewed as the central factor of the somatic dialogue between the functioning of the maternal and the foetal organisms. This dialogue is responsible for the physic development of the child, as well as of its psychosomatic structure. Therefore the research area has necessarily had to extend to the analysis of psychological processes concerning: the pregnancy, the couple that is bound by parenthood, the influence of intergenerational dynamics. In fact, the formation of maternal identity, as well as that of the relationship between the woman and the foetus, refers to the pregnant woman’s relationship with her parents, especially with her mother. The same pregnancy, considered as a psychosomatic event, is directly influenced by relational, affective and social factors, particularly by the quality of the interiorized parental relations and the quality of the current relationships (such as that with her partner and with her family of origin). Some studies have begun to investigate the relationship between the pregnant woman and the foetus in term of “prenatal attachment” and its relationship with socio-demographic, psychological e psychopathological aspects (such as pre and post partum depression), but the research area is still largely unexplored. The present longitudinal research aimed to investigate the quality of the pregnant womanfoetus relationship by the prenatal attachment index, the quality of the interiorized relationship with woman’s parents, the level of alexithymic features and maternity social support, in relation with the modulation of the physiology of delivery and of postpartum, as well as of the physical development of the child. A consecutive sample of 62 Italian primipara women without any kind of pathologies, participated in the longitudinal study. In the first phase of this study (third trimester of the pregnancy), it has investigated the psychological processes connected to the affective investment of the pregnant women towards the unborn baby (by Prenatal Attachment Inventory), the mothers’ interiorized relationship with their own parents (by Parental Bonding Instrument), the social and affective support from their partner and their family of origin are able to supply (by Maternity Social Support Scale), and the level of alexithymia (by 20-Toronto Alexithymia Scale). In the second phase of this study, some data concerning the childbirth course carried out from a “deliverygram” (such as labour, induction durations and modalities of delivery) and data relative to the newborns state of well-being (such as Apgar and pH indexes). Finally, in the third phase of the study women have been telephoned a month after the childbirth. The semistructured interview investigated the following areas: the memory concerning the delivery, the return to home, the first interactions between the mother and the newborn, the breastfeeding, the biological rhythms achieved from newborns. From the data analysis a sample with a good level of prenatal attachment and of support social and a good capability to mental functioning emerged. An interesting result is that the most of the women have a great percentage of “affectionless control style” with both parents, but data is not sufficient to interpret this result. Moreover, considering the data relative to the delivery, medical and welfare procedures, that have been necessary, are coherent with the Italian mean, while the percentage of the caesarean section (12.9%) is inferior to the national percentage (30%). The 29% of vaginal partum has got epidural analgesia, which explains the high number (37%) of obstetrician operations (such as Kristeller). The data relative to the newborn (22 male, 40 female) indicates a good state of well-being because Apgar and pH indexes are superior to 7 at first and fifth minutes. Concerning the prenatal phase, correlation analysis showed that: the prenatal attachment scores positively correlated with the expected social support and negatively correlated with the “externally oriented thinking” dimension of alexithymia; the maternity social support negatively correlated with total alexithymia score, particularly with the “externally oriented thinking” dimension, and negatively correlated with maternal control of parental bonding. Concerning the delivery data, there are many correlations (after all obvious) among themselves. The most important are that the labour duration negatively correlated with the newborn’s index state of well-being. Finally, concerning the data from the postpartum phase the women’ assessments relative to the partum negatively correlated with the duration of the delivery and positively correlated with the assessment relative to the return to home and the interaction with the newborn. Moreover the length of permanence in the hospital negatively correlated with women’s assessments relative to the return to home that, in turn, positively correlated with the quality of breastfeeding, the interaction between the mother and the newborn and the biological regulation of the child. Finally, the women’ assessments relative to breastfeeding positively correlated with the mother-child interactions and the biological rhythms of children. From the correlation analysis between the variables of the prenatal phase and the data relative to the delivery, emerged that the prenatal attachment scores positively correlated with the dilatation stage scores and with the newborn’s Apgar index at first minute, the paternal care dimension of parental bonding positively correlated with the lengths of the various periods of childbirth like so the paternal control dimension with placental stage. Moreover, emerged that the expected social support positively correlated with the lengths of the various periods of childbirth and that the global alexithymia scores, particularly “difficulty to describe emotions” dimension, negatively correlated with total childbirth scores. From the correlation analysis between the variables of the prenatal phase and variable of the postpartum phase emerged that the total alexithymia scores positively correlated with the time elapsed from the childbirth to the breastfeeding of the child, the difficulty to describe emotions dimension of the alexithymia negatively correlated with the quality of the breastfeeding, the “externally oriented thinking” dimension of the alexithymia negatively correlated with mother-child interactions, and finally the paternal control dimension of the parental bonding negatively correlated with the time elapsed from the child to the breastfeeding of the child. Finally, from the analysis of the correlation between the data of the partum and the women’s assessments of the postpartum phase, emerged the negative correlation between the woman’s assessment relative to the delivery and the quantitative of obstetrician operations and the lengths of the various periods of childbirth, the positive correlation between the women’s assessment about the length of delivery periods and the real lengths of the same ones, the positive relation between woman’s assessment relative to the delivery and the Apgar index of children. In conclusion, there is a remarkable relation between the quality of the relationship the woman establishes with the foetus that influences the course of the pregnancy and the delivery that, in turn, influences the postpartum outcome, particularly relative to the mother-children relationship. Such data should be confirmed by heterogeneous populations in order to identify vulnerable women and to project focused intervention.


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[EN]This paper shows a finite element method for pollutant transport with several pollutant sources. An Eulerian convection–diffusion–reaction model to simulate the pollutant dispersion is used. The discretization of the different sources allows to impose the emissions as boundary conditions. The Eulerian description can deal with the coupling of several plumes. An adaptive stabilized finite element formulation, specifically Least-Squares, with a Crank-Nicolson temporal integration is proposed to solve the problem. An splitting scheme has been used to treat separately the transport and the reaction. A mass-consistent model has been used to compute the wind field of the problem…


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Summary PhD Thesis Jan Pollmann: This thesis focuses on global scale measurements of light reactive non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC), in the volatility range from ethane to toluene with a special focus on ethane, propane, isobutane, butane, isopentane and pentane. Even though they only occur at the ppt level (nmol mol-1) in the remote troposphere these species can yield insight into key atmospheric processes. An analytical method was developed and subsequently evaluated to analyze NMHC from the NOAA – ERSL cooperative air sampling network. Potential analytical interferences through other atmospheric trace gases (water vapor and ozone) were carefully examined. The analytical parameters accuracy and precision were analyzed in detail. It was proven that more than 90% of the data points meet the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) data quality objective. Trace gas measurements from 28 measurement stations were used to derive the global atmospheric distribution profile for 4 NMHC (ethane, propane, isobutane, butane). A close comparison of the derived ethane data with previously published reports showed that northern hemispheric ethane background mixing ratio declined by approximately 30% since 1990. No such change was observed for southern hemispheric ethane. The NMHC data and trace gas data supplied by NOAA ESRL were used to estimate local diurnal averaged hydroxyl radical (OH) mixing ratios by variability analysis. Comparison of the variability derived OH with directly measured OH and modeled OH mixing ratios were found in good agreement outside the tropics. Tropical OH was on average two times higher than predicted by the model. Variability analysis was used to assess the effect of chlorine radicals on atmospheric oxidation chemistry. It was found that Cl is probably not of significant relevance on a global scale.


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Bioinformatics, in the last few decades, has played a fundamental role to give sense to the huge amount of data produced. Obtained the complete sequence of a genome, the major problem of knowing as much as possible of its coding regions, is crucial. Protein sequence annotation is challenging and, due to the size of the problem, only computational approaches can provide a feasible solution. As it has been recently pointed out by the Critical Assessment of Function Annotations (CAFA), most accurate methods are those based on the transfer-by-homology approach and the most incisive contribution is given by cross-genome comparisons. In the present thesis it is described a non-hierarchical sequence clustering method for protein automatic large-scale annotation, called “The Bologna Annotation Resource Plus” (BAR+). The method is based on an all-against-all alignment of more than 13 millions protein sequences characterized by a very stringent metric. BAR+ can safely transfer functional features (Gene Ontology and Pfam terms) inside clusters by means of a statistical validation, even in the case of multi-domain proteins. Within BAR+ clusters it is also possible to transfer the three dimensional structure (when a template is available). This is possible by the way of cluster-specific HMM profiles that can be used to calculate reliable template-to-target alignments even in the case of distantly related proteins (sequence identity < 30%). Other BAR+ based applications have been developed during my doctorate including the prediction of Magnesium binding sites in human proteins, the ABC transporters superfamily classification and the functional prediction (GO terms) of the CAFA targets. Remarkably, in the CAFA assessment, BAR+ placed among the ten most accurate methods. At present, as a web server for the functional and structural protein sequence annotation, BAR+ is freely available at http://bar.biocomp.unibo.it/bar2.0.


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Untersucht werden Prozess-Ergebnis-Zusammenhänge einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Gruppentherapie für Diabetes und Depression im Rahmen der DAD-Studie. rnAufgrund des Mangels an geeigneten Erhebungsinstrumenten der validen, ökonomischen und komplementären Sitzungsbewertung von Gruppenpatienten und -therapeuten wurden angelehnt an einen Patienten- (GTS-P) zwei Therapeutenstundenbögen entwickelt: der GTS-T zur Bewertung der Gesamtgruppe und der GTS-TP zur Bewertung einzelner Patienten. Die GTS-Bögen zeigen bei der Überprüfung der Testgüte insgesamt gute Itemparameter und Reliabilitäten. Das in den exploratorischen Faktorenanaylsen des GTS-P identifizierte zweifaktorielle Modell (1. wahrgenommene Zuversicht hinsichtlich der Gruppentherapie, 2. wahrgenommene persönliche Beteiligung) kann in den konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen bestätigt werden. Dazu wurden GTS-P-Daten aus einer Untersuchung mit Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen (Schulte, 2001) einbezogen. Den Ergebnissen der Item- und Faktorenanalysen folgend, wurden zwei Items des GTS-P und zwei weitere Items des GTS-T aus den Instrumenten ausgeschlossen. Für den GTS-T zeigt sich eine einfaktorielle, für den GTS-TP eine zum GTS-P parallele zweifaktorielle Struktur. rnIn den Mehrebenenanalysen zur Vorhersage des Therapieergebnisses (Post-Depressionssymptomatik) zeigt sich die Skala Zuversicht des GTS-P zu Therapiebeginn (1.-4. Sitzung) kontrolliert an der Skala Beteiligung und der Prä-Symptomatik, als valider Prädiktor. Das Item 5 „Anregungen“ (Skala Zuversicht) und Item 2 „Aktive Mitwirkung“ (Skala Beteiligung) sind am stärksten an diesem Effekt beteiligt, da diese Itemkombination das Therapieergebnis ebenfalls valide vorhersagen kann. Die Prognose ist schon durch die Werte der ersten Gruppentherapiesitzungen in der Remoralisierungsphase (Howard et al., 1993) möglich und verbessert sich nicht bei Berücksichtigung aller 10 Gruppensitzungen. Die Therapeutenbögen zeigen keine prädiktive Validität. Bedeutsame Zusammenhänge der Patienten- und Therapeutenbewertungen finden sich lediglich für den GTS-P und GTS-TP. Weitere Prädiktoren, wie der Diabetestyp, Diabeteskomplikationen und die Adhärenz, konnten nicht zur Verbesserung der Vorhersage beitragen. Für sekundär überprüfte Kriterien gelang die Prognose lediglich für ein weiteres Maß der Depressionssymptomatik und für eine Gesamtbewertung der Gruppentherapie durch die Patienten zu Therapieende. Bei der deskriptiven Betrachtung der Prozessqualität der DAD-Gruppentherapien zeigen sich positive, über den Verlauf der Gruppe zunehmende und nach Therapiephasen differenzierbare Bewertungsverläufe. rnDie Ergebnisse der Studie sprechen für die Relevanz von unspezifischen Wirkfaktoren für das Therapieergebnis von kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapien. Die von den Gruppenpatienten wahrgenommene Zuversicht und Beteiligung als Zeichen der Ansprechbarkeit auf die Therapie sollte mit Hilfe von Stundenbögen, wie den GTS-Bögen, von Gruppentherapeuten zur Prozessoptimierung und Prävention von Therapieabbrüchen und Misserfolgen beachtet werden. rn


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PhEDEx, the CMS transfer management system, during the first LHC Run has moved about 150 PB and currently it is moving about 2.5 PB of data per week over the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLGC). It was designed to complete each transfer required by users at the expense of the waiting time necessary for its completion. For this reason, after several years of operations, data regarding transfer latencies has been collected and stored into log files containing useful analyzable informations. Then, starting from the analysis of several typical CMS transfer workflows, a categorization of such latencies has been made with a focus on the different factors that contribute to the transfer completion time. The analysis presented in this thesis will provide the necessary information for equipping PhEDEx in the future with a set of new tools in order to proactively identify and fix any latency issues. PhEDEx, il sistema di gestione dei trasferimenti di CMS, durante il primo Run di LHC ha trasferito all’incirca 150 PB ed attualmente trasferisce circa 2.5 PB di dati alla settimana attraverso la Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). Questo sistema è stato progettato per completare ogni trasferimento richiesto dall’utente a spese del tempo necessario per il suo completamento. Dopo svariati anni di operazioni con tale strumento, sono stati raccolti dati relativi alle latenze di trasferimento ed immagazzinati in log files contenenti informazioni utili per l’analisi. A questo punto, partendo dall’analisi di una ampia mole di trasferimenti in CMS, è stata effettuata una suddivisione di queste latenze ponendo particolare attenzione nei confronti dei fattori che contribuiscono al tempo di completamento del trasferimento. L’analisi presentata in questa tesi permetterà di equipaggiare PhEDEx con un insieme di utili strumenti in modo tale da identificare proattivamente queste latenze e adottare le opportune tattiche per minimizzare l’impatto sugli utenti finali.


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Background Depressive and anxiety symptoms often co-occur resulting in a debate about common and distinct features of depression and anxiety. Methods An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a bifactor modelling approach were used to separate a general distress continuum from more specific sub-domains of depression and anxiety in an adolescent community sample (n = 1159, age 14). The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale were used. Results A three-factor confirmatory factor analysis is reported which identified a) mood and social-cognitive symptoms of depression, b) worrying symptoms, and c) somatic and information-processing symptoms as distinct yet closely related constructs. Subsequent bifactor modelling supported a general distress factor which accounted for the communality of the depression and anxiety items. Specific factors for hopelessness-suicidal thoughts and restlessness-fatigue indicated distinct psychopathological constructs which account for unique information over and above the general distress factor. The general distress factor and the hopelessness-suicidal factor were more severe in females but the restlessness-fatigue factor worse in males. Measurement precision of the general distress factor was higher and spanned a wider range of the population than any of the three first-order factors. Conclusions The general distress factor provides the most reliable target for epidemiological analysis but specific factors may help to refine valid phenotype dimensions for aetiological research and assist in prognostic modelling of future psychiatric episodes.


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Climate and environmental reconstructions from natural archives are important for the interpretation of current climatic change. Few quantitative high-resolution reconstructions exist for South America which is the only land mass extending from the tropics to the southern high latitudes at 56°S. We analyzed sediment cores from two adjacent lakes in Northern Chilean Patagonia, Lago Castor (45°36′S, 71°47′W) and Laguna Escondida (45°31′S, 71°49′W). Radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs, 14C-AMS) suggests that the cores reach back to c. 900 BC (Laguna Escondida) and c. 1900 BC (Lago Castor). Both lakes show similarities and reproducibility in sedimentation rate changes and tephra layer deposition. We found eight macroscopic tephras (0.2–5.5 cm thick) dated at 1950 BC, 1700 BC, at 300 BC, 50 BC, 90 AD, 160 AD, 400 AD and at 900 AD. These can be used as regional time-synchronous stratigraphic markers. The two thickest tephras represent known well-dated explosive eruptions of Hudson volcano around 1950 and 300 BC. Biogenic silica flux revealed in both lakes a climate signal and correlation with annual temperature reanalysis data (calibration 1900–2006 AD; Lago Castor r = 0.37; Laguna Escondida r = 0.42, seven years filtered data). We used a linear inverse regression plus scaling model for calibration and leave-one-out cross-validation (RMSEv = 0.56 °C) to reconstruct sub decadal-scale temperature variability for Laguna Escondida back to AD 400. The lower part of the core from Laguna Escondida prior to AD 400 and the core of Lago Castor are strongly influenced by primary and secondary tephras and, therefore, not used for the temperature reconstruction. The temperature reconstruction from Laguna Escondida shows cold conditions in the 5th century (relative to the 20th century mean), warmer temperatures from AD 600 to AD 1150 and colder temperatures from AD 1200 to AD 1450. From AD 1450 to AD 1700 our reconstruction shows a period with stronger variability and on average higher values than the 20th century mean. Until AD 1900 the temperature values decrease but stay slightly above the 20th century mean. Most of the centennial-scale features are reproduced in the few other natural climate archives in the region. The early onset of cool conditions from c. AD 1200 onward seems to be confirmed for this region.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of isoflurane at approximately the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) of the forelimb of ponies as a method for quantifying anesthetic potency. ANIMALS: 7 healthy adult Shetland ponies. PROCEDURE: Individual MAC (iMAC) for isoflurane was determined for each pony. Then, effects of isoflurane administered at 0.85, 0.95, and 1.05 iMAC on the NWR were assessed. At each concentration, the NWR threshold was defined electromyographically for the common digital extensor and deltoid muscles by stimulating the digital nerve; additional electrical stimulations (3, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mA) were delivered, and the evoked activity was recorded and analyzed. After the end of anesthesia, the NWR threshold was assessed in standing ponies. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD MAC of isoflurane was 1.0 +/- 0.2%. The NWR thresholds for both muscles increased significantly in a concentration-dependent manner during anesthesia, whereas they decreased in awake ponies. Significantly higher thresholds were found for the deltoid muscle, compared with thresholds for the common digital extensor muscle, in anesthetized ponies. At each iMAC tested, amplitudes of the reflex responses from both muscles increased as stimulus intensities increased from 3 to 40 mA. A concentration-dependent depression of evoked reflexes with reduction in slopes of the stimulus-response functions was detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anesthetic-induced changes in sensory-motor processing in ponies anesthetized with isoflurane at concentrations of approximately 1.0 MAC can be detected by assessment of NWR. This method will permit comparison of effects of inhaled anesthetics or anesthetic combinations on spinal processing in equids.


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OBJECTIVE: Besides DNA, dental radiographs play a major role in the identification of victims in mass casualties or in corpses with major postmortem alterations. Computed tomography (CT) is increasingly applied in forensic investigations and is used to scan the dentition of deceased persons within minutes. We investigated different restoration materials concerning their radiopacity in CT for dental identification purposes. METHODS: Extracted teeth with different filling materials (composite, amalgam, ceramic, temporary fillings) were CT scanned. Radiopacities of the filling materials were analyzed in extended CT scale images. RESULTS: Radiopacity values ranged from 6000-8500HU (temporary fillings), 4500-17000HU (composite fillings) and >30710HU (Amalgam and Gold). The values were used to define presets for a 3D colored volume rendering software. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of filling material caused streak artifacts could be distinctively reduced for the assessment of the dental status and a postprocessing algorithm was introduced that allows for 3D color encoded visualization and discrimination of different dental restorations based on postmortem CT data.


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OBJECTIVES: To develop and evaluate a short form of the 24-item Geriatric Pain Measure (GPM) for use in community-dwelling older adults. DESIGN: Derivation and validation of a 12-item version of the GPM in a European and an independent U.S. sample of community-dwelling older adults. SETTING: Three community-dwelling sites in London, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Solothurn, Switzerland; and two ambulatory geriatrics clinics in Los Angeles, California. PARTICIPANTS: European sample: 1,059 community-dwelling older persons from three sites (London, UK; Hamburg, Germany; Solothurn, Switzerland); validation sample: 50 persons from Los Angeles, California, ambulatory geriatric clinics. MEASUREMENTS: Multidimensional questionnaire including self-reported demographic and clinical information. RESULTS: Based on item-to-total scale correlations in the European sample, 11 of 24 GPM items were selected for inclusion in the short form. One additional item (pain-related sleep problems) was included based on clinical relevance. In the validation sample, the Cronbach alpha of GPM-12 was 0.92 (individual subscale range 0.77-0.92), and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between GPM-12 and the original GPM was 0.98. The correlation between the GPM-12 and the McGill Pain Questionnaire was 0.63 (P<.001), similar to the correlation between the original GPM and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (Pearson r=0.63; P<.001). Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the GPM-12 covers three subfactors (pain intensity, pain with ambulation, disengagement because of pain). CONCLUSION: The GPM-12 demonstrated good validity and reliability in these European and U.S. populations of older adults. Despite its brevity, the GPM-12 captures the multidimensional nature of pain in three subscales. The self-administered GPM-12 may be useful in the clinical assessment process and management of pain and in pain-related research in older persons.


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BACKGROUND: Pain is a common experience in later life. There is conflicting evidence of the prevalence, impact, and context of pain in older people. GPs are criticised for underestimating and under-treating pain. AIM: To assess the extent to which older people experience pain, and to explore relationships between self-reported pain and functional ability and depression. DESIGN OF STUDY: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal. SETTING: A total of 1090 community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 years and over were included in the study from three group practices in suburban London. METHOD: Main outcome measures were pain in the last 4 weeks and the impact of pain, measured using the 24-item Geriatric Pain Measure; depression symptoms captured using the 5-item Mental Health Inventory; social relationships measured using the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale; Basic and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and self-reported symptoms. RESULTS: Forty-five per cent of women and 34% of men reported pain in the previous 4 weeks. Pain experience appeared to be less in the 'oldest old': 27.5% of those aged 85 years and over reported pain compared with 38-53% of the 'younger old'. Those with arthritis were four times more likely to report pain. Pain had a profound impact on activities of daily living, but most of those reporting pain described their health as good or excellent. Although there was a significant association between the experience of pain and depressed mood, the majority of those reporting pain did not have depressed mood. CONCLUSION: A multidimensional approach to assessing pain is appropriate. Primary care practitioners should also assess the impact of pain on activities of daily living.