904 resultados para Galois order


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For the paper mill profitability it is crucial to minimize overproduction and underproduction. Overproduction and underproduction both generate undesired costs and profit losses in paper mill production. This master’s thesis examines paper production order fulfillment subject from paper production level point of view. Research and development approach is selected due to clarification requirements in lately implemented manufacturing execution system. Manufacturing execution systems are generally expected to offer reliable and accurate information about mill production details. However, confusions are likely to occur after implementation of new manufacturing execution system. These confusions are usually harmful and become cumulatively more influential the longer they keep occurring. In this master’s thesis is presented actions to improve order fulfillment at paper mill production level. Central points of the improvement actions are a model for successful order fulfillment in paper mill production and manufacturing execution system catalogue configuration redesign. Improvement actions are implemented in Jokilaakso paper production plant and it is examined as a case study. In the end of this master’s thesis is presented performance measurements which demonstrate order fulfillment from case Jokilaakso.


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Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on tutkia engineer-to-order -toimitusketjun tyypillisiä tärkeimpiä kilpailutekijöitä sekä esittää esimerkkiratkaisu siitä, millaisella suorituskyvyn mittaristolla engineer-to-order toimitusketjua voidaan ohjata kohti tärkeimpien kilpailutekijöiden vahvistamista. Työssä luodaan katsaus ETO -ympäristön erityispiirteisiin ja esitetään tekijöitä, joita suorituskyvyn mittaamisessa tulisi huomioida tässä ympäristössä.


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This study examines information security as a process (information securing) in terms of what it does, especially beyond its obvious role of protector. It investigates concepts related to ‘ontology of becoming’, and examines what it is that information securing produces. The research is theory driven and draws upon three fields: sociology (especially actor-network theory), philosophy (especially Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concept of ‘machine’, ‘territory’ and ‘becoming’, and Michel Serres’s concept of ‘parasite’), and information systems science (the subject of information security). Social engineering (used here in the sense of breaking into systems through non-technical means) and software cracker groups (groups which remove copy protection systems from software) are analysed as examples of breaches of information security. Firstly, the study finds that information securing is always interruptive: every entity (regardless of whether or not it is malicious) that becomes connected to information security is interrupted. Furthermore, every entity changes, becomes different, as it makes a connection with information security (ontology of becoming). Moreover, information security organizes entities into different territories. However, the territories – the insides and outsides of information systems – are ontologically similar; the only difference is in the order of the territories, not in the ontological status of entities that inhabit the territories. In other words, malicious software is ontologically similar to benign software; they both are users in terms of a system. The difference is based on the order of the system and users: who uses the system and what the system is used for. Secondly, the research shows that information security is always external (in the terms of this study it is a ‘parasite’) to the information system that it protects. Information securing creates and maintains order while simultaneously disrupting the existing order of the system that it protects. For example, in terms of software itself, the implementation of a copy protection system is an entirely external addition. In fact, this parasitic addition makes software different. Thus, information security disrupts that which it is supposed to defend from disruption. Finally, it is asserted that, in its interruption, information security is a connector that creates passages; it connects users to systems while also creating its own threats. For example, copy protection systems invite crackers and information security policies entice social engineers to use and exploit information security techniques in a novel manner.


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When two stimuli are presented simultaneously to an observer, the perceived temporal order does not always correspond to the actual one. In three experiments we examined how the location and spatial predictability of visual stimuli modulate the perception of temporal order. Thirty-two participants had to report the temporal order of appearance of two visual stimuli. In Experiment 1, both stimuli were presented at the same eccentricity and no perceptual asynchrony between them was found. In Experiment 2, one stimulus was presented close to the fixation point and the other, peripheral, stimulus was presented in separate blocks in two eccentricities (4.8º and 9.6º). We found that the peripheral stimulus was perceived to be delayed in relation to the central one, with no significant difference between the delays obtained in the two eccentricities. In Experiment 3, using three eccentricities (2.5º, 7.3º and 12.1º) for the presentation of the peripheral stimulus, we compared a condition in which its location was highly predictable with two other conditions in which its location was progressively less predictable. Here, the perception of the peripheral stimulus was also delayed in relation to the central one, with this delay depending on both the eccentricity and predictability of the stimulus. We argue that attentional deployment, manipulated by the spatial predictability of the stimulus, seems to play an important role in the temporal order perception of visual stimuli. Yet, under whichever condition of spatial predictability, basic sensory and attentional processes are unavoidably entangled and both factors must concur to the perception of temporal order.


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In the present paper we discuss the development of "wave-front", an instrument for determining the lower and higher optical aberrations of the human eye. We also discuss the advantages that such instrumentation and techniques might bring to the ophthalmology professional of the 21st century. By shining a small light spot on the retina of subjects and observing the light that is reflected back from within the eye, we are able to quantitatively determine the amount of lower order aberrations (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) and higher order aberrations (coma, spherical aberration, etc.). We have measured artificial eyes with calibrated ametropia ranging from +5 to -5 D, with and without 2 D astigmatism with axis at 45º and 90º. We used a device known as the Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor, originally developed for measuring the optical aberrations of optical instruments and general refracting surfaces in astronomical telescopes. The HS sensor sends information to a computer software for decomposition of wave-front aberrations into a set of Zernike polynomials. These polynomials have special mathematical properties and are more suitable in this case than the traditional Seidel polynomials. We have demonstrated that this technique is more precise than conventional autorefraction, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.1 µm for a 4-mm diameter pupil. In terms of dioptric power this represents an RMSE error of less than 0.04 D and 5º for the axis. This precision is sufficient for customized corneal ablations, among other applications.


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Tämän kandidaatinyön tavoitteena on selvittää keinoja joilla ETO-yhtiö voi kehittää tuotettaan ja tuotantoaan kohti massakustomointi. Lisäksi selvitetään mitkä asiat vaikuttavat asiakastilauksen kytkentäpisteen asettamiseen siirtyessä massakustomointiin. Työ on tehty kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Esitettyjen tietojen ja tulosten pohjana on alan kirjallisuus sekä julkaistut artikkelit. Työn perusteella voidaan todeta että parhaimmat keinot massakustomoinnin tavoitteluun ETO-yhtiölle ovat; tuotannon ja tuotteiden kehittäminen siten että pystytään hyödyntämään modularisointia ja komponenttien standardointia, lisäksi tuotesuunnitteluun käytettävää aikaa tulee vähentää automatisoimalla tuotesuunnittelua tai käyttämällä standardi suunnitelmia. ETO-yhtiössä siirtyessä massakustomointiin tulee asiakastilauksen kytkentäpisteen paikkaa asetettaessa ottaa huomioon tuotannon ja suunnittelun ulottuvuus kytkettynä asiakkaan vaatimuksiin.


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The influence of aging on memory has been extensively studied, but the importance of short-term memory and recall sequence has not. The objective of the current study was to examine the recall order of words presented on lists and to determine if age affects recall sequence. Physically and psychologically healthy male subjects were divided into two groups according to age, i.e., 23 young subjects (20 to 30 years) and 50 elderly subjects (60 to 70 years) submitted to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and the free word recall test. The order of word presentation significantly affected the 3rd and 4th words recalled (P < 0.01; F = 14.6). In addition, there was interaction between the presentation order and the type of list presented (P < 0.05; F = 9.7). Also, both groups recalled the last words presented from each list (words 13-15) significantly more times 3rd and 4th than words presented in all remaining positions (P < 0.01). The order of word presentation also significantly affected the 5th and 6th words recalled (P = 0.05; F = 7.5) and there was a significant interaction between the order of presentation and the type of list presented (P < 0.01; F = 20.8). The more developed the cognitive functions, resulting mainly from formal education, the greater the cognitive reserve, helping to minimize the effects of aging on the long-term memory (episodic declarative).


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The objective of this study was to investigate the phenomenon of learning generalization of a specific skill of auditory temporal processing (temporal order detection) in children with dyslexia. The frequency order discrimination task was applied to children with dyslexia and its effect after training was analyzed in the same trained task and in a different task (duration order discrimination) involving the temporal order discrimination too. During study 1, one group of subjects with dyslexia (N = 12; mean age = 10.9 ± 1.4 years) was trained and compared to a group of untrained dyslexic children (N = 28; mean age = 10.4 ± 2.1 years). In study 2, the performance of a trained dyslexic group (N = 18; mean age = 10.1 ± 2.1 years) was compared at three different times: 2 months before training, at the beginning of training, and at the end of training. Training was carried out for 2 months using a computer program responsible for training frequency ordering skill. In study 1, the trained group showed significant improvement after training only for frequency ordering task compared to the untrained group (P < 0.001). In study 2, the children showed improvement in the last interval in both frequency ordering (P < 0.001) and duration ordering (P = 0.01) tasks. These results showed differences regarding the presence of learning generalization of temporal order detection, since there was generalization of learning in only one of the studies. The presence of methodological differences between the studies, as well as the relationship between trained task and evaluated tasks, are discussed.


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The purpose of this thesis is to find out how outbound logistics process can be improved by reducing unnecessary waste in a globally dispersed make-to-order (MTO) supply chain. The research problem was addressed by a multinational corporation that aims to find a solution for reducing unnecessary waste in their outbound logistics process. The focus is on customized products that are delivered via sea transportation. Theoretical framework for improving outbound logistics processes in globally dispersed MTO supply chain was created based on business process management, Porter’s value chain theory, value stream mapping and current reality tree. The empirical research was conducted by using constructive approach due to its ability to research a practical problem and to improve the existing practices. The data was collected from ten semi-structured interviews and three non-participant observations. By analysing the data and applying the theoretical framework, five types of waste were detected in the process that were seen to derive from six root causes. Practical solution was constructed to reduce the waste in the process by combining the existing literature with the ideas raising from empirical data. The results of this thesis suggest that a MNC with a globally dispersed MTO supply chain can improve its outbound logistics process by applying activities that enhance internal and external integration, collaboration and coordination, and increase predictability of the process. This research has practical relevance both for the case company as well as for other MNCs with globally dispersed MTO supply chains that aim to improve their outbound logistics processes. This research contributes to the BPM and CRA research by providing an evidence for their applicability in the new context.


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Formulations of a general bactericidal agent, chlorhexidine, mixed with a phospholipid at different concentrations are investigated using ^H NMR spectroscopy on a chain-deuterated lipid analog. Lipid-chlorhexidine formulation is known to release the drug into an aqueous medium slowly, maintaining a comparable concentration of the drug for up to four times longer than a direct aqueous solution. The NMR data does not support the proposed liposomal entrapment of chlorhexidine in lipid compartments. Complex thermal history of the lipid-chlorhexidine preparations is investigated in detail. In preparation for a counterpart measurement, using ^H NMR of deuterated chlorhexidine mixed with protonated lipid, the synthesis of a deuterated analog of chlorhexidine is performed.


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A general derivation of the anharmonic coefficients for a periodic lattice invoking the special case of the central force interaction is presented. All of the contributions to mean square displacement (MSD) to order 14 perturbation theory are enumerated. A direct correspondance is found between the high temperature limit MSD and high temperature limit free energy contributions up to and including 0(14). This correspondance follows from the detailed derivation of some of the contributions to MSD. Numerical results are obtained for all the MSD contributions to 0(14) using the Lennard-Jones potential for the lattice constants and temperatures for which the Monte Carlo results were calculated by Heiser, Shukla and Cowley. The Peierls approximation is also employed in order to simplify the numerical evaluation of the MSD contributions. The numerical results indicate the convergence of the perturbation expansion up to 75% of the melting temperature of the solid (TM) for the exact calculation; however, a better agreement with the Monte Carlo results is not obtained when the total of all 14 contributions is added to the 12 perturbation theory results. Using Peierls approximation the expansion converges up to 45% of TM• The MSD contributions arising in the Green's function method of Shukla and Hubschle are derived and enumerated up to and including 0(18). The total MSD from these selected contributions is in excellent agreement with their results at all temperatures. Theoretical values of the recoilless fraction for krypton are calculated from the MSD contributions for both the Lennard-Jones and Aziz potentials. The agreement with experimental values is quite good.