929 resultados para Forms of production


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La cerámica es uno de los testimonios arqueológicos más abundantes y reconocibles. Generalmente se le atribuye un importante valor histórico en tanto que informa sobre procesos socioeconómicos de gran importancia y constituye un significativo referente cronológico. No obstante, son varias las perspectivas de estudio ceramológico: sus formas de producción, las formas de distribución y comercialización y las pautas de consumo, etc. Todas ellas arrojan luz sobre aspectos que permiten estudiar las sociedades del pasado. En el caso que nos ocupa queremos discutir el valor de la cerámica en la comprensión del proceso de islamización social, es decir de integración en un nuevo sistema social y cultural. El siglo VII marca en el Mediterráneo occidental el final de un sistema económico de ámbito “mundial”, capaz de producir y distribuir cerámicas altamente estandarizadas y especializadas por todo el ámbito mediterráneo. El siglo X permite reconocer la reconstrucción de los mercados y la uniformización productiva y formal, que refleja la nueva sociedad representada en el Califato. Entre ambos extremos se abre un periodo interesante y complejo, plagado de luces y sombras, que permite reconocer tanto los procesos de reestructuración económica como la generalización de nuevos patrones culturales. En este trabajo se intentarán plantear los temas más importantes y novedosos sobre la cerámica de los siglos VII a X, a partir de varios trabajos recientes, leyendo a través de la cerámica el proceso de islamización.


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This re search analyzes the talks dynamics about policy established in YouTube symbolic space. We are interested in examining the way in which the commentators of the video " Globo e os Protestos " articulated in the field intended for comments, a public space directed to the dissemination and circulation of meanings about policy issues. The video studied was published by PC Siqueira and Diego Quint eiro , during the June 2013 protests in Br azil, to direct the political understanding of the movement lived in that period. According to them, the protests had left political position and therefore the protesters should reject the coverage by TV Globo (a comunication vehicle with ideals of right) and allow the participation of political parties linked to the ideological left spectrum. This narrative generated empathy and controversy betwe en commentators, which produced in the comments, an intense argumentative process about these theses (right and left). To understand the phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory qualitative research, the main methodological procedure was a ethnomethodological discourse analysis. We seek the observation of the ways in which the commentators es tablished talks about politics in the comments space, for, thereafter , organize categories of analysis based on identified discursive recurrences. The empirical reflections are supported from discussions about the YouTube potential, while digital media com prising massive strategies and while articulating space in the engagement of individuals in political issues; also confront the aspects involved in the conversation practices that results in sociability dynamics and , especially , in conflict, on the socio - t echnical networks; and finally, we propose a reflection about the circuit actuation in which the people take ownership and realize new readings about the products received. Concluding that the use of digital media , such as YouTube, has caused significant c hanges in the forms of production and reception of symbolic products and ways in which people participate in political issues concerning life in society.


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The process of host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi depends on parasite energy. What source of energy is used for that event is not known. To address this and other questions related to T. cruzi energy requirements and cell invasion, we analyzed metacyclic trypomastigote forms of the phylogenetically distant CL and G strains. For both strains, the nutritional stress experienced by cells starved for 24, 36, or 48 h in phosphate-buffered saline reduced the ATP content and the ability of the parasite to invade HeLa cells proportionally to the starvation time. Inhibition of ATP production by treating parasites with rotenone plus antimycin A also diminished the infectivity. Nutrient depletion did not alter the expression of gp82, the surface molecule that mediates CL strain internalization, but increased the expression of gp90, the negative regulator of cell invasion, in the G strain. When L-proline was given to metacyclic forms starved for 36 h, the ATP levels were restored to those of nonstarved controls for both strains. Glucose had no such effect, although this carbohydrate and L-proline were transported in similar fashions. Recovery of infectivity promoted by L-proline treatment of starved parasites was restricted to the CL strain. The profile of restoration of ATP content and gp82-mediated invasion capacity by L-proline treatment of starved Y-strain parasites was similar to that of the CL strain, whereas the Dm28 and Dm30 strains, whose infectivity is downregulated by gp90, behaved like the G strain. L-Proline was also found to increase the ability of the CL strain to traverse a gastric mucin layer, a property important for the establishment of T. cruzi infection by the oral route. Efficient translocation of parasites through gastric mucin toward the target epithelial cells in the stomach mucosa is an essential requirement for subsequent cell invasion. By relying on these closely associated ATP-driven processes, the metacyclic trypomastigotes effectively accomplish their internalization.


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J Biol Inorg Chem (2007) 12:777–787 DOI 10.1007/s00775-007-0229-7


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Introduction Collaboration is one of the defining features of contemporary scientific research, and it is particularly important with regard to neglected diseases that primarily affect developing countries. Methods The present study has identified publications on leishmaniasis in the Medline database from 1945 to 2010, analyzing them according to bibliometric indicators and statistics from social network analysis. Examining aspects such as scientific production, diachronic evolution, and collaboration and configuration of the research groups in the field, we have considered the different types of Leishmania studied and the institutional affiliation and nationality of the authors. Results Seven-hundred and thirty-five authors participate in 154 prominent research clusters or groups. Although the most predominant and consolidated collaborations are characterized by members from the same country studying the same type of Leishmania, there are also notable links between authors from different countries or who study different clinical strains of the disease. Brazil took the lead in this research, with numerous Brazilian researchers heading different clusters in the center of the collaboration network. Investigators from the USA, India, and European countries, such as France, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy, also stand out within the network. Conclusions Research should be fostered in countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan, and Ethiopia, where there is a high prevalence of different forms of the disease but limited research development with reference authors integrated into the collaboration networks.


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Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease in which pancreatic islet beta cells are destroyed by a combination of immunological and inflammatory mechanisms. In particular, cytokine-induced production of nitric oxide has been shown to correlate with beta cell apoptosis and/or inhibition of insulin secretion. In the present study, we investigated whether the interleukin (IL)-1beta intracellular signal transduction pathway could be blocked by overexpression of dominant negative forms of the IL-1 receptor interacting protein MyD88. We show that overexpression of the Toll domain or the lpr mutant of MyD88 in betaTc-Tet cells decreased nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation upon IL-1beta and IL-1beta/interferon (IFN)-gamma stimulation. Inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA accumulation and nitrite production, which required the simultaneous presence of IL-1beta and IFN-gamma, were also suppressed by approximately 70%, and these cells were more resistant to cytokine-induced apoptosis as compared with parental cells. The decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion induced by IL-1beta and IFN-gamma was however not prevented. This was because these dysfunctions were induced by IFN-gamma alone, which decreased cellular insulin content and stimulated insulin exocytosis. These results demonstrate that IL-1beta is involved in inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression and induction of apoptosis in mouse beta cells but does not contribute to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Furthermore, our data show that IL-1beta cellular actions can be blocked by expression of MyD88 dominant negative proteins and, finally, that cytokine-induced beta cell secretory dysfunctions are due to the action of IFN-gamma.


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The production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells, from patients with different clinical forms of Chagas disease and healthy controls, was evaluated after stimulation with Trypanosoma cruzi antigen, PPD and PHA. PHA induced higher production of IL-2 in infected patients than healthy controls. No diferences were found between infected groups. With PPD the trend was similar, the only difference was that asymptomatic infected patients (INF) showed higher levels of IL-2 production than patients with cardiomyopathy (CDM). With T. cruzi antigen, most patients showed little or no IL-2 production at 24 hr, a peak at 48 hr and an abrupt fall at 72 hr. A similar pattern of IL- 2 production was observed in INF and CDM. To evaluate the physiologic relevance of the deficit in IL-2 production, we studied the effect of non-mitogenic concentratios of IL-2 in the proliferative response to specific antigens. The addition of IL-2 only enhanced the proliferative response of CDM patients. These observations suggest that patients suffering Chagas' disease, particularly CDM, have a significant reduction in the capacity to produce IL-2. These findings could be of importance in the pathogenesis of Chagas' disease.


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The production and regulation of interleukin (IL) IL-13, IL-4 and interferon-gamma was evaluated in different clinical forms of human schistosomiasis. The mechanisms of immune regulation are apparently different in the various clinical stages of the disease, some of them being antigen specific.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) families of ligands and receptors are implicated in a variety of physiological and pathological processes and regulate cellular functions as diverse as proliferation, differentiation, and death. Recombinant forms of these ligands and receptors can act to agonize or antagonize these functions and are therefore useful for laboratory studies and may have clinical applications. A protocol is presented for the expression and purification of dimeric soluble receptors fused to the Fc portion of human IgG1 and of soluble, N-terminally Flag-tagged ligands. Soluble recombinant proteins are easier to handle than membrane-bound proteins and the use of tags greatly facilitates their detection and purification. In addition, some tags may provide enhanced biological activity to the recombinant proteins (mainly by oligomerization and stabilization effects) and facilitate their functional characterization. Expression in bacterial (for selected ligands) and eukaryotic expression systems (for ligands and receptors) was performed using M15 pREP4 bacteria and human embryonic kidney 293 cells, respectively. The yield of purified protein is about 1 mg/liter for the mammalian expression system and several milligrams per liter for the bacterial expression system. Protocols are given for a specific ligand-receptor pair, namely TRAIL (Apo-2L) and TRAIL receptor 2 (DR5), but can be applied to other ligands and receptors of the TNF family.


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Aquest article s'aplica un enfocament comparatiu de la gestió del sector petrolier en dos països rics en petroli a l'Orient Mitjà: Aràbia Saudita i els Emirats Àrabs Units (EAU). Més explícitament, s'examinen els factors que millor expliquen la variació en les estratègies que han vingut aplicant en el sector des de l'establiment de les seves empreses petrolieres nacionals (NOC). Recorrent a la literatura sobre expropiació / privatització en el camp d'Estudis de l'Energia, en aquest treball es proposa un marc teòric per analitzar la lògica que hi ha al darrera de les diferents formes d'exploració i les estratègies de producció en el sector petrolier. Teòricament, aquesta investigació té com a objectiu avançar en un conjunt d'eines d'anàlisi per abordar millor i entendre els determinants reals del procés de presa de decisions en el upstream. Empíricament, el model es prova en els casos divergents d'Aràbia Saudita i els Emirats Àrabs Units, i una sèrie de lliçons s'han extret. En última instància, aquest treball ha d'augmentar la conscienciació entre els erudits i els polític, tant sobre el poc coneixement que tenim sobre els mecanismes interns que impulsen les estratègies ascendents en el majors estats productor de petroli.


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ABSTRACT The use of fire to prepare agricultural areas is a technique still used by small farmers in eastern Amazon. This type of management changes the dynamics of soil nutrients, especially phosphorus, which constitutes the most limiting nutrient for crop production in tropical soils. This study was carried out to evaluate changes in phosphorus forms in an Argissolo Amarelo Distrófico (Ultisol) submitted to burning and trituration of secondary forest in eastern Amazon. The evaluated systems were: slash-and-burn of vegetation; slash-and-mulch of vegetation; and secondary vegetation. The labile, moderately labile, moderately recalcitrant, available and total phosphorus fractions were assessed at the soil depths of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The results showed a predominance of soluble P in acid (moderately labile P) over other forms in all management systems. The management systems influence the content and distribution of the forms of P, where the slash-and-mulch system presented the prevalence of the labile fraction, and the slash-and-burn system contained less labile forms. The slash-and-mulch system favored the accumulation of labile P and total organic P.


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This thesis presents a detailed account of a cost - effective approach towards enhanced production of alkaline protease at profitable levels using different fermentation designs employing cheap agro-industrial residues. It involves the optimisation of process parameters for the production of a thermostable alkaline protease by Vibrio sp. V26 under solid state, submerged and biphasic fermentations, production of the enzyme using cell immobilisation technology and the application of the crude enzyme on the deproteinisation of crustacean waste.The present investigation suggests an economic move towards Improved production of alkaline protease at gainful altitudes employing different fermentation designs utilising inexpensive agro-industrial residues. Moreover, the use of agro-industrial and other solid waste substrates for fermentation helps to provide a substitute in conserving the already dwindling global energy resources. Another alternative for accomplishing economically feasible production is by the use of immobilisation technique. This method avoids the wasteful expense of continually growing microorganisms. The high protease producing potential of the organism under study ascertains their exploitation in the utilisation and management of wastes. However, strain improvement studies for the production of high yielding variants using mutagens or by gene transfer are required before recommending them to Industries.Industries, all over the world, have made several attempts to exploit the microbial diversity of this planet. For sustainable development, it is essential to discover, develop and defend this natural prosperity. The Industrial development of any country is critically dependent on the intellectual and financial investment in this area. The need of the hour is to harness the beneficial uses of microbes for maximum utilisation of natural resources and technological yields. Owing to the multitude of applications in a variety of industrial sectors, there has always been an increasing demand for novel producers and resources of alkaline proteases as well as for innovative methods of production at a commercial altitude. This investigation forms a humble endeavour towards this perspective and bequeaths hope and inspiration for inventions to follow.


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Globalization is widely regarded as the rise of the borderless world. However in practice, true globalization points rather to a “spatial logic” by which globalization is manifested locally in the shape of insular space. Globalization in this sense is not merely about the creation of physical fragmentation of space but also the creation of social disintegration. This study tries to proof that global processes also create various forms of insular space leading also to specific social implications. In order to examine the problem this study looks at two cases: China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Jakarta in Indonesia. The PRD case reveals three forms of insular space namely the modular, concealed and the hierarchical. The modular points to the form of enclosed factories where workers are vulnerable for human-right violations due to the absent of public control. The concealed refers to the production of insular space by subtle discrimination against certain social groups in urban space. And the hierarchical points to a production of insular space that is formed by an imbalanced population flow. The Jakarta case attempts to show more types of insularity in relation to the complexity of a mega-city which is shaped by a culture of exclusion. Those are dormant and hollow insularity. The dormant refers to the genesis of insular– radical – community from a culture of resistance. The last type, the hollow, points to the process of making a “pseudo community” where sense of community is not really developed as well as weak social relationship with its surrounding. Although global process creates various expressions of territorial insularization, however, this study finds that the “line of flight” is always present, where the border of insularity is crossed. The PRD’s produces vernacular modernization done by peasants which is less likely to be controlled by the politics of insularization. In Jakarta, the culture of insularization causes urban informalities that have no space, neither spatially nor socially; hence their state of ephemerality continues as a tactic of place-making. This study argues that these crossings possess the potential for reconciling venue to defuse the power of insularity.


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Using the case of an economically declined neighbourhood in the post-industrial German Ruhr Area (sometimes characterized as Germany’s “Rust Belt”), we analyse, describe and conclude how urban agriculture can be used as a catalyst to stimulate and support urban renewal and regeneration, especially from a socio-cultural perspective. Using the methodological framework of participatory action research, and linking bottom-up and top-down planning approaches, a project path was developed to include the population affected and foster individual responsibility for their district, as well as to strengthen inhabitants and stakeholder groups in a permanent collective stewardship for the individual forms of urban agriculture developed and implemented. On a more abstract level, the research carried out can be characterized as a form of action research with an intended transgression of the boundaries between research, planning, design, and implementation. We conclude that by synchronously combining those four domains with intense feedback loops, synergies for the academic knowledge on the potential performance of urban agriculture in terms of sustainable development, as well as the benefits for the case-study area and the interests of individual urban gardeners can be achieved.