822 resultados para Flow-performance relationship
Difficulty with literacy acquisition is only one of the symptoms of developmental dyslexia. Dyslexic children also show poor motor coordination and postural control. Those problems could be associated with automaticity, i.e., difficulty in performing a task without dispending a fair amount of conscious efforts. If this is the case, dyslexic children would show difficulties in using "unperceived" sensory cues to control body sway. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine postural control performance and the coupling between visual information and body sway in dyslexic children. Ten dyslexic children and 10 non-dyslexic children stood upright inside a moving room that remained stationary or oscillated back and forward at frequencies of 0.2 or 0.5 Hz. Body sway magnitude and the relationship between the room's movement and body sway were examined. The results indicated that dyslexic children oscillated more than non-dyslexic children in both stationary and oscillating conditions. Visual manipulation induced body sway in all children but the coupling between visual information and body sway was weaker and more variable in dyslexic children. Based upon these results, we can suggest that dyslexic children use visual information to postural control with the same underlying processes as non-dyslexic children; however, dyslexic children show poorer performance and more variability while relating visual information and motor action even in a task that does not require an active cognitive and conscious motor involvement, which may be a further evidence of automaticity problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do nível de performance aeróbia na relação entre os índices técnicos correspondentes à velocidade crítica (VC) e à velocidade máxima de 30 minutos (V30) em nadadores. Participaram deste estudo, 23 nadadores do gênero masculino com características antropométricas similares, divididos segundo o nível de performance aeróbia em grupo G1 (maior performance) (n = 13) e G2 (menor performance) (n = 10). Os indivíduos tinham pelo menos quatro anos de experiência no esporte e treinavam um volume semanal de 30.000 a 45.000m. A VC foi determinada através do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre as distâncias (200 e 400m) e seus respectivos tempos. A V30 foi determinada através da máxima distância realizada em um teste de 30 minutos. Todas as variáveis foram determinadas no nado crawl. A VC foi significantemente maior do que a V30 no grupo G1 (1,30 ± 0,04 vs. 1,23 ± 0,06m.s-1) e no G2 (1,17 ± 0,08 vs. 1,07 ± 0,06m.s-1). As duas variáveis foram maiores no grupo G1. As taxas de braçada correspondentes à VC (TBVC) e à V30 (TBV30) obtidas nos grupos G1 (33,07 ± 4,34 vs. 31,38 ± 4,15 ciclos.min-1) e G2 (35,57 ± 6,52 vs. 33,54 ± 5,89 ciclos.min-1) foram similares entre si. A TBVC foi significantemente menor no grupo 1 do que no grupo 2, enquanto que a TBV30 não foi diferente entre os grupos. Os comprimentos de braçada correspondentes à VC (CBVC) e à V30 (CBV30) foram significantemente maiores no grupo G1 (2,41 ± 0,33 vs. 2,38 ± 0,30m.ciclo-1) do que no G2 (2,04 ± 0,43 vs. 1,97 ± 0,40m.ciclo-1), e similares entre si nos dois grupos. As correlações (r) entre a VC e a V30 e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes às duas velocidades foram significantes em todas as comparações (0,68 a 0,91). Portanto, a relação entre a velocidade e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes à VC e à V30 não é modificada pelo nível de performance aeróbia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Due to the wide range of design possibilities, simple manufactured, low maintenance and low cost, cross-flow heat exchangers are extensively used in the petroleum, petrochemical, air conditioning, food storage, and others industries. In this paper a mathematical model for cross-flow heat exchangers with complex flow arrangements for determining epsilon -NTU relations is presented. The model is based on the tube element approach, according to which the heat exchanger outlet temperatures are obtained by discretizing the coil along the tube fluid path. In each cross section of the element, tube-side fluid temperature is assumed to be constant because the heat capacity rate ratio C*=Cmin/Cmax tends toward zero in the element. Thus temperature is controlled by effectiveness of a local element corresponding to an evaporator or a condenser-type element. The model is validated through comparison with theoretical algebraic relations for single-pass cross-flow arrangements with one or more rows. Very small relative errors are obtained showing the accuracy of the present model. epsilon -NTU curves for several complex circuit arrangements are presented. The model developed represents a useful research tool for theoretical and experimental studies on heat exchangers performance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article describes the genetic evolution of commercial broilers between 1990 and 2009, considering live performance, in particular, in terms of weight gain and feed conversion ratio. In order to determine if the assumption that the relationship between body weight gain and feed conversion ratio is increasing and positive, information on all broiler strains reared in Brazil were collected from several companies present in five Brazilian regions. This survey aimed at evaluating broiler live performance as a function of genetic improvement with time. Broiler performance improved, as shown by the statistical differences obtained for the following parameters: livability, live weight, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and production efficiency index between 1990 and 2009. However, live weight gain and feed conversion ratio are emphasized due to the significant differences found along the studied period.
Com a finalidade de quantificar o desempenho dos sistemas de debulhamento e limpeza da colhedora Penha CLM-350,, estudou-se as perdas percentuais era grão de milho, ocorridos na saída de palhas, bem como a porcentagem de impurezas, presente no milho ensacado. Tomando-se como 100% os grãos de milho colhidos pelo sistema espigador, determinou-se o valor percentual perdido pelos sistemas de debulhamento e limpeza, bem como a porcentagem de impurezas presente nos grãos de milho ensacado, nos diversos tratamentos estudados. O teor médio de umidade foi de 15,78% (b.u.). Os tratamentos correspondentes ao sistema de debulhamento e limpeza são as velocidades periféricas do debulhador ou as rotações do aspirador em faces da configuração geométrica da máquina. Os resultados obtidos foram estudados através da análise de variância, empregando-se os testes F, aos níveis de 1% e 5% de probabilidade e o teste Tukey, para a comparação estatística entre as médias. A análise estatística para verificar a influência da rotação do aspirador, era relação a porcentagem de grãos de milho perdidos na saída de palhas, mostrou diferenças altamente significativas, podendo-se admitir uma relação direta entre os dois parâmetros nas condições do ensaio. Com relação a rotação do aspirador e a porcentagem de impurezas, presentes nos grãos de milho ensacados, os testes das médias revelaram significância entre os tratamento D (1241,7 rpm) e E (820 rpm) sendo que este último apresentou a maior média. Uma análise mais acurada dos resultados sugere que a porcentagem de impurezas, estaria mais na dependência das relações de fluxo através da colhedora, do que propriamente do regime do aspirador.
An automatic Procedure with a high current-density anodic electrodissolution unit (HDAE) is proposed for the determination of aluminium, copper and zinc in non-ferroalloys by flame atonic absorption spectrometry, based on the direct solid analysis. It consists of solenoid valve-based commutation in a flow-injection system for on-line sample electro-dissolution and calibration with one multi-element standard, an electrolytic cell equipped with two electrodes (a silver needle acts as cathode, and sample as anode), and an intelligent unit. The latter is assembled in a PC-compatible microcomputer for instrument control, and far data acquisition and processing. General management of the process is achieved by use of software written in Pascal. Electrolyte compositions, flow rates, commutation times, applied current and electrolysis time mere investigated. A 0.5 mol l(-1) HNO3 solution was elected as electrolyte and 300 A/cm(2) as the continuous current pulse. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated by analysing aluminium in Al-allay samples, and copper/zinc in brass and bronze samples, respectively. The system handles about 50 samples per hour. Results are precise (R.S.D < 2%) and in agreement with those obtained by ICP-AES and spectrophotometry at a 95% confidence level.
The code STATFLUX, implementing a new and simple statistical procedure for the calculation of transfer coefficients in radionuclide transport to animals and plants, is proposed. The method is based on the general multiple-compartment model, which uses a system of linear equations involving geometrical volume considerations. Flow parameters were estimated by employing two different least-squares procedures: Derivative and Gauss-Marquardt methods, with the available experimental data of radionuclide concentrations as the input functions of time. The solution of the inverse problem, which relates a given set of flow parameter with the time evolution of concentration functions, is achieved via a Monte Carlo Simulation procedure.Program summaryTitle of program: STATFLUXCatalogue identifier: ADYS_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYS_v1_0Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: noneComputer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Micro-computer with Intel Pentium III, 3.0 GHzInstallation: Laboratory of Linear Accelerator, Department of Experimental Physics, University of São Paulo, BrazilOperating system: Windows 2000 and Windows XPProgramming language used: Fortran-77 as implemented in Microsoft Fortran 4.0. NOTE: Microsoft Fortran includes non-standard features which are used in this program. Standard Fortran compilers such as, g77, f77, ifort and NAG95, are not able to compile the code and therefore it has not been possible for the CPC Program Library to test the program.Memory, required to execute with typical data: 8 Mbytes of RAM memory and 100 MB of Hard disk memoryNo. of bits in a word: 16No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6912No. of bytes in distributed Program, including test data, etc.: 229 541Distribution format: tar.gzNature of the physical problem: the investigation of transport mechanisms for radioactive substances, through environmental pathways, is very important for radiological protection of populations. One such pathway, associated with the food chain, is the grass-animal-man sequence. The distribution of trace elements in humans and laboratory animals has been intensively studied over the past 60 years [R.C. Pendlenton, C.W. Mays, R.D. Lloyd, A.L. Brooks, Differential accumulation of iodine-131 from local fallout in people and milk, Health Phys. 9 (1963) 1253-1262]. In addition, investigations on the incidence of cancer in humans, and a possible causal relationship to radioactive fallout, have been undertaken [E.S. Weiss, M.L. Rallison, W.T. London, W.T. Carlyle Thompson, Thyroid nodularity in southwestern Utah school children exposed to fallout radiation, Amer. J. Public Health 61 (1971) 241-249; M.L. Rallison, B.M. Dobyns, F.R. Keating, J.E. Rall, F.H. Tyler, Thyroid diseases in children, Amer. J. Med. 56 (1974) 457-463; J.L. Lyon, M.R. Klauber, J.W. Gardner, K.S. Udall, Childhood leukemia associated with fallout from nuclear testing, N. Engl. J. Med. 300 (1979) 397-402]. From the pathways of entry of radionuclides in the human (or animal) body, ingestion is the most important because it is closely related to life-long alimentary (or dietary) habits. Those radionuclides which are able to enter the living cells by either metabolic or other processes give rise to localized doses which can be very high. The evaluation of these internally localized doses is of paramount importance for the assessment of radiobiological risks and radiological protection. The time behavior of trace concentration in organs is the principal input for prediction of internal doses after acute or chronic exposure. The General Multiple-Compartment Model (GMCM) is the powerful and more accepted method for biokinetical studies, which allows the calculation of concentration of trace elements in organs as a function of time, when the flow parameters of the model are known. However, few biokinetics data exist in the literature, and the determination of flow and transfer parameters by statistical fitting for each system is an open problem.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: This version of the code works with the constant volume approximation, which is valid for many situations where the biological half-live of a trace is lower than the volume rise time. Another restriction is related to the central flux model. The model considered in the code assumes that exist one central compartment (e.g., blood), that connect the flow with all compartments, and the flow between other compartments is not included.Typical running time: Depends on the choice for calculations. Using the Derivative Method the time is very short (a few minutes) for any number of compartments considered. When the Gauss-Marquardt iterative method is used the calculation time can be approximately 5-6 hours when similar to 15 compartments are considered. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of studies was conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of betaine in different feed ingredients. The final methodology involves an extraction step in which the feed sample is heated for 3h in a methanolic KOH solution using a Goldfisch apparatus. Impurities are removed by the addition of activated charcoal and concentrated (36%) HCl. After centrifugation the extractant is passed through a strong cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X12, H+). The betaine retained in the column is eluted with 1.5 N HCl. A 2 nil aliquot of the elute is air dried and reconstituted with 1 ml of deionised water. HPLC separation with a cation exchange column (Partisil SCX-10) is used for the separation of betaine from other compounds. The mobile phase is kept constant at 50mm KH2PO4 in water, and eluted compounds are detected by UV absorbance (200nm). The flow rate is maintained at 1.5ml min(-1). This assay is very accurate over the range of betaine concentrations from 15 to 650 mug ml(-1), with a lower detection limit in feeds of approximately 500 mug g(-1) when 4g of sample is extracted. Recovery assays done with standard betaine hydrochloride and hard red wheat resulted in a consistent recovery of 80%. Betaine content was quantified in several feed ingredients, including alfalfa (1.77 mg kg(-1)), wheat (3.96 mg kg(-1)), wheat middlings (4.98 mg kg(-1)) and poultry meal (0.77 mg kg(-1)). Betaine in corn and soybean meal was not detectable by this method, even when 16g of sample was used (<125 mg kg(-1)). Betaine present in several feed ingredients should influence choline supplementation to animal feeds and may have implications for human health. (C) 2002 Society of Chemical Industry.
This work presents a simplified architecture of a neurofuzzy controller for general purpose applications that tries to minimize the processing used in the several stages of hazy modeling of systems. The basic procedures of fuzzification and defuzzification are simplified to the maximum while the inference procedures are computed in a private way. The simplified architecture allows a fast and easy configuration of the neurofuzzy controller and the structuring rules that define the control actions is automatic. Th controller's Limits and performance are standardized and the control actions are previously calculated. For application, the industrial systems of fluid flow control will be considered.
This paper presents a new approach to solve the Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach considers the application of logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables and the other constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of this algorithm. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Minimizing the makespan of a flow-shop no-wait (FSNW) schedule where the processing times are randomly distributed is an important NP-Complete Combinatorial Optimization Problem. In spite of this, it can be found only in very few papers in the literature. By considering the Start Interval Concept, this problem can be formulated, in a practical way, in function of the probability of the success in preserve FSNW constraints for all tasks execution. With this formulation, for the particular case with 3 machines, this paper presents different heuristics solutions: by integrating local optimization steps with insertion procedures and by using genetic algorithms for search the solution space. Computational results and performance evaluations are commented. Copyright (C) 1998 IFAC.
A high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC) method with electrochemical detection (ED) was developed for the determination of benzidine, 3,3-dimethylbenzidine, o-toluidine and 3,3-dichlorobenzidine in the wastewater of the textile industry. The aromatic amines were eluted on a reversed phase column Shimadzu Shimpack C-18 using acetonitrile + ammonium acetate (1 x 10(-4) mol L-1) at a ratio 46: 54 v/v as mobile phase, pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). The electrochemical oxidation of the aromatic amines exhibits well-defined peaks at a potential range of +0.45 to +0.78 V on a glassy carbon electrode. Optimum working potentials for amperometric detection were from 0.70 V to +1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Analytical curves for all the aromatic amines studied using the best experimental conditions present linear relationship from 1 x 10(-8) mol L-1 to 1.5 x 10(-5) mol L-1, r = 0.99965, n = 15. Detection limits of 4.5 nM (benzidine), 1.94 nM (o-toluidine), 7.69 nM (3,3-dimethylbenzidine), and 5.15 nM (3,3-dichlorobenzidine) were achieved, respectively. The detection limits were around 10 times lower than that verified for HPLC with ultra violet detection. The applicability of the method was demonstrated by the determination of benzidine in wastewater from the textile industry dealing with an azo dye processing plant.