858 resultados para Feed chain
Coordination among supply chain members is essential for better supply chain performance. An effective method to improve supply chain coordination is to implement proper coordination mechanisms. The primary objective of this research is to study the performance of a multi-level supply chain while using selected coordination mechanisms separately, and in combination, under lost sale and back order cases. The coordination mechanisms used in this study are price discount, delay in payment and different types of information sharing. Mathematical modelling and simulation modelling are used in this study to analyse the performance of the supply chain using these mechanisms. Initially, a three level supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer has been used to study the combined effect of price discount and delay in payment on the performance (profit) of supply chain using mathematical modelling. This study showed that implementation of individual mechanisms improves the performance of the supply chain compared to ‘no coordination’. When more than one mechanism is used in combination, performance in most cases further improved. The three level supply chain considered in mathematical modelling was then extended to a three level network supply chain consisting of a four retailers, two wholesalers, and a manufacturer with an infinite part supplier. The performance of this network supply chain was analysed under both lost sale and backorder cases using simulation modelling with the same mechanisms: ‘price discount and delay in payment’ used in mathematical modelling. This study also showed that the performance of the supply chain is significantly improved while using combination of mechanisms as obtained earlier. In this study, it is found that the effect (increase in profit) of ‘delay in payment’ and combination of ‘price discount’ & ‘delay in payment’ on SC profit is relatively high in the case of lost sale. Sensitivity analysis showed that order cost of the retailer plays a major role in the performance of the supply chain as it decides the order quantity of the other players in the supply chain in this study. Sensitivity analysis also showed that there is a proportional change in supply chain profit with change in rate of return of any player. In the case of price discount, elasticity of demand is an important factor to improve the performance of the supply chain. It is also found that the change in permissible delay in payment given by the seller to the buyer affects the SC profit more than the delay in payment availed by the buyer from the seller. In continuation of the above, a study on the performance of a four level supply chain consisting of a manufacturer, a wholesaler, a distributor and a retailer with ‘information sharing’ as coordination mechanism, under lost sale and backorder cases, using a simulation game with live players has been conducted. In this study, best performance is obtained in the case of sharing ‘demand and supply chain performance’ compared to other seven types of information sharing including traditional method. This study also revealed that effect of information sharing on supply chain performance is relatively high in the case of lost sale than backorder. The in depth analysis in this part of the study showed that lack of information sharing need not always be resulting in bullwhip effect. Instead of bullwhip effect, lack of information sharing produced a huge hike in lost sales cost or backorder cost in this study which is also not favorable for the supply chain. Overall analysis provided the extent of improvement in supply chain performance under different cases. Sensitivity analysis revealed useful insights about the decision variables of supply chain and it will be useful for the supply chain management practitioners to take appropriate decisions.
Livestock keeping is increasingly becoming more popular in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. However, lack of feed is a real challenge. Inadequate feed supply in urban areas is due to many interacting factors, which include among others land shortage, high cost of feeds, climate risks and poor quality of feeds. The objective of this study was to identify and examine the effectiveness of the strategies adopted by livestock farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda to cope with feed scarcity. A total of 120 livestock farmers from Kampala were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Dairy cattle (48.3%) and chickens (37.5%) were the most common species, followed by pigs (34.2%), goats (26.7%) and sheep (3.3%). Farm size was generally small both in terms of herd size and total landholding. Cattle and pig farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala ranked feed scarcity as their first major constraint, while chicken farmers had high cost of feeds. These farmers have adopted several strategies for coping with feed scarcity. Among the major coping strategies adopted were: changing of feed resources based on availability and cost (37.5%), purchasing of feed ingredients in bulk (29.7%), using crop/food wastes (26.6%), harvesting of forages growing naturally in open access lands (23.4%) and reducing herd size (17.2%). However, most of the coping strategies adopted were largely aimed at dealing with the perennial challenge of feed scarcity on a day-by-day basis rather than dealing with it using sustainable and long-term strategies.
Relational factors between supply chain actors have been acknowledged to contribute significantly to competitiveness. With the example of the German market for organic apples the suitability of the concept of the Relational View for explaining competitiveness was investigated. Structured interviews were conducted with selected actors of the supply chain. Actors at all levels of the supply chain proved to be highly committed and described their business relations as satisfying and trustful. Strong vertical and horizontal collaboration was found. Thus, the Relational View proved to be highly suitable to explain competitiveness in the market for organic apples.
Evaluation of major feed resources was conducted in four crop-livestock mixed farming systems of central southern Ethiopia, with 90 farmers, selected using multi-stage purposive and random sampling methods. Discussions were held with focused groups and key informants for vernacular name identification of feed, followed by feed sampling to analyse chemical composition (CP, ADF and NDF), in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and correlate with indigenous technical knowledge (ITK). Native pastures, crop residues (CR) and multi-purpose trees (MPT) are the major feed resources, demonstrated great variations in seasonality, chemical composition and IVDMD. The average CP, NDF and IVDMD values for grasses were 83.8 (ranged: 62.9–190), 619 (ranged: 357–877) and 572 (ranged: 317–743) g kg^(−1) DM, respectively. Likewise, the average CP, NDF and IVDMD for CR were 58 (ranged: 20–90), 760 (ranged: 340–931) and 461 (ranged: 285–637)g kg^(−1) DM, respectively. Generally, the MPT and non-conventional feeds (NCF, Ensete ventricosum and Ipomoea batatas) possessed higher CP (ranged: 155–164 g kg^(−1) DM) and IVDMD values (611–657 g kg^(−1) DM) while lower NDF (331–387 g kg^(−1) DM) and ADF (321–344 g kg^(−1) DM) values. The MPT and NCF were ranked as the best nutritious feeds by ITK while crop residues were the least. This study indicates that there are remarkable variations within and among forage resources in terms of chemical composition. There were also complementarities between ITK and feed laboratory results, and thus the ITK need to be taken into consideration in evaluation of local feed resources.
Dictyostelium discoideum wird als Modellorganismus für diverse Krankheitsbilder benutzt. Darunter zählen lysosomale, neurodegenerative Störungen sowie Stoffwechselerkrankungen. Werden diese Amöben mit einer Fettsäure gefüttert, so wird die Biogenese von lipid droplets (LDs) initiiert. Diese dynamischen Organellen dienen der Neutrallipidspeicherung. Das Proteom der LDs konnte für D. discoideum entschlüsselt werden. Unter den rund 70 Proteinen, befinden sich ca. 15, die eine Funktion im Lipidstoffwechsel haben. Darunter befinden sich auch Mitglieder der Enzymklasse der short-shain Dehydrogenasen/Reduktasen. Diese zeigen, wie viele andere LD-Proteine auch, eine duale Lokalisation im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) und auf LDs. In dieser Arbeit konnten die Sequenzen, die den Wechsel von einer doppelte Phospholipidschicht (ER) auf eine einfache Membran (LDs) möglich machen, entschlüsselt werden. Im Fall der Proteine SdrB/C/D/E/F handelt es sich dabei um ein membranständiges N-terminales Peptid gefolgt von einer Membrandomäne. Helix-brechende Aminosäuren wie Prolin und Glycin in diesen Domänen erzeugen einen Knick, sodass sowohl die C- als auch N-Termini fusioniert an ein Reporterprotein cytoplasmatisch lokalisieren können. Direkt nach der Membrandomäne befindet sich ein kurzer Abschnitt mit basischen, positiv geladenen Aminosäuren, die mit der negativ geladenen Oberfläche der LDs interagieren. Die Membrandomäne allein ist zwar für eine ER-Lokalisation ausreichend, eine LD-Verteilung kann jedoch nur in Kombination mit dem basischen Abschnitt erfolgen. Des Weiteren konnte die Lokalisation von SdrG aufgeklärt werden. Dieses Protein lokalisiert sowohl im ER, als auch auf LDs und den Peroxisomen. Die knockouts einzelner Sdr-Gene zeigten keinen Phänotyp. Auch der Doppel-knockout von SdrB und SdrC blieb Phänotyp-frei. Aus diesem Grund wurden die tandemartig im Genom vorliegenden Gene SdrD-F in einem Triple-knockout untersucht, ebenso wie ein Penta-knockout der Gene SdrB-F. Weiterhin konnten keine Auswirkungen auf die Phagocytose bzw. auf die Verwertung von Fettsäuren und die Mitoserate festgestellt werden. Ebenfalls verläuft der Aufbau und die Degradation von lipid droplets wildtypisch. Mittels Gaschromatographie gekoppelter Massenspektrometrie konnte jedoch ein geringer Unterschied in der Fettsäurekomposition der LDs festgestellt werden. Sobald diese fünf Proteine nicht mehr vorhanden sind, werden 5% weniger 18:1 Δ11 Fettsäuren gebildet und es verbleiben mehr 16:0 Fettsäuren in den LDs. Eine Übernahme der Funktion als Δ9 Desaturase, nach dem Abschnüren der LDs vom Endoplasmatischen Retikulum ist wahrscheinlich.
As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completely absent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involved parts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method is introduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that the theoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approach has reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense that it recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in the same paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced
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These are white papers and reports on Command and Control and Cyber Kill Chain. Consider these readings "almost" required. That is, I'd like you to make a serious effort at reading them.
Cada día es mayor la demanda de alimentos a nivel mundial y menor su oferta debido a múltiples razones, por eso que es de gran importancia encontrar las mejores prácticas para que la cadena de suministro de productos alimenticios sea más eficiente y productiva, no sólo con el fin de llegar a la mayor población posible, sino también de mejorar los rendimientos de cada uno de los participantes de la misma. Este proyecto busca analizar las tres principales cadenas agroalimentarias de Argentina y Brasil, con el fin de determinar su desempeño actual, su grado de madurez y su productividad; para lograr esto, primero se va a levantar la información pertinente al tema, luego se identificarán las mejores prácticas en la cadena de suministro para los tres productos más importantes de la canasta básica de ambos países, posteriormente se analizará el desempeño de las agrocadenas y por último se determinará la madurez y productividad de las mismas. La metodología utilizada en este documento se basa principalmente en la búsqueda de información en fuentes gubernamentales y oficiales de cada país para obtener información verídica, confiable y actualizada. Estas fuentes nos aportarán la información que junto con un análisis propio permitirá cumplir los objetivos del proyecto. El resultado de estos datos es de gran importancia, ya que con la investigación realizada se podrán identificar las buenas prácticas para enriquecer el análisis o identificar las malas prácticas y así, proponer modelos que permitan el manejo eficiente de las agrocadenas buscando su desarrollo y perdurabilidad.
Entre muchas de las preocupaciones en el ámbito internacional está la desnutrición y la desigualdad social, por eso, esta investigación propone la logística humanitaria como herramienta para hacer más eficientes las Agrocadenas de suministro llegando de esta forma a las poblaciones más vulnerables. Gracias a esto, nace este proyecto a nivel internacional Con alianzas de Universidades en Colombia y Argentina. Para esta investigación es necesario responder preguntas como: ¿Qué es la Logística humanitaria? ¿Cuál es el alcance de la logística humanitaria? ¿Qué es una Agrocadenas? ¿Cómo se pueden optimizar las Agrocadenas a partir de la logística humanitaria? ¿Qué impacto tendría en Latinoamérica la mejora en los procesos de las Agrocadenas? Por Ultimo es importante resaltar, que en este proyecto se hará la caracterización de las Agrocadenas de tres productos importantes para la economía de los países anteriormente mencionados: maíz, arroz y trigo; se visualizaran sus puntos fuertes y débiles y así, lograr tener un mejor enfoque en cuanto los puntos más importantes a optimizar en toda la cadena.
Se incluye cuestionarios y gráficos de la evaluación, fichas, dibujos y fotografías
Conjunto de juegos de interacción para niños relacionados con la escuela, con el feed-back, juegos de autoridad e influencia y juegos de cooperación. De cada juego se explica detalladamente su desarrollo y se indican además los objetivos, participantes, duración, materiales, dirección del juego y cuestiones para reflexionar sobre el juego.
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