917 resultados para Exercise - Physiological aspects - Measurement


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Introduction. Ectodermal Dysplasias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by dysplasia of tissues of ectodermal origin (hair, nails, teeth, skins and glands). Clinically, it may be divided into two broad categories: the X-linked hypoidrotic form and the hidrotic form. Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (H.E.D) is characterized by the triad oligo-anodontia, hypotricosis, hypo-anhydrosis (Christ-Siemens-Tourane syndrome). The incidence of HED is about 1/100,000. Mutation in the actodysplasin-A (EDA) and ectodysplasin-A receptor (EDAR) genes are responsible for X-linked and autosomal HED. The clinical features include sparse, fine hair, missing or conical-shaped teeth, decreased sweat and mucous glands, hypoplastic skin, and heat intolerance with exercise or increased ambient temperature. Complete or partial anodontia and malformation of teeth are the most frequent dental findings. Incisors and canines are often conical-shaped while primarily second molars, if present, are mostly affected by taurodontism. Treatment is supportive and includes protection from heat exposure, early prosthetic rehabilitation, skin, hair ear, nose and nail care, and genetic counseling for family planning. The diagnosis of HED in the neonatal and early infancy period may be difficult since sparse hair and absent teeth are normal finding at this age. In childhood the diagnosis is more easily made on the basis of history and clinical examination. Dental abnormalities are the most common complaint. Prosthetic rehabilitation has been recommended as an essential part of the management of HED because is important from functional, esthetic, and psychological standpoint. A team approach that includes input from a pediatric dentist, an orthodontist, a prosthodontist, and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is necessary for a successful outcome. Conventional prosthodontic rehabilitation in young patient is often difficult because of the anatomical abnormalities of existing teeth and alveolar ridges. The conical shaped teeth and “knife-edge” alveolar ridges result in poor retention and instability of dentures. Moreover, denture must permit jaws expansion and a correct pattern of growth. Materials and Methods. Complete removable dentures were provided to allow for normal physiological development and a corrected masticatory function. Initial maxillary and mandibular impressions were made with smallest stock trays and irreversible hydrocolloid and then final impressions ware made with light-bodied polysulfide rubber base impression material. A base of autopolymerizing resin was constructed and a wax rim was added to the base. The patient’s vertical dimension of occlusion was established by assessing phonetic and esthetic criteria. Preliminary occlusal relations were recorded, and the mandibular cast was mounted on the articulator. Acrylic resin teeth specific for children dentures were selected and mounted. The dentures were tried in and, after proper adjustments, were inserted. The patients were monitored clinically every month to fit prostheses. Cephalometric radiographs were taken every 6 month with the prostheses in place in order to evaluate correct pattern of growth. Cephalometric measurements were realized and used to evaluate the effect of rehabilitation on craniofacial growth. Cephalometric measurements of sound patients were compared with ED patients. After two month expander screws (three-way screw in the upper denture and two-way the lower one)were inserted in each denture in order to permit the expansion of the denture and the jaws growth. Where conical teeth were present, composite crown were realized and luted to improve the esthetic and phonesis. In order to improve retention the placement of endosseous implants was carried out. TC 3D Accuitomo was performed and a resin model of mandibular bone of the patient was realized. At the age of 11 years two implants were inserted into anterior mandible in a child with anodontia. Despite a remarkable multi-dimensional atrophy of the mandibular alveolar process, the insertion of two tapered screw implants (SAMO Smiler, diameter 3.8, length 10 mm). After a submerged healing period of two-three month, the implants were exposed. Implants were connected with an expansion guide that permits mandibular growth and prosthetic retention. The amount of mandibular growth was also evaluate dusing the expansion guide. Results. Early oral rehabilitation improve oral function, phonesis and esthetic, reducing social impairment. Treated patients showed normal cephalometric measurement. Early rehabilitation is able to prevent the prognatissm of the mandibula . The number of teeth was significantly related to several changes in craniofacial morphology. Discussion. In the present study the 5,3% of ED patients showed hypodontia, the l’89,4% di oligodontia, and the 5,3% di anodontia. The cephalometric analysis supports that ED patients showed midface hypoplasia. ED groups showed an increased pogonion to nasion measurement than sound patients, indicative of class III tendency. The present study demonstrated that number of teeth was significantly correlated with deviation of cephalometric measurements from normality. Oligoanodontia is responsible for changing of cephalometric measuraments also on sagittal plane with a class III tendency. Maxillary jaw showed a retrused position related to the presence of hypodontia.


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Healthcare, Human Computer Interfaces (HCI), Security and Biometry are the most promising application scenario directly involved in the Body Area Networks (BANs) evolution. Both wearable devices and sensors directly integrated in garments envision a word in which each of us is supervised by an invisible assistant monitoring our health and daily-life activities. New opportunities are enabled because improvements in sensors miniaturization and transmission efficiency of the wireless protocols, that achieved the integration of high computational power aboard independent, energy-autonomous, small form factor devices. Application’s purposes are various: (I) data collection to achieve off-line knowledge discovery; (II) user notification of his/her activities or in case a danger occurs; (III) biofeedback rehabilitation; (IV) remote alarm activation in case the subject need assistance; (V) introduction of a more natural interaction with the surrounding computerized environment; (VI) users identification by physiological or behavioral characteristics. Telemedicine and mHealth [1] are two of the leading concepts directly related to healthcare. The capability to borne unobtrusiveness objects supports users’ autonomy. A new sense of freedom is shown to the user, not only supported by a psychological help but a real safety improvement. Furthermore, medical community aims the introduction of new devices to innovate patient treatments. In particular, the extension of the ambulatory analysis in the real life scenario by proving continuous acquisition. The wide diffusion of emerging wellness portable equipment extended the usability of wearable devices also for fitness and training by monitoring user performance on the working task. The learning of the right execution techniques related to work, sport, music can be supported by an electronic trainer furnishing the adequate aid. HCIs made real the concept of Ubiquitous, Pervasive Computing and Calm Technology introduced in the 1988 by Marc Weiser and John Seeley Brown. They promotes the creation of pervasive environments, enhancing the human experience. Context aware, adaptive and proactive environments serve and help people by becoming sensitive and reactive to their presence, since electronics is ubiquitous and deployed everywhere. In this thesis we pay attention to the integration of all the aspects involved in a BAN development. Starting from the choice of sensors we design the node, configure the radio network, implement real-time data analysis and provide a feedback to the user. We present algorithms to be implemented in wearable assistant for posture and gait analysis and to provide assistance on different walking conditions, preventing falls. Our aim, expressed by the idea to contribute at the development of a non proprietary solutions, driven us to integrate commercial and standard solutions in our devices. We use sensors available on the market and avoided to design specialized sensors in ASIC technologies. We employ standard radio protocol and open source projects when it was achieved. The specific contributions of the PhD research activities are presented and discussed in the following. • We have designed and build several wireless sensor node providing both sensing and actuator capability making the focus on the flexibility, small form factor and low power consumption. The key idea was to develop a simple and general purpose architecture for rapid analysis, prototyping and deployment of BAN solutions. Two different sensing units are integrated: kinematic (3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscopes) and kinetic (foot-floor contact pressure forces). Two kind of feedbacks were implemented: audio and vibrotactile. • Since the system built is a suitable platform for testing and measuring the features and the constraints of a sensor network (radio communication, network protocols, power consumption and autonomy), we made a comparison between Bluetooth and ZigBee performance in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. Test in the field evaluate the usability in the fall detection scenario. • To prove the flexibility of the architecture designed, we have implemented a wearable system for human posture rehabilitation. The application was developed in conjunction with biomedical engineers who provided the audio-algorithms to furnish a biofeedback to the user about his/her stability. • We explored off-line gait analysis of collected data, developing an algorithm to detect foot inclination in the sagittal plane, during walk. • In collaboration with the Wearable Lab – ETH, Zurich, we developed an algorithm to monitor the user during several walking condition where the user carry a load. The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter I gives an overview about Body Area Networks (BANs), illustrating the relevant features of this technology and the key challenges still open. It concludes with a short list of the real solutions and prototypes proposed by academic research and manufacturers. The domain of the posture and gait analysis, the methodologies, and the technologies used to provide real-time feedback on detected events, are illustrated in Chapter II. The Chapter III and IV, respectively, shown BANs developed with the purpose to detect fall and monitor the gait taking advantage by two inertial measurement unit and baropodometric insoles. Chapter V reports an audio-biofeedback system to improve balance on the information provided by the use centre of mass. A walking assistant based on the KNN classifier to detect walking alteration on load carriage, is described in Chapter VI.


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This thesis is about three major aspects of the identification of top quarks. First comes the understanding of their production mechanism, their decay channels and how to translate theoretical formulae into programs that can simulate such physical processes using Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, the author has been involved in the introduction of the POWHEG generator in the framework of the ATLAS experiment. POWHEG is now fully used as the benchmark program for the simulation of ttbar pairs production and decay, along with MC@NLO and AcerMC: this will be shown in chapter one. The second chapter illustrates the ATLAS detectors and its sub-units, such as calorimeters and muon chambers. It is very important to evaluate their efficiency in order to fully understand what happens during the passage of radiation through the detector and to use this knowledge in the calculation of final quantities such as the ttbar production cross section. The last part of this thesis concerns the evaluation of this quantity deploying the so-called "golden channel" of ttbar decays, yielding one energetic charged lepton, four particle jets and a relevant quantity of missing transverse energy due to the neutrino. The most important systematic errors arising from the various part of the calculation are studied in detail. Jet energy scale, trigger efficiency, Monte Carlo models, reconstruction algorithms and luminosity measurement are examples of what can contribute to the uncertainty about the cross-section.


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Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting from supply voltage fluctuation, which, in turn can be caused by disturbances introduced during power generation, transmission or distribution. The standard EN 61000-4-15 which has been recently adopted also by the IEEE as IEEE Standard 1453 relies on the analysis of the supply voltage which is processed according to a suitable model of the lamp – human eye – brain chain. As for the lamp, an incandescent 60 W, 230 V, 50 Hz source is assumed. As far as the human eye – brain model is concerned, it is represented by the so-called flicker curve. Such a curve was determined several years ago by statistically analyzing the results of tests where people were subjected to flicker with different combinations of magnitude and frequency. The limitations of this standard approach to flicker evaluation are essentially two. First, the provided index of annoyance Pst can be related to an actual tiredness of the human visual system only if such an incandescent lamp is used. Moreover, the implemented response to flicker is “subjective” given that it relies on the people answers about their feelings. In the last 15 years, many scientific contributions have tackled these issues by investigating the possibility to develop a novel model of the eye-brain response to flicker and overcome the strict dependence of the standard on the kind of the light source. In this light of fact, this thesis is aimed at presenting an important contribution for a new Flickermeter. An improved visual system model using a physiological parameter that is the mean value of the pupil diameter, has been presented, thus allowing to get a more “objective” representation of the response to flicker. The system used to both generate flicker and measure the pupil diameter has been illustrated along with all the results of several experiments performed on the volunteers. The intent has been to demonstrate that the measurement of that geometrical parameter can give reliable information about the feeling of the human visual system to light flicker.


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General aim of the study is equine welfare, particularly concerning different husbandry methodic and inter-specific relational factors. Specific aim is the evaluation of possible mutual (to humans and to equines) benefits and the analysis of critical factors/strength points, of human-horse relationship within Therapeutic Riding context (TR). The peculiarities of human-horse relationship (compared to the bond with “Pet”) are analyzed, concerning their socio-anthropological, psychological, psycho-dynamic distinctive characteristics. 8 European representative therapeutic riding centers (TRC) were therefore selected (on the basis of their different animals’ husbandry criteria, and of the different rehabilitative methodologies adopted). TRC were investigated through 2 different questionnaires, specifically settled to access objective/subjective animal welfare parameters; the quality of human-horse relationship; technicians’ emotional experienced. 3 Centers were further selected, and behavioral (145 hours of behavioral recording) and physiological parameters (heart rate and heart rate variability) were evaluated, aimed to access equine welfare and horses’ adaptive responses/coping (towards general environment and towards TR job). Moreover a specific “handling-task” was ideated and experimented, aimed to measure the quality of TR technicians-horses relationship. We did therefore evaluate both the individual horses’ responses and the possible differences among Centers. Data collected highlight the lack of univocal standardized methodic, concerning the general animals’ management and the specific methodologies (aimed to improve animal welfare and to empower TR efficacy). Some positive and some critical aspects were detected concerning TR personnel-horse relationship. Another experimental approach did evaluate the efficacy (concerning the mutual benefits’ empowerment) of an “ethologically-fitted” TR intervention, aimed to educate children to and through the relationship with horses. Our data evidenced that the improvement of human horse relationship, through structured educational programs for TR personnel might have important consequences both to human and equine welfare.


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The analysis of the K(892)*0 resonance production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis is motivated by the interest in the measurement of short-lived resonances production that can provide insights on the properties of the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions both during its partonic (Quark-Gluon Plasma) and hadronic phase. This particular analysis exploits particle identification of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight detector. The ALICE experiment is presented, with focus on the performance of the Time-Of-Flight system. The aspects of calibration and data quality controls are discussed in detail, while illustrating the excellent and very stable performance of the system in different collision environments at the LHC. A full analysis of the K*0 resonance production is presented: from the resonance reconstruction to the determination of the efficiency and the systematic uncertainty. The results show that the analysis strategy discussed is a valid tool to measure the K∗0 up to intermediate momenta. Preliminary results on K*0 resonance production at the LHC are presented and confirmed to be a powerful tool to study the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.


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Procedures for quantitative walking analysis include the assessment of body segment movements within defined gait cycles. Recently, methods to track human body motion using inertial measurement units have been suggested. It is not known if these techniques can be readily transferred to clinical measurement situations. This work investigates the aspects necessary for one inertial measurement unit mounted on the lower back to track orientation, and determine spatio-temporal features of gait outside the confines of a conventional gait laboratory. Apparent limitations of different inertial sensors can be overcome by fusing data using methods such as a Kalman filter. The benefits of optimizing such a filter for the type of motion are unknown. 3D accelerations and 3D angular velocities were collected for 18 healthy subjects while treadmill walking. Optimization of Kalman filter parameters improved pitch and roll angle estimates when compared to angles derived using stereophotogrammetry. A Weighted Fourier Linear Combiner method for estimating 3D orientation angles by constructing an analytical representation of angular velocities and allowing drift free integration is also presented. When tested this method provided accurate estimates of 3D orientation when compared to stereophotogrammetry. Methods to determine spatio-temporal features from lower trunk accelerations generally require knowledge of sensor alignment. A method was developed to estimate the instants of initial and final ground contact from accelerations measured by a waist mounted inertial device without rigorous alignment. A continuous wavelet transform method was used to filter and differentiate the signal and derive estimates of initial and final contact times. The technique was tested with data recorded for both healthy and pathologic (hemiplegia and Parkinson’s disease) subjects and validated using an instrumented mat. The results show that a single inertial measurement unit can assist whole body gait assessment however further investigation is required to understand altered gait timing in some pathological subjects.


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In this study, some important aspects of the relationship between honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and pesticides have been investigated. In the first part of the research, the effects of the exposure of honey bees to neonicotinoids and fipronil contaminated dusts were analyzed. In fact, considerable amounts of these pesticides, employed for maize seed dressing treatments, may be dispersed during the sowing operations, thus representing a way of intoxication for honey bees. In particular, a specific way of exposure to this pesticides formulation, the indirect contact, was taken into account. To this aim, we conducted different experimentations, in laboratory, in semi-field and in open field conditions in order to assess the effects on mortality, foraging behaviour, colony development and capacity of orientation. The real dispersal of contaminated dusts was previously assessed in specific filed trials. In the second part, the impact of various pesticides (chemical and biological) on honey bee biochemical-physiological changes, was evaluated. Different ways and durations of exposure to the tested products were also employed. Three experimentations were performed, combining Bt spores and deltamethrin, Bt spores and fipronil, difenoconazole and deltamethrin. Several important enzymes (GST, ALP, SOD, CAT, G6PDH, GAPDH) were selected in order to test the pesticides induced variations in their activity. In particular, these enzymes are involved in different pathways of detoxification, oxidative stress defence and energetic metabolism. The results showed a significant effect on mortality of neonicotinoids and fipronil contaminated dusts, both in laboratory and in semi-field trials. However, no effects were evidenced in honey bees orientation capacity. The analysis of different biochemical indicators highlighted some interesting physiological variations that can be linked to the pesticide exposure. We therefore stress the attention on the possibility of using such a methodology as a novel toxicity endpoint in environmental risk assessment.


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It is currently widely accepted that the understanding of complex cell functions depends on an integrated network theoretical approach and not on an isolated view of the different molecular agents. Aim of this thesis was the examination of topological properties that mirror known biological aspects by depicting the human protein network with methods from graph- and network theory. The presented network is a partial human interactome of 9222 proteins and 36324 interactions, consisting of single interactions reliably extracted from peer-reviewed scientific publications. In general, one can focus on intra- or intermodular characteristics, where a functional module is defined as "a discrete entity whose function is separable from those of other modules". It is found that the presented human network is also scale-free and hierarchically organised, as shown for yeast networks before. The interactome also exhibits proteins with high betweenness and low connectivity which are biologically analyzed and interpreted here as shuttling proteins between organelles (e.g. ER to Golgi, internal ER protein translocation, peroxisomal import, nuclear pores import/export) for the first time. As an optimisation for finding proteins that connect modules, a new method is developed here based on proteins located between highly clustered regions, rather than regarding highly connected regions. As a proof of principle, the Mediator complex is found in first place, the prime example for a connector complex. Focusing on intramodular aspects, the measurement of k-clique communities discriminates overlapping modules very well. Twenty of the largest identified modules are analysed in detail and annotated to known biological structures (e.g. proteasome, the NFκB-, TGF-β complex). Additionally, two large and highly interconnected modules for signal transducer and transcription factor proteins are revealed, separated by known shuttling proteins. These proteins yield also the highest number of redundant shortcuts (by calculating the skeleton), exhibit the highest numbers of interactions and might constitute highly interconnected but spatially separated rich-clubs either for signal transduction or for transcription factors. This design principle allows manifold regulatory events for signal transduction and enables a high diversity of transcription events in the nucleus by a limited set of proteins. Altogether, biological aspects are mirrored by pure topological features, leading to a new view and to new methods that assist the annotation of proteins to biological functions, structures and subcellular localisations. As the human protein network is one of the most complex networks at all, these results will be fruitful for other fields of network theory and will help understanding complex network functions in general.


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Dealing with latent constructs (loaded by reflective and congeneric measures) cross-culturally compared means studying how these unobserved variables vary, and/or covary each other, after controlling for possibly disturbing cultural forces. This yields to the so-called ‘measurement invariance’ matter that refers to the extent to which data collected by the same multi-item measurement instrument (i.e., self-reported questionnaire of items underlying common latent constructs) are comparable across different cultural environments. As a matter of fact, it would be unthinkable exploring latent variables heterogeneity (e.g., latent means; latent levels of deviations from the means (i.e., latent variances), latent levels of shared variation from the respective means (i.e., latent covariances), levels of magnitude of structural path coefficients with regard to causal relations among latent variables) across different populations without controlling for cultural bias in the underlying measures. Furthermore, it would be unrealistic to assess this latter correction without using a framework that is able to take into account all these potential cultural biases across populations simultaneously. Since the real world ‘acts’ in a simultaneous way as well. As a consequence, I, as researcher, may want to control for cultural forces hypothesizing they are all acting at the same time throughout groups of comparison and therefore examining if they are inflating or suppressing my new estimations with hierarchical nested constraints on the original estimated parameters. Multi Sample Structural Equation Modeling-based Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MS-SEM-based CFA) still represents a dominant and flexible statistical framework to work out this potential cultural bias in a simultaneous way. With this dissertation I wanted to make an attempt to introduce new viewpoints on measurement invariance handled under covariance-based SEM framework by means of a consumer behavior modeling application on functional food choices.


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Among abiotic stresses, high salinity stress is the most severe environmental stress. High salinity exerts its negative impact mainly by disrupting the ionic and osmotic equilibrium of the cell. In saline soils, high levels of sodium ions lead to plant growth inhibition and even death. Salt tolerance in plants is a multifarious phenomenon involving a variety of changes at molecular, organelle, cellular, tissue as well as whole plant level. In addition, salt tolerant plants show a range of adaptations not only in morphological or structural features but also in metabolic and physiological processes that enable them to survive under extreme saline environments. The main objectives of my dissertation were understanding the main physiological and biomolecular features of plant responses to salinity in different genotypes of horticultural crops that are belonging to different families Solanaceae (tomato) and Cucurbitaceae (melon) and Brassicaceae (cabbage and radish). Several aspects of crop responses to salinity have been addressed with the final aim of combining elements of functional stress response in plants by using several ways for the assessment of plant stress perception that ranging from destructive measurements (eg. leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area index, and total plant fresh and dry weight), to physiological determinations (eg. stomatal conductance, leaf gas exchanges, water use efficiency, and leaf water relation), to the determination of metabolite accumulation in plant tissue (eg. Proline and protein) as well as evaluation the role of enzymatic antioxidant capacity assay in scavenging reactive oxygen species that have been generated under salinized condition, and finally assessing the gene induction and up-down regulation upon salinization (eg. SOS pathway).


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Altitude training has become very popular among athletes as a means to further increase exercise performance at sea level or to acclimatize to competition at altitude. Several approaches have evolved during the last few decades, with "live high-train low" and "live low-train high" being the most popular. This review focuses on functional, muscular, and practical aspects derived from extensive research on the "live low-train high" approach. According to this, subjects train in hypoxia but remain under normoxia for the rest of the time. It has been reasoned that exercising in hypoxia could increase the training stimulus. Hypoxia training studies published in the past have varied considerably in altitude (2300-5700 m) and training duration (10 days to 8 weeks) and the fitness of the subjects. The evidence from muscle structural, biochemical, and molecular findings point to a specific role of hypoxia in endurance training. However, based on the available performance capacity data such as maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2)max) and (maximal) power output, hypoxia as a supplement to training is not consistently found to be advantageous for performance at sea level. Stronger evidence exists for benefits of hypoxic training on performance at altitude. "Live low-train high" may thus be considered when altitude acclimatization is not an option. In addition, the complex pattern of gene expression adaptations induced by supplemental training in hypoxia, but not normoxia, suggest that muscle tissue specifically responds to hypoxia. Whether and to what degree these gene expression changes translate into significant changes in protein concentrations that are ultimately responsible for observable structural or functional phenotypes remains open. It is conceivable that the global functional markers such as Vo(2)max and (maximal) power output are too coarse to detect more subtle changes that might still be functionally relevant, at least to high-level athletes.


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Psychological distress is common in patients with chronic heart failure. The impact of different psychological variables on prognosis has been shown but the comparative effects of these variables remain unclear. This study examines the impact of depression, anxiety, vital exhaustion, Type D personality, and social support on prognosis in chronic heart failure patients. One hundred eleven patients (mean age 57 ± 14 years) having participated in an exercise based ambulatory cardiac rehabilitation program were enrolled in a prospective cohort study. Psychological baseline data were assessed at program entry. Mortality, readmission, and health-related quality of life were assessed at follow up (mean 2.8 ± 1.1 years). After controlling for disease severity none of the psychological variables were associated with mortality, though severe anxiety predicted readmission [HR = 3.21 (95% CI, 1.04-9.93; P = .042)]. Health-related quality of life was independently explained by vital exhaustion, anxiety and either body mass index (physical dimension) or sex (emotional dimension). As psychological variables have a strong impact on health-related quality of life they should be routinely assessed in chronic heart failure patients` treatment.


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Recent findings are reported about certain aspects of the structure and function of the mammalian and avian lungs that include (a) the architecture of the air capillaries (ACs) and the blood capillaries (BCs); (b) the pulmonary blood capillary circulatory dynamics; (c) the adaptive molecular, cellular, biochemical, compositional, and developmental characteristics of the surfactant system; (d) the mechanisms of the translocation of fine and ultrafine particles across the airway epithelial barrier; and (e) the particle-cell interactions in the pulmonary airways. In the lung of the Muscovy duck Cairina moschata, at least, the ACs are rotund structures that are interconnected by narrow cylindrical sections, while the BCs comprise segments that are almost as long as they are wide. In contrast to the mammalian pulmonary BCs, which are highly compliant, those of birds practically behave like rigid tubes. Diving pressure has been a very powerful directional selection force that has influenced phenotypic changes in surfactant composition and function in lungs of marine mammals. After nanosized particulates are deposited on the respiratory tract of healthy human subjects, some reach organs such as the brain with potentially serious health implications. Finally, in the mammalian lung, dendritic cells of the pulmonary airways are powerful agents in engulfing deposited particles, and in birds, macrophages and erythrocytes are ardent phagocytizing cellular agents. The morphology of the lung that allows it to perform different functions-including gas exchange, ventilation of the lung by being compliant, defense, and secretion of important pharmacological factors-is reflected in its "compromise design."


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The plasmin-antiplasmin system plays a key role in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. Plasmin and (2)-antiplasmin are primarily responsible for a controlled and regulated dissolution of the fibrin polymers into soluble fragments. However, besides plasmin(ogen) and (2)-antiplasmin the system contains a series of specific activators and inhibitors. The main physiological activators of plasminogen are tissue-type plasminogen activator, which is mainly involved in the dissolution of the fibrin polymers by plasmin, and urokinase-type plasminogen activator, which is primarily responsible for the generation of plasmin activity in the intercellular space. Both activators are multidomain serine proteases. Besides the main physiological inhibitor (2)-antiplasmin, the plasmin-antiplasmin system is also regulated by the general protease inhibitor (2)-macroglobulin, a member of the protease inhibitor I39 family. The activity of the plasminogen activators is primarily regulated by the plasminogen activator inhibitors 1 and 2, members of the serine protease inhibitor superfamily.