753 resultados para Estrangeiros
Este artículo tiene como objetivo observar cómo estudiantes brasileños de licenciatura, más específicamente, estudiantes de lengua española y portuguesa organizan y ponen en práctica la enseñanza del portugués, en el contexto del TELETANDEM. La intención es comprender (a) cómo son planifi cados los contenidos de la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa y (b) ¿Cuál es el impacto de esta práctica a la formación de profesores de portugués y español. Lo principios metodológicos que orientan esta pesquisa están anclados en el marco de la investigación cualitativa, en su vertiente narrativa, basado en los estudios de J. Clandinin y Michael Connelly (1996 ). Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora nos muestran que, debido a la proximidad de las lenguas, este contexto de aprendizaje virtual requiere la presencia de un mediador que señala a los aprendices aspectos que deben ser considerados.
New technologies have been playing an important role in providing access to foreign languages and cultures and to authentic communication. Telecollaborative practice can enrich foreign languages teaching and learning and the teachers’ formation processes. This paper focuses on the possibilities that emerge in teletandem for learners to practice autonomy and reflection. Teletandem is a distance tandem modality performed by audio and video conferences with tools such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype or ooVoo. This modality is presented by Teletandem Brasil Project: foreign languages for all. Based on a qualitative ethnographic study with Brazilian and foreign students, the results have shown that teletandem provides and encourages reflexive and autonomous attitudes.
The new technologies have increasingly provided access to foreign languages and cultures and also to authentic communication. If we consider that the foreign languages teaching/learning process and teachers’ education can be enriched by telecollaboration, I believe it is necessary to observe the roles played by language teachers. Based on an ethnographic qualitative study carried out with Brazilian and foreign university students, this paper focuses on teletandem practice, a distance tandem modality carried out by audio and video conferences with resources such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype or ooVoo, to investigate roles played by language teachers in telecollaborative practice. The data were collected from (a) e-mails exchanged between the partners and between partners and the mediator-teacher; (b) DVDs of interaction sessions recordings; (c) written teletandem sessions recordings; (d) recordings of interviews between the partners and the researcher at ooVoo; (e) fi eld notes taken at Teletandem Laboratory at UNESP- Assis; and (f) participants’ written reports. The data analysis, from the hermeneutic interpretative perspective, revealed that the teacher is not ignored but is given new roles to maximize the process towards meaningful and intercultural learning.
This article reports on the diversity and the linguistic variations in e-mails and chat interactions in teletandem interactions. Based on the interface of foreign language acquisition and sociolinguistics, its focus is on linguistic variants under the perspective of the social variations of language, especially regarding standard and non-standard norms of the Portuguese language in a teletandem context. Sociolinguistics offers us resources for the analysis and understanding that we intend to provide about teletandem interactions. We also mention the Teletandem Brasil project, its ideas and theoretical orientations, and also analyze data collected. The findings show that the variations in foreign students´ written production, who are also Portuguese learners, come from fluctuations between the standard and non-standard norms because students still do not have complete communicative competence in the target language.
O presente trabalho versa sobre o acesso de estrangeiros ao território nacional. Essa limitação restringe direitos fundamentais da maioria dos imigrantes, além de expô-los a uma condição de vulnerabilidade que permite que sejam explorados pelo setor econômico de produção e perseguidos pela polícia. O Estado não costuma ver o imigrante como “vítima”, mas como marginal”. Se todos os homens são fundamentalmente iguais em razão de sua igual dignidade, se a constante comunicação e movimentação são imprescindíveis e se é moralmente impossível justi*car os privilégios de pessoas porque nasceram em determinado território ou de determinados genitores, então as funções discriminadoras dos conceitos de cidadania e nacionalidade perdem sua justificativa.
In the contemporary world and in the globalized farm labor market, employ temporary immigrants workforce become current in economic developed countries. With governmental support, nations as United States and Canada incite and lawful the foreign entrance for occupy jobs and functions that are not fulfilling by native born, consolidating the displacement of a cheap labor force that stays legally for a certain season in these countries. This article brings up primal subjects about a small and hidden group among farm immigrants, the herders, sheepherders and goat herders in northAmerica Rocky Mountains loneliness. Further to provide an initial theoretical instrumental for the reflections about these workers, we intend to localize them within migration theme and the conflict between capital and labor in these days, in its neoliberal context and struggle forms. For such, we used reflections about labor and migration, also different kind of documents about herders in both countries.
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Lygia Fagundes Telles elegeu em sua ficção temas instigantes como o fantástico e o insólito, ao lado de elementos relacionados aos problemas sociais e individuais. Manifestando a influência de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, de Machado de Assis a Henry James, a autora assimilou novas formas para representar na narrativa breve o indivíduo solitário na cidade ou impotente na barbárie contemporânea. Este trabalho revisita exemplos da força dessa maturidade literária nos contos, assinalando a utilização das estruturas para evidenciar conteúdos temáticos.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Considerado exemplo modelar do gênero giallo, estilo exclusivamente italiano e que envolve a solução de um mistério relacionado a uma série de assassinatos, o filme Prelúdio Para Matar (1975), do cineasta Dario Argento (1940-), é o objeto central deste projeto de pesquisa. Para esta pesquisa se dá especial atenção à investigação da trilha sonora, que, parcialmente, junto à composição visual, formalizam as dimensões de estrutura e sentido desse filme. Serão esclarecidas informações introdutórias sobre o som e composição para o cinema de horror e o ambiente de produção de filmes na Itália; os fatores concomitantes e anteriores a produção do objeto de estudo. No tocante à trilha, serão analisados dois elementos centrais da narrativa: (1) a música, com seus códigos específicos de composição sonora; (2) os efeitos sonoros que projetam ao espectador o reconhecimento ou não de determinados sons. Partindo da premissa que o som ainda é um elemento fílmico pouco explorado nas narrativas audiovisuais, esta pesquisa estabelece uma hipótese, a qual pode ser enunciada nos seguintes termos: a trilha musical e os efeitos de som, presentes no filme Prelúdio para matar, são elementos centrais para a articulação do gênero discursivo giallo nesse caso, co-participando, de modo visível ao espectador, com o controle, a estruturação e as estratégias de narração ali presentes
The following dissertation aims to propose an institutional and intercultural projecy of reception and integration of foreign students from academic mobility programs for the campus unit of Bauru. Such action is necessary because of the absence of a reception program of these students, the reception and integration into the social and cultural reality of the place in which they live is a fundamental part of international experience. As an example for this institutional proposal, we discuss the extension of project experience Brasil de Todo Mundo, which aims to deepen the reflections on the Brazilian cultural universe for foreign students who are in Brazil over a period, while taking academic mobility in the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru campus. Student leadership project, Brasil de Todo Mundo emerged from the international experience in mobility programs offered by UNESP, from students of campus Bauru, when in the back of their experiences, they realized that they could continue being tourists your own country with the reception of foreign students. In addition, the identification of expectations in social and intercultural skills, in addition to reasons connected with the increase academic and language skills are a form of very strong approach, which helps in creating intercultural dialogue spaces between the students, the main objective of the project
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Since its arrival in Brazil at the beginning of the new century, queer theory – and particularly that variant of it linked to the works of Judith Butler – has been followed, criticized, contested and yet hardly problematicized in its deeper epistemological implications. Although Brazilian scholars have employed meanings and consistent debates regarding the changes that this axis of subaltern knowledge has provoked, there are still few discussions which seek to think about these contributions in the specific Brazilian context, in which categories of gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity link and cross in unique ways, creating experiences that are quite different from those generally discussed by foreign queer theorists. In the present article, I am trying to provoke an anthropophagic reflection, seeking fruitful dialogues with feminisms and post-colonial texts, emphasizing those that focus upon Latin-American reality, in an attempt create tension in our productions – thought in terms of local realities – as these face questions and issues that are also transnational. The idea here is to go beyond translating "queer", towards thinking of a theory informed by these productions, but which also dares to invent itself through questioning our own marginalized experience. In the present article, I look at the short but intense production of Argentine anthropologist Néstor Perlongher, taking it as one of the starting points for the elaboration of a Latin American (but mainly Brazilian) "teoria cu": that which is produced outside of the phallocentric and heteronormative regimes of canonic science.