835 resultados para Entité Divine
Author: Kerry W. Holton Title: SCHLEIERMACHER’S DOCTRINE OF BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: AN ALTERNATIVE TO CONTENT-BASED/SUPERNATURALIST AND FUNCTION- BASED/RATIONALIST MODELS Advisor: Theodore M. Vial, Jr. Degree Date: August 2015 This dissertation examines Friedrich Schleiermacher’s understanding of biblical authority and argues that, as an alternative to strictly supernaturalistic and rationalistic models, his understanding allows the New Testament to speak authoritatively in Christian religion in an age of critical, historical awareness. After classifying Schleiermacher’s position in a typology of the doctrine of biblical authority, this dissertation explores his conception of divine revelation and inspiration vis-à-vis scripture. It demonstrates that although he did not believe there is warrant for the claim of a direct connection between divine revelation and scripture, or that scripture is the foundation of faith, he nonetheless asserted that the New Testament is authoritative. He asserted the normative authority of the New Testament on the basis that it is the first presentation of Christian faith. This dissertation examines Schleiermacher’s “canon within the canon,” as well as his denial that the Old Testament shares the same normative worth and inspiration of the New. Although this dissertation finds difficulty with some of Schleiermacher’s views regarding the Old Testament, it names two significant strengths of what is identified as his evangelical, content-based, and rationalist approach to biblical authority. First, it recognizes and values the co-presence and co-activity of the supernatural and the natural !ii in the production of the New Testament canon. This allows both scripture and the church to share religious authority. Second, it allows Christian faith and the historical-method to coexist, as it does not require people to contradict what they know to be the case about science, history, and philosophy. Thus, this dissertation asserts that Schleiermacher’s understanding of biblical authority is a robust one, since, for him, the authority of scripture does not lie in some property of the texts themselves that historians or unbelievers can take away.
Este artículo ofrece una aproximación panorámica a la práctica del patronazgo literario en Inglaterra desde el s. VII al XIV. Durante el período anglosajón las relaciones de patronazgo fueron principalmente de dos tipos: (1) un poeta o scop que quedaba vinculado a una corte (p. ej. Déor) y (2) un intérprete o gleoman que desarrollaba su actividad no creativa de forma itinerante ante públicos diversos (p. ej. Wídsid). Caso aparte es el del pastor Cadmon, quien por intervención divina se convirtió en poeta bíblico y fue acogido en un monasterio. Tras la conquista normanda se introdujo un modelo de patronazgo aristocrático que favoreció la aparición de la figura del autor (p. ej. Wace) que componía sus obras en anglonormando, mientras el inglés era usado por juglares anónimos para deleite de las clases populares. La literatura en lengua inglesa no asistiría a la aparición de sus primeros autores (p. ej. Chaucer y Gower) hasta el siglo XIV, gracias en parte al patronazgo del rey Ricardo II.
Two-leaf printed circular regarding the distribution of religious books according to the bequest of the estate of Samuel Phillips. The circular lists Eliphalet Pearson as a member of the Committee for distributing books. There is a struck-through handwritten note about the distribution of Dr. Watt's Divine Songs. The circular has the inscription: "Papers of 1794. College Papers."
Three pieces of paper consisting of a one-leaf handwritten summary of unidentified lectures about the divinity of Christ titled "lect. 62 to 66, page 51, March 22, 1803," and two slips of paper with handwritten copies of two declarations about the Christian trinity and divine nature. The copied declarations are in two different hands, and one copy is dated "Cambridge Novr 14th 1804."
Handwritten copy of a January 23, 1768 letter from Mehetabel Preble to her son Stephen Sewall transcribed by Sewall. The bottom of the page is cut off and some text is missing. In the letter, Preble mentions Sewall's news of the birth of her granddaughter, the death of one of her sons, and discusses her health and approaching death, and the absence of God's "divine light." The item includes the note: "NB. The above letter was rec'd 18th March, 1768. My mother died the 4th day of the same month," and an extract from a February 29, 1768 letter from "Brother Crosby" regarding Preble's illness and anticipation of death.
One-page letter providing news about the Revolutionary War, including General John Burgoyne's arrival in Watertown, Mass., rumors of General Howe's army being taken prisoner, the success of General Stark, and the failed Rhode-Island expedition of 1777. Eliot also mentions the role of divine direction in the war.
Feminist movements have allowed many female authors to become decisive and influential figures in literary history by studying their experiences, voices and forms of resistance. This thesis, however, focuses specifically on religious women, those seeking divine comfort outside the confines of institutional laws, or those who, out of protest, are caught in the middle. Founded on historical and feminist perspectives, this study examines the heterodox resistance of six French women living within or outside of Church boundaries during the 17th and 18th centuries: two eras that are particularly significant for women’s progress and modernity. This work strives to demonstrate how these women, doubly subjected to Church discourse and that of society, managed to live out their vocation (female and Christian) and make social, cultural and religious statements that contributed to changing the place of women in society. It aims to grasp the similarities and differences between the actions and ideas of women belonging to both the religious and secular spheres. Regardless of the century, the space and their background, women resist to masculine, patriarchal, ecclesial, political and social mediation and institutions. In locating examples of how they oppose the practices, rules and constraints that are imposed upon them, as well as of their exclusion from the socio-political space, this thesis also seeks to identify epistemological changes that mark the transition from the 17th to the 18th century. This thesis firstly outlines the necessary feminist theory upon which the project is based before identifying the evolution of women’s positions within the socio-ideological and political framework in which they lived. The questions of confession and spiritual direction are of particular interest since they serve as prime examples of masculine mediation and its issues and consequences – most notably the control of the female body and mind. The illustration of bodily metamorphoses bear testament to ideological changes, cultural awareness and female subjectivity, just as the scriptural inscriptions of unorthodox ideas and writing. The female body, both object and subject of the quest for individual and collective liberties, attests, in this way, to the movement towards Enlightenment values of freedom and justice.
Since the classic era that monsters have been both the subject of worship and fear. Greeks used to valorize them making up new races which lived in faraway lands, in the East. There were traveler’s reports made up, from a moralist and religious point of view, always with veracity in mind, where anatomical weird beings were described. Saint Augustin tried to prove their existence, classifying them as wonders and focusing on stopping the idea of the corruption of the human soul by denying their relation between monstrous births and divine punishment. Monsters present then two distinct aspects when it comes to their origins: one that pushes back to monstrous births, seen as omens, and other that points to the existence of fantastic races in faraway places. However when it comes to structure these fantastic beings display finite compositions, not looking too different from each other. With the passage of time, besides their fearful role, monsters were being observed as scientific curiosities and at last, as recreation subjects, first in freak shows, now in several industries, being the most well know the cinematographic industry and the videogames one. Two creatures from the world known videogame World of Warcraft from Blizzard Entertainment were selected to be analyzed from a scientific point of view, were based on their features, there will be a comparative analysis with diverse anomalies and diseases (prognathism, acromegaly, cyclopia) existent , as well as comparative anatomy with other animals
«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmäßigkeit vereiniget, scheint mir eigentlich den ganzen Geist seines Systems zu enthalten»: This quotation, which originated the present essay, is solely extracted from a letter sent by Hölderlin to Hegel, and yet, it condensates three different approaches from the three Tübingen friends to the problem of Kant’s philosophy of religion and to its possible resolution between 1795 and 1796. From this epistolary dialogue emerges a simultaneous study of Kant, originated by the growing dissension towards the orthodox thought of the Stift. The turning point – or the maximum cumulative point – of this discordance happens precisely with the discovery of the «spirit of Kant’s system», as a combined explanation of the religious and philosophical phenomena [«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmässigkeit vereiniget»]. This, I think, is something which the three friends discover gradually and not independently from the concept of «providence», which Kant himself, according to Hölderlin, had used to «attenuate his antinomies», which Hegel uses in his first religious writings and the initial formation of his own philosophy and which Schelling will later explore in his System of Transcendental Idealism. In a word, providence is consensually the comprehension axis between man, God and nature and, thus, the explanatory link between the antinomical poles which regulate human existence. On the other hand, however – this being the aspect I would like to stress –, this decisive moment for a whole generation, for the history of philosophy itself, means the consummation of a new revolutionary perspective born in Kant, a new vision of the absolute and the divine and, therefore, a new way to write philosophy about philosophy, less philosophical than before, to the extent that the new situation of man and his reflection within the problem ultimately destined them – as is the case in the three young philosophers – to silence and death. The final aim of this essay is, therefore, to know what this «last step of philosophy» is and what dies along with it, what such a step may have meant and what it already foretold in terms of the development of philosophy.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar tematicamente a polémica de 1715/16 entre Leibniz e Clarke, não apenas, como é usual, no âmbito das conceções do espaço e do tempo, mas no conjunto dos seus temas metafísicos, teológicos, gnosiológicos e físicos. Na estruturação da dissertação, adquiriu um papel central o confronto dos autores em torno da noção de liberdade, cuja importância é evidente na utilização do princípio da razão suficiente e seus corolários, na distinção entre verdades de razão e verdades de facto, entre os diversos tipos de necessidade, nas conceções alternativas de espaço e de tempo, na alternativa entre átomos e mónadas, na questão dos limites do universo, na relação entre a alma e o corpo, nas teses relativas à providência divina, na forma como se concebe a relação de Deus com a sua máquina, na noção de milagre e nas próprias noções de força e de movimento, pelo menos no que respeita à sua relação com Deus, isto sem desprezar a abordagem direta da própria noção de liberdade. Com este enquadramento, pretende-se mostrar, através de um eloquente exemplo histórico, que as teorias científicas naturais se podem alicerçar em teorias metafísicas e que esses alicerces não têm que se esgotar, mesmo no seio da metafísica, nas questões estritamente cosmológicas, isto para lá de poderem existir influências nunca menosprezáveis de domínios não filosóficos, como é o caso da teologia dogmática. Apesar disto ser evidente na abordagem dos textos, existe uma sistemática menorização contemporânea desta determinação, como se fosse uma idiossincrasia da época ou uma deferência que a ciência tinha de ter numa época ainda obscurecida pela autoridade das igrejas e pela especulação filosófica. Esta abordagem pretende compreender todos os aspetos do pensamento expresso pelos autores na polémica, na sua integralidade, sem reservas de qualquer tipo.
A presente dissertação de mestrado centra-se na divindade suméria Inanna e na sua homóloga semita Ištar. Recolhemos e analisamos conjuntos de mitos, narrativas, hinos, oráculos, canções e orações, de proveniências e cronologias distintas, para compor um retrato cuja complexidade ultrapassa as questões do género e apela a sentimentos transversais ao ser humano. Num panteão com uma miríade de divindades altamente especializadas, Inanna/Ištar destaca-se pelo facto de acumular funções. Deusa trifuncional, regente do Amor e da Guerra, era igualmente a representação divina do planeta Vénus. Numa primeira abordagem, essa singularidade é um factor desconcertante para a sua compreensão. Pelo seu carácter problemático, foi o principal incentivo para o nosso estudo. Examinando as suas diferentes manifestações, propomos um eixo comum para a sua aparente ambivalência, interpretando o amor e a guerra como metáforas com um mesmo significado: poder. Vemos assim como a guerreira e a noiva se complementam em vez de se contradizerem. Ao lado do rei, no leito sagrado ou no campo de batalha, exprimem sempre a bênção divina assegurando a legitimidade dos seus actos enquanto representante dos deuses na Terra e, por conseguinte, garante da ordem. A permanência no tempo do sistema de crenças originalmente fixado por mão suméria, resistindo a conquistas e mudanças dinásticas, e a sua difusão no espaço, transpondo fronteiras naturais e artificiais, demonstram que os povos do Crescente Fértil o partilharam, não obstante algumas alterações semânticas. Na perspectiva da história das religiões, este olhar projetado sobre o passado permite ainda entender melhor a mente do homem mesopotâmico e acompanhar as consequências das alterações culturais no tecido sociopolítico da época. Afloramos também alguns aspectos de continuidade, manifestados através da presença de influências mesopotâmicas na literatura e religião gregas, mais especificamente em Afrodite e Deméter, deusas do amor e da fertilidade, respectivamente. Por fim, sugerimos a permanência de categorias mentais que transportam o passado até aos dias de hoje, ligando a Antiguidade à Actualidade.
La nation s’est affirmée à partir de la fin du 18e siècle comme l’un des grands paramètres de la modernité. Sa remise en cause, tout spécialement dans les dernières décennies du siècle dernier, est à la fois partie prenante et symptomatique de l’actuel phénomène d’effritement des identités collectives. Le Québec n’échappe pas à ce courant de fond, comme en témoigne l’œuvre du vidéaste et cinéaste Robert Morin, qui propose une galerie de personnages en manque d’attaches et souvent réduits à leur propre subjectivité. Dans un contexte de questionnement généralisé des concepts de nation et de collectivité, ces individualités se sentent isolées et tentent désespérément de réactualiser les liens qui les unissent à leurs semblables, mais sans grand succès. La communauté revêt ainsi une dimension nostalgique, parcourant l’œuvre de Morin dans son entièreté et se manifestant de différentes manières, tant à l’écran qu’à travers son approche du médium qui reste grandement tributaire des pratiques filmiques et vidéographiques des années ’60 et ’70. Écartelé entre la prise de conscience de son isolement et son désir d’appartenir à une entité collective, qu’elle soit nationale ou autre, le sujet délié que l’on retrouve chez Morin, comme cette thèse tente de le démontrer, subit ce phénomène de déliaison et lutte simultanément pour l’enrayer.
La question de l’idéalisme leibnizien, qui permet d’entrer au cœur de la métaphysique de Leibniz, intéresse encore aujourd’hui de nombreux commentateurs. Ceux-ci utilisent les termes « réalisme », « idéalisme », voire « phénoménalisme », pour caractériser la métaphysique leibnizienne et un travail doit être fait pour rassembler et comparer leurs analyses, ce que nous proposons de faire d’abord dans ce mémoire. Ce sont surtout les textes mêmes de Leibniz qui seront abordés dans le présent travail et qui permettront de proposer la lecture suivante : si la métaphysique leibnizienne est réaliste en ce sens qu’elle met en place une entité elle-même « mind-independent », c'est-à-dire la monade, elle peut être considérée comme idéaliste (idéalisme substantiel), puisque cette entité, étant sans partie et sans étendue, est en ce sens idéelle. Et si tout peut se réduire à cette monade, c’est toute la fondation de la métaphysique de Leibniz qui se retrouve à être idéelle. Or, ceci ne règle pas le statut des corps qui peuvent être considérés soit comme de simples phénomènes réductibles aux perceptions des monades (idéalisme matériel), soit comme des êtres ayant une réalité indépendante d’un esprit, lesquels se réduiraient cette fois aux monades qui les composent (réalisme matériel). Face à ces deux possibilités, nous développerons une position mitoyenne qui défend l’idée que les corps sont en effet composés de monades qui leur procurent une certaine réalité, mais qu’ils dépendront toujours de l’action d’un esprit qui lui seul pourra leur procurer une certaine unité.
Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude de l’orientation des sépultures mayas de la Période Classique (250 - 900/1000 de notre ère). Il s’agit d’une recherche visant à comprendre le choix d’une orientation sud des défunts dans la vallée du Belize et ses environs. L’intérêt porté à cette région vient du fait que l’orientation sud des défunts est un phénomène que l’on retrouve rarement sur le territoire maya, sauf à cet endroit. Alors que la présence de la cardinalité en lien avec la cosmovision maya est attestée dans l’architecture, le plan des sites, la forme et la fonction des divinités, dans l’agriculture, etc., il est plutôt rare qu’elle soit analysée dans les études du traitement funéraire. Ainsi, le but de cette recherche est de saisir l’ampleur de la pratique de l’orientation sud des défunts sur le territoire maya, de comprendre son origine et sa ou ses possible(s) signification(s). Les données des sépultures de la Période Classique de cinq sites de la vallée du Belize (Baking Pot, Barton Ramie, Blackman Eddy, Cahal Pech et Xunantunich), de quatre sites du Plateau Vaca (Minanha, Pacbitun, Mountain Cow et Caracol) et de trois sites situés à l’ouest (Holmul) et au nord (San José et Altun Ha) de ces deux régions sont compilées. Les résultats révèlent que le coeur de cette pratique se trouve dans la vallée du Belize, bien qu’une orientation sud des défunts ait été retrouvée partout. Cette pratique semble apparaitre à la fin de la Période Préclassique et les analyses ne révèlent pas de lien entre l’orientation sud et certaines variables (âge, sexe, position du défunt). Finalement, on arrive à la conclusion qu’il est possible que cette orientation sud des défunts soit en lien avec le passage des défunts dans l’inframonde et que cela forme un choix culturel local en lien avec le statut et l’identité du défunt.
Il principale componente non idrocarburico contenuto nel gas naturale è l’acqua che viene rimossa mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico, il processo di trattamento più comune nella produzione di gas naturale. La presenza di acqua libera nel gas deve essere rimossa totalmente, per evitare la formazione di condensa nelle condizioni di trasporto e di distribuzione più critiche cioè a pressione elevata e a bassa temperatura. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi delle cause e dei fenomeni che portano a rilevanti perdite di glicole (TEG) in impianti di disidratazione del gas naturale operanti con elevate concentrazioni di CO2 e H2S nel gas di processo. Le perdite, in relazione alle diverse condizioni operative e concentrazioni dei gas menzionati, possono arrivare a raggiungere valori pari a 3-4 volte l'entità attesa, con punte che raggiungono 10 volte tali valori. Il lavoro di tesi è stato focalizzato su un impianto attualmente in esercizio, situato in Arabia Saudita. L’attività è stata condotta presso la Comart di Ravenna, azienda specializzata nella progettazione di impianti nel settore Oil&Gas. Inizialmente sono state studiate le caratteristiche di un impianto di disidratazione di gas naturale mediante assorbimento con glicole trietilenico. Dopo l’analisi delle possibili fonti di perdita, la colonna di alimentazione del ribollitore (Still Column) e il relativo condensatore, sulla base dei dati operativi degli impianti, sembra essere il punto su cui si concentrano le perdite. Vengono presentati i dettagli costruttivi di tale colonna al fine di determinarne i possibili malfunzionamenti. Scopo della tesi sarà l'identificazione, partendo dall'attuale configurazione dell’impianto, delle cause che portano a tali valori di perdite e l'individuazione di una configurazione colonna/condensatore (con eventuali altri equipment necessari) in grado di minimizzare le perdite contenendo al minimo i costi aggiuntivi della soluzione.