783 resultados para Enfermeras y enfermería
Objective. To analyze the role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors. Methodology. Qualitative study, which body analysis was composed of 32 participations in a thematic forum of a group of nine health professionals. Results. After professor hiring it is necessary to receive and chaperone him. Professors with longer time in the institution represent a more important role in the admission of the new professor. Chaperone process is an opportunity to change and redefine the rules, and should be supported by permanent evaluation. The university as a legitimate learning scenario, production and knowledge reconstitution, should accompany changes of contemporary science and support the interdisciplinary demands in the new knowledge construction. Conclusion. It is fundamental the role of the university receiving and chaperoning teachers from joining. As well university should favor the growth of the professor, not only by supporting the challenges of their pedagogic activity, but mainly through the respect of autonomy.
Objective. To describe women behavior regarding birth control and analyze if such behavior has any cultural influence. Methodology. Qualitative study in which patients were women who were waiting for their family health program consult in three health units of the city Ilah Comprida in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected during October and November of 2007, the interview was used as source of information, subsequently they were subjected to the content analysis technique. Results. Women are responsible for birth control; they consider there are difficulties with birth control especially due to inefficient information about methods of contraception and family influence over this adopted behavior. Conclusion. Birth control is influenced by cultural models, moral, social and religious values related with the exercise of sexuality.
The study has resulted from the desire to comprehend how intensive care unit (ICU) nurses understand the caregiving process. The ICU nurses must be able to promote effective changes in the care provided, to give attention to adversities and be able to act promptly to attend several demands. Aim: understanding the meaning to nurses of the caregiving process at the ICU. Methodology: it consists of a qualitative research with a phenomenological view that has three moments: description, reduction and comprehension. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee (211/08) in 02/06/2008, individual interviews were conducted by using the following guiding questions: What is the working process to ICU nurses? What is it to you, to be an ICU nurse? The study subjects were twelve nurses who worked at the ICUs. Results: the analysis showed the themes: nursing process, relationship with the ICU patient and family, and humanization. Conclusion: From the results it is concluded that nurses working in ICUs in the study report difficulties as well as satisfaction related to caregiving process, especially in the context of the anxieties of patients and families, revealing the difficulties in the processing of feelings. A nurse is recognized by the team as a leader agent and a multiplier of the caregiving actions.
This study aimed at understanding the role played by nurses in managing a team in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) in relation to competences and skills practiced and developed in their everyday work and the difficulties found to perform their duties based on these professionals’ perceptions. Data were collected by means of focus groups with seven nurses in 2006 and then submitted to content analysis, which disclosed five themes: The context of the coordination of multidisciplinary teams in the Family Health Strategy, factors involved in the daily work in the ESF, conflicts experienced in the interface between teamwork and central coordination in the ESF, difficulties of the population towards the new model of care coordinated by the nurse, the perceived competence to exercise leadership in coordinating multidisciplinary teams. Results showed work overload, overlapping of tasks and lack of training. These professionals have been evaluated according to the logic of their work organization by productivity and not by the quality of their actions. Hence, they feel devalued professionally. They pointed out technical and scientific knowledge as an important competence attached to relational practices. There is a need to create formal opportunities to discuss the major difficulties found by the nurses managing multiprofessional teams when experiencing such management.
Este estudo teve por objetivo validar as características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem "Comunicação prejudicada ao paciente submetido à laringectomia total." Para sua realização, optou-se pelo modelo validação de conteúdo diagnóstico (CDV) de FEHRING (1986, 1987). Coletaram-se os dados por meio de uma escala de freqüência do tipo Likert, composta por vinte e seis características definidoras da lista oficial da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) e três características definidoras fictícias. Participaram do estudo vinte e seis enfermeiros assistenciais e docentes. Os resultados demonstraram uma CDV total de 0,84 para as características definidoras maiores e CDV total de 0,69 para as características definidoras menores. Reconheceu-se que o estudo validou as características definidoras preconizadas pela NANDA para o diagnóstico de enfermagem comunicação prejudicada.
No Brasil, mais de 30.000 pacientes aguardam em fila de espera para a realização de transplantes de órgãos. A complexidade desta modalidade terapêutica exige preparo especializado e constante da equipe de profissionais de saúde envolvidos no cuidado do paciente. No cotidiano da prática, o enfermeiro é desafiado a prover assistência com qualidade aos pacientes e familiares. Frente à necessidade de definir o papel do enfermeiro no processo de doação e transplantes e a relevância de divulgação desta área de atuação, elaborou-se a presente revisão narrativa que teve como objetivo tecer considerações sobre o papel e as responsabilidades do enfermeiro que atua em programa de transplantes de órgãos e tecidos. Os textos encontrados foram lidos, organizados e sintetizados em cinco categorias temáticas, a saber: definição do papel do enfermeiro no transplante, diferença entre o enfermeiro clínico e o enfermeiro coordenador de transplante, aspectos legais e éticos, pesquisa e informação e educação em transplantes. Conclui-se que o enfermeiro deve ter conhecimento dos princípios de boas práticas e ter recursos disponíveis para avaliar o mérito, riscos e questões sociais relacionadas aos transplantes.
Programa de doctorado en Avances en traumatología. Medicina del deporte. Cuidado de heridas (interdepartamental)
Eliminadas páginas en blanco
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología
Programa de Doctorado: Psicología de la Salud. Departamento de Enfermería
Programa de doctorado de Psicología de la Salud (Bienio 2002-2004)