677 resultados para Ems dispatch
Large scale wind power generation complicated with restrictions on the tie line plans may lead to significant wind power curtailment and deep cycling of coal units during the valley load periods. This study proposes a dispatch strategy for interconnected wind-coal intensive power systems (WCISs). Wind power curtailment and cycling of coal units are included in the economic dispatch analysis of regional systems. Based on the day-ahead dispatch results, a tie line power plan adjustment strategy is implemented in the event of wind power curtailment or deep cycling occurring in the economic dispatch model, with the objective of reducing such effects. The dispatch strategy is designed based on the distinctive operation characteristics of interconnected WCISs, and dispatch results for regional systems in China show that the proposed strategy is feasible and can improve the overall system operation performance.
Abstract - This study investigates the effect of solid dispersions prepared from of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 and 6000 Da alone or combined with the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80 on the solubility and dissolution rate of a poorly soluble drug eprosartan mesylate (ESM) in attempt to improve its bioavailability following its oral administration.
ESM is a potent anti-hypertension [1]. It has low water solubility and is classified as a Class II drug as per the Biopharmaceutical Classification Systems (BCS) leading to low and variable oral bioavailability (approximately 13%). [2]. Thus, improving ESM solubility and/or dissolution rate would eventually improve the drug bioavailability. Solid dispersion is widely used technique to improve the water solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs employing various biocompatible polymers. In this study, we aimed to enhance the solubility and dissolution of EMS employing solid dispersion (SD) formulated from two grades of poly ethylene glycol (PEG) polymers (i.e. PEG 3350 & PEG 6000 Da) either individually or in combination with Tween 80.
ESM SDs were prepared by solvent evaporation method using either PEG 3350 or PEG 6000 at various (drug: polymer, w/w) ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 alone or combined with Tween 80 added at fixed percentage of 0.1 of drug by weight?. Physical mixtures (PMs) of drug and carriers were also prepared at same ratios. Drug solid dispersions and physical mixtures were characterized in terms of drug content, drug dissolution using dissolution apparatus USP II and assayed using HPLC method. Drug dissolution enhancement ratio (ER %) from SD in comparison to the plain drug was calculated. Drug-polymer interactions were evaluated using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and FT-IR.
The in vitro solubility and dissolution studies showed SDs prepared using both polymers produced a remarkable improvement (p<0.05) in comparison to the plain drug which reached around 32% (Fig. 1). The dissolution enhancement ratio was polymer type and concentration-dependent. Adding Tween 80 to the SD did not show further dissolution enhancement but reduced the required amount of the polymer to get the same dissolution enhancement. The DSC and FT-IR studies indicated that using SD resulted in transformation of drug from crystalline to amorphous form.
This study indicated that SDs prepared by using both polymers i.e. PEG 3350 and PEG 6000 improved the in-vitro solubility and dissolution of ESM remarkably which may result in improving the drug bioavailability in vivo.
This work is a part of MSc thesis of O.M. Ali at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aleppo University, Syria.
[1] Ruilope L, Jager B: Eprosartan for the treatment of hypertension. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2003; 4(1):107-14
[2] Tenero D, Martin D, Wilson B, Jushchyshyn J, Boike S, Lundberg, D, et al. Pharmacokinetics of intravenously and orally administered Eprosartan in healthy males: absolute bioavailability and effect of food. Biopharm Drug Dispos 1998; 19(6): 351- 6.
Wind generation in highly interconnected power networks creates local and centralised stability issues based on their proximity to conventional synchronous generators and load centres. This paper examines the large disturbance stability issues (i.e. rotor angle and voltage stability) in power networks with geographically distributed wind resources in the context of a number of dispatch scenarios based on profiles of historical wind generation for a real power network. Stability issues have been analysed using novel stability indices developed from dynamic characteristics of wind generation. The results of this study show that localised stability issues worsen when significant penetration of both conventional and wind generation is present due to their non-complementary characteristics. In contrast, network stability improves when either high penetration of wind and synchronous generation is present in the network. Therefore, network regions can be clustered into two distinct stability groups (i.e. superior stability and inferior stability regions). Network stability improves when a voltage control strategy is implemented at wind farms, however both stability clusters remain unchanged irrespective of change in the control strategy. Moreover, this study has shown that the enhanced fault ride-through (FRT) strategy for wind farms can improve both voltage and rotor angle stability locally, but only a marginal improvement is evident in neighbouring regions.
This paper presents the first multi vector energy analysis for the interconnected energy systems of Great Britain (GB) and Ireland. Both systems share a common high penetration of wind power, but significantly different security of supply outlooks. Ireland is heavily dependent on gas imports from GB, giving significance to the interconnected aspect of the methodology in addition to the gas and power interactions analysed. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model coupled to an energy flow model of the gas supply network is developed. Extreme weather events driving increased domestic gas demand and low wind power output were utilised to increase gas supply network stress. Decreased wind profiles had a larger impact on system security than high domestic gas demand. However, the GB energy system was resilient during high demand periods but gas network stress limited the ramping capability of localised generating units. Additionally, gas system entry node congestion in the Irish system was shown to deliver a 40% increase in short run costs for generators. Gas storage was shown to reduce the impact of high demand driven congestion delivering a reduction in total generation costs of 14% in the period studied and reducing electricity imports from GB, significantly contributing to security of supply.
The European Union continues to exert a large influence on the direction of member states energy policy. The 2020 targets for renewable energy integration have had significant impact on the operation of current power systems, forcing a rapid change from fossil fuel dominated systems to those with high levels of renewable power. Additionally, the overarching aim of an internal energy market throughout Europe has and will continue to place importance on multi-jurisdictional co-operation regarding energy supply. Combining these renewable energy and multi-jurisdictional supply goals results in a complicated multi-vector energy system, where the understanding of interactions between fossil fuels, renewable energy, interconnection and economic power system operation is increasingly important. This paper provides a novel and systematic methodology to fully understand the changing dynamics of interconnected energy systems from a gas and power perspective. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model of the 2030 power systems in Great Britain and Ireland, combined with a representative gas transmission energy flow model is developed. The importance of multi-jurisdictional integrated energy system operation in one of the most strategically important renewable energy regions is demonstrated.
Development of reliable methods for optimised energy storage and generation is one of the most imminent challenges in modern power systems. In this paper an adaptive approach to load leveling problem using novel dynamic models based on the Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise continuous kernels. These integral equations efficiently solve such inverse problem taking into account both the time dependent efficiencies and the availability of generation/storage of each energy storage technology. In this analysis a direct numerical method is employed to find the least-cost dispatch of available storages. The proposed collocation type numerical method has second order accuracy and enjoys self-regularization properties, which is associated with confidence levels of system demand. This adaptive approach is suitable for energy storage optimisation in real time. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is demonstrated on the Single Electricity Market of Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Many countries have set challenging wind power targets to achieve by 2020. This paper implements a realistic analysis of curtailment and constraint of wind energy at a nodal level using a unit commitment and economic dispatch model of the Irish Single Electricity Market in 2020. The key findings show that significant reduction in curtailment can be achieved when the system non-synchronous penetration limit increases from 65% to 75%. For the period analyzed, this results in a decreased total generation cost and a reduction in the dispatch-down of wind. However, some nodes experience significant dispatch-down of wind, which can be in the order of 40%. This work illustrates the importance of implementing analysis at a nodal level for the purpose of power system planning.
Logistikkonzepte in der Spedition und Transportgewerbe spielen heutzutage eine immer wichtigere Rolle, um Lohnnebenkosten so niedrig wie möglich zu halten. Gerade in der Spedition entsteht ein Zusammenspiel aus zeitnaher Lieferung von Konsumgütern und Optimierung der Lagerhaltungskosten bei dem die modulare Integration von Logistik, Informationstechnischen Systemen und vernetzter Kommunikation eine ganz spezifische Rolle hat. Anbindung von der Industrie zum Kunden wird dadurch immer mehr verstärkt, wobei sich somit dies zusehends zu einem Technologietransfer der Industrie 4.0 entwickelt. Die deutsche Wirtschaft steht augenblicklich am Übergabepunkt zur virtuellen Revolution im Industriezeitalter.
The Bureau of Immunization is part of the Division of Acute Disease Prevention and Emergency Response (ADPER) at the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). The ADPER division provides support, technical assistance and consultation to local hospitals, public health agencies, community health centers, emergency medical service programs and local health care providers regarding infectious diseases, disease prevention and control, injury prevention and public health and health care emergency preparedness and response. The division encompasses the Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology (CADE), the Bureau of Immunization and Tuberculosis (ITB), the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the Bureau of Communication and Planning (CAP), the Office of Health Information Technology (HIT), and the Center for Disaster Operations and Response (CDOR). The Bureau of Immunization and Tuberculosis includes the Immunization Program, the Tuberculosis Control Program, and the Refugee Health Program. The mission of the Immunization Program is to decrease vaccine‐preventable diseases through education, advocacy and partnership. While there has been major advancement in expanding immunizations to many parts of Iowa’s population, work must continue with public and private health care providers to promote the program’s vision of healthy Iowans living in communities free of vaccine‐preventable diseases. Accomplishing this goal will require achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage levels, improving vaccination strategies among under‐vaccinated populations, prompt reporting and thorough investigation of suspected disease cases, and rapid institution of control measures. The Immunization Program is comprised of multiple programs that provide immunization services throughout the state: Adolescent Immunization Program, Adult Immunization Program, Immunization Registry Information System (IRIS), Vaccines for Children Program (VFC), Perinatal Hepatitis B Program, and Immunization Assessment Program.
Introdução: Sobretudo estudos internacionais focam a importância da vinculação e dos estilos educativos parentais no desenvolvimento de comportamentos delinquentes e antissociais. Em Portugal, alguns estudos focados na população reclusa, analisam, separadamente, estilos educativos parentais, personalidade e esquemas precoces mal adaptativos mas, segundo sabemos, nenhum explora, simultaneamente, a vinculação, os estilos educativos parentais e os esquemas precoces mal adaptativos nesta população. São nossos objetivos caracterizar uma amostra de reclusos quanto à vinculação em diferentes relacionamentos, estilos educativos parentais e esquemas precoces mal adaptativos (EPM) e, sobretudo, explorar associações entre estas três variáveis (e destas com variáveis sociodemográficas, familiares, clínicas e relativas à pena). Metodologia: 44 reclusos do sexo masculino (M = 37,3 anos; DP = 10,98; variação = 23-67) preencheram voluntariamente um questionário sociodemográfico e os seguintes instrumentos: EMBU – Memórias de Infância, Experiências em Relações Próximas - Questionário de Estruturas Relacionais e Questionário de Esquemas de Young (QEY). Resultados: Verificou-se, quanto às associações entre vinculação e estilos educativos parentais que: menor suporte emocional paterno associou-se a maior evitamento pai, evitamento mãe e evitamento companheira; menor suporte emocional materno associou-se a maior evitamento mãe, evitamento pai, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai; maior rejeição paterna associou-se a maior evitamento mãe, evitamento pai, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai; maior rejeição materna associou-se a maior evitamento pai e evitamento mãe. No que toca às associações entre as dimensões de vinculação e EPM, é de enfatizar a associação positivas entre os EPM do domínio distanciamento e rejeição com o evitamento mãe, ansiedade mãe e ansiedade pai, particularmente, os EPM de abandono, desconfiança/abuso e isolamento social, por consistentemente se associaram às dimensões de vinculação. No domínio autonomia e desempenho deteriorados, o fracasso e a dependência/incompetência associaram-se positivamente ao evitamento mãe, a dependência/incompetência à ansiedade pai e o fracasso ao evitamento companheira. Quanto ao domínio limites deteriorados, a grandiosidade associou-se positivamente à ansiedade pai. No domínio vigilância e inibição o pessimismo/negativismo correlacionou-se positivamente com a ansiedade mãe e pai e a autopunição com a ansiedade mãe. Quanto às associações entre dimensões de estilos educativos parentais e os EPM, o domínio distanciamento e rejeição apresentou, de novo resultados relevantes: menores níveis de suporte emocional materno associaram-se a maiores níveis de privação emocional; maiores níveis de rejeição e sobreproteção materna e paterna a maiores os níveis de abandono; maiores níveis de rejeição materna e paterna a maiores níveis de desconfiança/abuso; maiores níveis de rejeição materna e sobreproteção materna e paterna a maiores níveis de isolamento social; maiores níveis de rejeição e sobreproteção paterna a maiores níveis de defeito. Enfatiza-se, também, a associação entre níveis maiores de rejeição paterna e os EPM de grandiosidade, padrões excessivos e pessimismo. Maiores níveis de rejeição materna associaram-se a maiores níveis de pessimismo e autopunição. Discussão: Embora numa amostra pequena, este estudo explorou, pela primeira vez, numa amostra de reclusos portugueses, em simultâneo, associações entre a vinculação, os estilos educativos parentais e os esquemas precoces mal adaptativos. O domínio esquemático distanciamento e rejeição parece ser o mais influenciado pela vinculação estabelecida em diferentes relacionamentos e pelos estilos educativos parentais. / Introduction: Mainly international studies focus on the importance of attachment and parental rearing styles in the development of delinquent and antisocial behaviors. In Portugal some studies focused in the inmate population analyze, separately, parental rearing styles, personality and early maladaptive schemas but, to our knowledge, none simultaneously explores attachment, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas in this population. It is our objective to characterize a sample of inmates concerning attachment in different relationships, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas (EMS) and, above all, explore associations between this three variables (and also with sociodemographic, family, clinic and sentence related variables). Methodology: 44 male inmates (M = 37,3 years; SD = 10,98; variation = 23-67) voluntarily filled in a sociodemographic questionnaire and the following instruments: EMBU – Childhood Memories, Experiments in Close Relationships – Structural Relationship Form and the Young Schema Questionnaires (YSQ) Results: we verified, regarding associations between attachment and parental rearing styles that: less paternal emotional support associated with higher father avoidance (in attachment), mother avoidance and partner avoidance; less maternal emotional support associated with higher mother avoidance, father avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety; higher paternal rejection associated with higher mother avoidance, father avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety; higher mother rejection associated with father avoidance and mother avoidance. Regarding associations between attachment dimensions and EMS, we emphasize positive associations between EMS in the disconnection and rejection domain with mother avoidance, mother anxiety and father anxiety, particularly, the abandonment, distrust/abuse and social isolation EMS, as they were consistently associated with the this attachment dimension. In the impaired autonomy and performance domain, the failure and dependency/incompetence EMS are positively associated with mother avoidance, the dependence/incompetence EMS to father anxiety and failure to partner avoidance. About the impaired limits domain, grandiosity EMS positively associated with father anxiety. In the overvigilance and inhibition domain, pessimist/negativism EMS positively correlated with mother and father anxiety and self-punishment EMS with mother anxiety. About the associations between parental rearing styles and the EMS, the disconnection and rejection domain presented again relevant results: lower levels of maternal emotional support associated with higher levels of emotional deprivation; higher levels of maternal and paternal rejection and overprotection associated with higher levels of abandonment; higher levels of maternal and paternal rejection associated with higher levels of distrust/abuse; higher levels of maternal rejection and maternal and paternal overprotection associated with higher levels of social isolation; higher levels of paternal rejection and overprotection associated with higher levels of defectiveness. We also emphasize the association between higher levels of paternal rejection and the grandiosity, excessive patterns and pessimism EMS. Higher levels of maternal rejection associated with higher levels of pessimism and self-punishment EMS. Discussion: Although in a small sample, this study explored, for the first time, in sample of Portuguese inmates, simultaneously, the associations between attachment, parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas. The schematic domain of disconnection and rejection seems to be the most influenced by the established attachment in different relationships and by parental rearing styles.
Purpose- Entrepreneurship education (EEd) plays a crucial role in the development of entrepreneurs and the enhancement of entrepreneurial activities in every economy. This paper examined what Higher education Institutions (HEIs) do in learning and teaching of entrepreneurship in general and how entrepreneurship development takes place in Nigerian HEIs. The outcome from this study will enable a deeper understanding on what HEIs do EEd, with more exposure as to what the areas and focus of research is in the Nigerian context. Design/methodology/approach- The study adopted a systematic literature review approach- drawing from a computerized search of five selected data bases, using predetermined key words by the researchers. Findings: The main finding of this paper is that, related concepts like skills, intention, drive and attitude have been use in expounding discussions on the outcome of EEd, but very little has been written on entrepreneurial mind-set (EMS), of which other studies have suggested that it’s a crucial point in the journey of an entrepreneurs (Reed & Stoltz, 2011; Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), 2012; Neneh, 2012). Furthermore, learning and teaching of entrepreneurship in Nigerian HEIs seems to be more on creating awareness (about entrepreneurship) than actual preparation for entrepreneurship (For entrepreneurship). Research limitations/implications- The paper is limited since it is based on a review of literature from a selected databases- covering a specific time span. This potentially excludes other studies outside this time span. A more comprehensive overview of these contributions would benefit from employing tools such as Google Scholar, for an overview of the sub–domains online. Originality/value – There are limited studies that focus on the issue of entrepreneurial mind-set in entrepreneurship education in Africa, specifically Nigeria. This paper and its focus in particular, have laid down pioneering ground work for research on entrepreneurial mind-set development in Nigerian entrepreneurship education.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
With the evolution of nowadays knowledge-based economies, the labour class becomes more competitive. As a way of getting skills that bring benefits to their careers, university students take advantage of the many opportunities available and go abroad to study. This study develops and empirically tests a structural model that examines the antecedents that influence the decision-making process of an Erasmus student under mobility for studies (EMS) in Aveiro, Coimbra and Porto (2014-2015). Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and linear regressions were used to evaluate the model. Based on a survey with a sample of 872 valid responses, this study has demonstrated that EMS students are also influenced by touristic factors, which gives support to what has recently been approached by other authors. Conclusions and suggestions can be applied by other organizations, mainly Higher Education Institutions in order to attract more EMS students.
Nas últimas décadas tem-se verificado uma degradação contínua do meio ambiente, intensificada pela produção em massa das indústrias, aliado a um crescente consumismo da sociedade. Atualmente, as organizações e a sociedade civil demonstram uma crescente preocupação com os problemas ambientais, é neste contexto que surgem as questões associadas aos sistemas de gestão ambiental (SGA), como forma de integrar as preocupações das organizações com a proteção do ambiente. O presente projeto, realizado no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado de Engenharia do Ambiente, pretende explorar e servir de apoio na implementação e desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental em duas Unidades Industriais da Amorim & Irmãos, S.A. Para o cumprimento dos objetivos do projeto foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica da temática Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental, que possibilitou alargar o conhecimento sobre o tema do estágio. A segunda fase do trabalho consistiu na integração nos processos e infraestruturas da empresa. A terceira fase incluiu a realização dos trabalhos práticos necessários para a implementação e desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental. Tendo em conta a metodologia seguida conclui-se que a realização este projeto foi muito vantajosa para todas as partes envolvidas, tendo contribuído: para um grande avanço na implementação e desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental nas duas Unidades Industriais, permitindo assim melhorar os seus desempenhos ambientais; para a aquisição e consolidação de conhecimentos na área e proporcionou uma experiencia que será benéfica no envolvimento de um projeto desta natureza.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança