773 resultados para Empirical-analysis
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los diferentes modelos de gestión que pueden presentar las sociedades cooperativas. Tras una descripción de los modelos monista y dualista, así como de las distintas variantes que puede presentar este último modelo, se analizan los factores determinantes de su elección. Los factores analizados son: el tamaño, la edad y la actividad de la cooperativa. El análisis empírico ha sido realizado a partir de una muestra de empresas cooperativas españolas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el modelo dualista se utiliza, fundamentalmente en empresas grandes, de mayor edad y cuya actividad es la industria o los servicios.
The purpose of this study is to explore the link between decentralization and the impact of natural disasters through empirical analysis. It addresses the issue of the importance of the role of local government in disaster response through different means of decentralization. By studying data available for 50 countries, it allows to develop the knowledge on the role of national government in setting policy that allows flexibility and decision making at a local level and how this devolution of power influences the outcome of disasters. The study uses Aaron Schneider’s definition and rankings of decentralization, the EM-DAT database to identify the amount of people affected by disasters on average per year as well as World Bank Indicators and the Human Development Index (HDI) to model the role of local decentralization in mitigating disasters. With a multivariate regression it looks at the amount of affected people as explained by fiscal, administrative and political decentralization, government expenses, percentage of urbanization, total population, population density, the HDI and the overall Logistics Performance Indicator (LPI). The main results are that total population, the overall LPI and fiscal decentralization are all significant in relation to the amount of people affected by disasters for the countries and period studied. These findings have implication for government’s policies by indicating that fiscal decentralization by allowing local governments to control a bigger proportion of the countries revenues and expenditures plays a role in reducing the amount of affected people in disasters. This can be explained by the fact that local government understand their own needs better in both disaster prevention and response which helps in taking the proper decisions to mitigate the amount of people affected in a disaster. The reduction in the implication of national government might also play a role in reducing the time of reaction to face a disaster. The main conclusion of this study is that fiscal control by local governments can help reduce the amount of people affected by disasters.
We present an IP-based nonparametric (revealed preference) testing procedure for rational consumption behavior in terms of general collective models, which include consumption externalities and public consumption. An empirical application to data drawn from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) demonstrates the practical usefulness of the procedure. Finally, we present extensions of the testing procedure to evaluate the goodness-of- t of the collective model subject to testing, and to quantify and improve the power of the corresponding collective rationality tests.
This paper addresses the construction and structuring of a technological niche – i.e. a protected space where promising but still underperforming technologies are stabilized and articulated with societal needs – and discusses the processes that influence niche development and may enable niche breakout. In theoretical terms the paper is grounded on the multi-level approach to sustainability transitions, and particularly on the niche literature. But it also attempts to address the limitations of this literature in what concerns the spatial dimension of niche development. It is argued that technological niches can transcend the narrow territorial boundaries to which they are often confined, and encompass communities and actions that span several spatial levels, without losing some territorial embeddedness. It is further proposed that these features shape the niche trajectory and, therefore, need to be explicitly considered by the niche theoretical framework. To address this problem the paper builds on and extends the socio-cognitive perspective to technology development, introducing a further dimension – space – which broadens the concept of technological niche and permits to better capture the complexity of niche behaviour. This extended framework is applied to the case of an emerging renewable energy technology – wave energy - which exhibits a particularly slow and non-linear development trajectory. The empirical analysis starts by examining how an “overall niche space” in wave energy was spatially constructed over time. Then it investigates in greater detail the niche development processes that took place in Portugal, a country that was among the pioneers in the field, and whose actors have been, from very early stages, engaged in the activities conducted at various spatial levels. Through this combined analysis, the paper seeks to understand whether and how niche development is shaped by processes taking place at different spatial levels. More specifically it investigates the interplay between territorial and relational elements in niche development, and how these different dynamics influence the performance of the niche processes and impact on the overall niche trajectory. The results confirm the niche multi-spatial dynamics, showing that it is shaped by the interplay between a niche relational space constructed by actors’ actions and interactions on/across levels, and the territorial effects introduced by these actors’ embeddedness in particular geographical and institutional settings. They contribute to a more precise understanding of the processes that can accelerate or slow down the trajectory of a technological niche. In addition, the results shed some light into the niche activities conducted in/originating from a specific territorial setting - Portugal - offering some insights into the behaviour of key actors and its implications for the positioning of the country in the emerging field, which can be relevant for the formulation of strategies and policies for this area.
This article discusses the application of Information and Communication Technologies and strategies for best practices in order to capture and maintain faculty students' attention. It is based on a case study of ten years, using a complete information system. This system, in addition to be considered an ERP, to support the activities of academic management, also has a strong component of SRM that provides support to academic and administrative activities. It describes the extent to which the presented system facilitates the interaction and communication between members of the academic community, using the Internet, with services available on the Web complementing them with email, SMS and CTI. Through a perception, backed by empirical analysis and results of investigations, it demonstrates how this type of practice may raise the level of satisfaction of the community. In particular, it is possible to combat failure at school, avoid that students leave their course before its completion and also that they recommend them to potential students. In addition, such a strategy also allows strong economies in the management of the institution, increasing its value. As future work, we present the new phase of the project towards implementation of Business Intelligence to optimize the management process, making it proactive. The technological vision that guides new developments to a construction based on Web services and procedural languages is also presented.
O presente projeto de Mestrado assenta no estudo dos principais fatores motivacionais na compra de livros de ficção, aprofundando a dicotomia uso próprio versus oferta, englobando duas perspetivas complementares: a sustentação bibliográfica e uma pesquisa quantitativa que foi concretizada através da distribuição de um inquérito por questionário, em formato digital, que permitiu obter 487 respostas válidas e completas. Os dados obtidos foram tratados no SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), utilizando análises descritivas, que foram complementadas com técnicas de inferência estatística. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, apesar de homens e mulheres oferecerem um número idêntico de livros, as mulheres compram e leem mais. Além disso, cerca de um terço dos livros comprados destina-se a oferta. Ficou ainda provado que a interação com os autores nas redes sociais apresenta uma associação positiva com a importância atribuida a esse fator na hora de comprar o(s) livro(s). As mulheres são mais sensíveis às “Políticas de Marketing” (Atendimento Personalizado; Facilidade de Pagamento; Local com Cartão de Fidelização; Preços e Descontos; Elevada quantidade de livros), enquanto critérios de seleção do local de compra. Importa referir que a compra é concretizada de forma menos impulsiva quando o livro é para oferta. Os atributos da capa mais relevantes no processo de decisão de compra são o “Título” e a “Sinopse”. Contudo, os diferentes fatores da capa estudados não apresentam diferenças significativas na compra para uso próprio comparativamente à oferta, no que respeita à sua importância. “Autores com prémios literários” e “Nobel” e “Ser uma novidade” (livro) são outros fatores (não da capa) que apresentam diferenças significativas favoráveis à compra para oferta. Por outro lado, “Recomendação de Amigos e Familiares” e “Presença/Ligação/Interação com o Autor nas redes sociais” são mais favoráveis à compra para uso próprio. As conclusões são relevantes para enquadrar as preferências dos consumidores, possibilitando aos profissionais do marketing algumas referências para definir estratégias que respondam às suas necessidades e ambições. Além disso, ao explorar a dimensão dos submercados (Uso próprio versus Oferta), será possível ir ao encontro das exigências dos compradores, tornando a subjetividade da aquisição/utilização numa ferramenta eficaz da própria idealização e personalização dos livros, permitindo conceber e implementar ideias empreendedoras que visem estimular a compra e, consequentemente, melhorar os hábitos de leitura de todos os portugueses.
O presente estudo tem como objectivo investigar o reconhecimento e a relevância do papel do Director de Turma enquanto gestor intermédio para os alunos, os encarregados de educação e para os próprios, tendo em conta a interface inter-relacionai em que a função se desenvolve. Este trabalho teve como pressupostos de base a convicção de que a Educação é um fenómeno complexo que, para além de outras, mobiliza dimensões sociológicas, psicológicas e epistemológicas, além de necessitar, constantemente, de reflexão sobre as suas práticas. Assim, conscientes de que o papel do Director de Turma é de grande importância nas organizações escolares, foi nosso objectivo estudá-lo sob o ponto de vista teórico a partir de uma reflexão na prática e efectuar um estudo empírico do modo como a função é percepcionada como elo de ligação entre os Alunos, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola. Aborda-se a figura do Director de Turma, enquanto gestor pedagógico intermédio da organização escolar, tendo em conta as atribuições que lhe são consagradas na lei e a forma como os demais parceiros vêm a sua função, em especial numa Escola do 2º e 3° ciclos do Ensino Básico, de acordo com as perspectivas/representações dos próprios actores educativos. O estudo visou em concreto, proporcionar uma análise sustentada do reconhecimento e valorização da figura do Director de Turma enquanto mediador entre o aluno, os encarregados de educação e a Escola. Pretendeu-se, nomeadamente, questionar teórica e empiricamente, a interacção e a articulação entre a formação pessoal, a actuação e as representações dos Directores de Turma. Assim, investigou-se de que modo o Director de Turma, considerado como um agente de mediação, é ou não reconhecido e valorizado enquanto figura responsável pela ligação do aluno e do seu encarregado de educação à Escola. Como opção metodológica optou-se por um estudo de caso, recorrendo à complementaridade entre os procedimentos quantitativos e qualitativos, de acordo com os objectivos visados. Assim, as técnicas de recolha de dados utilizados neste estudo foram o inquérito, por questionário, e a entrevista. Estes instrumentos foram sendo sucessivamente aperfeiçoados. Participaram, a nível do inquérito por questionário, duas turmas, uma do 2° ciclo e outra do 3° ciclo (num total de 45 alunos e respectivos encarregados de educação) e a nível da entrevista, os dois Directores de Turma das turmas envolvidas. Procurou-se, deste modo, contribuir para elucidar em que medida a figura do Director de Turma é reconhecida e valorizada como elo de ligação entre os Alunos, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola enquanto gestor intermédio. Nas Conclusões após o confronto entre as questões de partida, o quadro teórico e os resultados do estudo empírico, discutem-se as dificuldades e limitações que um estudo desta natureza envolve. Avança-se, por fim, com algumas sugestões que a investigação realizada permite, no sentido de utilizar o conhecimento produzido para melhorar o relacionamento entre o Aluno, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola e, consequentemente, o processo ensino-aprendizagem. ABSTRACT; The purpose of this study is to investigate the recognition and relevance of the role of the classroom director as an intermediate supervisor to the students, the parents and the classroom director himself, having in mind the inner- relation interface the function takes place. This work was conceived on the basic notion that Education is a complex-phenomenon, setting in motion, among other things, sociological, psychological and epistemological dimensions, as well as requiring, frequently, reflection about its practices. Therefore, conscious of the fact that the role of the class director is of enormous importance within a school environment, our aim was to study it from the theoretical point of view by a reflection in practice and performing an empirical analysis on the way it is understood as a link among the students, parents and the school. The role of classroom director is thus analysed as a pedagogical director in a school setting. Taking into consideration the rights conferred to him/her by law and the way all the other partners assign to the class director, particularly in a 2nd and 3rd cycle of the Elementary School system, in accordance with the perspectives/representations of the education actors. More specifically, this study is an in-depth analysis of the recognition and the valuation of the class director figure as a mediator among the pupils, the parents and the school. ln other words, the interaction between theory and practice in the daily performance of the classroom director were questioned and studied for further analysis. Hence, questioned the way in which the classroom director, seen as a mediation agent, could be considered as a coordinator, recognized and valorized as the responsible figure by the linking among the pupil and his/her parents to the school. The case was realized in the 2nd and 3rd cycle of an elementary school in the Alentejo. As a methodological option, quantitative and qualitative processes were both employed, thus keeping in line with the main objective of this work. Therefore, the data collected and herein utilized were the result of queries, i.e., questionnaires and personal interviews. The former were addressed at the pupils of two classes, one of the 2nd cycle and another of the 3rd cycle of the school and their parents (45 pupils and the same number of parents in total), and the two classroom directors of the classes implicated in the study. ln the Conclusion, a balance of the study is presented, comparing the initial research questions, the theoretical framework, and the results of the empirical analysis developed. A few suggestions are presented from the experience gained in this investigation, i.e., using the knowledge acquired in order to improve and enrich the relationship among the pupils, the parents, the school, and the teaching learning process.
The modern world, which is characterized by diversity, uncertainty and ambiguity, affects the functioning of the younger generation. Young people experience a variety of problems associated with entering into adulthood. Being on the stage “between” youth and adulthood requires countless choices. The functioning of youth is still an interesting cognitive topic, worthy of scientific knowledge, therefore, the article seeks to answer the question: What is the professional orientation of contemporary university students? The article thesis consists of two parts. The first part has a theoretical character. It deals with issues of professional orientation. The second part of the article is an empirical analysis and attempt to answer the research question: What are the professional orientations of students?
Manufacturing companies have passed from selling uniquely tangible products to adopting a service-oriented approach to generate steady and continuous revenue streams. Nowadays, equipment and machine manufacturers possess technologies to track and analyze product-related data for obtaining relevant information from customers’ use towards the product after it is sold. The Internet of Things on Industrial environments will allow manufacturers to leverage lifecycle product traceability for innovating towards an information-driven services approach, commonly referred as “Smart Services”, for achieving improvements in support, maintenance and usage processes. The aim of this study is to conduct a literature review and empirical analysis to present a framework that describes a customer-oriented approach for developing information-driven services leveraged by the Internet of Things in manufacturing companies. The empirical study employed tools for the assessment of customer needs for analyzing the case company in terms of information requirements and digital needs. The literature review supported the empirical analysis with a deep research on product lifecycle traceability and digitalization of product-related services within manufacturing value chains. As well as the role of simulation-based technologies on supporting the “Smart Service” development process. The results obtained from the case company analysis show that the customers mainly demand information that allow them to monitor machine conditions, machine behavior on different geographical conditions, machine-implement interactions, and resource and energy consumption. Put simply, information outputs that allow them to increase machine productivity for maximizing yields, save time and optimize resources in the most sustainable way. Based on customer needs assessment, this study presents a framework to describe the initial phases of a “Smart Service” development process, considering the requirements of Smart Engineering methodologies.
Fast Track Authority (FTA) is the institutional procedure in the Unites States whereby Congress grants to the President the power to negotiate international trade agreements. Under FTA, Congress can only approve or reject negotiated trade deals, with no possibility of amending them. In this paper, we examine the determinants of FTA voting decisions and the implications of this institutional procedure for trade negotiations. We describe a simple two-country trade model, in which industries are unevenly distributed across con- stituencies. In the foreign country, trade negotiating authority is delegated to the executive, while in the home country Congress can retain the power to amend trade agreements. We show that legislators’ FTA voting behavior depends on the trade policy interests of their own constituencies as well as those of the majority of Congress. Empirical analysis of the determinants of all FTA votes between 1974 (when fast track was first introduced) and 2002 (when it was last granted) provides strong support for the predictions of our model.
International audience
Recent health policy in England has demanded greater involvement of patients and the public in the commissioning of health and social care services. Public involvement is seen as a means of driving up service quality, reducing health inequalities and achieving value in commissioning decisions. This paper presents a summary and analysis of the forms that public involvement in commissioning are to take, along with empirical analysis from a qualitative study of service-user involvement. It is argued that the diversity of constituencies covered by the notion of ‘public involvement’, and the breadth of aims that public involvement is expected to achieve, require careful disaggregation. Public involvement in commissioning may encompass a variety of interest groups, whose inputs may include population needs assessment, evaluation of service quality, advocacy of the interests of a particular patient group or service, or a combination of all of these. Each of these roles may be legitimate, but there are significant tensions between them. The extent to which the structures for public involvement proposed recognize these possible tensions is arguably limited. Notably, new Local Involvement Networks (LINks), which will feed into commissioning decisions, are set as the arbiters of these different interests, a demanding role which will require considerable skill, tenacity and robustness if it is to be fulfilled effectively.
We provide a nonparametric 'revealed preference’ characterization of rational household behavior in terms of the collective consumption model, while accounting for general (possibly non-convex) individual preferences. We establish a Collective Axiom of Revealed Preference (CARP), which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for data consistency with collective rationality. Our main result takes the form of a ‘collective’ version of the Afriat Theorem for rational behavior in terms of the unitary model. This theorem has some interesting implications. With only a finite set of observations, the nature of consumption externalities (positive or negative) in the intra-household allocation process is non-testable. The same non-testability conclusion holds for privateness (with or without externalities) or publicness of consumption. By contrast, concavity of individual utility functions (representing convex preferences) turns out to be testable. In addition, monotonicity is testable for the model that assumes all household consumption is public.
Visualisation provides good support for software analysis. It copes with the intangible nature of software by providing concrete representations of it. By reducing the complexity of software, visualisations are especially useful when dealing with large amounts of code. One domain that usually deals with large amounts of source code data is empirical analysis. Although there are many tools for analysis and visualisation, they do not cope well software corpora. In this paper we present Explora, an infrastructure that is specifically targeted at visualising corpora. We report on early results when conducting a sample analysis on Smalltalk and Java corpora.