908 resultados para Electrical and electronic engineering
The interdisciplinary relationship between industrial design and mechanical engineering is sensitive. This research focuses on understanding how one can positively mediate this relation, in order to foster innovation. In this paper, technology is considered for this role since it has, in some historical moments, served as an integrator of these two disciplines, in processes that led to innovation. By means of an extensive literature review, covering three different periods of technological development, both disciplines’ positioning in society and their link with technology are analyzed and compared. The three case studies selected help to illustrate, precisely, the technology positioning between both disciplines and society. Literature assumes that industrial design is rooted in the rise of criticism against both the machine and the mechanized production. This is an opposing approach to the current paradigm, in which design plays a fundamental role in adapting technology to society. Also, the social problems caused by the mechanized and massive production triggered the mechanical engineering emergence, as a professionalized discipline. Technology was intrinsically connected with both industrial design and mechanical engineering emergence and subsequent evolution. In the technology conflict with society lays the reform and regulation for design practice, in its broadest sense.
The productivity associated with commonly available disassembly methods today seldomly makes disassembly the preferred end-of-life solution for massive take back product streams. Systematic reuse of parts or components, or recycling of pure material fractions are often not achievable in an economically sustainable way. In this paper a case-based review of current disassembly practices is used to analyse the factors influencing disassembly feasibility. Data mining techniques were used to identify major factors influencing the profitability of disassembly operations. Case characteristics such as involvement of the product manufacturer in the end-of-life treatment and continuous ownership are some of the important dimensions. Economic models demonstrate that the efficiency of disassembly operations should be increased an order of magnitude to assure the competitiveness of ecologically preferred, disassembly oriented end-of-life scenarios for large waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) streams. Technological means available to increase the productivity of the disassembly operations are summarized. Automated disassembly techniques can contribute to the robustness of the process, but do not allow to overcome the efficiency gap if not combined with appropriate product design measures. Innovative, reversible joints, collectively activated by external trigger signals, form a promising approach to low cost, mass disassembly in this context. A short overview of the state-of-the-art in the development of such self-disassembling joints is included. (c) 2008 CIRP.
The goal of this work is to study and relate electrical and optical properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films for applications in electronic devices. DLC films were deposited in a reactive RF magnetron sputtering system on p-type silicon and glass substrates. The target was a 99.9999% pure, 6 in. diameter graphite plate and methane was used as processing gas. Eight DLC films were produced for each substrate, varying deposition time, the reactor pressure between 5 mTorr and 10 mTorr while the RF power was applied at 13.56 MHz and varied between 100, 150, 200 and 250W. After deposition, the films were analyzed by I-V and C-V measurements (Cheng et al. (2004) [1]) in order to determine the electric resistivity, photo-current response and dielectric constant, optical transmittance, used to find the optical gap by the Tauc method; and by photoluminescence analysis to determine the photoemission and confirm the optical band gap. These characteristics are compared and the influence of the deposition parameters is discussed. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
This paper presents a relatively simple method to fabricate field-emitter arrays from silicon substrates. These devices are obtained from silicon micromachining by means of the HI-PS technique-a combination of hydrogen ion implantation and porous silicon used as sacrificial layer. Also, a new process sequence is proposed and implemented to fabricate self-aligned integrated field-emission devices based on this technique. Electrical characteristics of the microtips obtained show good agreement with the Fowler-Nordheim theory, which are suitable for the proposed application.
OctVCE is a cartesian cell CFD code produced especially for numerical simulations of shock and blast wave interactions with complex geometries. Virtual Cell Embedding (VCE) was chosen as its cartesian cell kernel as it is simple to code and sufficient for practical engineering design problems. This also makes the code much more ‘user-friendly’ than structured grid approaches as the gridding process is done automatically. The CFD methodology relies on a finite-volume formulation of the unsteady Euler equations and is solved using a standard explicit Godonov (MUSCL) scheme. Both octree-based adaptive mesh refinement and shared-memory parallel processing capability have also been incorporated. For further details on the theory behind the code, see the companion report 2007/12.
A method for the accurate computation of the current densities produced in a wide-runged bi-planar radio-frequency coil is presented. The device has applications in magnetic resonance imaging. There is a set of opposing primary rungs, symmetrically placed on parallel planes and a similar arrangement of rungs on two parallel planes surrounding the primary serves as a shield. Current densities induced in these primary and shielding rungs are calculated to a high degree of accuracy using an integral-equation approach, combined with the inverse finite Hilbert transform. Once these densities are known, accurate electrical and magnetic fields are then computed without difficulty. Some test results are shown. The method is so rapid that it can be incorporated into optimization software. Some preliminary fields produced from optimized coils are presented.
This work describes the catalytic activity of manganese and iron porphyrins, Mn and Fe(TFPP)Cl, covalently immobilized on the aminofunctionalized supports montmorillonite K-10 (MontX) and silica (SilX), where X= 1 or 2 represents the length of the organic chain (""arms"") binding the metalloporphyrin to the support. These systems were characterized by UV-vis and Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), and they were used as catalysts in the oxidation of carbamazepine (CBZ) by the oxidants iodosylbenzene (PhIO) and hydrogen peroxide. The manganese porphyrin (MnP) catalysts proved to be efficient and selective for the epoxide, the main CBZ metabolite in natural systems. MnMont1 was an excellent catalyst when PhIO was used as oxidant, even better than the same MnP in homogeneous system. Supports bearing short ""arms"" led to the best yields. Although H2O2 is an environmentally friendly oxidant, low product yields were obtained when it was employed in CBZ oxidation. Fe(TFPP)CI immobilized on aminofunctionalized supports was not an efficient catalyst, probably due to the presence of Fe(H) species in the matrix, which led to the less reactive intermediate PFe(IV)(O). (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neurological disease or dysfunction in newborn infants is often first manifested by seizures. Prolonged seizures can result in impaired neurodevelopment or even death. In adults, the clinical signs of seizures are well defined and easily recognized. In newborns, however, the clinical signs are subtle and may be absent or easily missed without constant close observation. This article describes the use of adaptive signal processing techniques for removing artifacts from newborn electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Three adaptive algorithms have been designed in the context of EEG signals. This preprocessing is necessary before attempting a fine time-frequency analysis of EEG rhythmical activities, such as electrical seizures, corrupted by high amplitude signals. After an overview of newborn EEG signals, the authors describe the data acquisition set-up. They then introduce the basic physiological concepts related to normal and abnormal newborn EEGs and discuss the three adaptive algorithms for artifact removal. They also present time-frequency representations (TFRs) of seizure signals and discuss the estimation and modeling of the instantaneous frequency related to the main ridge of the TFR.
The numerical implementation of the complex image approach for the Green's function of a mixed-potential integralequation formulation is examined and is found to be limited to low values of k(0) rho (in this context k(0) rho = 2 pirho/ lambda(0), where rho is the distance between the source and the field points of the Green's function and lambda(0) is the free space wavelength). This is a clear limitation for problems of large dimension or high frequency where this limit is easily exceeded. This paper examines the various strategies and proposes a hybrid method whereby most of the above problems can be avoided. An efficient integral method that is valid for large k(0) rho is combined with the complex image method in order to take advantage of the relative merits of both schemes. It is found that a wide overlapping region exists between the two techniques allowing a very efficient and consistent approach for accurately calculating the Green's functions. In this paper, the method developed for the computation of the Green's function is used for planar structures containing both lossless and lossy media.
Ellipsoidal harmonics are presented as a basis function set for the design of shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or spectroscopy. MR shim coils may be either superconductive or resistive. Ellipsoidal harmonics form an orthogonal set over an ellipsoid and hence are appropriate in circumstances where the imaging or spectroscopic region of a magnet more closely conforms to an ellipsoid rather than a sphere. This is often the case in practice. The Cartesian form of ellipsoidal harmonics is discussed. A method for the design of streamline coil designs is detailed and patterns for third-order ellipsoidal (Lame) shims wound on a cylindrical surface are presented.
Teaching the PSP: Challenges and Lessons Learned by Jurgen Borstler, David Carrington, Gregory W Hislop, Susan Lisack, Keith Olson, and Laurie Williams, pp. 42-48. Soft-ware engineering educators need to provide environments where students learn about the size and complexity of modern software systems and the techniques available for managing these difficulties. Five universities used the Personal Software Process to teach software engineering concepts in a variety of contexts.
An equivalent unit cell waveguide approach (WGA) to designing 4 multilayer microstrip reflectarray of variable size patches is presented. In this approach, a normal incidence of a plane wave on an infinite periodic array of radiating elements is considered to obtain reflection coefficient phase curves for the reflectarray's elements. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to the problem of reflection of the dominant TEM mode in a waveguide with patches interleaved by layers of dielectric. This waveguide problem is solved using a field matching technique and a method of moments (MoM). Based on this solution, a fast computer algorithm is developed to generate reflection coefficient phase curves for a multilayer microstrip patch reflectarray. The validity of the developed algorithm is tested against alternative approaches and Agilent High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). Having confirmed the validity of the WGA approach, a small offset feed two-layer microstrip patch array is designed and developed. This reflectarray is tested experimentally and shows good performance.
This communications describes an electromagnetic model of a radial line planar antenna consisting of a radial guide with one central probe and many peripheral probes arranged in concentric circles feeding an array of antenna elements such as patches or wire curls. The model takes into account interactions between the coupling probes while assuming isolation of radiating elements. Based on this model, computer programs are developed to determine equivalent circuit parameters of the feed network and the radiation pattern of the radial line planar antenna. Comparisons are made between the present model and the two-probe model developed earlier by other researchers.
This paper presents a review of the time-domain polarization measurement techniques for the condition assessment of aged transformer insulation. The polarization process is first described with appropriate dielectric response theories and then commonly used polarization methods are described with special emphasis on the most widely used return voltage(rv) measurement. Most recent emphasis has been directed to techniques of determining moisture content of insulation indirectly by measuring rv parameters. The major difficulty still lies with the accurate interpretation of return voltage results. This paper investigates different thoughts regarding the interpretation of rv results for different moisture and ageing conditions. Other time domain polarization measurement techniques and their results are also presented in this paper.
A switch-mode assisted linear amplifier (SMALA) combining a linear (Class B) and a switch-mode (Class D) amplifier is presented. The usual single hysteretic controlled half-bridge current dumping stage is replaced by two parallel buck converter stages, in a parallel voltage controlled topology. These operate independently: one buck converter sources current to assist the upper Class B output device, and a complementary converter sinks current to assist the lower device. This topology lends itself to a novel control approach of a dead-band at low power levels where neither class D amplifier assists, allowing the class B amplifier to supply the load without interference, ensuring high fidelity. A 20 W implementation demonstrates 85% efficiency, with distortion below 0.08% measured across the full audio bandwidth at 15 W. The class D amplifier begins assisting at 2 W, and below this value, the distortion was below 0.03%. Complete circuitry is given, showing the simplicity of the additional class D amplifier and its corresponding control circuitry.