943 resultados para Data Envelopment Analysis
Background and Aims Plants regulate their architecture strongly in response to density, and there is evidence that this involves changes in the duration of leaf extension. This questions the approximation, central in crop models, that development follows a fixed thermal time schedule. The aim of this research is to investigate, using maize as a model, how the kinetics of extension of grass leaves change with density, and to propose directions for inclusion of this regulation in plant models. Methods Periodic dissection of plants allowed the establishment of the kinetics of lamina and sheath extension for two contrasting sowing densities. The temperature of the growing zone was measured with thermocouples. Two-phase (exponential plus linear) models were fitted to the data, allowing analysis of the timing of the phase changes of extension, and the extension rate of sheaths and blades during both phases. Key Results The duration of lamina extension dictated the variation in lamina length between treatments. The lower phytomers were longer at high density, with delayed onset of sheath extension allowing more time for the lamina to extend. In the upper phytomerswhich were shorter at high densitythe laminae had a lower relative extension rate (RER) in the exponential phase and delayed onset of linear extension, and less time available for extension since early sheath extension was not delayed. Conclusions The relative timing of the onset of fast extension of the lamina with that of sheath development is the main determinant of the response of lamina length to density. Evidence is presented that the contrasting behaviour of lower and upper phytomers is related to differing regulation of sheath ontogeny before and after panicle initiation. A conceptual model is proposed to explain how the observed asynchrony between lamina and sheath development is regulated.
Este trabalho investiga a utilizao da Viso Baseada em Recursos, tendo por objetivo propor um modelo de gesto de pessoas que atenda a exigibilidade da qualidade de prestao de servios sade. So observadas as relaes de trabalho nesses servios nas diversas modalidades, a sistematizao do conhecimento sobre os elementos que figuram na gesto de pessoas e a verificao da necessidade de Gesto Operacional e Estratgica de Pessoas para trabalhadores das Instituies de Sade Hospitalares Pblicas. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza emprico-exploratria, apoiada em mltiplos casos de hospitais pblicos, entrevistando e registrando fatos observados nos locais pesquisados, aplicando-se o Protocolo de Observaes. Para atingir o objetivo principal, so utilizados os fundamentos das obras de Marras (2001; 2003 e 2005): Relaes Trabalhistas no Brasil: administrao e estratgia; Administrao de Recursos Humanos: do operacional ao estratgico; e Gesto de Pessoas em Empresas Inovadoras, respectivamente. Alm das observaes participantes, utilizaram-se entrevistas e questionrios com os usurios e profissionais dos hospitais, com instrumentos adaptados para o contexto da instituio e dado tratamento estatstico para anlise dos resultados, que se apresentam em tabelas para melhor visualizao dos dados e anlise. A Gesto de Pessoas nas ISHP permanecem no modelo tradicional e longe de qualquer movimento que possa torn-la estratgica. O nvel de satisfao dos pacientes para com os profissionais de sade timo, mas quanto aos recursos e infra-estrutura, baixo. Os profissionais de sade na quase sua totalidade trabalham por vocao, esprito de humanizao e por acharem gratificante, embora o nvel de insatisfao com a remunerao recebida seja elevado.(AU)
Este trabalho teve como propsito a anlise da gesto democrtica de uma escola do Sistema S, especificamente o Centro Educacional SESI N 406, localizado na cidade de Mau, uma das 211 escolas que compem a Rede Escolar SESI do Estado de So Paulo, no perodo de 2001 a 2007, tendo como referncia a anlise do contexto histrico das lutas travadas pela democratizao da sociedade no perodo que sucede a ditadura militar. O ensino como direito de todos, os mecanismos de participao, a insero da comunidade escolar nos processos decisrios e a construo da gesto democrtica da escola, foram movimentos que acompanharam o processo de redemocratizao da sociedade no incio da dcada de 1980. O estudo discute os caminhos trilhados para a conquista da gesto democrtica, identificando mudanas e as transformaes ocorridas no perodo em questo. Utilizamos como recurso para a coleta de dados a anlise de documentos da instituio, a observao participante, a coleta de depoimentos escritos e gravados de alunos, professores e demais integrantes da comunidade escolar. Os dados desta pesquisa revelam que a mudana de postura do gestor, no sentido de possibilitar a diluio do poder, imprescindvel para a ruptura dos modelos de administrao verticalizada e centralizadora, tendo este o gestor o papel fundamental de articulador das aes que priorizem o coletivo. Os resultados evidenciam o reconhecimento positivo do conjunto de atores sociais entrevistados quanto aos avanos da gesto democrtica, considerada um processo em construo. Conclumos com Coutinho (2004), que a democracia deve ser entendida no como um estado, mas sempre como um processo.
A presente pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, est direcionada anlise das polticas educacionais ligadas democratizao da gesto escolar e demais processos escolares ligados avaliao. Nesse contexto, evidenciado o Conselho de Classe e Srie, pois esse vem se concretizando como um dos espaos que favorecem a participao de pais e alunos, tornando-se fator determinante para a qualidade da democratizao da gesto escolar e do ensino-aprendizagem. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em trs momentos: (1) anlise da documentao escolar; (2) estudo de caso em duas instituies escolares da Rede Pblica de So Paulo e (3) entrevistas com pais, alunos, professores e gestores que serviram de parmetros para saber como esto realizadas as reunies de Conselho de Classe e Srie. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram voltados para verificar como vem sendo estruturada a participao da comunidade na construo da gesto democrtica da escola, principalmente nas prticas do Conselho de Classe e Srie.(AU)
Airline industry is at the forefront of many technological developments and is often a pioneer in adopting such innovations in a large scale. It needs to improve its efficiency as the current trends for input prices and competitive pressures show that any airline will face increasingly challenging market conditions. This paper has focused on the relationship between ICT investments and efficiency in the airline industry and employed a two-stage analytical investigation, DEA, SFA and the Tobit regression model. In this study, we first estimate the productivity of the airline industry using a balanced panel of 17 airlines over the period 19992004 by the Data Envelop Analysis (DEA) and the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) methods. We then evaluate the impacts of the determinants of productivity in the industry concentrating on ICT. The results suggest that regardless of all the negative shocks to the airline industry during the sample period, ICT had a positive effect on productivity during 1999-2004.
An increasing number of organisational researchers have turned to social capital theory in an attempt to better understand the impetus for knowledge sharing at the individual and organisational level. This thesis extends that research by investigating the impact of social capital on knowledge sharing at the group-level in the organisational project context. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the importance of social capital in fostering tacit knowledge sharing among the team members of a project. The analytical focus is on the Nahapiet and Ghoshal framework of social capital but also includes elements of other scholars' work. In brief, social capital is defined as an asset that is embedded in the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit. It is argued that the main dimensions of social capital that are of relevance to knowledge sharing are structural, cognitive, and relational because these, among other things, foster the exchange and combination of knowledge and resources among the team members. Empirically, the study is based on the grounded theory method. Data were collected from five projects in large, medium, and small ICT companies in Malaysia. Underpinned by the constant comparative method, data were derived from 55 interviews, and observations. The data were analysed using open, axial, and selective coding. The analysis also involved counting frequency occurrence from the coding generated by grounded theory to find the important items and categories under social capital dimensions and knowledge sharing, and for further explaining sub-groups within the data. The analysis shows that the most important dimension for tacit knowledge sharing is structural capital. Most importantly, the findings also suggest that structural capital is a prerequisite of cognitive capital and relational capital at the group-level in an organisational project. It also found that in a project context, relational capital is hard to realise because it requires time and frequent interactions among the team members. The findings from quantitative analysis show that frequent meetings and interactions, relationship, positions, shared visions, shared objectives, and collaboration are among the factors that foster the sharing of tacit knowledge among the team members. In conclusion, the present study adds to the existing literature on social capital in two main ways. Firstly, it distinguishes the dimensions of social capital and identifies that structural capital is the most important dimension in social capital and it is a prerequisite of cognitive and relational capital in a project context. Secondly, it identifies the causal sequence in the dimension of social capital suggesting avenues for further theoretical and empirical work in this emerging area of inquiry.
A mathematical model has been developed for predicting the spectral distribution of solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface. The solar spectrum in the wavelength range 0.29 to 4.0 micrometers has been divided in 144 intervals. Two variables in the model are the atmospheric water vapour content and atmospheric turbidity. After allowing for absorption and scattering in the atmosphere, the spectral intensity of direct and diffuse components of radiation are computed. When the predicted radiation levels are compared with the measured values for the total radiation and the values with glass filters RG715, RG630 and OG530, a close agreement ( 5%) has been achieved under clear sky conditions. A solar radiation measuring facility, close to the centre of Birmingham, has been set up utilising a microcomputer based data logging system. A suite of computer programs in the BASIC programming language has been developed and extensively tested for solar radiation data, logging, analysis and plotting. Two commonly used instruments, the Eppley PSP pyranometer and the Kipp and Zonen CM5 pyranometer, have been compared under different experimental conditions. Three models for computing the inclined plane irradiation, using total and diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface, have been tested for Birmingham. The anisotropic-alI-sky model, proposed by Klucher, provides a good agreement between the measured and the predicted radiation levels. Measurements of solar spectral distribution, using glass filters, are also reported for a number of inclines facing South.
A comparison of U.S. and Japanese management systems and their transferability to Singapore industry
This research compares U.S. and Japanese management systems and evaluates their transferability to the Singaporean manufacturing industry. The objectives were:- a) To determine the effectiveness of U.S. and Japanese management systems when applied to Singapore. b) Determine the extent of transferability of U.S. and Japanese management systems to Singapore. c) Survey general problems ecountered in the application of U.S. and Japanese management systems to the Singapore industry. The study using questionnaire survey and interviews covered a total of eighty companies from four groups of firms in four industrial sectors comprising of U.S. and Japanese subsidiaries based in Singapore and their respective parent companies. Data from the questionnaires and interviews were used to investigate environmental conditions, management philosophy, management functions/practices, management effectiveness, and firm productivity. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyse the questionnaire data. The analysis of the perceptual data from the questionnaire survey and interviews suggested that both U.S. and Japanese parent companies performed better in almost all the management variables studied when compared to their subsidiaries in Singapore. U.S. subsidiaries have less difficulty in adjusting to the Singapore environmental conditions and obtained better results than the Japanese subsidiaries in management functions/practices and management philosophy than the U.S. subsidiaries. In addition, the firm productivity (in terms of labour and capital productivity) of U.S. subsidiaries in Singapore was found to be higher than those of the Japanese subsidiaries. It was found that the Japanese parent companies returned the highest score among the four groups of firms in all the four industrial sectors for all the four management variables (i.e. environmental conditions, management philosophy, management functions/practices, and management effectiveness) surveyed using questionnaires. In contrast, the average score for Japanese subsidiaries in Singapore was generally the lowest among the four groups of firms. Thus the results of this study suggest that the transfer of U.S. management system into the Singapore industry is more successful than the Japanese management system. The problems encountered in the application of U.S. and Japanese management in Singapore were identified and discussed by the study. General recommendations for the Singaporean manufacturing industry were then made based on the findings of the questionnaire survey and interview analysis.
This thesis records the findings of a retrospective study of decompression illness (DCI) in the UK compressed air tunnelling industry since the mid-1980s. The thesis describes how the study arose, its scope and objectives, along with an overview of tunnelling and shaft-sinking. The development of compressed air working techniques is reviewed along with a description of decompression practice and DCI, and an outline of relevant legislation and guidance. The acquisition and manipulation of data to form a number of databases and spreadsheets on which the analysis was performed is discussed. That analysis examined measures of DCI incidence and quantified that incidence using these measures. Also considered is the variation in tolerance and susceptibility to DCI in the workforce, and the phenomenon of acclimatisation. An examination of the extent to which men worked on multiple contracts and the variation in their susceptibility to DCI on these contracts is included. Options are then considered for reducing the incidence of DCI. The first retained air-only decompression through the application of restrictions on exposure. The second related to the use of oxygen decompression. Finally the adequacy of the existing Regulations and Guidance is considered and recommendations made for possible changes to them, arising from the study. The main conclusions are that a number of measures of DCI incidence were identified, some more appropriate than others and that the incidence of DCI when so measured was high, disproportionately so in shift workers. No reasonably practicable restrictions on exposure were identified which would have allowed the retention of air-only decompression. Oxygen decompression looked promising but had yet to be used sufficiently extensively to generate enough data for analysis. Recommendations included one that an alternative technique for monitoring the effectiveness of decompression should be developed. The thesis ends with recommendations for further research.
Despite recent research on time (e.g. Hedaa & Trnroos, 2001), consideration of the time dimension in data collection, analysis and interpretation in research in supply networks is, to date, still limited. Drawing on a body of literature from organization studies, and empirical findings from a six-year action research programme and a related study of network learning, we reflect on time, timing and timeliness in interorganizational networks. The empirical setting is supply networks in the English health sector wherein we identify and elaborate various issues of time, within the case and in terms of research process. Our analysis is wide-ranging and multi-level, from the global (e.g. identifying the notion of life cycles) to the particular (e.g. different cycle times in supply, such as daily for deliveries and yearly for contracts). We discuss the speeding up of inter-organizational e time and tensions with other time demands. In closing the paper, we relate our conclusions to the future conduct of the research programme and supply research more generally, and to the practice of managing supply (in) networks.
Questionnaires used in survey research can elicit excellent data for analysis for any part of the industry. The author discusses how to design questions, construct the survey, and watch for errors in conducting the re- search so that the results secured advance scientific inquiry.
This dissertation examined the effect of United States counter-drug policy on nationalism in small states, focusing on Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. The states were selected for their roles and geostrategic importance in the illegal drug trade; Jamaica being the largest drug producing country in the Anglophone Caribbean and having strong links to the trade of Colombian cocaine, and Trinidad being a mere seven miles from the South American coast. Since U.S. counterdrug policies have frequently been viewed in the region as imperialistic, this dovetails into ideas on the perceptions of smallness and powerlessness of Caribbean nations. Hence, U.S. drug policies affect every vulnerability faced by the Caribbean, individually and collectively. Thus, U.S. drug policy was deemed the most appropriate independent variable, with nationalism as the dependent variable. In both countries four Focus Groups and one Delphi Study were conducted resulting in a total of 60 participants. Focus Group participants, recruited from the general population, were asked about their perception of the illegal drug trade in the country and the policies their government had created. They were also asked their perception on how deeply involved the U.S. was in the creation of these policies and their opinions on whether this involvement was positive or negative. The Delphi Study participants were experts in the field of local drug policies and also gave their interpretations of the role the U.S. played in local policy creation. Coupled with this data, content analysis was conducted on various newspaper articles, press releases, and speeches made regarding the topic. In comparing both countries, it was found that there is a disconnect between government actions and the knowledge and perceptions of the general public. In Trinidad and Tobago this disconnect was more apparent given the lack of awareness of local drug policies and the utter lack of faith in government solutions. The emerging conclusion was that the impact of U.S. drug policy on nationalism was more visible in Trinidad and Tobago where there was a weaker civil society-government relationship, while the impact on nationalism was more obscure in Jamaica, which had a stronger civil-society government relationship.
Music and music education are present in the daily lives of people in different ways and in multiple contexts. In this study, we highlight the musical training in the orchestral context aiming to understand how learning music happens in the Symphony Orches tra of the Universidade Federal do Ri o Grande do Norte OSUFRN. To achieve this goal, we identified all the activities, structure and functioning in OSUFRN; we have observed the development of activities of the group by checking the interactions among the participants of the orchestra and the different ways to learn music in that orchestral context. The research is based on discussions about collective musical practice, instrumen tal training in music education, the process of learning and the relationship between young people and music in the context of collective musical practice learning. Qualitative approach and case study were used as methodological procedures. Data collection was established by means of on - site observations, accompanying of the activities, rehearsals and performances of group and semi - structured interviews with the conductor and some participants with more time in the orchestra. We have also used photographs a nd footage that helped us in the procedure collection and construction of data. The analysis and interpretation of these data were enforced by Content Analysis featuring. It reveals the musical learning, through learning instances perceived in rehearsals, concerts, in living with the conductor and between musicians, teachers, employees and guest musicians, individually in travel and exchanges with other orchestral groups. In this way the activities developed by the group enable a comprehensive musical educa tion that guides to acquire autonomy in their learning and preparing them for future careers.
This study evaluates the cost effectiveness of municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the execution of spending in basic education carried out in 2011, as well as analyze the determinants of the inefficiency of the same. For this, we used two methodological approaches (i) stochastic frontier cost, and (ii) analyze data envelopment (DEA), which allows to identify the efficient frontier of the municipalities analyzed non-parametrically. Results show that municipalities under review achieved low efficiency rates in the stochastic frontier cost, while the DEA method they achieved higher rates where nineteen among them reached full efficiency. The results suggest that a significant portion of the Potiguar municipalities should review its administrative practices, especially the means of allocation of resources. In regard to determining the efficiency observed distinct results by the two methods.
We studied in this dissertation the argumentation in the court judgment, which goal was to identify, describe and explain the running of argumentative operators in the argumentative orientation of text and discourse built through the text of the judgment. We support our research in the constructs adopted for the ATD (Textual Analysis of the Discourses) - Adam (2011), in the studies about the Aristotles Rhetoric (1959) and Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996) and other works such as of the Alves (2005), Capez (2008), Charaudeau (2012), Keller and Bastos (2015), Koch (2009; 2011), Rodrigues, Silva Neto and Passeggi (2010), Trubilhano and Henriques (2013). In a methodological way, we made use of deductive-inductive method, because we analyzed the argumentation in an "unknown" text - particular case - based on a theory already known (about language, text and argumentation). About the nature and objectives, our search was characterized as qualitatively and as an explanatory and descriptive investigation, with technical procedures of documental collection of Bibliographic Search. As corpus, we use a court judgment of character condemnatory, issued on September 10, 2014 and taken from the online site of the Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte (JFRN). The results revealed that the argumentative operators exercised decisive roles in the organization of argumentative strategies of the text and the speech , guiding the announcer to the Desired conclusion by the enunciator. It was also possible to conclude that the use of argumentative operators allowed syllogistic constructions in the form of presentation of the arguments and in the construction of argumentation. In addition, operators like "but", "until", "already", "although" etc. helped to identify in the data's analysis the point of view (PoV) of the enunciator, the expectation break about the previous enunciate and / or the value scale given to the argument. Finally, with the use of argumentative operators the enunciator introduced arguments able to demonstrate/justify a thesis and refute an opposing thesis towards a conclusion sought by the own enunciator.