987 resultados para DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
Pure alexia is an acquired reading disorder characterized by a disproportionate prolongation of reading time as a function of word length. Although the vast majority of cases reported in the literature show a right-sided visual defect, little is known about the contribution of this low-level visual impairment to their reading difficulties. The present study was aimed at investigating this issue by comparing eye movement patterns during text reading in six patients with pure alexia with those of six patients with hemianopic dyslexia showing similar right-sided visual field defects. We found that the role of the field defect in the reading difficulties of pure alexics was highly deficit-specific. While the amplitude of rightward saccades during text reading seems largely determined by the restricted visual field, other visuo-motor impairments-particularly the pronounced increases in fixation frequency and viewing time as a function of word length-may have little to do with their visual field defect. In addition, subtracting the lesions of the hemianopic dyslexics from those found in pure alexics revealed the largest group differences in posterior parts of the left fusiform gyrus, occipito-temporal sulcus and inferior temporal gyrus. These regions included the coordinate assigned to the centre of the visual word form area in healthy adults, which provides further evidence for a relation between pure alexia and a damaged visual word form area. Finally, we propose a list of three criteria that may improve the differential diagnosis of pure alexia and allow appropriate therapy recommendations.
We describe the clinical course and treatment of a young woman diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis. Classical as well as atypical clinical findings are discussed with regards to the differential diagnosis. The most important components of the pathogenesis and the criteria necessary for diagnosis are highlighted. In addition the similarities and differences to lymphangioleiomyomatosis are discussed.
A comatose 30-month-old, entire male boxer was presented because of an acute history of a cluster of three to four seizures. Neurological examination suggested a diffuse to multifocal intracranial lesion. Magnetic resonance tomography revealed symmetrical multifocal to diffuse changes of the cerebral grey matter and ependymal lining with sediment in the lateral ventricles. Haematological examination revealed leucocytosis with neutrophilia. Cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed high protein concentration and polymorphonuclear pleocytosis. Despite antiepileptic treatment, therapy against increased intracranial pressure and antibiosis, the dog's condition continued to deteriorate and he was euthanased. Pathological examination revealed fibrinosuppurative meningo-ependymitis and necrotising arteritis throughout the brain. In addition, chronic inflammation and arterial stenosis was found in the spinal meninges. No infectious agent was found. A diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis was made. The massive extension into the meninges and ventricular system of the forebrain has not been described previously in dogs with steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis when an intracranial suppurative infection is suspected.
BACKGROUND: Infection with Mycobacterium microti can cause chronic disease in animals and threaten human health through its zoonotic potential. OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical findings, diagnostic investigations, necropsy, and epidemiology results in South American camelids (SAC) infected with M. microti, member of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. ANIMALS: Eleven SAC with tuberculous lesions. METHODS: Description of 10 llamas and 1 alpaca, aged 4-18 years, from 6 herds with a history of wasting and weakness admitted to the Vetsuisse-Faculty of Berne over 8 years. RESULTS: Clinical signs included weight loss, recumbency, and anorexia in late stages of the disease. Respiratory problems were seen in 6 animals of 11. No consistent hematologic abnormalities were identified. Suspect animals were examined in detail by abdominal ultrasonography and thoracic radiology. Abnormal findings such as enlarged mediastinal, mesenteric, or hepatic lymph nodes were seen only in animals with advanced disease. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin test with bovine protein purified derivate (PPD) and avian PPD was negative in all animals. At necropsy, typical tuberculous lesions were found, and confirmed by bacteriological smear and culture, molecular methods, or both. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Infection caused by M. microti should be considered a differential diagnosis in chronic debilitating disease with or without respiratory signs in SAC. Antemortem confirmation of the diagnosis remains challenging at any stage of infection. Because cases of M. microti infection have been reported in immunocompromized human patients, the zoonotic potential of the organism should be kept in mind when dealing with this disease in SAC.
In 2011 and 2012, outbreaks of clinical canine babesiosis were observed in 2 areas of the Swiss Midlands that had no history of this disease so far. In one area, cases of canine babesiosis occurred over 2 consecutive tick seasons. The outbreaks involved 29 dogs, 4 of which died. All dogs were infected with large Babesia sp. as diagnosed in Giemsa-stained blood smears and/or PCR. These were identified as B. canis (formerly known as B. canis canis) by subsequent partial sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene of Babesia sp. Interestingly, the sequence indicated either a genotype with heterogeneity in the ssrRNA gene copies or double infection with different B. canis isolates. None of the dogs had a recent travel history, but one had frequently travelled to Hungary and had suffered twice from clinical babesiosis 18 and 24 months prior to the outbreak in autumn 2011. Retrospective sequencing of a stored blood DNA sample of this dog revealed B. canis, with an identical sequence to the Babesia involved in the outbreaks. For the first time in Switzerland, the partial 18S rRNA gene of B. canis could be amplified from DNA isolated from 19 out of 23 adult Dermacentor reticulatus ticks flagged in the same area. The sequence was identical to that found in the dogs. Furthermore, one affected dog carried a female D. reticulatus tick harbouring B. canis DNA. Our findings illustrate that, under favourable biogeographic and climatic conditions, the life-cycle of B. canis can relatively rapidly establish itself in previously non-endemic areas. Canine babesiosis should therefore always be a differential diagnosis when dogs with typical clinical signs are presented, regardless of known endemic areas.
This report describes the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of a dog with unilateral epididymitis associated with Salmonella spp. bacteremia. Fever and an enlarged and painful testicle were the main clinical signs that resulted in referral for diagnostic evaluation. Unilateral septic epididymitis was diagnosed via ultrasonography of the genitourinary tract and aerobic culture of scrotal fluid, urine and blood, which yielded heavy growth of Salmonella spp. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) confirmed the presence of Salmonella javiana. Following antibiotic therapy there was total resolution of clinical signs, and no Salmonella was isolated from a post-treatment urine culture. The source of infection was unknown, however an environmental exposure was suspected. Although infrequent, infection with Salmonella spp. should be included in the differential diagnosis of canine epididymitis. Given the major zoonotic importance of salmonellosis, and to prevent re-infection after treatment, the source of the infection should be investigated and eliminated, if possible.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of spinal cord compression subsequent to traumatic intervertebral disk (IVD) extrusion in dogs, characterize factors associated with spinal cord compression in dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion, and evaluate the outcomes of dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion with or without spinal cord compression. DESIGN Retrospective case series. ANIMALS 31 dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion. PROCEDURES Medical records and MRI findings were reviewed for dogs with a history of trauma to the spinal region. Dogs were included in the study if a neurologic examination and MRI were performed and there was a description of clinical signs and MRI findings including identification of the spinal cord segment affected by IVD extrusion, presence or absence of spinal cord compression, treatment, and outcome available for review. RESULTS 31 of 50 (62%) dogs had traumatic IVD extrusions without any other detectable vertebral lesions; 9 (29%) and 22 (71%) of those 31 dogs did and did not have spinal cord compression, respectively. Dogs with spinal cord compression were significantly older and more likely to be chondrodystrophic and have evidence of generalized IVD degeneration, compared with dogs without spinal cord compression. The outcome for dogs with spinal cord compression was similar to that for dogs without spinal cord compression. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated traumatic IVD extrusion was common and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for dogs with trauma to the spinal region, and spinal cord compression should be evaluated, especially in older or chondrodystrophic dogs.
Background Visual symptoms are common in Parkinson's disease (PD) and are frequently under-diagnosed. The detection of visual symptoms is important for differential diagnosis and patient management. Aim To establish the prevalence of recurrent visual complaints (RVC) and recurrent visual hallucinations (RVH) and to investigate their interaction in PD patients and controls. Methods This cross-sectional study included 88 PD patients and 90 controls. RVC and RVH were assessed with a visual symptom questionnaire and the North-East-Visual-Hallucinations-Interview (NEVHI). Results Double vision (PD vs. Controls: 18.2% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.001), misjudging objects when walking (PD vs. Controls: 12.5% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.01), words moving whilst reading (PD vs. Controls: 17.0% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.001) and freezing in narrow spaces (PD vs. Controls: 30.7% vs. 0%; p < 0.001) were almost exclusively found in PD patients. The same was true for recurrent complex visual hallucinations and illusions (PD vs. Controls: both 17.0% vs. 0%; p < 0.001). Multiple RVC (43.2% vs. 15.8%) and multiple RVH (29.5% vs. 5.6%) were also more common in PD patients (both p < 0.001). RVC did not predict recurrent complex visual hallucinations; but double vision (p = 0.018, R2 = 0.302) and misjudging objects (p = 0.002, R2 = 0.302) predicted passage hallucinations. Misjudging objects also predicted the feeling of presence (p = 0.010, R2 = 0.321). Conclusions Multiple and recurrent visual symptoms are common in PD. RVC emerged as risk factors predictive of the minor forms of hallucinations, but not recurrent complex visual hallucinations.
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is a cardiac channelopathy characterized by altered intracellular calcium handling resulting in ventricular arrhythmias and high risk of cardiac sudden death in young cases with normal structural hearts. Patients present with exertional syncope and the trademark dysrhythmia is polymorphic and/or bidirectional ventricular tachycardia during exercise or adrenergic stimulation. Early detection of CPVT is crucial because opportune medical intervention prevents sudden cardiac death. Mutations in the ryanodine receptor RYR2 explain nearly 70% of the CPVT cases and cause the autosomic dominant form of the disease. Mutations in calsequestrin 2 causes a recessive form and explain less than 5% of all cases. Genetic screening in CPVT, besides providing early detection of asymptomatic carriers at risk, has provided important insights in the mechanism underlying the disease. Mutational analysis of RYR2 has been a challenge due to the large size of the gene, 105 exons encoded for 4,967 amino-acids. In this review we analyze general concepts of the disease, differential diagnosis and strategies for genetic screening.
Ultrasound (US) has become a useful tool in the detection of early disease, differential diagnosis, guidance of treatment decisions and treatment monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In 2008, the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) group was established to promote the use of US in inflammatory arthritis in clinical practice. A scoring system was developed and taught to a large number of Swiss rheumatologists who already contributed to the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) database, a national patient register. This paper intends to give a Swiss consensus about best clinical practice recommendations for the use of US in RA on the basis of the current literature knowledge and experience with the Swiss SONAR score. Literature research was performed to collect data on current evidence. The results were discussed among specialists of the Swiss university centres and private practice, following a structured procedure. Musculoskelatal US was found to be very helpful in establishing the diagnosis and monitoring the evolution of RA, and to be a reliable tool if used by experienced examiners. It influences treatment decisions such as continuing, intensifying or stepping down therapy. The definite modalities of integrating US into the diagnosis and monitoring of RA treatments will be defined within a few years. There are, however, strong arguments to use US findings as of today in daily clinical care. Some practical recommendations about the use of US in RA, focusing on the diagnosis and the use of the SONAR score, are proposed.
Infektiöse Ursachen bilden die größte ätiologische Gruppe posteriorer Uveitiden. Als Einzeldiagnosen stehen die Toxoplasmose als infektiöse Erkrankung und der Morbus Behçet als nicht infektiöse Erkrankung an erster Stelle. Bei akuten Entzündungsprozessen immunkompetenter Patienten ist eine exakte Diagnose häufig infolge einer recht dichten Glaskörperinfiltration schwierig zu stellen. In diesen Fällen trägt die Beurteilung des Krankheitsverlaufs zur Differenzialdiagnose wesentlich bei. Virale Netzhautnekrosen verschlechtern sich typischerweise hochakut, Sehstörungen und klinische Symptome bei Morbus Behçet und Toxoplasmose nehmen innerhalb weniger Tage bis 2 Wochen zu, während andere Erkrankungen einen eher schleichenden Verlauf zeigen. Die Dauer der Erkrankung und systemische Grunderkrankungen sind bei der ersten okulären Manifestation häufig nicht bekannt. Grundsätzlich ist die Sehfunktion bedroht, wenn die Makula in den entzündlichen Prozess einbezogen ist, wenn häufige Rezidive zu einer Beteiligung der Makula führen, aber auch wenn sich Sekundärkomplikationen wie ein Makulaödem entwickeln. Bei Kindern muss außerdem an die Gefahr einer Amblyopie infolge entzündlicher Medientrübungen gedacht werden, insbesondere bei Glaskörpertrübungen. Deshalb ist eine rasche interdisziplinäre diagnostische Abklärung und darauf basierende Therapiestrategie erforderlich. Diese muss einerseits ätiologisch abgestützt sein, andererseits sollte sie rechtzeitig steroidsparende Immunsuppresiva und eventuell chirurgische Maßnahmen beinhalten.
Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) affect cortical and subcortical networks involved in saccade generation. We therefore expected impairments in saccade performance in both disorders. In order to improve the pathophysiological understanding and to investigate the usefulness of saccades for differential diagnosis, saccades were tested in age- and education-matched patients with PDD (n = 20) and DLB (n = 20), Alzheimer's disease (n = 22) and Parkinson's disease (n = 24), and controls (n = 24). Reflexive (gap, overlap) and complex saccades (prediction, decision and antisaccade) were tested with electro-oculography. PDD and DLB patients had similar impairment in all tasks (P > 0.05, not significant). Compared with controls, they were impaired in both reflexive saccade execution (gap and overlap latencies, P < 0.0001; gains, P < 0.004) and complex saccade performance (target prediction, P < 0.0001; error decisions, P < 0.003; error antisaccades: P < 0.0001). Patients with Alzheimer's disease were only impaired in complex saccade performance (Alzheimer's disease versus controls, target prediction P < 0.001, error decisions P < 0.0001, error antisaccades P < 0.0001), but not reflexive saccade execution (for all, P > 0.05). Patients with Parkinson's disease had, compared with controls, similar complex saccade performance (for all, P > 0.05) and only minimal impairment in reflexive tasks, i.e. hypometric gain in the gap task (P = 0.04). Impaired saccade execution in reflexive tasks allowed discrimination between DLB versus Alzheimer's disease (sensitivity > or =60%, specificity > or =77%) and between PDD versus Parkinson's disease (sensitivity > or =60%, specificity > or =88%) when +/-1.5 standard deviations was used for group discrimination. We conclude that impairments in reflexive saccades may be helpful for differential diagnosis and are minimal when either cortical (Alzheimer's disease) or nigrostriatal neurodegeneration (Parkinson's disease) exists solely; however, they become prominent with combined cortical and subcortical neurodegeneration in PDD and DLB. The similarities in saccade performance in PDD and DLB underline the overlap between these conditions and underscore differences from Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
BACKGROUND: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is caused by the larval stage (metacestode) of Echinococcus multilocularis. The domestic dog can act as a definitive host and harbor adult cestodes in its small intestine or become an aberrant intermediate host carrying larval stages that may cause severe lesions in the liver, lungs and other organs with clinical signs similar to AE in humans. CASE PRESENTATION: A case of canine AE, affecting the liver and prostate with development of multilocular hydatid paraprostatic cysts and possible lung involvement is described in an 8-year-old neutered male Labrador retriever dog.The dog presented with progressive weight loss, acute constipation, stranguria and a suspected soft tissue mass in the sublumbar region. Further evaluation included computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen, which revealed cystic changes in the prostate, a paraprostatic cyst, as well as lesions in the liver and lungs. Cytological examination of fine-needle aspirates of the liver, prostate and paraprostatic cyst revealed parasitic hyaline membranes typical of an Echinococcus infection and the presence of E. multilocularis-DNA was confirmed by PCR. The dog was treated with albendazole and debulking surgery was considered in case there was a good response to antiparasitic treatment. Constipation and stranguria resolved completely. Six months after the definitive diagnosis, the dog was euthanized due to treatment-resistant ascites and acute anorexia and lethargy. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first publication of an E. multilocularis infection in a dog causing prostatic and paraprostatic cysts. Although rare, E. multilocularis infection should be considered as an extended differential diagnosis in dogs presenting with prostatic and paraprostatic disease, especially in areas where E. multilocularis is endemic.
Scrapie, a disease of sheep and goats with a progressive course and fatal outcome, has not been identified in Nigeria. Anecdotal scrapie reports by livestock workers abound. Livestock diseases like scrapie form huddles in livestock economics of countries. For 8 months we surveyed for scrapie targeting emergency/casualty slaughter sheep and goats in Jos, Nigeria. We clinically examined 510 sheep and 608 goats of local breeds, aged from 12 months to 5 years. In total 31 (5.10%) goats and no sheep were clinically suspicious for scrapie. Caudal brainstem tissues of suspect animals collected postmortem were analyzed for the disease specific form of the prion protein, PrPSc, using Bio-Rad’s TeSeE ELISA rapid test kit. No sample was positive for scrapie. Fluorescent antibody test for rabies and H&E staining on samples were carried out for differential diagnosis. These showed no pathological lesions indicative for neurological disease. While our findings do not exclude the presence of scrapie in Jos, we demonstrate that targeted sampling of small ruminants for neuroinfectious disease is feasible in developing countries, pointing to the possibility of implementing such a monitoring scheme in Nigeria to prevent economic losses in small ruminant livestock as scrapie caveats from endemic countries have shown.
The single Hochdorf burial was found in 1887 during construction work in the Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. It dates from between 320 and 250 BC. The calvarium, the left half of the pelvis and the left femur were preserved. The finding shows an unusual bony alteration of the skull. The aim of this study was to obtain a differential diagnosis and to examine the skull using various methods. Sex and age were determined anthropologically. Radiological examinations were performed with plain X-ray imaging and a multislice computed tomography (CT) scanner. For histological analysis, samples of the lesion were taken. The pathological processing included staining after fixation, decalcification, and paraffin embedding. Hard-cut sections were also prepared. The individual was female. The age at death was between 30 and 50 years. There is an intensely calcified bone proliferation at the right side of the os frontalis. Plain X-ray and CT imaging showed a large sclerotic lesion in the area of the right temple with a partly bulging appearance. The inner boundary of the lesion shows multi-edged irregularities. There is a diffuse thickening of the right side. In the left skull vault, there is a mix of sclerotic areas and areas which appear to be normal with a clear differentiation between tabula interna, diploë and tabula externa. Histology showed mature organised bone tissue. Radiological and histological findings favour a benign condition. Differential diagnoses comprise osteomas which may occur, for example, in the setting of hereditary adenomatous polyposis coli related to Gardner syndrome.