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A model of drop breakage in turbulent stirred dispersions based on interaction of a drop with eddies of a length scale smaller than the drop diameter has been developed. It predicts that, unlike the equal breakage assumed by earlier models, a large drop reduces in size due to stripping of smaller segments off it through unequal breakage. It is only when the drop nears the value of the maximum stable drop diameter that it breaks into equal parts. This new model of drop breakage, coupled with the pattern of interaction of drops with eddies of different sizes existing in the vessel, has been used to evaluate not only the breakage frequency, but also the size distribution of the daughter droplets(which was hitherto assumed). The model has been incorporated in the population balance equation and the resulting cumulative size distributions compared with those availble in the literature.


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An electroless method of nickel hydroxide synthesis through the complexation-precipitation route which yields a fine particle material having a specific surface area of 178 m2 g–1 has been described. The morphology of this material as revealed by electron microscopy is distinctly different from the turbostratic nature of electrosynthesized nickel hydroxide. While the long range structure as shown by the X-ray diffraction pattern is similar to that of beta-Ni(OH)2, the short range structure as revealed by infrared spectroscopy incorporates characteristics similar to that of agr-Ni(OH)2. Cyclic voltammetry studies show that the electroless nickel hydroxide has a higher coulombic efficiency (>90%), a more anodic reversible potential and a higher degree of reversibility compared to the electrosynthesized nickel hydroxide and conventionally prepared nickel hydroxide.


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The impedance of sealed nickel/cadmium cells around a cell e.m.f. of 0.0 V was measured at five different temperatures between � 10 and +30 °C. The results show that the behaviour is similar at all temperatures. Based on the experimental results, the relation between charge-transfer resistance (Rct) and temperature (T) has been established for the Volmer reaction. Further, the value of cathodic transfer coefficient (?) has been estimated.


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K(2,2,2-crypt)](2)As-7]center dot THF, 1 (2,2,2-crypt = 4,7,13,16,21,24-hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo8.8.8]hexacosane) is the first well characterized seven-atom radical anion of group 15. UV-Vis spectroscopy confirms the presence and electronic structure of As-7](2-). Cyclic voltammetry in DMF solution shows the As-7(3) /As-7(2) redox couple as a one-electron reversible process. Theoretical investigations explore the bonding and properties of compound 1.


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Electro-oxidation of methanol was studied on carbon-supported Pt---Sn/C electrodes in silcotungstic acid (SiWA) at various concentrations. The porous-carbon electrodes employing Pt---Sn/C catalyst have been characterized using chemical analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with electrochemistry. The presence of Pt---Sn and Pt3Sn alloys along with Pt and SnO2 phases in the catalyst were identified by XRD. XPS analysis showed a lower amount of PtO species in the Pt---Sn/C catalyst with respect to the corresponding Pt/C sample. From the steady-state galvanostatic polarization data on Pt---Sn/C electrodes in SiWA, it is inferred that a one-electron process is the rate determining step. The performance of the electrodes in 0.084 M SiWA was better than in 2.5 M H2SO4 under similar conditions up to load currents of about 100 mA cm−2 indicating the promoting behaviour of the electrolyte. At currents larger than 100 mA cm−2, the performance of the electrodes in 0.084 SiWA was poorer than that in 2.5 M H2SO4 mainly due to the dominance of mass polarization in the former owing to the large size of keggin units associated with the structure of SiWA. This aspect was supported by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies on Pt---Sn/C electrodes. Simulation of the electrochemical impedance response for the oxidation of methanol in SiWA was carried out using the equivalent electrical circuit model.


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Electro-oxidation of methanol was studied on carbon-supported Pt-Sn/C electrodes in silcotungstic acid (SiWA) at various concentrations. The porous-carbon electrodes employing Pt-Sn/C catalyst have been characterized using chemical analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with electrochemistry. The presence of Pt-Sn and Pt3Sn alloys along with Pt and SnO2 phases in the catalyst were identified by XRD. XPS analysis showed a lower amount of PtO species in the Pt-Sn/C catalyst with respect to the corresponding Pt/C sample. From the steady-state galvanostatic polarization data on Pt-Sn/C electrodes in SiWA, it is inferred that a one-electron process is the rate determining step. The performance of the electrodes in 0.084 M SiWA was better than in 2.5 M H2SO4 under similar conditions up to load currents of about 100 mA cm-2 indicating the promoting behaviour of the electrolyte. At currents larger than 100 mA cm-2, the performance of the electrodes in 0.084 SiWA was poorer than that in 2.5M H2SO4 mainly due to the dominance of mass polarization in the former owing to the large size of Keggin units associated with the structure of SiWA. This aspect was supported by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies on Pt-Sn/C electrodes. Simulation of the electrochemical impedance response for the oxidation of methanol in SiWA was carried out using the equivalent electrical circuit model.


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Design and operational details for a self-supported polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) system with anodic dead-end fuel supply and internally humidified cathodic oxidant flow are described. During the PEFC operation, nitrogen and water back diffuse across the Nafion membrane from the cathode to the anode and accumulate in the anode flow channels affecting stack performance. The accumulated inert species are flushed from the stack by purging the fuel cell stack with a timer-activated purge valve to address the aforesaid problem. To minimize the system complexity, stack is designed in such a way that all the inert species accumulate in only one cell called the purge cell. A pulsed purge sequence comprises opening the valve for purge duration followed by purge-valve closing for the hold period and repeating the sequence in cycles. Since self-humidification is inadequate to keep the membrane wet, the anodic dead-end-operated PEFC stack with composite membrane comprising perflourosulphonic acid (Nafion) and silica is employed for keeping the membrane humidified even while operating the stack with dry hydrogen and internally humidified air.


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Preparation and characterization of the fullerenes, C60 and C70, are described in detail, including the design of the generators fabricated locally. The characterization techniques employed are UV-visible, IR, Raman and C-13 NMR spectroscopies, scanning as well as transmission electron microscopy and mass spectrometry. The electron energy level diagram of C60 as well as the one-electron reductions of C60 and C70 leading to various anions are discussed. Electronic absorption spectra of C60- and C60(2-) are reported. Phase transitions from the plastic to the crystalline states of C60 and C70 are examined. Based on a C-13 NMR study in a mixture of nematic liquid crystals, it has been demonstrated that C60 retains its extraordinary symmetry in solution phase as well. Interaction of C60 and C70 with strong electron-donor molecules has been investigated employing cyclic voltammetry. Superconductivity of K(x)C60 has been studied by non-resonant microwave absorption; Na(x)C60 as well as K(c)C70 are shown to be non-superconducting. Doping C60 with iodine does not make it superconducting. Interaction of C60 with SbCl5 and liquid Br2 gives rise to halogenated products.


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Separation of dissolved heavy metals such-as Cr(VI) and Cu(II) from electroplating effluents using a new technique of emulsion-free liquid membrane (EFLM) has been studied. Experimental results show that nearly 95% extraction is obtained resulting in stripping phase enrichment up to 50 times relative to feed. It is also found that emulsion-free liquid membranes are highly efficient and superior to other types of liquid membranes.


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Long-term deterioration in the performance of PEFCs is attributed largely to reduction in active area of the platinum catalyst at cathode, usually caused by carbon-support corrosion. It is found that the use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances its long-term stability in relation to non-graphitic carbon. This is because graphitic-carbon-supported- Pt (Pt/GrC) cathodes exhibit higher resistance to carbon corrosion in-relation to non-graphitic-carbon-supported- Pt (Pt/Non-GrC) cathodes in PEFCs during accelerated stress test (AST) as evidenced by chronoamperometry and carbon dioxide studies. The corresponding change in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored through cyclic voltammetry (CV), cell polarisation and impedance measurements, respectively. The degradation in performance of PEFC with Pt/GrC cathode is found to be around 10% after 70 h of AST as against 77% for Pt/Non-GrC cathode. It is noteworthy that Pt/GrC cathodes can withstand even up to 100 h of AST with nominal effect on their performance. Xray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and cross-sectional field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies before and after AST suggest lesser deformation in catalyst layer and catalyst particles for Pt/GrC cathodes in relation to Pt/Non-GrC cathodes, reflecting that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt-particles.


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Investigations on solid state rechargeable magnesium batteries are considered important similar to lithium batteries. In view of negligible hazards and less reactivity of the magnesium, in comparison with lithium, studies on rechargeable magnesium batteries are expected to have a wide scope in future. Solid polymer electrolytes, which conduct Mg2+ ions and reversibility of a Mg/Mg2+ couple are essential components of the studies. In the present investigations, the existence of reversibility of a Mg/Mg2+ couple in a gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) medium is established for the first time in literature. Results obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry on Mg/GPE/Mg, SS/GPE/SS symmetrical cells show evidence for the reversibility. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nanoclusters of bimetallic Pt-Ru are electrochemically deposited on conductive polymer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)(PEDOT), which is also electrochemically deposited on a carbon paper substrate. The bimetallic deposition is carried out in an acidic electrolyte consisting of chloroplatinic acid and ruthenium chloride at 0.0 V versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE) on PEDOT coated carbon paper. A thin layer PEDOT on a carbon paper substrate facilitates the formation of uniform, well-dispersed, nano clusters of Pt-Ru of mean diameter of 123 nm, which consist of nanosize particles. In the absence of PEDOT, the size of the clusters is about 251 nm, which are unevenly distributed on carbon paper substrate. Cyclic voltammetry studies suggest that peak currents of methanol oxidation are several times greater on PtRu-PEDOT electrode than on Pt-Ru electrode in the absence of PEDOT. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Methanol-tolerant Pt-Pd alloy catalysts supported on to carbon with varying Pt:Pd atomic ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 are prepared by a novel wet-chemical method and characterized using powder XRD, XPS, FESEM, EDAX and TEM techniques. The optimum atomic weight ratio for Pt to Pd in the carbon-supported alloy catalyst as established by linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV) and cell polarization studies is found to be 2:1. A direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) employing carbon-supported Pt-Pd (2:1) alloy (Pt-Pd/C) catalyst as the cathode catalyst delivers a peak-power density of 115 mW/cm(2) at 70 degrees C as compared to peak-power density of 60 mW/cm(2) obtained with the DMFC employing carbon-supported Pt (Pt/C) catalyst operating under similar conditions. In the literature, DMFCs operating with Pt-TiO2 (2:1)/C and Pt-Au (2:1)/C methanol-tolerant cathodes are reported to exhibit maximum ORR activity among the group of these methanol-tolerant cathodes with varying catalysts compositions. Accordingly, the present study also provides an effective route to design methanol-tolerant-oxygen-reduction catalysts for DMFCs. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3596542] All rights reserved.


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instead of using chemical-reducing agents to facilitate the reduction and dissolution of manganese and iron oxide in the ocean nodule, electrochemical reduction based on two approaches, namely, cathodic polarization and galvanic interaction, can also be considered as attractive alternatives. Galvanic leaching of ocean nodules in the presence of pyrite and pyrolusite for complete recovery of Cu, Ni and Co has been discussed. The key for successful and efficient dissolution of copper, nickel and cobalt from ocean nodules depends on prior reduction of the manganese and ferric oxides with which the above valuable nonferrous metals are interlocked. Polarization studies using a slurry electrode system indicated that maximum dissolution of iron and manganese due to electrochemical reduction occurred at negative DC potentials of -600 mV (SCE) and -1400 mV (SCE). The present work is also relevant to galvanic bioleaching of ocean nodules using autotrophic microorganisms, such as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and T thiooxidans, which resulted in significant dissolution of copper, nickel and cobalt at the expense of microbiologically generated acids. Various electrochemical and biochemical mechanisms are outlined and the electroleaching and galvanic processes so developed are shown to yield almost complete dissolution of all metal values. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Redox reactions which occur at positive potentials such as ferrous/ferric, hydroquinone/quinone, ferrocyanide/ferricyanide etc. in aqueous acidic electrolytes cannot be studied on non-platinum metals, for example, a Ni electrode. On the contrary, these reactions occur on polyaniline (PANI) modified Ni electrodes, as evidenced from cyclic voltammetry, amperometry and steady-state polarization experiments. Under identical experimental conditions of scan rate (v) and concentration (C), the peak current density (i(p)) values of Fe2+/Fe3+ redox reaction are greater on the PANI modified Ni than on Pt. Additionally, the peak potential separation (DeltaE(p)) of the voltammogram is lesser on the PANI modified Ni. With an increase in thickness of the PANI, DeltaE(p) increases suggesting that the redox reactions tend to depart from the reversibility. Scanning electron micrographs reveal the presence of a crystalline deposit of PANI on Ni when the thickness of PANI is about 0.08 mum. However, the PANI becomes amorphous and porous at higher thickness values. Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies corroborate the observations made out of scanning electron microscopy. Higher catalytic activity of PANI is attributed to crystalline nature of PANI on Ni. Exchange current density and standard rate constant of Fe2+/Fe(3+)redox reaction are evaluated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.